
Terms for subject Aviation containing In | all forms | exact matches only
a delay in the activation of the ice protection system防冰系统的延迟打开
accuracy in median中等精度
advanced simulation in undergraduate pilot training飞行学员训练的高级模拟
airborne radarscope used in NAVAR导航雷达用机载雷达显示器
airbrakes in减速板收起
Airbus design and operational philosophy in training〔客〕空中客车公司设计和运作训练体系
aircraft in commission执行任务的飞机
aircraft in service实有飞机 (数)
aircraft in service在用飞机 (数)
airline in flight information system〔客〕航线飞行信息系统
airplane in aerobatic category特技类飞机
airplane in commuter category通勤类飞机
airplane in normal category正常类飞机
airplane in transportation category运输类飞机
airplane in utility category实用类飞机
analog in single单 模拟
angular velocity in pitch俯仰角速度
angular velocity in roll滚动角速度
angular velocity in roll横滚角速度
angular velocity in yaw偏航角速度
army in-flight data transmission system部队飞行数据传输系统
Association for Education In International Business国际商业教育协会
atomic reaction in space空间原子反应堆
auger in在螺旋中坠毁
augmented built-in test扩大的装配试验
authorized “in excess”批准的“超过"
automatic data system for the army in the field野战部队的自动数据系统
bachelor of science in business商学士
balanced in plane平面内平衡
ball-in-tube damper管球阻尼器
beating in进入同步
beating in合拍
beginning straight in approach开始直飞进场进近
belly in用机腹着陆
block in停放 (指飞机在停机坪或指定地点的停放,通常当日不再使用)
bracket-supported plug-in bus way装在支架上的插接式母线
build-in-place component内装部件
built in固有的
built in固定的
built in嵌入的
built in机内的
built in内置的
built in内部的
built-in automatic test and checkout equipment内设自动测试与检查设备
built-in diagnostic circuit内建诊断电路
built in field内建电场
built-in potential自建电势
built-in potential内置电势
built-in range内装燃料航程 (不带副油箱,不在空中加油的航程)
built-in range机内油箱航程
built-in reliability内在可靠性
built-in self test机内自测试
built-in self test机内自检
built-in self test机内自检测
built-in test自检测
built in test机内自测试
built in test自检
built in test机内自检测
built-in test内装测试
built-in test自测试
built-in test机内自测试
built-in test系统内部测试
built-in test and fault isolation自检及故障隔离
built-in test equipment内装式测试设备 (与被测试的功能设备结合为一整体的)
built in test equipment自测设备
built in test equipment机内测试设备
built-in test equipment机内检测设备
built-in test selection机内测试选择
built-in thermal overload protection内置过热保护器
built-in twist内置扭曲
built-in twist内置转折
burning-in test老化试验
burst in the bore膛内爆炸
burst in the bore炸膛
cabin pressure rate limitation in climb爬升模式座舱压力变化率限制值
cabin pressure rate limitation in descent下降模式座舱压力变化率限制值
calibration in dock码头标校
calibration in dock坞内标校
carry in装人
center for research in experimental space science空间科学实验研究中心
certificate in lieu of ...替代…
certified in production and inventory management生产与库存管理保证
change in drawing notice图纸更改通知
change in vertical velocity垂向速度改变量
channel in buffer通道输人缓冲器
channel in bus通道输人总线
clip-in carriage assembly插夹式挂弹装置
clip-in rack插夹式挂弹架
close-in air defense近空防御
close in combat近距作战
close-in air combat近距空战
close-in jamming接近干扰
close in support紧密支援
close in support近距离支援
close-in weapon system近地武器系统
close-in weapons system近战武器系统
command in buffer命令输人缓冲器
commander in chief总司令
Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic美国大西洋空军司令
Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources In Asia Offshore Areas亚洲近岸海域矿产资源联合勘察协调委员会
committee in energy research and development能源研究与发展委员会
committee on scientific and technological aspects of material processing in space空间材料加工科学技术问题委员会
component burn-in元件老炼
