
Terms for subject Technology containing In | all forms | exact matches only
accountant in bankruptcy破产财产管理人
accountant in bankruptcy清理会帀
accountant in charge主任会计师
adopting safety measures in productive technologies安全技术组织措施
agriculture in greenhouse温室农业
agriculture in transition转变中的农业
alkali-reactive material in concrete混凝土中的碱性反应材料
aluminium door anodised in bronze电镀黄铜铝门
aluminium mill sheets in coils铝卷片
aluminium oxide cloth in roll卷筒砂布
aluminum door anodised in bronze电镀黄铜铝门
aluminum mill sheets in coils铝卷片
aluminum oxide cloth in roll卷筒砂布
annealed in process中间退火
annual variation in soil temperature土温的年变化
annuity in advance预付年度保险
annuity in advance期初年金
annuity in advance预付年金保险
annular pressure drop in collar钻铤环空压降
anomaly horizontal displacement curve in repetition line重复线异常水平错动图
anomaly in stratification不规则层理
anomaly in stratification层理不规则
apse in echelon形排列拱点
apses in echelon梯列拱点
apses in echelon梯形排列拱点
area in storage存储区 (域)
area in the front of yard厂前区
arithmetic built-in function算术内部函数
array manipulation built-in function数组处理内部函数
assets in general一般资产
automated generalization in cartography自动制图综合
automatic alarm in pumping station泵站自动警报
automatic block signal in both directions双向自动闭塞号志
automatic block signal in one-direction单向自动闭塞号志
automatic throw in device of emergency supply备用电源自动投入装置
automatic throw in device of emergency supply备用供应源自动投入装置
automatic throw in device of emergency supply备用热源自动投入装置
automatic throw in device of emergency supply备用水源自动投入装置
average area of one passenger occupied in a carriage客车车辆人均占用面积
average cargo transportation density in a section区段平均货物运输密度
average daily cargo handling rate per ship in operation船舶平均作业艘天装卸量
average daily cargo handling rate per ship in port船舶平均在港艘天装卸量
average daily tonnage of cargo in storage平均每天堆存货物吨数
average detention time of car in transit中转车平均停留时间
average empty wagon kilometers in one complete turn round of wagon空周转距离
average fund in transit平均在途资金
average kilometers of wagons in transit loaded at technical stations per transit货车中转距离
average labor-time expended in平均耗费的劳动时间
average loaded wagon kilometers in one complete turnaround of wagon重周转距离
average number of wagon loadings and unloadings per unit of work in goods traffic管内装卸率
average sample size in sequential tests序贯检验的平均样本容量
average set of final blows in pile driving最后几击平均贯入量
average shunting speed in tranferring the train stock车列转线平均速度
average speed of train in departing from station列车出站平均速度
average speed of train in entering into station列车进站平均速度
average stage in reservoir region库区平均水位
average time in transit per ton of freight每吨货物平均运送时间
average velocity in cross-section断面平均风速
average velocity in cross-section断面平均流速
average wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon货车全周转距离
axle-bearing in two parts双半轴承
basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port吨停泊基价
basic geologic research to diminish in strength基本地质研究工作削弱
basic geologic research to increase in strength基本地质研究工作增强
basic geological research to diminish in strength基本地质研究工作削弱
basic geological research to increase in strength基本地质研究工作增强
become lodge in a hole留在孔内
become stuck in a hole卡在孔内
bedding-in of bearings轴承的配合
bedding-in period走合时间
bedding-in period走合期
bedding in soil土路基
bedding in soil土壤中垫层
bedding-in zone分级区
bend in exhaust pipe排气管弯头
bend in river河弯
bill endorsed in bank空白背书汇票
bill in process of clearing交换中票据
bills in three-parts三联单
biological purification in freshwater ecosystem淡水生态系统生物净化
