
Terms for subject Project management containing In | all forms | exact matches only
A fully integrated inbox helps you see email and voice messages in a single view, together with your calendar and task list完全集成的收件箱可帮助您在日历和任务列表所在的同一个视图中查看电子邮件和语音邮件
A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language黑客用专门的计算机语言写程序、软件
A plug-in optional circuit card for an IBM PC一张插入式任意电路卡片用于 IEM 个人电脑
A programmable damper ensures a precise readability of the indicating value in case of pulsation or if pressure peaks occur可编程减震器可以保证显示数值的精确性和可读性、 防止抖动或压力峰值造成的影响
A pulse to gate the output of a core memory sense amplifier into a trigger in a register将磁心存储器读出放大器的输出选通到寄存器的触发器中的一种脉冲
A simple implementation of a push model could be built where the work is sent to grid resources in a round-robin fashion推模式的简单实现是通过循环的方式将任务发送到网格资源上
A technique of anonymous communication over the Internet, Onion Routing, is studied in this paper本文研究了一种互联网上的匿名通信技术——洋葱路由技术
account collected in advance预收款项
Adds a short card that fits in an expansion slot in a personal computer to your network diagram在网络图中添加安装在个人计算机扩展槽中的短卡
adjustment for changes in cost对费用变动的调整
administrator in a bankrupt estate破产产业管理人
After adding the item, the source control plug-in binds your local working copy of a solution or project to its version in the database在添加该项之后、源代码管理插件将您的解决方案或者项目的本地工作副本绑定到其数据库中的版本上
After two years in Washington I often long for the Realism and sincerity of Hollywood在华盛顿住过两年以后、 我常常对好莱坞的现实主义和真诚的生活充满渴望
All dealers commitment beyond the provisions of the additional commitment in this service card will be charged bydealers 所有经销商承诺的超出本服务卡上各条款的附加承诺由经销商自行兑现
all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支
all-in contract整套承包制合同
all-in labour rate人工综合单价
all-in material rate材料综合单价
all-in mechanical plant rate机械设备综合单价
all-in-one program一揽子项目
all-in price总价格
all-in rate总括性利率
all-in rate综合单价
All the ban did was delay by a few 'weeks what turned into one of the biggest stock market crashes in history卖空禁令所做的、就是把历史上最大规模股市崩盘之一的时间推后了几周
ambiguity in document文件的歧义
An embedded macro is stored in a property and is a part of the object to which it belongs嵌入式宏存储在一个属性中、 是其所属对象的一部分
And you may accidentally leave a copy of your resume on a shared printer or in the copier你有可能偶尔会把你的简历遗忘在共享打印机上或者复印机上
Another such example arose in the design of a report generator for one of our clients这里有一个例子是我们为客户设计的报表生成软件
appearance in court出庭
application of color harmony in radiation imaging色彩调和理论在辐射成像的伪彩色处理中的应用
appropriation-in-aid system补助拨款办法
As I told leaders of our financial community in New York City earlier this week, a return to normalcy cant breed complacency正如我本周在对纽约和金融界的领袖们说的那样、经济虽已回暖、但我们不可因此自满
As in previous years, banks continued to raise medium to long-term funds through the issuance of negotiable certificates of deposit NCDs一如过往多年、银行继续通过发行可转让存款证来筹集中期至长期资金
assignee in bankruptcy破产资产管理人
Bearing in mind that prevent the accumulation of static electricity要注意防止静电积聚
Because this feature complies fully 'with the NNTP protocol, users can use any newsreader client to participate in newsgroup discussions由于此功能完全遵守 NNTP 协议、因此用户可以使用任何新闻阅读器客户端来参与新闻组讨论
Before you install software and firmware updates on your production servers, you should deploy these updates in a test environment在生产服务器上安装软件和固件更新之前、应该先在测试环境中部署这些更新
beneficial interest in property财产的实益权益
beneficial interest in shareholding所持实益股份
bill in a set汇票联票
bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars港元债券
bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars以港元为本位的债券