component burn-in元件预先强化
Conference on Coordination of Air Transport in Europe欧洲航空运输协调会议
continuous built in test连续的机内测试
control surface tie in舵面链接
covert survivable in-weather reconnaissance strike隐身全天候侦察及对地攻击飞机
critical in-flight ice shape关键飞行冰型
critical point in the sky空中关键点
crossing wires not in contact with each other不连接的跨越导线
crystallization of organic substances in microgravity application微重力条件下的有机物结晶
cycles in service服务周期
data in输入诸元
decibels above one milliwatt in 600 ohms毫瓦分贝以600欧姆1毫瓦为零电平的分贝
defense of airborne vehicles in depth飞行器纵深防御
deficiency in allowance允许缺陷
design-in test points and alarms设计中的试验点和报警
digital read-in subsystem数字式读人子系统
downwash in wing wake机翼尾流中的下洗
downwash in wing wake翼后下洗
drop in混入 (信息)
dual-in-line package双列直插式包装
dual in line package双列直插式包装
due in for maintenance维修时期
duty in a flying status involving operation or training flights包括作战与训练飞行的飞行任务
effective perceived noise in Decibels感知噪声分贝
ejection test in flight飞行中弹射试验
electronic preassembly integration in CATIA system CATIA系统中的电子预装配集成
elevator lock-in-place升降机卡死 (故障)
engine in-flight condition monitoring system发动机空中状况监控系统
engine in-flight condition monitoring system发动机空中状态监控系统
engineering in aeronautics and astronautics航空航天工程师
engineering in charge工程报价
engineering preassembly integration in CATIA在CATIA 系统工程预装配集成 (system)
engine-off in flight空中停车
entry in into service投人使用
entry in into service投人服务
equation in conservation form守恒型方程
equation in nonconservation form非守恒型方程
estimated time in commission估计可使用时间
expansion in powers of height高度的幕级数展开式
extension of flight envelope in flight test飞行包线扩展试飞
eyeballs in向前加速
eyeballs in把飞行员压向椅背的过载
eyes in the sky眼望天空
fault in excitation励磁故障
fault in process工艺故障
fighter lead-in training战斗机过渡训练 (从航校毕业到战斗部队服役之间的训练)
fire distribution in unlocked position锁膛不到位击发
fire in turn依次射击
first in first out先人先出
flight test site in different places异地飞行现场
fly in使降落
fly in抵达
fly in乘飞机飞到
fly in echelon梯队飞行
flying in formation编队飞行
foam in place现场发泡
forward air controller in high speed combat aircraft前方高速作战飞机空中控制员
free convection in enclosed spaces封闭空间的自然对流
frozen-in field零电阻介质中的磁流体场
frozen-in field冻结
fuel consumed in climb爬升油耗
fuel in air空中加油
furthest point in elliptical orbit from earth椭圆轨道远地点
furthest point in elliptical orbit from moon椭圆轨道远月点
garbage in garbage out那么输出的也是垃圾
garbage in garbage out如果输人的是垃圾
general precession in longitude黄经总岁差
ground slope in aerial photo measurement航空摄影测量中的地面坡度
Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology In Europe欧洲航空研究技术组
Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe欧洲航空科技集团
hardware in loop fuze simulation引信半实物仿真
hazardous in-flight weather advisoryservice恶劣天气咨询服务 (在甚高频全向无线电信标上连续广播危险天气信息 (严重的天气预报警报) SIGMET (重要天气信息)、对流 SIGMET.中心天气通知、AIRMET (飞行员气象信息)和飞行员紧急天气报告)
hazardous in-flight weather advisory service恶劣天气咨询服务
hazardous in-flight weather advisory service飞行中危险天气咨询服务
heat treatment in fluidized bed流态床热处理
held in abeyance暂时搁置的
helicopter in flight refuelling直升机空中加油
high speed photograph application in wind tunnel风洞高速摄影技术
hook-supported plug-in bus way装在吊钩上的插接式母线
hovering in ground effect地效悬停 (直升机在等于或小于旋翼展向尺寸的高度进行的悬停。和无地效情况相比,直升机在有地效时,由于空气密度较大,所以悬停的高度也较高。直升机在有地效悬停时,比在无地效情况下悬停所需的功率要小。所需功率直接随离地高度的变化而变化)
hypersonic in flight refueling system高超声速飞机空中加油系统
icing in cloud云中结冰
icing in clouds云层内积冰
icing in precipitation降水区内积冰