biological purification in ocean ecosystem海洋生态系统生物净化
bird's eye in wood鸟眼木纹
blast in borehole井下爆破
blow-in跑气 (气压盾构)
bodying in全工序油漆法
bodying in涂罩光漆
bodying in擦漆
boring shot-holes in the face正面钻炮眼
bought in components外购件
breach in dam堤坝破坏
breach in dike堤的破坏
built-in parts镶入配件
bulged in压入的
bulk material in powder form粉状松散材料
bunker in the ground材料储[贮]藏窖
calculation forms in commercial enterprises商业企业核算形式
carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of non-parallel train working diagram非平行运行图的区间通过能力
carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of parallel train working diagram平行运行图的区间通过能力
carrying-in expenses搬入费
cheat in work and cut down material偷工减料
check-in detection检入检测器
circumference in equal parts等分圆周
coefficient of number of trains in the predominant traffic direction to that in non-predominant traffic direction运行图不成对系数
collateral in raising loan举债的抵押
connected in parallel并联的
connected in series串联的
consumption in port在港耗量
consumption norm of materials in building and installation建筑安装材料消耗定额
content of organic material in seawater海水有机质含量
continuity in the mean均方连续性
convergence in distribution分布收敛
convergence in distribution依分布收敛
convergence in mean依平均值收敛
convergence in mean均值收敛
convergence in mean square均方收敛
conversion factor in biomass生物质转化系数
conversion in expression表达式中的转换
coordinates in space空间坐标
cope in steel beam削梁
cope in steel beam钢梁的顶层
critical pressure in buckling临界失稳压力
cyclic swings in demand需求的周期性波动
cyclical swings in demand需求的周期性波动
dealing in stock and shares股票经营
deposite in a fictitious name化名存款
deposite in current account往来账户存款
deposite in foreign currency外币存款
deposite in-situ原地沉积
deposite in-situ原地淤积
deposite in trust信托存款
difference in altitude高程差
difference in attitude of beds地层产状差异
difference in deformation变形作用差异
difference in depth modulation调制深度差
difference in elevation
difference in floor lever of sieve tray筛板表面水平偏差
difference in height
difference in level标高差
difference in magmatic activity岩浆活动差异
difference in metamorphism变质作用差异
difference in riser level升气管顶面水平偏差
difference in settlement沉降差
difference in shrinkage收缩差
difference in water levels水位差
difference of readings in the same orientation同向差
differential Intensive active area in West China西部幅度差异性活动区
diffusion and dilution of pollutant in river河水污染物扩散稀释
double cantilever clip-in displacement meter双悬臂夹式引伸计
double link jib in parallelogram平行四边形组合臂架
double resection in space空间双点后方交会
double-curve turnout in same direction弯道道岔的向弯道内侧出岔
drug in the market呆滞商品
early in its development初期
electric conductivity in a plasma等离子体导电率
electric field in electric prospecting电法勘探中的电场
electric underfloor service carried in conduits地板下安装在管道中的电气线路
electrical conductivity in a plasma等离子体导电率
electrical field in electrical prospecting电法勘探中的电场
electrical underfloor service carried in conduits地板下安装在管道中的电气线路
elliptic curtain in the chain system椭圆花环形链幕
elliptical curtain in the chain system椭圆花环形链幕
encasing in concrete混凝土外包
evection in latitude黄纬出差
expanded in-situ capability就地气泡性能
expanding in situ现场膨胀
expected number in the systems系统内期望人数
exposure in two parts两次曝光
fail in negotiations谈判失败
filtering method in seismic recording地震记录滤波法
first in system-first served rule先到期先做规则
floor in prestressed clay预应力黏土地面
flowing time in grit chamber沉沙池流行时间
foamed-in-place insulation material现制泡沫保温材料
gas-coning in oil reservoir储[贮]油库中的气锥
green plants in environment protection绿化在环保中的作用
groundwater disaster in mine矿井地下水灾害
groundwater for use in building建筑用地下水