Bridges and switches can operate in two basic modes: store-and-forward and cut-through网桥和交换机都可以配置成两种基本模式:存储并转发和直通
built-in control of the money supply货币供应的内在调节功能
built-in font内建字体 (internal font)
burn in监视器屏幕过烧
Cache is loaded in high memory高速缓存已装入高端内存
CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study planCAI 是个安排学生到预先设计了学习计划的会话模式的电脑上的教育观念
capital invested in product产品投人资本
cash in transit在运现金
cast-in-place diaphragm wall现浇地下连续墙
Cathay Airlines estimates that climbing up and down the -wall costs airlines 100 000 tonnes in unnecessary fuel burn every year国泰航空预计、每年飞越这道墙的燃油成本高达10万吨、而这没有必要
change in cost费用变更
changes in financial position财务状况变动
changes in legislation立法的变动
changes in personnel人员 的更换
changes in personnel人事变动
Choose a suitable structure that maps, in this based on the topological sort algorithm选择合适的结构表示图、在此基础上实现拓扑排序算法
choses in action据法权产
choses in action无形动产
claim in contract合同赋予的索赔权
Classicism in Modem Chinese Literature现代中国文学中的古典主义
collapse in prices价格暴跌
collapse in prices价格下挫
collapse in prices价格下泻
company in which the public are substantially interested由公众拥有相当权益的公司
Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public当20世纪80年代个人电脑开始普及之后、电脑艺术也时髦起来
Consequently, for wired connections, this event indicates change in the connection between the computer and a hub因此对于有线连接、此事件将指明计算机和集线器之间连接的更改
construction in progress未 完工程
contract price received in advance预收合同款
dealing in gold options黄金期权买卖
dealing in securities证券买卖
decision in writing书面决定
delays in engineering设计延误
delivery in instalment分批交货
deposit in lieu of bond以缴存的款项代替担保契据
design in-house自行设计
Designers can then create a solid model in a short time and easily make changes and task tests设计人员可以在短时间内制造一个固体模型以及简单地改变和测试它
disposition in favour of relatives为使亲属受惠而作出的产权处置
down-and-in option股价下跌生效的期权
drop in空投
enter in向海关申报出口
Enter the latitude, longitude, and time zone in formation, then click the OK button to redraw the map for the new position输入纬度、经度、时区等资料、点"确定"以刷新星图
error in good faith善意过失
Even in retail banking, which requires fewer skills and regulatory qualifications, recruitment can be a challenge即便是在对技能和规定资格要求不那么高的零售银行业务领域、招聘也可能是一种挑战
Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个地面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标
expenses in local currency用本国货币支付的费用
expensive in local currency用本国货币支付的费用
expressed in Hong Kong dollar以港元计算
fail in negotiation谈判失败
fees and receipts other than appropriation-in-aid不包括补助拨款的收费及收益
File Transfer Protocol is widely used in internet and is the standard of transfer file between remote computer system and local computer system文件传输协议是互联网上广泛使用的在远程计算机系统和本地计算机系统之间传输文件的标准
first in first out先进先岀
first in first out method先进先出计算法
For broker transactions or barter exchanges, the beneficial owner is an exempt foreign person as de fined in the instructions对于中间交易或实物交易、受益方根据说明中的定义是免税的外国人
For example, when the user is in the Task goal area, resource views are not relevant例如、当用户位于 Task 任务目标区域时、资源视图就不是关联视图
For many years, the trend was to embed text in specialized application file formats很多年以来、总的趋势一直都是将文本文件整合到特殊的应用文件格式中
For those of you -who have come to Java technology in the last two years or so, this may all seem awfully simple对于那些接触 Java 两年左右的人而言、这似乎太简单了
funds in hand流动资金
futures contract in interbank interest rate银行同业拆息期货合约
garbage in, garbage out无用输出
garbage in, garbage out无用输人
garbage in garbage out无用输人、 无用输出
Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走这些流动性的退出策略
gold, silver and platinum held in physical form实金、实银及实白金
handling in field现场搬运
He is a recognized expert in open source architecture, whose experience includes enterprise computing他是公认的开放源代码体系结构专家、具有企业计算方面的经验