icing in precipitation雨中结冰
in accordance with根据…
in accordance with依照…
in accordance with符合…
in air initiated test在空中初始试验
in and out of clouds飞人和飞出云中
in any direction沿任意方向
in-band parameter exchange带内参数交换
in bond归航的
in case of关于
in case of在…情况下
in case of就…来说
in circuit emulation回路仿真
in circuit emulator回路仿真器
in circuit test电路测试
in commission rate可使用率
in compliance with按照…
in compliance with依照…
in contact with与…接触
in flight在飞行过程
in-flight analysis飞行中分析
in-flight checkout system飞行检査系统
in-flight collision空中相撞
in-flight control飞行控制
in-flight data link飞行数据链
in-flight egress飞行中离机
in-flight ejection飞行弹射
in-flight ejection test空中弹射试验
in-flight ejection test飞行弹射试验
in-flight emergency飞行中的紧急情况
in-flight engine-condition monitoring system飞行中发动机状态监控系统
in-flight entertainment center〔客〕飞行中娱乐中心
in-flight entertainment system〔客〕飞行中娱乐系统
in-flight entertainment system机上娱乐系统
in-flight escape空中应急离机
in-flight icing飞行结冰
in-flight maintenance飞行中维护
in-flight management system飞行管理系统
in-flight mission abort中途停止执行任务
in-flight mission abort飞行中中断任务
in-flight monitor机载监控器
in-flight operable bomb lock飞行中可操纵的炸弹锁
in-flight operations and training飞行中操作和培训
in-flight performance飞行中性能监控
in-flight performance application〔客〕飞行中性能运用
in-flight performance computation program飞行中性能计算程序
in-flight performance monitor飞行中性能监控
in-flight power loss飞行中功率损失
in-flight refueling飞行中加油
in-flight refueling空中加油
in-flight refueling receiver flight phase空中加油受油机飞行阶段
in-flight repair飞行中修理
in-flight repair空中修理
in-flight replacement unit飞行中替换装置
In-Flight Service Association空中勤务协会
in-flight shut down空中停车
in-flight shut down飞行中关闭
in-flight shut down rate空中停车率
in-flight shutdown空中停车
in-flight status monitoring飞行中状态监控
in-flight test maintenance飞行中试验维护
in-flight test program飞行中测试计划
in-flight test system空中测试系统
in-flight thrust augmentation飞行中推力增大
in-flight thrust augmentation飞行中增大推力
in-flight turn back飞行中返航
in ground effect地面效应
in ground effect地面影响
in-ground effect地面影响
in-ground effect地面效应
in ground effect有地效
in ground effect受地面效应作用
in lieu of替换
in-line air filter管内空气过滤器
in line monitor在线监控器
in-line tube rows顺排
in modulator band filter in调幅器带通滤波器输人
in orbit checkout在轨测试
in orbit infrastructure在轨基础设施
in-orbit plane在轨道上的飞机
in-orbital testing在轨道测试
in-place repair就地返修
in plane shear strength平面剪切强度
in process在制品
in process error过程中产生的误差
in process review在制品审查
in-seat power supply座椅电源供应
in-seat power supply system〔客〕座位电源系统
in-seat power supply unit〔客〕座位电源装置
in-seat video system座椅视频系统
in sequence顺序、挨次、逐一
in service activities report服务活动报告
in-service data acquisition system使用数据采集系统
in service data acquisition system使用数据采集系统
in-service date开始服务日期
in-service problem〔客〕服务中的问题
in service quality control subsystem使用中质量控制子系统
in service quality control system使用中质量控制系统
in-service reportable occurrence〔客〕服务中需报告的事件
in-service reportable occurrence运营中值得报告的事件
in service training〔英〕在职培训
in the affirmative肯定地
in visual flight rules conditions在目视飞行条例的情况下
included in landing gear weight含在起落架重量内
index of process material in SAIC process specification上海航空工业集团公司企业标准工艺材料目录
Index of process material in SAMC process specification上海飞机制造有限公司企业标准工艺材料目录
indicating of throw-in投入指示
inertial reference system in attitude mode姿态模式惯性基准系统
information in progress进行中的信息
information processing in command & control指令与控制信息处理
initiated built in test初始机内测试
