
Terms for subject Polygraphy containing In | all forms | exact matches only
amateur binding;; bind in board; bind in paper board半精装
baking; bum; buming-in; postbaking烤版
bind in paper cover; paper-back binding纸面装订
book in sheets未装订的散页书
bound in cloth布面装订的
boxed in加框线
bring in; closely set; keep in; kerning; tight; tight composition紧排[排版]
bring into register; in register; make register; register; register- ing; registration套准
casing-in; casing-in; casing上书壳
coupler-in-developer type color film外偶式彩色胶片
coupler-in-emulsion type color film内偶式彩色胶片
covers bound in原封面装订
covers bound in待装封面
cut in heading段首标题
cut-in letter大型章节首字母
cut-in marginal note; marginal head; marginal note栏外注释
cut-in note插注
cut-in side note侧注
cylinder throw-in; impression on滚筒合压
deep shade; rich in color浓色
down rule in heading栏线
edgefold; turned in折边
filling in; filling up堵版[故障]
filling in; greasing; mackle; scumming; scum; tinting起脏[故障]
filling in; greasing; mackle; scumming; scum; tinting糊版[故障]
get in缩小行间挤排多余的字
gilding in the press涂金印刷
gilt in the round前切口刷金
gilt in the square平切口刷金
graduated in English英制刻度
half measure; in two columns双栏排
high in line高于正常字行的文字[排版]
hook in转行接排[辞书排版]
in and in交叉折叠堆纸
in board与书芯切齐的封面
in hubs书脊的棱脊
in-line coating印刷上光
in-line finish联机装订
in-line pen press机组式卷筒纸胶印机
in type用活字排成的
italicize; set in italic type排斜体
kettle stitch; lacing-in穿线装订
low in line; low to line低于字行的文字[排版]
newsprint in reel; reeled news卷筒新闻纸
pasting in; tipping-in黏插页
sawing in锯钉缝[装订]
set in bold face排黑体
set in capital letter排大写体
set in light face type排白体
set in lower case排小写体
setting-up in type ; set-up type排字
stamp in relief; emboss轧出浮雕[装订]
tone in tone同色调配色
turned-in edge书封包边
water-in-ink emulsion水墨乳剂
water-in-oil type油中水型[油墨]