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A dog ran across the road, cause-ing the driver to stop in time有条狗横过马路、司机只好急刹车
A person's life is often compared to a burning candle or a trip in the stream of time在时间的长河里,人生犹如燃烧的蜡烛或短途旅行
A person's value consists in making contributions to society rather the making profits from it人生的价值在于为社会做贡献,而不是从中牟利
A simplified outline of the ammonium nitrate-based explosives product life cycle is shown in the figure此图显示的是硝酸基炸药产品生命周期的简单轮廓
above-water tie-in technique水面连接技术
ABS ABS is widely used in many fields as anionic surfactants作为一种常见的表面活性剂、烷基苯磺酸盐ABS被广泛用于许多领域
abundant in mineral deposits矿藏丰富
acting principle of charge suspended in water水中悬挂爆破原理水下爆破夯实原理悬挂在水中的药包爆炸后,当水中冲击波到达水底时,一部分被反射,一部分则沿固体颗粒和孔隙水传到土层中,破坏疏松的、稳定性差的土壤结构。随着较长的颗粒移动过程,水逐渐从土的孔隙中挤出,加上爆破时产生的气泡脉动压力,使土体得到进一步夯实
air conditioning in mine矿山空气调节控制矿井空气的温度、湿度和风速,使其符合劳动安全和卫生要求的技术
Along with these immense benefits, however, the use of explosives has an unwanted side effect in the form of sounds and vibrations然而、与这些巨大的效益结伴而行的是、炸药在使用时会产生声响和振动、这是无法摆脱的负面影响
Also, the explosives user would be wise to become aware of the variation in vibration sensitivities of different structures, utilities, facilities and materials, and to make note of the conditions near his operations此外、明智的炸药用户还须知道不同的结构、公用设施、设备和用具对振动感度的变化、而且要记录爆破场地附近的情况
Although as an insignificant engineering technician last century, he made a significant discovery in the making of explosive emulsion虽说他20世纪是个无足轻重的工程技术人员、但在炸药乳化制作方面却有至关重要的发现
amount in arrear拖欠金额
An increase in air temperature causes an increase in the speed of sound, which means that in these conditions airblast emissions can be focused back toward the ground by atmospheric refraction大气温度的增高、促使声速增加、这是说在这些条件下、大气折射可将冲击波挡回到地面
An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人
An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用
An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑
and in-hole shock tube detonators毫秒继爆管和孔内导爆管雷管
angular deviation in drilling钻孔角度差又称角度偏差,钻孔有效中心线距设计方向的偏差,参见 bending deviation
Armymen are bound in occupation to obey服从是军人的天职
As concerns demolition blasting in residential areas,safety is an overriding issue至于拆除爆破、安全压倒一切
As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
At present, natural gas has fird the heating system in some big cities现在、有些大城市的供暖系统是天然气烧的
be bound up in喜爱 (with)
be bound up in对…有浓厚兴趣 (with)
be bound up in专心于 (with)
be bound up lifetime in research终生潜心研究
be cut off in one's prime英年早逝
belt in open pits露天开采
blast compacting with charge suspended in water水中悬挂式爆炸压密法水中悬挂式爆炸压密法也称水下爆夯法。即在水底离土层表面适当高度处,悬挂一组点阵群药包同时起爆,借以产生一平面冲击波拍打土层表面并透射人土层内部,使土中产生强烈的冲击和振动,又不致产生凹坑,以达到压密土的目的
blast emission criteria are recommended for the protection of marine mammals, a preferred method described far the detection of marine mammals in the vicinity of underwater construction blasting,in this paper本文建议使用爆破气体释放标准以保护海洋哺乳动物、并介绍了在水下施工爆破邻近区域探测海洋哺乳动物的优选方法
blast hole pattern in open pit露天矿爆破孔网布置露天矿深孔爆破中爆破孔的排列和起爆线路连接的形式。爆破孔排列的基本形式有方形和三角形两种。起爆线路连接的基本形式有直线连接、斜线连接、波形连接及环形连接等多种。斜线和波形连接的应用日益增多
blast wave propagation in rock mass冲击波在岩体中的传播
blaster-in-charge responsibility爆破人员负责
blasting action from charge in infinite rock爆破的内部作用对于一定的装药量来说,若最小抵抗线超过某一临界值〈称为临界抵抗线〉时,可以认为药包处在无限介质中。此时当药包爆炸后,在自由面上不会看到爆破迹象。也就是说,爆破作用只发生在岩石内部,未能达到自由面
blasting action in rock near the free face爆破的外部作用在最小抵抗线的方向上,岩石与另一种介质〈空气或水〉相接触,当最小抵抗线小于临界抵抗线时,炸药爆炸后除发生内部作用外,自由面附近也发生破坏。这种引起自由面附近岩石破坏的作用称为爆破的外部作用
blasting effect in ice冰中爆破作用装药的最小抵抗线小于临界抵抗线,即爆炸作用只限冰介质内部,不受冰体自由面影响,这种作用称为药包在冰介质爆炸的内部作用。单个球形药包爆炸的内部作用,可在爆源周围形成粉碎区、裂隙区和震动区
blasting in advance超前爆破
blasting in benches梯度爆破
blasting in benches台阶爆破
blasting in frozen gravel冻砾石爆破在冻砾石中的爆破技术。开挖方法和岩石中一样可以使用V形掏槽和直线掏槽方法
blasting in high temperature material高温爆破炮孔孔底温度高于60°C 的爆破作业
blasting in metals金属爆破爆破破碎、切割金属的作业。参见 metal blasting
blasting in water水下爆破在水中、水底或临水介质中进行的爆破作业。参见 underwater blasting