hold in trust以信托形式持有
holder in due course当期持有人
honouring contract and acting in good faith重合同、守信誉
However, a device emulator can enable you to see more directly the functionality of the controls you -will use in this walkthrough但是、通过设备仿真程序可以使您更直接地了解在本演练中使用的控件的功能
However, as the name read-only memory implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way然而、正如其名字只读存储器所指出的那样、CD 盘不能写、也不能通过任何方式改变其内容
However, currency in circulation is up only 7% in that same time period然而、在这同一时期流通货币只是增长7%
However, you can read counter values from any computer in the enterprise for which you have access privileges但是、您可以从企业内您拥有访问特权的任一计算机中读取计数器值
I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and surf the net我有时候早上三四点起床、 在网上冲浪
If all the objects in the managed heap survive a collectio then there is no need for memory compaction如果托管堆中的所有对象均未被回收、 则不需要压缩内存
If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors如果说有什么不同的话、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题
If the company provides some fringe benefit to its employees, do I have to include such amount in this box?若公司提供附带福利给其雇员、是否须于该栏内包括有关款项?
If the computer does not start in safe mode, try starting the computer by using the recovery console如果计算机不能在安全模式启动、尽量使用恢复控制台启动计算机
If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy如果纽约州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了
If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your computer, you will see little difference in used space on your hard drive如果在计算机中安装有以前版本的 DirectX、您将发现所用的硬盘空间略有不同
If you watch your video recording with these tips in mind, you'll see that you dont look as nervous as you feel. Enjoy the confidence boost!如果你带着这些建议再去看你的录像、你会发现你不像你感觉到的那么紧张了。好好享受你暴涨的自信心吧!
Immediately report any irregularities in your accounts by dialing the number shown on your account statement如果您的账户有任何异常、请立即拨打账单上提供的号码进行报告
improvements in or revisions of existing products现有产品的改良或修正
In a highly computer-dependent society, reliability of software, especially of big realtime safety critical ones, gains far-ranging attention from computer community and the rest of the world在高度依赖计算机的现代社会、软件特别是大型实时安全攸关软件的可靠性成为计算机界和整个社会都非常关注的问题
In a join filter hierarchy, a regular article cannot be the parent of a well-partitioned article在连接筛选器层次结构中、常规项目不能是明确分区项目的父级
In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member is not in the level immediately above the member在不规则层次结构中、至少一个成员的逻辑父成员不直接位于该成员的上一级
In a typical camera-phone, the image is focused by the lens onto a photosensitive silicon chip对标准的拍照手机而言、图像是由基于感光性硅芯片的镜头聚焦而得
In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a public share offering在-份措辞含糊的公告中、雷普索尔重申了其出售 YPF 部分股权的意愿、并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方式
in absolute cash terms按绝对现金数值计算
in absolute terms按绝对价值计算
In America, nine out of ten homes with televisions already subscribe to multi-channel TV, leaving little room for growth美国有电视的家庭、十分之九已订购了多个电视频道、增长空间很小
In an SCR configuration, there are two or more copies of the database, one for the source and one for each target在一个 SCR 配置中、存在两个或多个数据库副本、一个用于源、另一个用于每个目标
in bad faith恶意
in-basket training篮中训练
in behalf of代表某人
In brief, Visual Basic automatically converts a value of a given type to any other type to which it widens简言之、Visual Basic 自动将给定类型的值转换成其扩展的任何其他类型
In bus network, any devices can be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the network总线网络中的设备可以连接到网络上的任何一点、或从网络上任何一点取下、而不影响其他部分
in custody of firm商号保管的
in debt负债的
in denomination of...以.... 为单位