initiated built in test启动机内自检测
institute for advancement in engineering工程改进研究所 (美国)
International Traffic In Arms Regulations国际武器贸易条例 (美国)
interruptive built-in test equipment断续式机内测试设备
issue while in stock有货即发放
joint in-flight transmission system联合飞行传输系统
just in time按时
just-in time按时
just-in time准时
just-in time零库存
just in time正及时
just in time刚好
just in time零库存
just in time准时
just-in-time training即时培训
key word in context关键词索引
key word in title标题关键词索引
kick in step第一步
kick in step开始步骤
laser applications in close air support激光在近距空中支援中的应用
laser in-flight obstacle detection device激光飞向目标障碍探测器
lead in引入线
lead-in light facility导人灯光设施 (在终端区域导航系统中的一种设施,为进行进近或着陆程序的飞机提供特殊的灯光引导。该设施配置包括许多盏闪光灯,它们为飞机通过进近通道,绕过高密度居住区、商业或障碍区提供目视引导)
lead-in light system引人照明系统
lead-in training入门培训
less paper in the cockpit〔客〕少纸化驾驶舱
libration in latitude纬度摆动
libration in longitude经秤动
local check-in assistant当地值机助理系统
locked in device锁定装置
loop in coming trunk环路来话中继
made in shop车间制造
maintenance build in test维修自检查
man-in-loop simulation人机在环仿真
man in space program载人航天计划
manufacturing change in design设计制造更改
marine in-flight refueling system海上空中加油系统
maximum improvement in electronics effectiveness through advanced techniques采用先进技术最大限度改进电子设备的效用
maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power以最大持续功率水平飞行的最大速度
mean dynamic pressure in a cross-section横截面内的平均动压
mean time between in flight shut-down〔客〕平均空中停车间隔时间
minimum control airspeed in the air空中最小控制速度
minimum control speed in air空中最小控制速度 (当关键发动机失效而其他发动机处于起飞推力,飞机在最大倾斜角为5°时是可控的最小飞行速度)
minimum speed in the stall最小失速速度
minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration着陆构型时最低稳定飞行速度
minimum min steady flight speed obtained in a specified configuration飞机特定构型时所获得的最小稳定飞行速度
missile zero-in导弹归零校正
missing in action未行动
missing in action作战失踪
multiple carriage clip in assembly多弹插夹式挂弹装置
national standard straight pipe threads in coupling国家标准接头直管螺纹
natural convection in enclosed spaces封闭空间的自然对流
necking in spindown缩径旋压
no in-flight attention equipment飞行中无须照管的设备
normal operation in SSM〔客〕符号状态矩阵中的正常操作
nose in stand机头工作台架
not in database不在数据库
not in service未使用
nutation in longitude【天】黄经章动
nutation in obliquity倾角章动
nutation in obliquity【天】交角章动
nutation in right ascension【天】赤经章动
office in tactical command技术指挥官
on board in flight checkout机上飞行中检查
one engine in operating ceiling单发失效升限
one engine in operating ceiling单发失效上限
operation in process在制品
operation in process工作在进行中
particle-in-cell simulation粒子模拟
passenger in flight information system飞行中的旅客信息系统
personal protective equipment in oxygen supply供氧个体防护装备
phalanx close-in weapons system密集阵近战武器系统
pilot in command正驾驶员
pilot-in-the-loop experiment人在环实验
plug-in connector插接器
post-supported plug-in bus way装在支柱上的插接式母线
potentially environmentally detrimental activities in space空间环境潜在放射性危害
power in, power out滑进滑出 (飞机不用牵引车而用自身的动力进出停机坪或停放地点)
power in, push out滑进推出 (飞机用自身动力滑入停机坪,用牵引车顶推到滑行道)
power up built in test机内功率测试
power-up built in test电源机内测试
preliminary change in design设计的初步更改
prepositioned overseas materiel configured in unit sets按用户分组配置的海外物资储备
primary in-flight ice detector system主飞行结冰探测系统
prove in plan验证计划
pull-in range捕获带
push-button in field现场按钮
radio telescope in orbit轨道射电望远镜
real-time information in the cockpit驾驶室实时信息
rector in-flight test反应堆飞行试验