groundwater head in curtain grouting heavy帷幕内地下水头
groundwater in alluvial plain冲积平原地下水
groundwater in apron plain冰积平原地下水
groundwater in bedrock基岩地下水
groundwater in desert沙漠地下水
groundwater in eluvial-cliff debris残坡积层地下水
groundwater in intermontane basin山间盆地地下水
groundwater in lacustrine plain湖积平原地下水
groundwater in littoral plain滨海平原地下水
groundwater in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin中新生界盆地地下水
groundwater in old course古河道地下水
groundwater in red bed红层地下水
groundwater regime in mountain area山区地下水动态
groundwater regime in permafrost region多年冻土区的地下水动态
groundwater regime in plain area平原区地下水动态
groundwater zoning in alluvial-pluvial fan冲洪积扇潜水分带
grouted in their conduits管道压浆
grouting material in urgent need应急注浆材料
H3 content in water水中氚含量
heat stored in the country rocks围岩储[贮]存的热量
hinge in the key拱顶铰
hinge in the key拱冠铰
in put material原料
in situ weathered material原地风化物质
in star connection按星形接法
in the land owner's employ土地所有者的工作者
incrustation in pipes管内积垢
index in terms of material products实物指标
industries in the non-material sphere非物质领域中的产业部门
industries that are monopolistic in nature天然垄断性的行业
invariability in price价格不变性
invariant in space-time时空不变式
inverse development in electric prospecting电法勘探的反演
inverse development in electrical prospecting电法勘探的反演
invest in an enterprise投资于企业
invest in stock投资于股票
investigation methodical system in railway statistics铁路统计调查方法体系
investigation team in railway statistics铁路统计调查队
irrigation in their given order依次灌水
isobaths of structure in the top of oil layer油层顶构造等深图
isolation in hospital住院隔离
items in transit在途物品
items received in advance预收款项
jacked-in bridge or culvert顶进桥涵
jacked-in pile压入式桩
jacked-in pile顶入桩
keep additional accounts in addition to the authorized ones账目设账
keep from heavy weed growth in the field防治杂草丛生
keep in a dry place在干处保管
keep in check制止
keep in order保持整齐
keep in order保持秩序
keep in repair保持检修完善
keep in repair保持良好性能
keep in sight保持在视界范围内
keep in storage储[贮]存
keep in touch with保持联络
keep pace with the predicted growth in throughput跟上预计的吞吐量增长
keep wire line in tension拉紧钢丝绳
latched-in contact锁销接触器
lay in收起
lay in
lay in a stock of merchandise进货
lay in ceiling嵌入式顶棚
lay-in panel镶嵌墙板
lay-in section入口断面
lay-in timber connector暗藏木接点
lay-in trim入口装饰
lay-in unit入口单元
lay-in wood connector暗藏木接点
lay-off in winter冬季停工
leaders in their chosen field of learning学科带头人
let in concrete放进混凝土
let-in flap嵌入挡板
level difference in beam top surface梁顶面水平偏差
lever for throwing the machine in-and-out-of gear机器传动的离合杆
load distribution in a combined power system复合电力系统中的负荷分配
load in bulk散装荷载
load interest in constructional period建设期贷款利息
load-bearing in longitudinal direction纵向承重
load-bearing in transverse direction横向承重
localized drop in temperature局部降温
locked-in capital闭锁资本
locked-in line锁定线
locked-in oscillator同步振荡器
lowing the salt location in soil压盐
make an inventory of goods in a warehouse盘库
make-up a loss in proportion按比例摊赔
man days actual used in loading/discharging实际装卸工作日数
man days in absence缺勤工日数
man-in environment problems人为环境问题
man-in-space project人类进入宇宙时代
man in the sea海中居住
man-hour in attendance出勤工时
man-hour in attendance出勤时间
man-hour in idleness停工工时
man-hour in idleness怠工工时 (数)
man-hour in idleness窝工工时
material cycle in ecosystem生态系的物质循环
material in bulk整批材料
material in bulk散货
material in bulk松散材料
material in process在制材料
material in process在制物料
material level in bin料仓的料位
material mixed in site就地拌和材料
material mixed in site路拌材料
material mixed in situ路拌材料
material object method in working drawing budget施工图预算的实物法