Blasting involves both the creation of new fractures and the extension of existing cracks and joints to loosen and liberate "in-situ" blocks within the rock mass structure爆破既产生了新的裂缝、又延展了固有的裂隙和节理、这样可松动并取出岩体结构中的“原位”岩块
blasting practice in underground coal mines煤矿井下爆破实践
block size in situ现场岩块尺寸现场用岩体中的节理和弱面确定的岩块尺寸。用于确定现场岩块尺寸的方法有参数法、模拟法和计算法
Bombers swarmed in, air defense shells exploding in resistance轰炸机蜂拥而至、防空炮火轰鸣抵抗
break in declivity break line切顶线参见 caving line
break in declivity break line放顶线
breaking-in hole掏槽炮孔
breaking-out in bulk大量崩落
breaking-up in bulk大块崩落
Bricks have to be fird in a kiln for at least two days砖在窑里至少要烧两天
built-in delay detonator嵌人式延时雷管
burden in bench blasting台阶爆破抵抗线从药包中心线距破碎面的最短垂直距离,单位为 m
burnt in the open air露天
Calls for drastic action have bee made within the last decade in order to achieve stabilization of CO₂ levels at around 550 ppm twice the preindustrial era levels过去的十年、为了让二氧化碳在大气中的含量稳定在550 * 10⁻⁶、有人呼吁采取极端的行动
characteristics of combustion and blasting technology in oil-gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破技术的特点其特点包括: 1. 要求爆破器材设计制造得非常精细,结构严密,施工技术要求十分严格。 2. 油、气井燃烧爆破在复杂的外界环境中进行,施工要求更加严格。 3. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材要有良好的耐温、耐压性能。 4. 油、气井燃烧爆破器材应具有良好的密封、绝缘性能。 5. 起爆技术、传爆技术要求特殊
check the tie-in检查接头
chemical gassing to control product density and sensitivity when loading wet holes is now common in the industry给湿孔装药时,用以控制炸药密度和感度的化学气泡法是爆破作业一种常见的方法
classification of combustion and blasting equipment in oil gas wells油、气井燃烧爆破器材分类油、气井燃烧器材种类繁多,目前国内使用的油、气井燃烧爆破器材,按使用性能和应用品种可分为三大类: 1. 油、气井用爆破器材, 2. 油、气井用燃烧器材, 3. 起爆、传爆器材
clay retained in gob截留泥分充填后截留在采空区泥分的含量
Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升
climatic condition in a mine矿井气候条件矿井空气温度、湿度、大气压力和风速等参数反映的综合状态
CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中
compressional wave velocity in rock岩石纵波速度
Connectors with built-in delay detonators, allowing the design of complex delay shots, became available as early as the 1950s装有嵌人式延时雷管的连接器早在20世纪50年代已付诸使用、借此进行程序复杂的延时爆破设计
constrained Lagrange in Solid多物质流固偶合
control of public nuisance from blasting in mine矿山爆破公害控制按照技术规范采用工程方法和技术措施,对矿山爆破造成的公害及其影响范围进行的控制和限制。矿山爆破公害控制的内容包括:爆破地震及其效应观测,爆破安全距离以及爆破空气冲击波的控制
controlled range of fall of the fragments in flight飞溅碎片下落的控制范围
cycle of sedimentation in coal-bearing density含煤密度单位面积内的煤炭资源量
cycle of sedimentation in coal-bearing formation含煤岩系旋回结构含煤岩系剖面中,一套有共生关系的岩性或岩相的有规律组合或交替出现
damage in surrounding rock围岩破坏
Danger and damage from flyrock in rock blasting has been a serious problem ever since blasting was introduced岩石爆破中由飞石造成的人身危险及财产损失,自采用爆破技术以来,一直是个严重问题
deep-hole blasting in complex surroundings复杂环境深孔爆破在爆区边缘100m范围内有居民集中区、大型养殖场或重要设施的环境中,一次使用 It 以上炸药的深孔爆破作业
degree of disturbance in a rock mass岩体扰动程度
depositional cycle in coal-bearing formation含煤密度单位面积内的煤炭资源量
depositional cycle in coal-bearing series含煤密度单位面积内的煤炭资源量
depth of a charge in water药包人水深度即药包置于水中的深度
Describing facts precedes to making comments in compiling a history编写史书、叙述事实先于评论
determination физ. of the stress in rock unaffected by boreholes未受炮孔影响的岩石应力测定
detonating cord used in oil and gas wells油气井用导爆索以耐热炸药为药芯、以耐温材料作包覆外壳的耐温、耐压高能导爆索。即用于油气井开采作业的工业导爆索
detonation emissions are the most obvious to explosive users, though they represent one of the smallest emissions in the life cycle尽管爆破气体释放对于炸药用户来说感觉最为明显、但只是炸药生命周期中最少的一次气体释放
detonator with high precision in timing高精度定时雷管
deviations in implementation执行的偏差
difference in numerical magnitude数量差
discharging cartridge in mining operation矿山排漏弹又称矿用火箭弹,能发射出爆破弹,用于迅速排除井下矿采场在生产中发生的堵塞现象的一种器材,参见 mining rocket
displacement of the hydrogen in dilute acids by zine锌置换了稀酸中的氢
domain in the limit极限域
drilling deviation in total凿岩总偏差在某一工程地质段的凿岩结束后的钻孔轴向总偏差或斜度,单位为“。”
Due to its water-in-oil structure similar to butter, emulsion has perfect water resistance乳化炸药具有类似黄油的油包水结构、因此防水性能极好
Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
dust control in mine矿山防尘采矿生产过程中防止矿尘危害的技术措施。矿尘的主要危害是引起尘肺病和矿尘爆炸
dynamic pressure of jet in center射流轴心动压力水枪射流轴线上某一点的轴向动压力
