
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing In | all forms | exact matches only
air passage in core铁芯中的风道
all in resistance总电阻
all-in resistance全部投入电阻
all-in tolerance全部公差
apparent flux density in airgap视在气隙磁密
apparent flux density in core视在铁芯磁密
apparent flux density in iron视在铁部磁密
apparent flux density in pole视在磁极磁密
apparent flux density in teeth视在齿部磁密
apparent flux density in yoke视在轭部磁密
applied voltage test with rotor in adjustable position转子位置可调的加压试验
armature winding in-ductance电枢绕组电感
auto lead-in relay自动接入继电器
bar in slot part槽部线棒
be in out-of-step with与... 不同步
be in step with与... 同步
bed in brush嵌入电刷
bought-in component外购件
break-in soldering脱焊
breaking-in period试车期
brushes in permanent contact常期接触的电刷
built-in motor内装电动机
built-in motor drive内藏式电动机传动
built in motor drive单位电动机传动
built-in stator外压装定子
cable lead-in电缆入口
clearance in air空气中间隙
coil assembly in site工地嵌线
coil in输入端
coil in slot part槽部线圈
conductors in series per branch每支路串联导体数
number of conductors in series per phase每相串联导体数
connection in aiding顺接
connection in delta△连接
connection in starY 连接
connection in star星形连接
copper loss in main pole主极铜损
core-stacking in site工地叠片
current density in armature coil电枢线圈电密
current density in bar线棒电密
current density in compensating bar补偿线棒电密
current density in compensating coil补偿线圈电密
current density in compensating winding补偿绕组电密
current density in compole coil换向极线圈电密
current density in current-carrying ring导电环电密
current density in damping bar阻尼线棒电密
current density in damping coil阻尼线圈电密
current density in damping ring阻尼环电密
current density in damping winding阻尼绕组电密
current density in end-ring端环电密
current density in equalizer均压线电密
current density in exciting coil励磁线圈电密
current density in exciting winding励磁绕组电密
current density in field coil磁场线圈电密
current density in field coil励磁线圈电密
current density in field coil并励磁场线圈中的电密
current density in field winding磁场绕组电密
current density in field winding励磁绕组电密
current density in field winding并励磁场绕组中的电密
current density in interpole coil换向极线圈电密
current density in leader引线电密
current density in lead-in引入线电密
current density in lead-out wire引出线电密
current density in main winding主绕组电密
current density in main-pole coil主极线圈电密
current density in rotor bar转子线棒电密
current density in rotor coil转子线圈电密
current density in rotor winding转子绕组电密
current density in separately-excited coil他励线圈中的电密
current density in separately-excited field winding他励磁场绕组中的电密
current density in separately-excited winding他励绕组中的电密
current density in series winding串联绕组中的电密
current density in series-excited winding串励绕组中的电密
current density in shunt coil并联线圈中的电密
current density in shunt winding并联绕组中的电密
current density in shunt-excited coil并励线圈中的电密
current density in shunt-excited field coil并励磁场线圈中的电密
current density in shunt-excited winding并励绕组中的电密
current density in shunt-excited winding并励磁场绕组中的电密
current density in stator bar定子线棒中的电密
current density in stator coil定子线圈中的电密
current density in stator winding定子绕组中的电密
current density in winding绕组电密
current lead-in电流引入
delivery in assembled state集装供货
do-in-yourself kit用户自配的一套零件
drop in speed转速下降
drop-in winding下进槽内的绕组
electrician in charge值班电工
elements in slot槽内元件
expansion in Fourier series展成傅里叶级数
falling-off in speed转速下降
fan-in network输入网络
fed-in winding嵌入绕组
fed-in winding散绕式绕组
fed-in winding馈电绕组
fill-in ratio占积率
fill-in ratio填充系数
flux density in airgap气隙磁
flux density in armature core电枢铁心磁密
flux density in armature yoke电枢轭部磁密
flux density in commutating pole换向极磁密
flux density in compole airgap换向极气隙磁密
flux density in compole body换向极极身磁密
flux density in compole limb换向极极身磁密
flux density in pole body极身磁密
flux density in pole shoe极靴磁密
flux density in rotor core转子铁芯磁密
flux density in rotor teeth转子齿磁密
flux density in rotor yoke转子轭部磁密
flux density in stator core定子铁芯磁密