In electronics repair the part with the highest failure rate will always be located in the least accessible area of the equipment电子设备故障率最高的部分总是位于维修最不易到达的区域
In essence, this method enables programmatic server -side includes本质上、该方法使服务器端包含成为可能
in favour of赞同
in favour of有利于
in favour of付款给…人
in favour of以…为收款人
in-home personal interview个人家庭访谈
in-house capacity厂内生产能力
in-house capacity机构自身能力
in-house capacity机构内部能力
in-house resources机构内部资源
in-house training内部培训
in-house use tests内部使用测试
In its original form, it -was a DOS utility that provided multiple installations from a single backup image它的最初形式是 DOS 实用程序、可以从单个备份映像中提供多个安装
in lieu of代之以
In making courseware, this article takes ethylene as an example to make a MCAI courseware在课件制作方面、本文以乙烯为例制作了多媒体 CAI 课件
In most cases, you'll find that these effects were achieved using the Common Gateway Interface, commonly known as CGI在大多数情况现的、即一般所说的 CGI
in nominal terms按名义价值计算
In order to meet user needs, automatic application of data processing should be realized为了满足用户需要、应用必须实现自动数据处理
In order to turn off thyristor unfailingly, the inverter circuit should be rebuilt为了保证可控硅可靠关断、需要改造逆变电路主回路
In other words, broadband doesn't really offer a two-way street也就是说、宽带并没有真正地提供双向的网络线路
In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance在我们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
In PB to remove the read-only attribute of the file, and modi fy the file Windows operating system read-only /no read-only, hidden and other property在PB 中删除只读属性的文件、及修改 Windows 操作系统下的文件为只读/不只读、隐藏等属性
in progress进行中
in real life依客观现实
In short, GIN combines extensibility with generality, code reuse, and a clean interface简单说、GIN 把通用性、代码重用性和干净的界面组合在了一起
in situ就地的
in situ现场的
In so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real -world在许多方面、网络空间反映了真实世界
In sound we use the decibel scale在声学中我们采用分贝标度
in stock有库存
in-store display店内展示
in-store positioning店内布局
in-store promotion店内促销
in terms of value-added按增值额计算
In the case of design, that means balancing desirability what humans need, with technical feasibility, and economic viability至于设计、这意味着平衡合意性、人的需求和技术的可行性、以及经济的可行性
In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page对于时间戳标记、我们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输出某个页面最后的修改数据的简单标记
in the money当时有利价
in the money正在赚钱
In the past eight years, Thailand has posted a respectable average annual growth rate of 5. 5 percent过去 8 年里、泰国年均5.5%的增长率令人称道
In the previous list, you saw that the BIOS checks the CMOS Setup for common settings在前面的列表中、你可以看到 EIOS 检查 CMOS中的设置来作为计算机的常规设置
In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type the name of the file that you want to use for the report, and then click Save在''另存为"对话框的"文件名"框中、键人要用于生成报告的文件的名称、然后单击"保存"
In the US, bonds are no longer issued in bearer form美国现在不再发行无记名债券
In 1946, there have been the world's first electronic digital computer "ENIAC", used to calculate the trajectory1946 年、世界上出现了第一台电子数字计算机"ENIAC"、用于计算弹道
In this context, reactivating the interbank market and ensuring the proper financing of the economy is of paramount importance在这点上来说、恢复同业银行拆放市场、确保恰当的经济融资是重中之重
In this method, the user typically reads from an original document called the source document用这种方式、用户一般读取的是被称为源文档的初始文档
In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动
in-time inventory零库存
in value terms按价值计算
In virtual storage systems, the ratio of the size of real storage to the size of virtual storage在虚拟存储系统中、实际存储器的大小与虚拟存储器的大小之比
In 2000, what was the per capita annual disposable income of urban and rural households in Qinghai?在2000年、青海省城市和农村年家庭平均可支配收入分别是多少元?