dynamic stress parameters in the model模型内动态应力参数
engineering geology in shafting and drifting井巷工程地质研究井巷、硐室、采场等岩体工程地质条件,为设计和施工提供地质资料所进行的地质工作,简称井巷工程
equivalent charge column effect of water in blasthole during water pressure blasting水压爆破炮孔中水的等效药柱作用炸药在有水炮孔中爆炸时,冲击波经孔壁多次反射后,沿炮孔轴线方向传播的冲击波压力和所携带能量的衰减速度大大降低,波形拉宽,作用时间延长。这时可认为水的压力为准静态压力,各方面压力相等。沿炮孔轴线作用孔壁的水压力是均匀的,相当于等效药柱的作用
Even considering the uncertainties in determining a correct equation of state for the reaction products, the expansion work is one of the most realistic measures of explosive power as it approximates the amount of work the gaseous products of the explosion can do on the rock surrounding the charge as they expand from the initial detonation conditions to atmospheric conditions即便考虑到确定爆后产物的正确状态方程时有诸多不定因素、膨胀功却是衡量爆炸威力的最为现实的因素之一、因为在爆炸后的气体物质由初始爆轰状态向大气状态膨胀时、膨胀功接近爆炸后的气体物质对药包周边的岩石所做的功
Everyone concerned in the accident was questioned by the police受事故牵连的每个人都受到警方的盘问
Examples are given of improved blast outcomes below that lead to overall reductions in emissions intensity案例证明、改进后爆破的结果可使排放强度整体来讲有所削减
Experience indicates that this tends to overestimate the top size in most blasting situations经验表明、这种方法往往高估了大多爆破场景的最大粒度
exploding of reef in deep water深水炸礁
explosion in boundless water无限水域中的爆破作用炸药在足够深的水域中爆炸时,水面和水底对爆炸压力场参数的影响可以忽略,此时的爆破作用可近似地称为无限水域中的爆破作用
explosion in finite water有限水域中的爆破作用有限水域中的爆破是指爆破具有自由面的水质。此时的爆破作用称为有限水域中的爆破作用
explosion in the air空中爆炸
explosive's actual performance in the field炸药的实际现场性能
extinguishments in detonation熄爆爆轰波不能继续传播而中断的现象
extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas在不少的农村地区、极端贫困的现象依然存在
F-bursting occurs when explosive charges intersect or are in close proximity to major geological structures or zones of weakness in the face region当药包与自由面区域内的主要地质结构交叉或接近软弱面时、发生自由面破裂现象
fill-in content of hole炮孔填塞材料
fire a pistol in succession手枪打连发
fire a salute in token of sadness鸣枪致哀
fire back in selfdefence自卫反击
flexible shield mining in the false dip伪倾斜性掩护支架采煤法在急斜煤层中,沿伪倾斜布置采煤工作面,用柔性掩护支架将采空区和工作空间隔开,沿走向推进的采煤方法
Flyrock control is crucial in blasting operations because of safety considerations, damage to nearby infrastructure and a "social licence to operate"出于安全目的之考虑、不损毁临近设施、又要让社会满意、控制飞石对表皮作业至关重要
Fuel, generally diesel, is blended with the ammonium nitrate, either in emulsions for water resistant explosives or absorbed into porous ammonium nitrate pills燃料、一般是柴油、与硝酸铵混合、要么乳化制成防水炸药、要么吸收到多孔粒状硝酸铵中去
Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密
Furthermore, field measurements of detonation gases are subject to variability in all the factors mentioned before, and at best could provide a certain range of results此外、对爆生气体的实地测量受上述所有因素变化无常的影响、所以测量结果是一组范围值
Gas bubbles generated by entrapment of air or by chemical gassing are compressed by the head of water and /or fluid product loaded in the borehole由圈闭空气或由化学充气产生的气泡受到水压头的挤压、而且受到装进炮孔中的液态炸药的挤压
geologic information in a drill log钻孔日志的地质信息
give sb. in charge将某人交给警方
Global wanning is increasingly becoming a major environmental pressure on the mining industry, in particular the coal sector全球变暖正日益成为对采矿业的重大环境压力、对采煤尤其是如此
Global warming concerns due to large quantities of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases GHGs in recent decades are driving many industries to investigate and implement emissions reductions最近几十年、由于二氧化碳及其他温室气体的大量排放、人们关切的全球变暖问题敦促诸多工业调研和实施减少气体排放的标准
Good drilling control also helps to reduce the subgrade drilling and may make it possible to make some reduction in the total charge per hole钻孔控制得当一则能减少不合格的炮孔、二则有可能减少每个炮孔的装药量
ground vibrations due to blasting in mine矿山爆破地震矿山爆破引起的地表振动。这种振动超过某一极限,就会使该处的建〈构〉筑物遭到一定程度的破坏,甚至倒塌,造成人员伤亡、设备损坏、巷道片帮、冒顶和露天矿边坡滑落等危害
He dares to think,to speak and to act on behalf of a healthy tendency in society为了社会正气、他敢想、敢说、敢做
He is too selfish in comparison with his colleagues与同事相比,他太自私
He says that he has no concern in this matter他说他与这事无关
heterogeneity in fuel/ oxidizer contact燃料/氧化剂接触面的非均质性