flux density in stator teeth定子齿磁密
flux density in stator yoke定子轭部磁密
flux density in teeth齿磁密
flux density in yoke轭部磁密
flux path in pole极部磁路
flux path length in core铁芯磁路长
flux path length in pole磁极磁路长
flux path length in pole shoe极靴磁路长
flux path length in teeth齿部磁路长
flux path length in yoke轭部磁路长
fold-in sleeve活轴套
friction in pipe管中摩擦
generator in isolated operation发电机单独运行
grain in轧制方向晶粒
ground insulation in coil槽内线圈主绝缘
harmonic distortion in percentage正弦波形畸变率
hysteresis loss in core铁芯中的磁滞损耗
hysteresis loss in teeth齿部磁滞损耗
hysteresis loss in yoke轭部磁滞损耗
in-line assembly line流水装配线
in-line motor直列式马达
in parallel并行
connection in parallel并联
in-phase booster纵向调压器
in-phase loss同相损耗
in-phase speed-sensitive transformation radio同相速敏变压比
in-phase wave同相波
in-place balance现场平衡
in-site assembly? field assembly工地装配
in site control就地控制
in-site installation现场装配
in-site test工地试验
in-situ installation现场装配
-in winding穿入式绕组
inverted turn transposition in coil end线圈端部 180° 换位
lag in-phase相位滞后
lagging in-phase相位滞后
laminations in core end铁芯端部叠片
lead-in引入线 (wire)
lead in进线
lead in clamp引入线夹
lead-in inductance引线电感
lead-in terminal输入接线柱
leading in进线
leading-in box进线匣
leading in conductor引入线
leading-in end输入端
leading-in terminal输入端子
length of flux path in armature tooth电枢齿部磁路长
length of flux path in main pole主极磁路长
length of flux path in rotor tooth转子齿部磁路长
length of flux path in rotor yoke转子轭部磁路长
length of flux path in stator teeth定子齿部磁路长
length of flux path in stator yoke定子轭部磁路长
length of flux path in teeth齿部磁路长
length of magnetic path in armature rim电枢轭部磁路长
length of magnetic path in armature tooth电枢齿部磁路长
length of magnetic path in armature yoke电枢轭部磁路长
length of magnetic path in main pole主极磁路长
length of magnetic path in pole极部磁路长
length of magnetic path in rotor tooth转子齿部磁路长
length of magnetic path in rotor yoke转子轭部磁路长
length of magnetic path in stator teeth定子齿部磁路长
length of magnetic path in stator yoke定子轭部磁路长
length of magnetic path in teeth齿部磁路长
length of magnetic path in yoke轭部磁路长
lock-in analyzer同步分析器
lock-in circuit强制同步电路
lock in synchronism牵入同步
lock-in synchronism进入同步
locked rotor current in main winding主绕组中的堵转电流
loss in hydrogen pressure氢压损失
magnetic flux density in core铁芯磁密
magnetizing reactance in direct axis直轴励磁电抗
make cut-in接通
mean flux density in airgap气隙平均磁密
mean flux density in core铁芯平均磁密
mean flux density in pole body极身平均磁密
mean flux density in pole shoe极靴平均磁密
mean flux density in yoke轭部平均磁密
method of pull-out in paralleling并网失步法
motor in industry工业用电动机
negative sequence power in three-phase system三相系统的负序功率
number of circuits in parallel并联支路数
number of conductors in series串联导体数
number of conductors in series per pole每极串联导体数
number of paths in parallel并联支路数
number of strands in parallel并联股线数
parallel-in circuit breaker并网断路器
plug-in bearing组合式轴承
plug-in bearing插入式轴承
plug-in blade闸刀
plug-in packet插入
plug-in unit插入件
plug-in unit插入
polyphase system in equilibrium对称的多相系统
positive sequence power in three-phase system三相系统的正序功率
pull-in frequency牵引频率
pull-in to step牵入同步
pull-in test牵入转矩的测定
pull-in torque同步转矩
pull in torque牵入转矩
pull-in winding拉入式绕组
pull-in winding插入式绕组
pulling-in parallel operation牵入并联运行
pulling-in to step拉入同步
pulling in torque牵入转矩
reactance in direct axis纵轴电抗
reactance in direct axis直轴电抗
resistance in parallel电阻并联
resistance in series电阻串联
rotation in opposite direction反向旋转
running in试车
short-circuit in winding绕组短路
skin effect in conductor导线内的集肤效应
slide-in cooler抽屉式冷却器
step-in relay步进继电器
substation in load center负荷中心变电站
switching-in current rush合闸过电流
switching-in current rust合闸电流冲击
test in low temperature低温测试
throw-in excitation of generator发电机起励
two in-one motor二合一电动机
unit interval in a winding绕组节距
voltage drop in armature circuit电枢回路电压降
voltage drop in exciting circuit励磁回路电压降
wind in site工地嵌线