
Terms for subject Nautical containing In | all forms | exact matches only
access to spaces in the cargo area进入货物区域内各处所的通道
access to spaces in the cargo area of oil tankers进入油船货物区域中处所的通道
activities in the area区域内活动
acutely toxic in contact with skin误食急性中#
acutely toxic in contact with skin急性皮肤中#
air content in water水中空气含量
air noise in ship's space船舶舱室的空气噪声船上噪声
airborne noise in cabin舱室空气噪声
bottom suction in salvaging触底吸力
bottom suction in shallow water浅水底吸力
brace in转船向
built-in sheave嵌入滑轮
bulkhead deck in a passenger ship客船的舱壁甲板
carriage of refrigerated containers in holds舱内载运冷藏集装箱
ceiling, floor and wall in accommodation area, galleys and messes居住舱室区域、厨房和餐厅的天花板、地板和墙壁
certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk散装运输危险化学品适装证书
certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk散装运输液化气体适装证书
certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage关于油污损害民事责任的保险和其他财务保证的证书
class 4. 3 substances which, in contact water emit flammable gases第4.3类遇水产生可燃气体的物质
clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance船舶不符合要求的明显理由
close-in fueling rig近距离加油索具
code for dangerous chemical in bulk散装危险化学品规则
code for liquefied gases in bulk散装液化气体规则
coil-in-box cooler箱内旋管式冷却器
communications in an emergency救生用通信
Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议
configuration in use在用配置
constructed in respect of a ship船舶的建造
construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk IBC code国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则 (IBC Code)
container plug-in point集装箱插头点
Convention for the Suppression of Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs取缔非法贩运危险毒品公约
critical speed in shallow water浅水临界航速
dangerous cargo in bulk散装危险货物
dangerous chemical in bulk carrier散装危险化学品运输船
dangerous goods in solid form in bulk固体散装货物
density of persons in an escape route脱险通道人员密度
detection, alarm and control system in engine room机舱检测、报警和控制系统
distance piece in boilers and pressure vessels锅炉及压力容器的隔片
drawing-in factor穿管系数
extinct in the wild野外灭绝
fire alarm signaling systems in passenger ships客船上失火报警信号系统
fishing-in-balance index营养级平衡指数
flying mode in the ground effect zone地效区 GEZ 内飞行模式 (GEZ)
Forschungsplattform in nord and Ostsee北海和波罗的海研究站
General Agreement on Trade in Service服务贸易总协定
Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the Smuggling, Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals on Ships Engaged in International Maritime Traffic防止和制止从事国际海上运输船舶走私毒品、精神药物和前体化学品指南
harmful substances in packaged form包装形式的有害物质
haul in one's sails过俭朴生活
haul in one's sails退出比赛回避
heat loss due to combustibles in refuse机械不完全燃烧热损失
heat release rate in furnace炉膛容积热负荷
ILO147 Convention concerning minimum standards in merchant shipsILO 第147号商船最低标准公约
ILO152 Convention concerning occupational safety and health in dock workILO 第152号职业安全与健康码头工作公约
imperfections in welded joints in steel钢焊接接头的缺陷
in and out system内外搭接式
in bows命令起桨开船
in-line engine单排直立式发动机
in-process inspection生产过程中的检查
in sail乘帆船
in sail张着帆
in-service inclining test营运期间倾斜试验
in-side audit现场审核
in site就地
in-site colour meter现场水色计
in-site extraction sampler现场萃取采水器
in-site salinometer现场盐度计
in-site seawater oxygen meter海水溶解氧现场测定仪
in the wind's eye逆风
in the wind's eye逆〔顶〕着风
in the wind's eye对着风
in-vehicle network车载网络
in-water cleaning水下清洗
increase of R. F. M. in waves波浪中平均转速增值
initial density of persons D in an escape route初始人员密度
instruction on how to survive in the survival craft海上获救须知
insulation in combustion chamber燃烧室隔热
interim guidelines on safety natural gas-fuelled engine installations in ship"船上天然气燃料发动机装置安全暂行指南"
internal noise in ground transportation陆上交通工具内部的噪声
internal noise in land buildings陆上建筑物内部噪声
internal noise in ship cabin船舶内舱室的噪声
internal noise in trans atmospheric vehicle空中交通工具内部的噪声
International certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk国际散装运输危险化学品适装证书
International certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk国际散装运输液化气体适装证书
International pollution prevention certificate for the carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk国际防止散装运输有毒液体物质污名称 Description 外径 Outside diameter 内径 Inside diameter 螺栓节圆直径 Bolt circle diameter 法兰槽口 Slots in flange 法兰厚度 Flange thickness 螺栓及螺母 Bolts and nuts (NLS Certificate)
lateral loads in still water静水中的侧向载荷
lateral loads in waves波浪中的侧向载荷
length of leg penetrating in sea-bed桩腿入土深度
limitations in the use of oils as fuel燃油的使用限制
load factor in power prediction功率估计载荷因数
lock-in lock-out submersible system闸式可潜器系统
locked in stress内应力
lowing force in self-propulsion test自航试验拖力
minimum quantity of water to be used in a prewash用于预洗的最小水量.