His plane fird at a height of 5000 m in the sky他的飞机在5000m的高空起火了
However, the use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels in explosives would result in lower overall CO₂ emissions, as the biofuel growth phase removes an equivalent amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere然而、制造炸药使用生物燃料代替化石燃料的结果、会使二氧化碳的整体排量降低、因为生物燃料在生长期从大气中消除同样当量的二氧化碳
hydropore blasting in open pit露天矿水孔爆破
identifying changes in rock hardness确定岩石硬度变化
in active CS当前坐标系
In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有一些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量
in behalf of作为•••的代表 (in sb's behalf)
in behalf of in sb's behalf为了…的利益
in-between position接通或切断的中间位置
in bulk整块地
in bulk散装的
in charge管理
in charge of a big family主管一大户人家
in comparison with与…相比
In confined blasting, however, the borehole in which the explosive material is placed is capped with material such as crushed rock然而在约束爆破中、装了炸药的炮孔覆盖了诸如破碎岩石那样的炮泥
In either case the oxidizer solution is broken up into small droplets which form a discontinuous phase in a continuous phase. The emulsifying agent reduces the interfacial tension and keeps the two phases from separating这种氧化溶液在两种情况下都会解体为微珠、在连续相内形成非连续相。这种乳化剂减少界面张力、并使这两个相
in-filling material填料
in-flight collisions of fragments碎片在飞行中相互碰撞
in-hole delay methods孔内延时方法
in-hole delays with detonating cord downlines孔内延时用导爆索
in-hole detonation parameters孔内爆轰参数
in-hole deviation error孔内偏斜误差
In its comparison of the heart to a pump, modem medicine helps people understand its function现代医学把心脏比作水泵、有助于人们理解心脏的功能
in line串联
In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by afterburning during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by aftercombustion during the expansion phase大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉
In nine out of ten cases, old people puff and blow after a mountain climb老年人爬到山顶后、十之八九气喘吁吁
In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects为了减少索赔事件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响
in-place condition自然赋存条件
In recent two decades different effective blasting methods have been pioneered for destruction and construction at home and overseas最近的 20 年、海内外为拆除和建设而开拓了各种行之有效的爆破方法
in-seam seismic method槽波地震方法利用槽波的反射或透射规律,探测断层变化的矿井物探方法了解煤层厚度
in-seam wave槽波在煤层内传播的地震波
in-site blasting experiments现场爆破实验
in-situ block size distribution现场大块粒度分布
in-situ compression curve现场压缩曲线根据室内试验所得压缩曲线〈孔隙比一压力对数值关系曲线〉推测得出的符合土体天然性状的原始压缩曲线
in-situ experiment现场实验
in-situ explosive rubblization原地成块爆破
in-situ field measurement现场实地测量
in-situ measurement现场测量不涉及物质的变化和移动,在原地测量物质的性质。在石油勘探中,地质测量、地震测量、随钻测量、现场测井等都为现场测量
in-situ weathered material原地风化物质
In'straight' dynamites,nitroglycerin is the principal energy source, augmented by the reaction of various active absorbents。在"纯"硝甘炸药中、硝甘是主要能源、因各种活性吸收剂的反应而加强威力
In the absence of oxygen, the substance in the container cannot bum well没有氧气、容器里的物质不能充分燃烧
in the charge of受人管理
in the days precedent to the earthquake在地震发生前的几天里
In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的
in the downstream of the Yangtze River在长江下游
In the few pages that precede在前面几页
in the hole潜孔
in the hole孔内
In the library we have found the relevant literature of even data我们在图书馆查到同一时期的有关文献
In the long term, a hybrid stress blasting model has the potential to provide a practical description of the blasting process but is currently limited to research applications合成应力爆破模型在长时间内具有具体描述爆破过程的潜力、但目前只应用在研究中
In the past century the Commercial Press was the biggest publishing concern in China. 20世纪、商务印书馆是中国最大的出版公司
In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验
in-the-hole driving潜孔打钻指钻机冲击器在孔内进行开凿。当向下进行时称为向下潜孔打钻 〈DTH〉,参见 down-the hole hammer
in-the-hole VOD of explosives孔内炸药爆速
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes建议采用以总的碳含量为基础的初始标准法、以避免理想爆轰法规的局限性和人为条例
In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes关于此事在这方面
In which case does this grammatical phenomenon apply?这种语法现象在哪种情况下适用?