in writing以书面形式
in-year management年度内的财政管理工作
income collected in advance预收收益
Initialize an APAP user wants to initialize an AP in preparation for a restore operation初始化 APAP 用户想要初始化 AP 以为恢复操作做准备
inspection in-process过程中的检查
insurance against loss in weight承保短量险
insurance in transit运输保险
insurance policies in force生效的保险单
insurance policy in force生效的保险单
interest in contract合约权益
interest in expectancy预期权益
interest in immovable property不动产的权益
interest in securities证券权益
interest in shares股份权益
interest paid in advance预付利息
interest-bearing instrument in foreign currencies外币有息证券
investment in new capital equipment对新资本设备的投资
Investment in real estate is up房地产投资上升
It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体
It has however a few shortcomings that we will explain and solve in the next part of this tutorial然而该例子有少许缺点、 我们将在本教程的下一部分中解释和解决
It is in the correct mode by using it to change channels on your set-top box请使用它遥控器来更改机顶盒上的频道以确保其处于正确模式
It is possible for the name of a property or method in a generated class to be a keyword in the target programming language生成的类中的属性或方法的名称可能是目标编程语言的关键字
It's a major decision. so why dont you sleep on it and give me your answer in a day or two?这是个重要决定、 因此你为什么不考虑一两天再来答复我呢?
Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院
jack in接人
Japanese role -playing game, you have an endless stream of monsters to destroy in order to win一款日系角色扮演类游戏、你要消灭层出不穷的怪物才能取得胜利。
just in time及时生产
just-in-time management system准时制管理体系
just-in-time purchasing arrangements及时采购安排
keep in stock有存货
last in first out后人先出
last in, first out method后进先出计算法
last-in first-out后进先出法
Like the Internet itself DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network与互联网本身相似 DNS 设计为甚至在部分网络受到严重破坏的情况下仍能工作
log in登录
management buy in管理层购人
Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人
matters in dispute争端事宜
Microsoft Office Word has long been the word processing program commonly used in offices around the world长久以来 Microsoft Office Word一直是世界各地办公环境中常用的文字处理程序
minor change in the work较小的工程变更
modality and color of Fauvism in modern art现代艺术野兽画派的色彩与形式
models for asset liability management and its application of the pension funds problem in Liaoning Province资产负债管理模型及在辽宁养老金问题中的应用
Modern tape drives have built-in hardware data compression that can significantly increase the effective transfer rate of data to the drive如今的磁带机有内置的硬件数据压缩、 可显著提高将数据传送到驱动器的有效传送速率
mortgagee in possession管有承按人
Most of the events below are in the security log, many are only logged on the domain controller以下是安全日志中的绝大部分事件、部分仅仅是域控制器的记录
Motorola China R&D Institute is helping us become the leader in telecommunication and semiconductor industries摩托罗拉中国研究院将促使我们成为通信和半导体工业领域的领导者
Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率
Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said高盛表示、巴菲特50亿美元的注资将以配售永久优先股的形式进行
My main used to be computer science but I rerolled finance when the market was hot in 1999我原来的专业是计算机科学、但1999年的市场热潮让我转到金融行业
New York's scheme emphasizes taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture capital fund纽约的方案强调的是冒险、很有代表性的就是创业资本基金的高失败率的预期