means of production in category 2二类物资
means of production in category 1一类物资
method for determination of carbon dioxide in exhaust gas排气中一氧化碳测定法
method for determination of chlorine in exhaust gas排气中氯测定法
method for determination of hydrogen cyanide in exhaust gas排气中氰氢酸测定法
method for determination of oxides of nitrogen in exhaust gas排气中氮氧化物测定法
method for determination of total sulfur oxides and sulphur dioxide in fuel gas燃料气中硫氧化物和二氧化硫测定法
method in optimal control最优控制法
method of angle observation in all combinations全组合测角法
method of charge in well钻孔充电法
method of direction observation in rounds全圆方向观测法
method of dismantling and lifting in section解体打捞法
method of dispersion experiment in laboratory室内弥散试验
method of dispersion test in field野外弥散试验
method of in bred-variety cross顶交法
method of measuring dust content in stack gas烟道气中粉尘含量测量法
method of raising in steps逐步打捞法
method of rectification in zones分带纠正法
method of time determination by two stars in equal altitude双星等高测时法
method of tracer dilution in single well单井示踪剂稀释法
method of tracer in wells多井示踪剂法
method of tracer putting in示踪剂投放方法
mise-a-la-masse method in borehole curve井中充电法测井曲线
mismatch in core型芯错位
mismatch in mold铸型错箱
mismatch in mould铸型错箱
mixing in estuary河口混合
mixing-in-place method现拌法
mixing-in-place method就地拌和法
mixing-in-place method工地拌和法
mixing-in-place method现场拌和法
mixing-in-transit在运输过程中拌和 (混凝土)
mixing method mixed-in-place piles深拌法
mixing ratio in site工地配合比
mixing ratio in site施工配合比
mixing tap in lavatory洗脸盆混合龙头
model of acidification of groundwater in catchment地下水酸化模型
model of input-output in investment投资投入产出模型
model of input-output in labor consumption劳动消耗投入产出模型
model of input-output in labour consumption劳动消耗投入产出模型
modes of record in geologic observation point地质点记录方式
modes of record in geological observation point地质点记录方式
multiple cyclone in parallel并联旋风分离器
nickeliferous silicate deposit in weathering crust type风化壳型硅酸镍矿床
not in stock不在储[贮]存中
oil in place油藏储[贮]量
one's pores will be fine in texture腠理以密
party in a lawsuit诉讼当事人
party in breach违约的合同当事人 (default)
passenger train that arrives in the morning when departing in the evening夕发朝至旅客列车
payable in exchange可用汇票支付
plant in rows条植
210Po method in borehole钻孔中钋法
poking in the kiln捅窑内物料
polynomial in several elements多元多项式
porcelain lead-in bushing瓷进线套管
position of cave-in井塌深度
position specializing in reception专用于收受的座席
position specializing in transmission专用于传递的座席
prebuilt-in parts预埋件 (管子或电线等)
present in the upper 15 cm of the soil出现在土壤上层 15cm 内
probing water and draining water in the mine矿井探水与放水
pull-in acquisition捕捉
pyrite deposit in carbonate rock and sandstones hale碳酸盐岩及砂页中硫铁矿床
Raymond cast-in-place concrete pile雷蒙德现场灌注混凝土桩
reactive aluminium in the Vermont soil test测定佛蒙特土壤中的活动性铝
reaeration in river河流复氧作用
real material figure in induced polarization method激电法实际材料图
reciprocity in trade互惠贸易
record for surveying in parts碎部测量记录
registered unemployment rate in cities and towns城镇登记失业率
regularity of fluctuation in stage水位涨落规律
release dredgers from a project to assist in another project从某工程抽出挖泥船参与另一工程
release dredges from a project to assist in another project从某工程抽出挖泥船参与另一工程
renew the water in the tank把水箱再灌满水
reserve against decline in prices价格下降准备
reserve in ore矿石储量
reversal in loading反复加载
revision in layouts修正布置
revisions in layouts修改布置
rice in sack袋装米
rich in alumina高铝的
rich in contrast反差层次丰富
rich in harmonics多谐波的
rich in mortar多砂浆
rich in natural resources丰富的资源
riveting in three rows三排铆钉铆紧