induced stress in rock mass岩体二次应力岩体开挖后原始应力大小和方向发生变化的应力。在岩体中开挖坑硐后,打破了岩体原始应力的平衡状态,在坑硐附近一定范围的岩体中发生应力重新分布,形成二次应力场,岩体二次应力分布,与岩体原始应力的主应力方向、大小和坑硐的几何形状及岩体结构有关
Inhomogeneity in fuel/ oxidizer contact燃料/氧化剂接触面的非均质性
initiating system tie-in起爆系统连接兀件
initiation system tie-in起爆系统连接兀件
input pressure function in the blasthole炮孔输人压力函数
Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming调查结果表明、飞石事故是由以下一个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足
It is dark clouds that precede a rainstorm in most cases大多数情况下、暴风骤雨来临之前是乌云翻滚
It is discovered in filed experiments that most of the collar flyrock is thrown in a direction fallowing the drill holding axis现场实验发现、孔口周围的大部分飞石沿着炮孔轴线方向抛掷出去
It is discovered in filed experiments that most of the collar flyrock is thrown in a direction fallowing the drill hole axis现场实验发现、孔口周围的大部分飞石沿着炮孔轴线方向抛掷出去
It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中
jamming in the hole卡钻
Keeping this in view, field investigations were conducted at a phosphate mine to study the flyrock from blasting鉴于这一点、为了研究爆破飞石、我们在挨着居民区的磷矿作了实地考察
large-scale rock excavation in mining矿山大规模石料开采
length of explosive charge in the base底部药包长度
linear charge concentration in the column of the blasthole炮孔药柱线装药密度炮孔中装药部分的单位长度的药量,单位为 kg/m
long-hole blasting in underground mine地下矿深孔爆破用深度大于15 long20m,孔径大于90~100mm 的炮孔并用柱状装药所进行的爆破。炮孔直径和深度的大小取决于所采用的凿岩设备、矿体埋藏条件和采矿方法
lots of people died in a big fire亠场大火烧死很多人
main entry in rock岩层大巷在煤层底板或顶板内开凿的运输大巷
major huge, large, large-scale, coyote blast in open pit露天矿大爆破
Many houses were exploded in the air raid空袭炸毁很多房屋
Many westerners compare Jesus Christ to the sun in their hearts很多西方人把耶稣比作他们心中的太阳
mass shooting mass breaking, bulking blasting, heavy blasting in open pit露天矿大爆破
mechanical model of movement in the process of folding and collapsing折叠及倒塌过程中运动的力学模型
Men take precedence over women regarding employment in field work。就野外工作而言、男的就业优先于女的
mentioned in Section 2, Chapter 1在第一章第二节提到的
minimization of costs in rock drilling and blasting凿岩爆破费用优化
mitigation measures in place减缓措施到位
monitoring of pressure-time history in monitoring boreholes监测炮孔的压力一时间变化
Much experimental and theoretical work about flyrock phenomena has been performed in the past decades在过去的几十年里、人们对飞石现象进行了大量的实验研究和理论研究
My teacher has change-ed much in recent years as his old age comes随着进人老年,我的老师近几年变化很大
natural breakage characteristics NBC of rocks in blasting岩石爆破时的自然破碎特点
no-fire in series shot串联丢炮电雷管在串联起爆试验时未能发火,但用最小发火电流单独通电仍能发火的现象
observation of ground vibration effect from blasting in mine矿山爆破地震效应观测直观和用仪器对矿山爆破地震参数及其效应进行观测、描述和记录的过程。爆破地震效应观测包括地表振动参数的测量和建〈构〉筑物被破坏情况的调查
oil-in-water emulsion explosive水包油型乳化炸药
on chance in a million可能性极小
on chance in a million百万分之一的机会
One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in mining and contruction blasting, is to accurately determine the bounds of the blast safety area爆破人员在采矿及建筑拆除爆破过程中所面临的一个最大难题、是准确算岀爆破安全区的范围
Only experts can data the rock that was found in the quarry唯有专家才能断定采石场发现的那块岩石的年代
operation in parallel并联操作
operation in parallel平行作业在同一工作面进行几个工序的作业
operation in series串联操作
operation in the open air露天作业
optimal delay time in controlled contour blasting控制边界爆破中最佳延时时间从地面振动或大半管系数〈high half cast〉因素来讲,最经济的延时时间。最大的半管系数可以通过瞬时点火达到最小的地面振动可以通过几乎连续的点火实现
Out of concern for his colleagues in danger, he did it without report in advance出于对遇险同事的挂念之心、他做这事没有预先打报告
perforation in kill mud泥浆压井射孔普通泥浆压井射孔是一种正压射孔。它利用井筒中重泥浆压力防止井喷。由于泥浆压力大于地层压力,因而孔道中除含有弹片碎块外,还有泥浆块,这不利于原油流出。除此之外,泥浆压井射孔要消耗大量水泥,且完井周期长,完井费用高,孔道不畅通,影响出油量
personals engaged in blasting operations爆破作业人员指从事爆破工作的工程技术人员、爆破员、安全员、保管员和押运员,参见 blasting personnel
point mass motion in midair空中质点运动
pore action in blasting爆破中的空孔效应空孔的作用,在于爆炸应力波在空孔壁产生人射与反射作用,造成应力集中,根据实验,炮孔连线上的应力比其他方向上的应力提高 2 倍。保证裂纹沿炮孔连线方向发展。从而抑制邻近区域其他方向产生裂纹
power line series-in-parallel circuit calculations电力起爆串并联电路的计算
prediction of fragmentation patterns and cost in rock blasting岩石爆破的破碎模式及费用预测
preparation in district采区准备采〈盘、带〉区主要巷道的掘进和设备安装工作的总称
priming system tie-in起爆系统连接兀件
propagating characteristics of shock in water水中冲击波传播特点1. 在药包附近的冲击波传播速度比水中的声速〈约为1520m/s〉要大数倍,随着冲击波的继续向前传播,波速压力迅速减小。 2. 球面冲击波的压力幅度随距离的减小,比在声学里的声波要快。但在较大距离以外,压力变化接近声学规律。 3. 压力波的波长随着传播而逐渐增长
quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses岩体连续性定量描述
quick anchorage in cement快速水泥锚固法