reduction in latitude纬度差 (某处地心纬度和地理纬度的差。地心纬度是连接该处和地心的连线与赤道平面较小的夹角,而地理纬度是通过该处的球状体子午线的法线与赤道平面较小的夹角。地心纬度可以由地理纬度减去纬度差获得。最大的纬度差值是11. 6" (角秒),发生在纬度45°上。在其他纬度上,纬度差等于11.6sinλsin 2,λ代表纬度。这是因为地球是扁球体而不是真正的球体)
reduction in requirement需求减少
reference stall speed in landing configuration在着陆构型参考失速速度
reference stall speed in specified configuration在规定的构型参考失速速度
reliability analysis of microcircuit failure in avionics systems航空电子设备系统微电路故障可靠性分析
replacement in time及时替换
research in progress正在进行中的研究
research in supersonic environment超声环境研究
retractable in-flight refueling probe可收缩的空中加油探测管
rivet in shear受剪力铆钉
rocket in flight test system火箭飞行试验系统
rotary-in rotary-out cable转进转出钢索
rotorcraft in transportation category运输类旋翼机
seal in device封人装置
second in command副驾驶民航副机长
selected categories in microfiche选定的缩微胶片目录
senior officer in change of administration在更改机构中的高级官员
shift-in character移入字符 (计算机代码扩充字符)
ship in place就地交付 (按完工产品的防护、包装和发运程序 (QP-3038-MS -001)定义,是按客户的要求或经双方协商所实行的一种特殊交付状态,产品的产权已归属客户,但产品仍储存在制造者某个指定的区域,制造者负有监督责任)
significant in-service problems维修中重大问题
signification in service problem使用中的重大问题
single-carriage clip-in assembly单弹插夹式挂弹装置
solar energy monitor in space空间太阳能监测器
Spacelab Payload Integration and Coordination in Europe欧洲宇宙空间实验室有效载荷综合与协调机构
staff officer in change of administration在更改机构中的参谋官员
stall speed in a landing configuration着陆构型下失速速度
stalling speed in the landing configuration襟翼和起落架放下时的失速速度
stalling speed in the landing configuration着陆构型时失速速度
stalling speed obtained in a specified configuration在指定构型中的失速速度 (而不是 Vₛ₁或V ₛₒ,即分别为此构型和在起落架与襟翼都放下时的失速表速)
stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing着陆时失速速度或最低稳定飞行速度 (land)
stand in jammer内置干扰机
startup built in test启动自检测
steady in direction方向不变
straight in直接进场 (approach, 着陆)
straight in approach直接进场进近
straight-in approach飞机直线进场
straight in approach直接进近
straight-in approach-IFR仪表飞行规则的直线进近
straight-in approach-VFR目视飞行规则的直线进近
straight-in landing直线进近着陆
street lighting in plant area厂区道路照明灯
strength limit of short time in high temperature短时高温强度极限
symbols in error符号错误
syncope in pressure breathing加压呼吸性晕厥
taxi in着陆后滑行
taxi in滑进〔人〕
test in progress测试在进行中
test in technical centre技术阵地测试
the level of waste in the waste tank污水箱污水液位
thermal and hydrodynamic experiment research module in orbit热力学与流体动力学试验研究轨道舱
throw-in of working electric source工作电源投入
thumbed-in landing迫降
time in service飞机的空中时间
time in service服务时间
time in service使用时间
time in service服役时间
toe-in angle前束角
toed in发动机轴线内偏
torque pressure in pounds per square inch扭矩压力磅力数/平方英寸
total in flight simulator全飞行过程模拟器
true air speed in knots以节海里/时计的实际空速
turn-in point攻击转弯点
turn-in point开始转弯点
turning in hover悬停回转
United States Air Force In Europe美国驻欧洲空军
Universal System for Information in Science and Technology联合国教科文组织世界科技情报系统
value in performance性能值
valued as in original policy估价如原保险单所载
variable-stability in-flight simulator变安定性飞行模拟器试验机
vectoring in forward flight向前飞行航线
vectoring in forward flight向前飞行的航向
vehicle for experimental research in aerodynamic and structures空气动力学与结构学实验研究用飞行器
weigh in称重量
weight in running order发动机运转状态重量
wing in ground〔俄〕贴地飞行的飞机
wing-in-ground effect地面效应
women in the air force空军妇女队
work in cycle进人循环
work in cycle进入循环
work in process有序工作
work in process正在进行的工作
work in process在制项目
work in transit items外协项目
wounded in action行动负伤
zero in瞄准具校正
zero in同步调零
zero in归零校正
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