
Terms for subject Management containing In | all forms | exact matches only
activity in progress正在进行的工作
address in case of need临时地址
aiding in keeping equipment records协助保管设备档案
assembly parts in pictorial drawing零件装配图示
assist in management协理
assist in management助理
assist in management襄理
assistant in a shop伙计
assume arbitrary power in finance独揽经济大权
authority and responsibility embodied in a position职位所具有的权责
behavior in a few ways少数方式的行为
behavioral science in management行为管理科学
behavioral science in management行为科学
bonus system in public enterprises公营企业分红制
built in stabilizer安全装置
chain of command in production生产行政指挥系统
change in business inventories存货的增减变动
change in business inventories企业库存的变动
changes in organization组织的改变
Chinese enterprise management in recent times中国近代企业管理
clock in记时上班
clocking-in card上下班记时卡
close a well in并井停产
close planting with fewer seedling in each cluster小株密植
communist youth league organization in enterprises企业青年组织
complexities in large-scale management大规模管理的复杂性
confidence in work工作信心
congress of workers and staff in public enterprises公营企业职工代表会议
considerations in product design考虑产品的设计
consistency in logic观点统一
cycle of technical preparations in production生产技术准备周期
daylight in transit在途日数
decentralization in purchasing分散式采购
delay in recruitment延迟征聘
develop in an all-round way-morally, intellectually and physically德智体全面发展
difference in thinking意见上不同
drive-in facility压入设备
due in finished stock成品交库预定日期
emotions in perspective human evolution情绪对人类进化的作用
employee comfort and services in layout有关员工舒适和服务的布置安排
employee participation in management员工参加管理
employee participation in profit职工分红制
employee participation in profit员工参加分配利润
employees in a warehouse仓库雇员
engage in diverse economic undertakings多种经营
enterprise management in the first years after the Russian October Revolution俄国十月革命胜利初期企业管理
executive in charge主管人员
expand the decision-making power of enterprises and the power of their workers to participate in management扩大企业的自主权和企业职工参加管理的权力
factor in evaluation of jobs评定工作中的因素
factors in evaluation of jobs评定工作中的因素
factory administration committee in public enterprises公营企业工厂管理委员会
final work in process期末在制品
first-in first-out costing of inventory存货先进先出计价法
first-in-first'Out FIFO先进先出法
first-in, first-out method先进先出法
first-in, still-here先进还存法
flow diagram of paper movement in an office operation办公室文件传递流程图
foreman position in organization工长在组织中的地位
forward planning in the service sectors预先制订服务部门的计划
functionalization in purchasing中央集权式的采购
general certificate in supervisory studies管理科学学习结业证书
general equivalent in value一般等价物
goods in stock存货
goods in stock仓库内的货物
goods in trade商品库存
hang in the balance成败未决
hang in the balance安危未定
hnad in送交
hnad in提交
in abeyance待办
in-and-out time card进出时间卡
in-house facility自己的设备
in-house management training programme内部自办的管理培训方案
in-house research programme内部的研究计划
in-house vocational training内部职业培训
in industry, learn from Daqing工业学大庆
in lieu of a job代替工作
in lieu of a raise代替提升
in-plant material handling equipment厂内运输装载器具
in-plant training工厂培训
in-plant transport厂内运输
in-plant transport equipment厂内运输设备
in-plant transport network厂内运输网络
in-process control制造过程中控制
in-process inspection工序间检验
in-process inspection制造过程中检验
in-process stock加工中的材料
in service投入使用
in-service training course在职培训班
in-service training course进修班
in stock在仓库中
in stock有存货
in the capacity以... 的资格
in the gross大量的
in the gross原批
in the rough未加工的
in transit goods在途商品
in working order工作正常
information given in a questionnaire填报资料
initial goods in process期初在制品
innovate in techniques在工艺上革新
keep in hand支配
keep in hand管理
keep in hand掌握
keep in stock储藏起来
key emphasis in work工作重点
key in work man主要人物
knowledger in production and marketing产销知识
last in, first out后入先出法库存估价方法
last-in, first-out method后进先出法
last-in, first-out method of inventory costing存货的后进先出计价法
last-in method后进先出法
last-in on hand后进现存法
lay in贮藏
lay in贮存
letters or combination of letters in either a meaningless or suggestive manner无意义或建议方法中的字母或字母联合分类法
looking after employee comfort and services in layout寻求安排员工舒适和服务事项
loss in case of failure完不成任务就减少报酬
machine hours in idleness装卸机械停工台时