Racks to be blasted in such a case have large masses and,for the same impulse, their velocity and throw distance will be consequently short在这种情况下爆破的岩石块度大、而且由于冲量相同、岩石的速度和抛掷距离结果变小
Railways in that country are a prime candidate for privatization那个国家的铁路最早成为私有化的目标
ratio between horizontal and vertical pressures in undisturbed ground原岩水平压力与垂直压力之比
Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
reef demolition in deep water深水炸礁
regular training in profession正规专业训练
reliability in use使用可靠性
restrict work in blast area限制在爆破区域工作
rock in place原岩未扰动岩石
rock mechanics in coal mining煤矿岩石力学研究煤矿岩石〈体〉应力、应变和破坏规律的学科
rock quality index in drilling凿石中的岩石质量指数
rock quality index in drilling穿孔岩石质量指数穿孔时的岩石质量指数定义为钻机的液压与炮孔平均穿孔速度两者之比
R-of these technologies are underway at several sites around the world and will achieve massive reductions in overall GHG emissions of explosive manufacturers这些技术在世界几个地方正在现场改进、并将大大降低炸药厂温室气体排放的总量
R-technologic reforms, which can bring about profound, step-junction increases in coal recovery, are still way off革命性技术变革虽然能使煤炭开采率逐渐上升、意义重大、但距今尚有一段距离
rules for the carriage and storage of dangerous goods in ship危险品船舶运输及其贮存规定参考联合国海事分支专门机构“政府间海事协商组织 IMCO〈Intergovermental Maritime Consultative Organization〉的有关规定,制定的内河及海上运输、贮存危险品的法规。通常,由总则、危险品运输、危险品贮存、常见危险品分类和特性以及处罚规则等章节组成
safety distance from blasting center in mine矿山爆破安全距离
scatter in timing定时散布标称延时时间相同的雷管实际起爆时间的波动。若采用火焰延时器,则其散布随标称延时时间延长而增加。因此,半秒延时雷管不推荐用于高精度控制光面爆破。为此建议使用电子延时雷管
sedimentary cycle in coal-bearing formation含煤密度单位面积内的煤炭资源量
sedimentary cycle in coal-bearing series含煤密度单位面积内的煤炭资源量
seismic wave creation in hollows坑中爆炸造震在表层地震地质条件复杂的地区,如沙漠,由于潜水面很深,钻井工作困难,只能在坑中激发。一般采取多坑面积组合,多坑面积组合形式及参数,由干扰波的视波长和信噪比确定。坑中爆炸干扰波强、工作效率低、炸药消耗量大,因此,能采用井中爆炸的地区都不采用坑中爆炸
seismic wave creation in water水中爆炸造震在海洋和水系发育的地区,可采用水中爆炸激发地震波,实践表明,水深大于2m 时,才能采用水中激发,小于2m时,一般得不到好的地震记录,并且炸药包沉放深度与炸药量有关。当炸药量较大,水深不够时,采用组合爆炸
seismic wave creation in wells井中爆炸造震井中激发是地震勘探中最常用的一种激发方式。采用井中激发具有一定的井深,再加上一定的岩性就能激发出较强的反射波。激发深度以潜水面以下最好。井中激发的优点为:能降低面波的强度,消除声波在记录反射波时造成的困难, 其次,能形成很宽的频谱等
series-in-parallel circuit串并联电路
series in parallel-connection串并联电力爆破时,把几组串联线路又并联在一起所组成的网路,称为串并联网路。当同时爆破的药包数量比较大时,这种爆破网路的联结方式效果比较好
shock in water水中冲击波炸药在水下爆炸时,在水中传播的压力波称为水中冲击波
shooting in group组合激发
shooting in the solid整体爆破
shooting in the solid不掏槽爆破
shooting in the solid工作面除外无自由面爆破
short-hole blasting in urban areas城镇浅孔爆破采取控制有害效应的措施,在人口稠密区用浅孔爆破方法开挖和二次破碎大块的作业
show much concern about the people in the affected area非常挂念灾区人民
Significant rationalization of the explosives and accessories commodity basket has been achieved with concomitant savings in costs of stock holding and simplification of packaging, transport and storage requirements重要的是合理地实现了炸药及其辅助商品一揽子计划、相应地节省股票持有费用、致使包装简便、并达到库存要求
Since most unsensitized emulsion formulations are less viscous than the glass-bubble sensitized compositions, borehole water is less prone to be trapped in the column由于大多钝感乳化炸药结构不像玻璃微球敏化炸药结构那么有黏性、炮孔水就不那么易于圈闭在药柱里
single-point initiation to multi-point initiation in boreholes单点和多点引爆
Slider primers are in-the-hole delay initiating devices used with detonation cords to prime individual decks of non-cap sensitive explosive孔内延时起爆药是放在炮孔内与导火索用在一起的起爆装置、以起爆各层非雷管起爆炸药
Small children in the kindergarten are taken in the charge of their teachers幼儿园的小孩子们由他们的老师负责照顾
spacing in blasting爆破孔间距以相同延时数起爆的炮孔之间的距离。在某些爆破作业中,所有炮孔以不同延时起爆,则爆破孔间距定义为相继起爆的炮孔之间的距离
stress in rock mass岩体应力
stress in surrounding rock围岩应力围岩内的应力
stress wave in rock mass岩体中的应力波扰动在岩体中的传播。对岩体中的应力波的研究包括由爆炸振动所激发的扰动在岩体中传播的各种力学行为,以及利用〈超〉声波在岩体中的传播来测定岩体的力学性质。采矿工程中常用岩体中应力波的基本规律来研究或解释爆破的力学过程,或预测爆破效果
stress wave propagation characteristics in a viscoelastic material应力波在黏弹性物质中的传播特性
Studies have shown that such blasts have a greater than 90% diminution in the strength of the pressure wave released, compared with unconfined blasts of the same charge weight研究表明、与同样装药重量的裸露爆破相比、这样的爆破可使压力波释放威力降低90%以上
surface ruining in hilly terrain丘陵地带露天开采
surrounding rock mass in the vicinity of the borehole炮孔周围的岩体
survey in reconnaissance and design stage勘测设计阶段测量为工程勘测设计提供测量资料所进行的测量工作,主要包括:勘测设计阶段测图控制网的建立和地形图、断面图的测绘,以及地质勘探、水文测验和线路定线等所进行的测量工作
surveying in stope采场测量采场回采矿石阶段的测量工作
Sympathy, which is a feeling characteristic of mankind, is not found in those with marble hearts同情心虽说是人类的特有情感、但铁石心肠的人不具有这种情感
