
Terms for subject Construction containing In | all forms | exact matches only
acid-in-oil emulsion酸油乳浊液
adjustments for changes in legislation法规变化引起的 调整
adjustments for changes in legislation法规变化引起的调整
air-in screen进气滤
air in screen进气滤网
all-in aggregate天然〔未筛分〕骨料
all-in aggregate统货〔天然混合〕集料
all-in ballast统货〔未筛分〕道碴
barged-in fill吸泥船填成的土堤
bend in river河弯〔曲〕
break-in facility操作系统中截断功能
break-in relay插人〔强拆〕继电器
break in upon插人
break in upon突然打断
breaking in夯实
breaking-in period试车〔磨合,溶解〕期
built-in checking内部〔自动〕校验
built-in comfort室内固定设备
built-in comfort内部安装的设备
built-in edge固定〔嵌人,嵌固〕边缘
built-in oscillation固定〔固有〕振荡
burn-in screen高温功率老化筛选
butt weld in the downhand position对接平焊
cast-in oil lead附〔镶〕铸油管
cast-in place现场浇筑
cast-in place就地浇筑
cast-in-situ concrete就地浇筑混凝土
casting in open敞开式 〔无盖箱〕铸造
casting in open明浇
casting in open开放型浇注
casting in rising stream下注
casting in rising stream底铸
channeling in column填充塔内形成的沟流
clad in穿着…衣服,外衣
clay-in-thick beds黏土厚层
coil in盘管进人接头
coil in输人
coil in进线
complexes in involution对合的线丛
composition of forces in plane平面力系合成
concrete in situ就地浇筑混凝土
cone in cone叠锥
continuous in probability依概率连续的
convergence in mean平均〔均值〕收敛
correlation in space空间对射变换
data given in tabular form表列数据〔资料〕
deficiency in draft通风〔风量〕不足
delay in delivery延迟传送〔发放,交付〕
dense-in-itself set自密集
distortion in the crystal lattice晶体格子中位移
dry... in the air晾干
eight in line直排八汽缸
expansion in series展为级数法
extreme in position滑阀完全进人离开极端位置
fail in bending压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
fail in bond压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
fail in compression压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
fail in shear压力〔弯曲,粘着,剪切〕损坏
fillet weld in the flat position船形焊
flop-in method按束强度的增加观察共振的方法
flop-in method增加〔成长〕法
force-in air强制鼓风〔通风〕
force in air鼓风
fraction in lowest terms最简分式〔数〕
freezing in reaction凝人反应
gain in strength强度增
half-in-and-half-out of the water一半在水下一半在水上的
half-in-and-half-out of the water半沉半浮的
in-and-out type heating furnace分批装料出料的室式加热
in couples成双地
in course of construction建造审
in course of construction建筑中
in echelon排成梯队
be in equilibrium保持处于平衡状态
in-line arrangement直线排列
in-line arrangement顺列
in-line arrangement纵向〔轴向〕配置
in-line hologram同轴 〔一列式〕全息图
in-line procedure直接插人过程
in metric用米制
in-plane direction共面方向
in-process product中间生成物
in prospect可期待 (of)
in prospect在望 (of)
in prospectM 希望 (of)
in-step condition同步状态
in-step condition吻合条件
in-step condition相位一致条件
in synchronism与 M 同步协调 (with M)
in the small局部地
International Abstracts in Operations Research国际运筹学文摘
jack-in unit插换部件
jump in brightness亮度落差〔跃变,突变〕
jump in potential电位跃变〔跳变〕
jump in potential电势电位跃值
1 line/in1磁力线/英寸²
mapping of a set in another映人
not in-contact非接触
be out in one's reckoning计算〔估计〕错误
parallel in并联〔行〕输人
part fill in and ram部分备灌并捣实混凝土等
plug-in bobbin插人式线圈管
plug-in circuit card插件
plug-in duct插人式配线导管
plug-in mounting插人式固定
plug-in strip闸刀〔刀形〕开关
plug-in strip插人片
poured-in-place concrete就地浇筑〔灌注〕的混凝土
pull-in-and-slide window可滑的驾驶舱车厢的边窗
pull-in range牵引 〔同步,捕捉〕范围
put in circuit接人电路
resistance in the dark暗电阻
road in cut道路开凿
road in cut相交
rock in place未爆破的原生岩石
shear strength in site现场抗剪强度
sliding in cut堑道〔挖方〕滑坡
sloughing in earth cut路堑边坡滑坍〔坍方〕
snap-in cover快速压紧盖
soluble salt in brick砖 中的可溶钙
stability in the large全局〔大范围〕稳定性
storage-in bus存储器的输人总线
supply in full sets of…成套供应
toe-in gauge汽车前轮前束量规
toe-in gauge测量并调整前轮前束装置
value as in original policy原保单价值 (V. O. P.)
water in oil test油中含水量测试
water in sand estimator砂内含水量测定仪