
Terms for subject Football containing In | all forms | exact matches only
attack in three line三线进攻
ball in and out of play比赛进行及死球
ball in free flight自由摆动的球顶球练习时用
ball in free flight顶球练习时用的自由摆动的球
ball in mid-air平高球
ball in mid-air平空球
ball in play球在场内
ball in play比赛进行
ball in the air空中球
cut in跑位插上
cut in for goal切入抢点射门
end in a tie踢成平局
end in a tie结果不分胜负
finesse in football skills技术细腻
finesse in football skills脚法细腻
flexible shape in order to save a group腾挪
fumble in goal失手入网
gambling in soccer足球赌博
goal in破门得分
goal in进球
good in the air善于顶球
head in头球入门
head in头球破 (a goal)
head in顶球入门
head in a goal头球入门
head in a goal顶球入门
head in pairs双人顶球
heading in pairs双人顶球
immediate goalmouth in the air门前高球
in defence防御
in front of the box在禁区前
in full retreat全线回收
in line defense—线防御
in mid-feint做假动作过程中
in mid-feint在做假动作的过程中
in midfield在中场在中区
in playing distance在控制范围内
in possession of the ball控制球
in possession of the ball占有球
in possession of the ball得球
in red strip身穿红色条衫
in the air空中争顶球
in the attacking third在前场
in the defending third在后场
in the vital area在要害地区
in touch球越过球门线
instep-in kick脚内侧踢球
instep-in of the stops脚内侧停球
Kansai Ki-in日本关西棋院
keyman in the midfield中场核心
line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
man in the middle裁判员
man in the middle裁判
marching in入场
maximum length in leg swing腿的最大摆幅
movement of players when not in possession无球队员的跑动
nod in a goal头球入门
nod in a goal顶球入门
offside in center of the field中场越位
offside in the centre of the field中间越位
pass in the air传高球
pass in the air传空中球
pass in the air空中传球
player in上场队员
player in possession获得球的队员
player in possession of the ball得球队员
plug holes in the line of defense补位
pressurize the opponents in ball possession紧逼对方得球的队员
regional qualifying groups competition in the World Cup世界杯分区资格赛
re-throw in重开界外球
retreat-in-order-to-attack tactics以退为进战术
role in set play定位进攻的角色
screw in stud拧入鞋底的钉柱
screw in stud拧入鞋底钉柱
send in a cross from the left左路传中
send in a cross from the right右路传中
shiftiness in action应变能力强
shiftiness in action动作变化多样
shiftiness in action动作变化多端
solid defense in the rear稳固的后卫
tap in the ball轻拨入网
throw-in foul掷界外球犯规
time in开始计算时间
time in比赛时间开始
work in pairs2人1组训练
work in pairs两人一组训练