next-in-first-out method后进先出法
noise in communication system传播系统中的噪音
Objects can participate in many different file formats, and designer serialization is not tied to a particular data format对象可参与许多不同的文件格式、设计器序列化并没有与特定的数据格式相关联
On No 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15.6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets11月23日、俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买 15.6吨黄金用以增加本国的货币性资产
order for minor change in the work较小的工程变更命令
Other sorts of multitasking in the office are clearly efficient办公室里的其他多任务处理显然可以提高效率
Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础
Over the next two years, the minimum wage in the United States is expected to rise to $7.25 an hour两年之后、美国的最低工资标准有望达到每小时7. 25美元
overdraft by banks in foreign countries外国银行同业透支
overdraft on banks in foreign countries向外国银行同业透支
ownership in common分权共有权
paid-in capital缴清股本
paid in capital实缴股本
paid in capital实收资本
paid-in share实收股份
participate in a tender参加投标
participate in a tender参与投标
participation in profit分红
partner in charge联营体负责人
pay in advance预支付
payable in advance上期缴纳
payment in due course到期支付
payment in due course按期付款
Payment in foreign trade is often complicated对外贸易中的货款支付是非常复杂的
payment in kind bond实物支付债券
payment in lieu of notice代通知金
Personal property is divided into choses in possession and choses in action属人财产被划为占有上的物产和据法权产。 占有上的物产和据法权产
Plug in the AC adapter and restart your notebook插入交流电适配器并重新启动笔记本电脑
point in dispute争执点
power in distribution分销权力
premium offered in tender标金
Present a series of drawings in full-screen view and navigate between them, as in a slideshow以全屏视图演示一系列绘图并在各绘图之间浏览、就如同幻灯片放映一样
Primary storage for report documents is in the SharePoint content databases扌艮表文档的主存储位于 SharePoint 内容数据库
project in capital construction基本建设项目
Property is an intellectual production. The game requires coolness, right reasoning, promptness, and patience in the players财产是智力的产物、其追逐者需要的是清醒的头脑、准确的推理、敏捷的反应和必要的耐心
provision for diminution in value减值准备
public sector entity in Hong Kong香港公营单位
rebound in prices价格回升
register of interests in shares股份权益登记册
reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid不包括补助拨款的偿款
remain in force保持有效
Representatives of the NAR say that this makes it the best buyer's market in a long timeNAR 发言人说这会在很长一段时间形成买方市场
Ring network: in a ring network, all microcomputers and other communications devices are connected in a continuous loop环形网络:在环形网络中、所有微型计算机和其他通信设备以一种连续循环的形式被连接
save in so far as除非
settle accounts in U.S. dollar用美元结算
share in issue已发行股份
shortfall in expenditure实际开支低于原预算
Shows how to retrieve in formation such as creation times and size, about files, folders and drives说明如何检索有关文件、文件夹和驱动器的信息、例如创建时间和大小
Silica gel with a strong moisture absorption ability, and should therefore be stored in a dry place, packaging and have a shelf between the ground硅胶具有很强的吸湿能力、因此应贮存在干燥的地方、包装物与地面之间要有搁架
So investors in Greek companies have legitimate reasons to protect themselves against Greek sovereign risk因此、 希腊公司的投资者有正当理由保护自己免受希腊主权风险
Speaking of mode of payment, can you advise me of your general practice in this respect?谈到付款方式、能否告诉我、你们这方面通常怎么做?