riveting in two rows双排铆接
rule-of-thumb in forecasting of fog实地预测雾情方法
rules on administration of utilizing and saving water in city城市节约用水管理规定
saving in energy节省能量
saving in labor节省劳动力
saving in labour节省劳动力
saving in money compensation节约现金补助
saving in space节省空间
saving in weight减轻重量
seasonal rise in level季节性涨水
seasonal variation in earth's temperature地温季节变化
seasonal variation in flow流量季节变化
seasonal variation in precipitation降水季节变化
seasonal variation in precipitation降雨季节变化
seasonal variations in wastewater flow废水流量季节变化
sedimentary material in suspension悬浮中的沉淀物
sedimentation in discharge pipeline排泥管内沉淀
select 1 in 2二取一
select 1 in 4四取一
select 2 in 3三取二
select 1 in 3三取一
sericite in powder绢云母粉
services in a group of associated enterprises联营企业集团内部提供的劳务
set in砌体层收分
set in铺砌
set in bond砌合
set in bookcase附在墙上的书橱
set in bookcase壁橱式书架
set in broken stones用碎石铺砌
set in broken stones用碎石嵌实
set in meiyu入霉
set in motion开动
set in operation运行
set in operation运转
set in order检修
set in use开机率
set-up in business开始营业
shift-in character换入符
shift-in character向下转移符号
shift in demand supply需求供给的转变
shift in investment转移投资
shock wave in open channel明槽冲击波
snakes in hole塌孔
socketing pile in prebored hole预钻插桩法
solid material in suspension悬浮固体物质
solid material in suspension悬移质
some major factors in soil formation土壤形成的几个因素
soundness test by immersion in cold water冷水浸渍法水泥安定性试验
source of pollutant in water body水体污染源
specified-in-detail item详细规定项目
spread in performance性能参差〔不一〕
spread in performance工作特性的变动范围
steel beam enclosed in concrete外包混凝土钢梁
steel beam enclosed in concrete混凝土包钢梁
steel column cased in concrete包混凝土钢柱
stiffness in torsion抗扭刚度
stiffness in torsion抗扭劲度
storage in channel河槽储
stored at room temperature in daylight储[贮]藏于温室光照下
stored in a stack out of-door室外堆垛储[贮]存
sulfur content in fuel燃料含硫量
sulfur content in gas煤气含硫量
sulfur in ash灰中硫
surge in pipeline管道涌波
surge in pipeline中涌波
surge in piping管中涌波
surge in tube管中涌波
survey in loading port装货港检查
survey in rotation轮流检验
surveying in parts碎部测量
swig in拉紧
tangential stress in flange法兰中的切向应力
tape rule in metallic case钢合尺
The existence of these formulas led to a search for their explanation in terms of the microscopic structure of gases这些公式的存在导致人们寻求通过气体的微观结构来解释它们
three-jaw draw-in type chuck三爪内拉簧式夹盘
three-unders in coal mining三下采煤
tillage methods in humid tropics湿润热带地区的整地方法
trough in westerlies西风槽
tundra soils in the arctic area北极冰沼土
turning in heavy sea大风浪中掉头转向
turnover of material in stock储存材料周转率
two-in-hand winding双路叠绕法
two-in-one motor二合一电动机
two-in-one oedometer双联固结仪
two-cats in kiln color窑彩双猫
two-cats in kiln colour窑彩双猫
two-cells one panel in horizontal form二鼓一板水平式
two-cells one panel in vertical form二鼓一板垂直式
two-dimensional linear shift in-variant system二维线性平移不变系统
two-flying whales in kiln color窑彩双鲸鱼
two-flying whales in kiln colour窑彩双鲸鱼
two-plug-in reducing pipe双插渐缩管
two-plug-in reducing piping双插渐缩管
two-plug-in reducing tube双插渐缩管
two-plug-in reducing tubing双插渐缩管
unconfined steady flow in well井内自由稳定流
unsymmetrical double curve turnout in the same direction单式同侧道岔
validity of formula in fuzzy logic模糊逻辑公式的有效性
valve in landers装舱阀
vessel in distress遇险船
vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver操纵能力受限制的船
vessels in service在册船舶
veto in detail部分否决权
warrant in bankruptcy破产财产扣押令
wastewater in receiving water纳污水体污水
wastewater treatment in chemical industry化工工业废水处理
wastewater treatment in textile-mills印染工业废水处理
wire-in check硬件检验
zooming in缩小
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