multiple irregularities in the section横截面上多种缺陷
new mandatory ship reporting system in the galapagos particularly sensitive sea area加拉帕戈斯特殊敏感海域 (GALREP, PASS)
openings in freeboard deck干舷甲板上的开口
openings in superstructures上层建筑上的开口
openings in superstructures having height less than standard height高度小于标准高度的上层建筑的开口
other spaces in which flammable liquids are stowed储藏易燃液体的其他处所
passengers in transit过境旅客
performance standard for protective coatings for dedicated seawater ballast tanks in all types of ships and double-side skin spaces of bulk carrier所有类型船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能标准
permeability in relation to a space处所的渗透率
person in charge负责人员
phase angle in ship motions船舶运动相角
pipe-in-pipe system套管系统
plough in of WIG craft地效翼船的埋首
pollution of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ballast water压载水有害水生物及病原体污染
pour-in-place epoxy chocking compound环氧树脂垫座浇注膏
primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk主要用于运输散装干货
proof load, in relation to materials handling equipment与物资装运设备有关的验证载荷
protection coatings in water ballast tanks压载水舱的保护涂层
pump cut-in pressure泵接入压力
pump in用泵吸入
push-in bitt插入式带缆桩
put in series串联接人
rate of regulating speed in instantaneous瞬时调速率
rate of regulating speed in stability稳定调速率
regional price in economy and trade block区域性经济贸易集团内的价格
repairable failure in the machinery机械的可修复的故障
safe area in the context of a casualty事故中的安全区域
safety device in venting systems透气系统的安全装置
screw in旋入拧进
sea heaps up and white foam from breaking wakes begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind.浪头高耸,开化碎浪白沫开始随风吹成条纹 成串飞溅
send in person派人送达
ship in commission征船
ship motions in waves船舶摇荡运动
shipped in broken stowage亏舱
ships required to take part in the CANREP system要求加入加纳利群岛船舶强制报告系统的船舶
side screws in different rotations错车
signal control board in wheel house驾驶室信号控制板驾驶室信号控制台
signal control desk in wheel house闪光灯控制箱
speed loss in waves风浪失速
stability in damaged condition破损稳性
stay in a dock住坞
steam in驶人
still water pressure in flooded conditions PsF进水工况下的静水压力 (kN/ m2)
substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases Class 4.3 dangerous materials遇水散发易燃气体的物质第4.3类危险货物
substantially similar in relation to use of an active substance or preparation在使用活性物质或制剂方面的实质相似
suction wells in cargo tanks货油舱吸阱
survey of acoustic absorption in the ocean海洋声吸收测量
take in flank侧击
taken in charge接管
the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk散装运输国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造和设备规则 (IBC Code, IBC 规则)
the possibility of usage in ships is low船上使用的.可能性低
the possibility of usage in ships is low船上使用的可能性低
United Nations Convention against illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药品公约
very high waves with long over hanging crests. the resulting foam in great patches is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of wind. on the whole the surface of the sea takes a white appearance. tumbling of sea becomes heavy and shock like. visibility affected.狂涛,波峰长而翻卷,大片白沫密集地随风成 串飞溅,整个海面成白色,海面翻滚动荡汹涌 澎湃,影响能见度。
vessel engaged in fishing从事捕鱼的船
vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre操纵能力受到限制的船舶
vibration in phase同相振动
watertight in relation to a structure与某一结构#关的水密
wave pressure in flooded conditions进水工况下的波浪压力 (PWF (kN/m2))
waves in ship direction顺浪
welding procedure tests in the user's works在用户工厂进行的焊接程序试验
wing-in ground WIG craft地效翼 WIG
wing in ground craft地效翼船
wing in ground craft AA 类地效翼船
wing in ground craft BB 类地效翼船
wing-in-ground craft safety certificate地交 WIG 船安全证书
wing in-ground effect craft掠海地效翼船