target average in-hole emulsion density预定的平均孔内乳化炸药密度
Teachers in mountainous areas have to live on insignificant salaries山区教师只能靠微薄的薪水过活
temperature stress in rock mass岩体温度应力岩体随地壳中温度变化发生热胀冷缩而产生的应力。昼夜、季节的温度变化和岩浆活动是在岩体中产生温度应力的天然原因。地下核爆炸可使岩体中产生较高的温度应力,一般的工程开挖在岩体中产生的温度应力不大,影响范围很小
The augmentation of investment in agriculture is a direct consolidating of the basis of national economy加大对农业的投人就是直接加固国民经济的基础
The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model因为缺乏成熟的机械破碎模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法
The coarse end of the predicted fragmentation size distribution is often over-estimated because the fragment top size is not influenced by the structure of the rock mass in the model对所预测的碎岩粒度分布的粗端往往给以过高估计、这是因为碎岩最大粒度不受模型中岩体结构的影响
The decreasing trend of flyrock distance with increasing stemming length is obvious from the role of confinement in controlling premature venting of high pressure gases由于对高压气体的过早喷泄进行控制所起的限制作用、飞石飞行距离随炮泥长度的增加而递减的这种趋势是显而易见的
The depth of burial of the charges is not only a primary factor in determining the intensity of the air pressures, but it also has an effect on the frequency and duration of the pulses药包埋深不仅是决定空气压力强度的主要因素、而且对脉冲频率及持续时间也有影响
The emissions from explosives are small in comparison to the downstream emissions associated with mining and mineral utilization炸药爆炸时的气体排放、与采矿和矿物利用导致的下游气体排放相比要少些
The energy spent in creating flyrock during blasting is less than 1 % of the total energy transferred to the rock, hence the wastage of explosive energy in this form maybe insignificant在爆破中产生飞石所消耗的能量低于传递给岩石全部能量的1%、因此以这种形式浪费的爆炸能可以说微不足道
The fracture frequency displayed by the cores in the vicinity of the samples was noted at the time of sampling样品附近的岩心上显示的裂纹频率在采样时就注意到了
The gas composition is strongly dependent on many factors such as actual field detonation conditions, rock type,hole diameter,water presence,product homogeneity in the hole气体的形成在很大程度上取决于诸多因素、如现场实际爆轰条件、岩石类型、炮孔直径、有没有水以及炸药在炮孔中是否均匀等
The greatest source of error in the calculated energy and expansion work is the deviation from ideal detonation,which is large far most commercial explosives所计算的能量和膨胀功的最大误差源炸药无法达到理想爆轰、对于大多民用炸药来说、这个偏差很大
The hotel is in a prime location overlooking the plain这旅馆处于俯瞰原野景色的最好位置
The improved coal recovery translates to a corresponding decrease in mine GHG emissions intensity煤炭采收改进技术相应地降低矿山温室气体排放强度
The law of nature acts in ways independent of man's will自然规律不以人的意志起作用
The maximum flyrock distance decreases with an increase in stemming length。飞石飞行的最大距离随着炮泥堵塞长度的增加而减小
The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨
The national pollutant inventory manual far the estimation of fugitive dust from mining operations offers the following equation for the dust total suspended particulates generated from blasting in coal mines评估米矿作业产生浮尘的国家污染物分类细则手册、列岀了由于煤矿爆破产生的浮尘全部悬浮颗粒方程如下
The number and type of delays in the blast tell us how long the detonation process itself will last爆破时延时爆破的次数和类型表明爆轰过程本身持续时间的长短
The old grandmother and the grandson have been bound up in each other since then打那以后,老奶奶和小孙子就相依为命
The parameters that are generally used in blast design and fragmentation modeling are the static rather than the dynamic properties, but empirical factors used in the models compensate for this anomaly通常用于爆破设计和破碎模型中的这些参数、都是静态的、而非动态性质、只不过在用于模型时经验因素弥补了这种反常
The plane blew up in its flight after it was hit by a missile那架飞机因被导弹击中而凌空爆炸
The population of the earth exploded to 6.5 billion in 20052005 年地球人口猛增到65亿
The relationship between the explosive and the rock mass is known as the powder factor and can be used by the blaster as a general guideline for determining explosive distribution in the rock mass炸药与岩体的关系被认为是单位炸药消耗量、爆破人员可用来作为确定岩体中炸药分布的总指标
The risk of damage due to flyrock, however, is so high that it merits serious consideration in blast design然而、由于飞石造成破坏的危险性很大、爆破设计时值得认真考量
The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定
The stimulus to which an explosive is exposed must be included in any reference to the sensitivity, whether shock, low-velocity impact, friction, electrostatic charge, lightning, or other source of energy炸药感度根据所受外界能量作用的不同、可分为冲击波感度、撞击感度、摩擦感度、静电感度、雷电感度或其他能量形式的感度