make it to the top in Asia and advance into the world's forefront走向世界
make it to the top in Asia and advance into the world's forefront冲出亚洲
man in business企业家
management in the public sector行政管理
management of ceramic industry in ancient China中国古代陶瓷业管理
management of construction industry in ancient China中国古代建筑业管理
management of mining and metallurgical industry in ancient China中国古代矿冶业管理
management of paper-making industry in ancient China中国古代造纸业管理
management of printing industry in ancient China中国古代印刷业管理
management of public enterprise in revolutionary bases in China中国革命概括地公营企业管
management of ship-building industry in ancient Chia中国古代造船业管理
management of silk industry in ancient China中国古代丝绸业管理
management role in the new world新世界的管理任务
management thought in ancient China中国古代管理思想
manager in charge of finance财务部门经理
mass organization in enterprises企业的群众组织
material in process在制品
material in process在制原料
material returned in the stockroom原材料退库
materials consumption quota in process物资消耗工艺定额
materials consumption quota in supply物资消耗供应定额
materials in storage库存材料
measurement in the same condition平行测定
method of in plant transport厂内运输方法
no change in behavior不改变行为
norm in kind实物定额
norm in money货币定额
number of days sale in inventory存货销售天粉
opening work in process inventory在制品期初存货
operator in charge:领班人员
ordering in launching投入顺序
organization of production process in time生产过程时间组织
participation in management参加经营管理
participation in the Olympic Games奥运会参赛
percent of absentees to total staff in service全员缺勤率
person in charge主办人员
personnel directly engaged in production直接生产人员
personnel not directly engaged in production非直接生产人员
phase in逐步使用
pioneer in scientific management科学管理的先驱者
place in bond存入保税仓库
place in location near assembly放置在便于装配的地方
place in position at use point放置在使用地点
place in stock storage放置在仓库储存
poor organization resulting in holding up the work窝工
produce goods in various qualities生产各种品种的货物
product in an advanced stage of processing加工到高级阶段的产品
product in process在制品
product in process account在制品帐户
product in process inventory在制品盘存
product in process ledger在制品分类帐
production in bulk大量生产
production in lots成批生产
production in pure condition净态生产
production responsibility system in agriculture农业生产责任制
quantitative methods in management管理中的定量方法
quantity in circulation流通额
rate of change in the process程序改变率
rate of equipment in good condition设备完好率
requisition in kind征用实物
revisions in layouts修正布置
rules and regulations in enterprises企业规章制度
safety in handling装卸安全
safety in handling搬运安全
Seventy Regulations in Industry工业七十条
shift in national priorities重新安排国家优先事项
shock force in production生产突击队
special program in management特种管理科学教学计划
specialization in the creation of innovations革新创造的专业化
sport-in-art exhibition体育美术展览
steps in time study时间研究的步骤
stock due in soon近期需要的储备
stock in hand现有存货
stock in storage库存物资
stock in trade待销商品
stock in transit在途货物
storage in transit运输途中的储存
stores in transit在途材料
suggestion on human relations problem involved in layout布置工作对人的关系问题提供建议
supervision in advance事前监督
system of payment in kind供给制
system of payment party in kind and partly in money混合工资制
system thought in ancient China中国古代系统思想
take a share in参与
take part in参加
the first-in-first-out method先进先出法
the last-in-first-out method后进先出法
three democracies in public enterprise公营企业三大民主
tolerance level in production生产宽容度
total value of production in national economy国民经济总产值
trade unions in enterprises企业工会
train in rotation轮流培训
training in job在职训练
turnover in sales销售周转率
two participations, one reform and three-in-one combination两参一改三结合
upturn in business业务好转
valuation of work in process在建工程估价
valuation of work in process在制产品估价
versed in this line of business精通这类业务
vocational stock-in-trade职业方面的本领
volume in units单位产量
way in入口
work-in-process在制品 (or in progress)
work-in-process control在制品管理
work-in-process file工作品档案
work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
work in three shift三班工作制
work in three shift分三班工作
workers involved in stoppages罢工人数
worker's participation in management职工参与管理
working system of technical in production生产技术准备工作体制
working system preparations in management管理工作制度