
Terms for subject Wind Energy containing In | all forms | exact matches only
absorbed-in-fracture energy冲击强度
absorbed-in-fracture energy冲击功
absorbed-in-fracture energy冲击韧性
acceleration in pitch俯仰加速度
acceleration in roll侧倾加速度
acceleration in roll滚转加速度
acceleration in spectrum加速度谱
acceleration in transducer加速度传感器
acceleration in yaw偏航加速度
accuracy in computation计算精确度
accuracy in instrument仪表的精确度
accuracy in measurement测量精度
active in respect to相对……呈阻性
behaviour in service使用性能
behaviour in service运转性能
bolt threads in bearing轴承螺栓螺纹
bolt threads in bearing支撑部分的螺栓螺纹
bonded in bolts用螺栓连接的
build in terrain建成地形
built-in oscillation固有振荡
coincide in phase with与…同相
cut in插入
cut in加塞
cut in干预
cut-in wind speed最小输出功率风速
cut-in wind speed切入风速
cut in wind speed切入风速
cut in wind speed最小出功风速
draw in bolt拉紧螺栓
elastic plastic boundary in flexure弯曲弹塑性边界
elongation in tension受拉伸长
failure in service使用中的故障
filling in ring垫圈
fit in使适合
flaw in casting铸件裂痕
flow calibration in working section风洞试验段的流场校准
flow in流进
flow in continuum连续流
flow in convection对流气流
flow in momentum动量变化
flow in three dimension三维空间流动
flow in two dimension二维流动
flow in vortex涡流
gearing in啮合
in line有秩序
in line协调
in line一致
in line成一直线
in line array行阵
in line displacement顺风向位移
in-line response顺风向响应
in line response顺风向响应
in plane bending面内弯曲
in-plane fatigue loads面内疲劳载荷
in situ在原处
in situ在原位置
in situ concrete tower现浇混凝土塔架
in wind response顺风响应
lock in锁定
lock in band锁定带
lock in effect锁定效应
lock in excitation锁定激励
lock in of vortex锁涡
locked in resonant oscillation锁定共振
locked in stall稳定失速
locked in vortex-induced response锁涡响应
losses in transit转运损耗
modulus in shear剪切模数
modulus in tension拉伸模数
modulus of elasticity in direct stress拉伸弹性模数
modulus of elasticity in shear剪切弹性模数
modulus of elasticity in tension抗拉弹性模数
modulus of rupture in bending弯曲断裂模数
moment of inertia in yaw偏航惯性矩
once in 50 year return wind50年一遇的风
operation in severe climates恶劣气候运行
overshoot in angle of attack迎角急增量
poured in place structural foam浇模发泡结构
precision in products产品精度
pull in torque牵入扭矩
rain in torrents暴雨
reactive in respect to相对呈感......性
reak in relay插入继电器
sinusoidal lock-in excitation正弦锁定激励
soft cut in软切入
switch in接通
tall tube-in-tube building高管套管式建筑
tall tube-in-tube building高层筒中筒建筑
tube in tube building套管式建筑
tube in tube building筒中筒建筑
uncertainty in measurement测量误差
uncertainty in measurements测量误差
variation in load负荷变化
volume in volume体积百分数
vortex lock-in锁涡