Speech recognition and natural language processing are technologies still in their infancy语音识别和自然语言处理技术仍处于初期阶段
Start printing nozzle check pattern? Load some paper in the auto sheet feeder to proceed with printing要开始打印喷嘴检查图案吗?将一些纸张放入自动送纸器、继续打印
statement in lieu of prospectus代替招股章程陈述书
step in介人权
Such a degree of fine-tuning does not work in practice如此程度的微调在实践中行不通
Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符
Taking a part-time job plays a -very important role in cultivating a sense of independence, professional skills, and adaptability in a person勤工俭学可以培养一个人的独立意识、职业技能和适应能力
tax in default拖欠税款
tenancy in common分权共有
thanks in advance先谢了
The audio lessons force you to listen and speak more than I ever did in school比起学校、这种有声课程是在逼着你去多说、多听
The bank had the right to appropriation in the case of unclaimed deposits银行有权使用无人领取的存款
The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元
The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market; the first gold standard was set in 1717数百年来、英国央行 Bank of England一直支持着黄金市场的发展、最早于1717年确立了金本位制
The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain在菊花链模式下、用户可以从菊花链内的 ADC 中读取转换结果
The data contained in error reports is not used for marketing or other purposes错误扌艮告中包含的数据不会用于营销或其他目的
The decline in the household saving rate and the current-account surplus would seem to be connected家庭储蓄率下降与国际收支经常项目顺差似乎有某种联系
The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decline in backing assets resulting from a drop in currency notes outstanding外币资产减少、 主要是已发行的钞票数量减少、 引致支持资产亦相对减少
The device driver we will be building will not be that complex and will basically be the only driver in the stack我们将要创建的驱动程序不会那么复杂、 而只是一个在堆栈中简简单单的驱动而已
The DVD, as you know, was introduced in the mid-1990s and it was quite expensive众所周知、DVD在20世纪90年代中期开始进入市场、那时它还很贵 (DVDE 数字式可擦除视盘 Digital Video Disc-Erasable)
The engineer in my office is a real geek我们办公室的工程师是个真正的电脑迷
The first question in any distributor affiliation is how much control the supplier should exercise over the relationship在任何分销关系中、 第一个问题就是供应商应该对该关系有多大程度的控制
The Government has launched the e-form project to provide the public with greater convenience in electronic submissions to the Government政府推行电子表格计划、 是希望方便市民以电子方式向政府提交资料
The high layoff packages, known as "golden parachute", are increasingly common in the corporate world被称为"黄金降落伞"的高额离职费、已经渐渐成为当前企业界的普遍现象
The HS property sub-index rose 1. 8 percent amid continued expectations for a cut in US interest rates由于市场继续预期美国将采取降息举措、恒生地产分类指数昨日上涨1.8%
The initialization of a data medium ensures that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium数据媒体的初始化、 使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中、 随后又可以从该媒体中检索出来
The main function of the software can quickly generate 60 records, record format in accordance with input template generated本软件的主要功能是能够快速产生60条记录、记录格式依照输入模板产生
The news got about that he had -won the first prize in the state lottery and everybody began asking him for money他买国家奖券得了头奖的消息不胫而走、 大家都开始向他要钱
The president has said he wants Congress to finish work on the legislation before its traditional long summer recess in August总统表示、他希望国会在 8 月开始的传统夏季长假开始之前能够完成立法工作
The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda总统将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的地位
The printer list in printer setup utility displays information about the printers that have been set up for your computer打印机设置实用程序中的打印机列表显示有您的电脑已配置的打印机的信息
The protocol in your communications software, for example, will specify how receiver devices will acknowledge sending devices举例来说、在您的通信软件中的协议将指定接收设备怎样承认发送设备
The reduction in coal burning is good news for an environment, but a further indication of a spluttering economy燃煤减少对环境保护来说不失为一个好消息、然而又是经济发展崎岖维艰的进一步佐证
The seller shall not be liable for failure or delay in delivery of goods in consequence of any force majeure incidents由于不可抗力事故而不能交货或延期付款、 卖方不负责任
The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup必须运行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已经启动、然后重新运行安装程序
The sharp drop in interest rates caused ICBC to suffer a 76 basis-point fall in its net interest margi year on year, to 2. 25 per cent利率的大幅下降、导致工行净利差减少76个基点、缩减至2.25%
The slowdown in both exports and imports is at least partly due to a higher comparison base in the year-earlier period出口和进口同时下降、 至少部分由于去年同期基数较高
The tender price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer投标价格是指应按一定比例以不同货币向投标者支付的款额