The theory for predicting flyrock from blasting operations in hard rock, such as granite, has been developed and waits to be gradually perfected如花岗岩之类的坚硬岩石爆破作业中的飞石预测理论已经发展起来、并有待于渐次完善
The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一
There is a bank of agriculture in the vicinity附近有一家农业银行
There is a substantial increase in temperature from 13°C at an altitude of 180 metres to a temperature of 18°C at an altitude of 270 metres温度在180米高度时为13度、到270米高度时为18度、增幅很大
There is no fire in the kitchen for cooking厨房里没有炉子、没法做饭
There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
There often occur food shortages in lean years。欠收之年往往出现粮荒的情形
These regions are the first to apply the cooperative medical system in rural areas这些地区率先实行了农村合作医疗制度
These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏
They are in the vicinity of thirty他们接近30岁
This approach to the derivation of rock factors has been used by many field operators in a wide range of blasting and fragmentation studies and has been shown to lead to a reasonable estimate of the required blasting intensity and the resulting mean passing size in a wide range of blasting environments很多实地操作人员把这种求导岩石系数的方法广泛应用于爆破剂破岩研究之中、并证明应用这种方法可以合理地估算所需的爆破强度以及诸多爆破环境下岩石的最终平均过筛粒度
This enterprise has a considerable concern in real estate这家企业在房地产行业有大额股份
This invention is much contribution to mankind in utilizing solar energy这项发明是人类利用太阳能的巨大贡献
This is a precedent far preserving two social systems in one country这是一国两制的先例
This new employee has gained much experience in engineering blasting by leaps and bounds这个新职员很快积累了不少工程爆破的经验
This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
Though these non-nitroglycerine boosters are more resistant to accidental detonation from impact,shock or friction than dynamite, they must be handled in the same manner as other explosives非硝化甘油助爆药虽说比硝化甘油炸药更具抗冲击、震动或摩擦引起的偶然爆炸性、但仍需要按其他炸药的安全方式来对待
three-dimensional process in space and time三维的时空过程
TIME published as a serial this doctor's contributions about cancer research in four issues《时代》分四期连载了这位医生关于癌症研究的文稿
time-consuming and costly loading process of placing sleeves in the boreholes在炮孔里下套管的装药过程既费时又费钱
To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分考虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题
Tom blew all his savings in a week汤姆一周把所有积蓄都乱花光了
top stemming length in production row生产炮孔顶部炮泥长度
Typical emission profiles from blasting and related downstream mining operations are also examined in this work典型的爆破气体释放剖面及相关下游采矿作业也在本文的研究之列
Typically, explosives that are porous solids at normal temperatures and contain little or no liquid are relatively unaffected at the normal low temperatures experienced in commercial blasting通常说来、常温下含有很少液体或没有液体的多孔固体炸药、一般不受商业爆破中常见的低温的影响
undertake a post in the court在朝廷任个职务
usings drill log information in advance使用预先钻孔日志信息
Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低
Variations in air temperature and wind velocity influence the transmission of blast energy through the air大气温度和风速的变化会影响爆炸能在空气中的传爆
ventilation in a mine矿山通风
water in oil油中水、油包水型
water in oil emulsion油包水型乳胶
water in oil emulsion油包水型乳状液
water-in-oil emulsions油包水乳化炸药
water-in-oil structure油包水结构
water pressure blasting in sealed containers闭口式水压爆破指建筑物顶部和四周均被封死,这样上冲的水柱能对周壁进行破碎,爆轰能量利用率高,爆破效果较好。在容器类构筑物中注满水,将药包悬挂于水中适当位置,利用水的不可压缩特性把炸药爆炸时产生的爆轰压力传递到构筑物周壁上,使周壁介质均匀受力而破碎。这种爆破方法称为水压爆破
water pressure blasting in unsealed containers开口式水压爆破开口式是指建筑物顶部敞开或者在爆破前亦不施加人为的封闭。这种开口式的水压控制爆破在爆破时其容器内形成的水柱上冲高度大,周围破碎效果也较差
water pressure test in borehole钻孔压水试验利用水泵或水柱自重,将清水压人钻孔试验段,根据一定时间内压人的水量和施加压力大小的关系,计算岩体相对透水性和了解裂隙发育程度的试验
wave velocity in rocks岩石波速
weighing-in-water method水中称重法根据阿基米德原理,通过水中称重求试样体积,以测定坚硬岩石密度的方法
When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体
When the prills dissolve, the air entrapped inside the porous prills is released and is no longer available to sensitize the composition. Also, the dissolved ammonium nitrate stays in solution with water and is no longer available to react in the detonation这些颗粒溶解后、多孔颗粒中封闭的空气得以释放、且不再有使炸药敏化的效力。此外、溶解后的硝铵与水一起处于液态、在爆轰时不再具有起反应的效力
Wild animals do not belong in a zoo. They should be allowed to go free野生动物不属于动物园所有、应该放生
Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外
With you in charge I' m at ease你办事,我放心
without precedent in history前所未有
without precedent in history史无前例