The term "plug-in" refers to a small, addon piece of software which extends the capabilities of your -web browser"插件"指的是一个附加的小软件、它能够扩展你的网络浏览器的功能
There are usually no nested statements, blocks, and so forth in assembler statements在这些汇编语句中通常不包含嵌套语句、分程序等
There is now an active market in credit insurance, and a credit de fault swap rate for an advanced country averages around 80 basis points目前、信用保险市场颇为活跃。对于发达国家、信用违约互换 CDS利率平均为80基点左右
These values are encapsulated in a digital signature of 76 bytes per frame这些数值被压缩入每画面76字节的数字签名中
This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率明显下降
This scope facilitates connections with all contacts in the Contact Manager此范围有利于与联系人管理器中的所有联系人建立连接
This seems to be precisely what has now happened to trading in certain classes of security这似乎正是现在某类证券交易中发生的事
This setting is often used in an organization's intranet, not on the Internet此设置通常用于组织的内部网而不是国际互联网
tie-in clause约束条款
tie in sale搭配销售
To change the chart type, click the Chart Type icon in the toolbar若要更改图表类型、请单击工具栏上的"图表类型"图标
To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 地址必须在整个网络中是唯一的
To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend出乎意料地、她得到了这份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来
To preview in your local browser, click Preview Page若要在本地浏览器中预览、请单击"预览页"
To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction重新恢复数据、 即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复
trade-in allowance以旧换新折让
Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market交易员指出、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水
trading in shares股份买卖
TV had a split screen, the left is the situation in Tongling, the right is the Tianhuangping situation电视机进行了分屏、左边是铜陵的情况、右边是天荒坪的情况
Under some circumstances, statistical sampling will not be able to accurately characterize the data in a table在某些情况下、统计采样无法获得表中数据的精确特征
undue movement in share prices股价不正常的波动
Use this acoustic coupler to send or receive e-mails and faxes, access the Internet or connect to the home office from anywhere in the world使用这种声学耦合器连接网络和办公室便于发送或接收电子邮件和传真
Vector graphics plays an important role in computer animation and imaging technologies矢量图形学在计算机图形学的许多领域中有着非常重要的作用
Voice and audio signals are stored directly into memory in their natural form, providing high-quality, solid-state voice reproduction声音和音频信号以模拟的自然方式直接被存储、并能提供高质量的固态声音再现
We believe in free software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike我们相信免费软件对于开发人员、合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择
We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company他计划将公司出售一事、 我们一直被蒙在鼓里
We will send you our account sales together with the banker s draft in a few days几天后我们将会寄给你方我们的售货清单以及银行汇票
We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand我们的程序使用了一条较长的输出语句、 重写程序、 使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数
We've successfully recovered from a simulated drive failure, and you re ready to start using RAID-1 in a production environment我们已经成功地从模拟的驱动器故障中恢复、您也可以开始在生产环境中使用 RAID-1 了
When a process with a graphical interface is executing, its message loop is in a wait state有图形界面的进程在执行时、其消息循环处于等待状态
When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply当一家亚洲央行用当地货币买进美元时、净结果就是国内货币供应量上升
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory由于设备驱动程序的前一个范例仍在内存中、因此 Windows 无法加载设备驱动程序
With a built-in fax modem, this machine can handle most of my communication tasks这部机子有一个内装的传真调制解调器、可以处理我的大部分通信工作
With the unload utility, you can unload a database and put a set of data files in a named directory使用卸载实用程序、您可以卸载数据库、并将一组数据文件放在指定的目录中
work in place完成的工作
work in progress正在进行的工作
You are quite popular in this chat room. Can you spare a little time with me?你在这个聊天室好像很受欢迎。你可以花点时间和我聊聊吗?
You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does你基本上要计算出一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做
You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序
You just feed in a different set of parameters to the configuration, and you expose the bug你只需要向配置中提供一组不同的参数、就可以发现这类错误
You may jump in and out of PHP mode in an HTML file like this anywhere you want可以根据自己的需要在 HTML 文件中像这样开启或关闭 PHP 模式
You pay by credit card, or whatever, and then she will call you sometime in the next two years可以用信用卡或别的方式付款、接下来两年之内的某个时间、她会给你打电话
Your password must be a combination of alphanumeric characters of 8 〜32 characters in length您的密码必须是字母数字字符组合的8〜 32字符