
Terms containing IP | all forms | exact matches only
oila ratio of total oil produced to 00IP采出程度
proj.manag.A standard or traditional IP PBX contains at least a single network interface that connects to a data network by using VoIP protocols标准或传统的 IP PBX 至少包含一个通过 VoIP 协议连接数据网络的单独网络接口
proj.manag.A subnet mask is used to divide an IP address into two parts子网掩码用于将 IP 地址分成两个部分
ITaggregate route-based IP switching基于聚集路由 IP 交换方式
el.aggregate route-based IP switching聚集路由式因特网协议交换
comp., net.aggregate route-based IP switching基于聚集路由 IP交换方式
ITall IP universal mobile telecommunication system全 IP 通用移动通信系统
ITall IP universal mobile telecommunication system全IP 通用移动通信系统 (IP-UMTS)
comp., net.all IP universal mobile telecommunication system全IP 通用移动通信系统
multimed.audio over IPIP 音频
ITautomatic private IP addressing专用 IP 自动寻址
ITautomatic private IP addressing专用IP自动寻址
comp., net.automatic private IP addressing专用 IP自动寻址
ITbroadband IP network宽带 IP 网
comp., net.broadband IP network宽带 IP网
comp., net.broadband wireless IP network宽带无线IP 网络
telecom.carrier class IP network电信运营级 IP 网提供传统电信服务的 IP 网
comp., net.cellular mobile IP network蜂窝移动 IP 网
ITclass A IP addressA 类 IP 地址
comp., net.class A IP addressA 类 IP地址
ITclass B IP addressB 类 IP 地址
comp., net.class B IP addressE 类 IP 地址
ITclass C IP addressC 类 IP 地址
comp., net.class C IP addressC 类 IP地址
ITclass E IP addressE 类 IP 地址
ITclassful IP address全类 IP 地址
comp., net.classical IP经典网际协议
gen.classical IP传统网际协议
comp., net.classical IP over ATM在 ATM 网络上运行传统 IP业务
telecom.classical IP over ATM在 ATM 上的传统 IP 规范
ITclassical IP over ATM在 ATM 网络上运行传统 IP 业务
comp., net.classical IP over ATM在 ATM网络上运行传统 IP 业务
gen.classical IP over ATM在异步传输模式网络上运行传统 IP业务
ITclassless IP address无类别 IP 地址
el.CMIP over TCP/IP传输控制协议/因特网协议承载的公共管理信息协议
el.common management information service over TCP/IP基于传送控制协议/因特网协议的公共管理信息服务
comp., net.common management information service protocol over TCP/IP在 TCP/IP 上的公共管理信息服务协议
ITcommon management information services and protocol over TCP/IP在 TCP/IP 上的公共管理信息服务协议
auto.current IP codes仪表板当前码
telecom.dialup IP拨号 IP
comp., net.Diameter mobile IPDiameter 移动 IP协议
oildown-the hole IP method下激发激化法
comp., net.dual IP layer双重 IP 层
comp., net.dual stack mobile IP双栈移动 IP
multimed.dynamic IP address动态 IP 地址
comp., net.Dynamic IP packet filtering动态 IP 包过滤
comp., net.dynamic IP routing lookup动态 IP 路由查找
comp., net.dynamic mobile IP key update动态移动IP 密钥更新
comp., net.fast mobile IP快速移动 IP
ITfiber channel over IP在 IP 上的光纤信道
textilefill-ip color on a sketch设色
oilfrequency-domain IP method频率域激发极化法
comp., net.full IP core network全 IP核心网
comp., net.full IP network全 IP网络
comp., net.full IP network architecture全 IP网络结构
comp., net.hierarchical mobile IP分层移动 IP
tech.hp and Ip mixed economizer高式省煤器
comp., MSinternal IP address內部 IP 位址 (An IP address that is assigned for the internal network of an organization)
oilintrinsic IP本征激发极化
chem.IP A异丙醇 (isopropyl alcohol)
comp., net.IP accessIP 接入
el.IP access node因特网协议接人节点
securit.IP account投资者个人账户 (Investor Participant account)
spaceIP address简称 IP 地址
spaceIP address因特网协议地址
telecom.IP addressIP 地址
comp., net.IP addressIP地址
telecom.IP address因特网地址
comp., net.IP address网际协议地址
comp., net.IP address maskIP 地址屏蔽
comp., net.IP address prefixIP 地址前缀
comp., net.IP address spoofingIP 地址欺骗
comp., net.IP address spoofing attackIP 地址欺骗攻击
comp., MSIP Allow listIP 允許清單 (" A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Allow list are considered "safe" and are exempted from processing by other anti-spam agents.")
multimed.IP audio codecIP 音频编解码器
ITIP authentication headerIP 验证报头
ITIP-based SAN基于 IP 存储区域网
comp., MSIP Block listIP 封鎖清單 (A filtering list that is used by the Connection Filter agent in Exchange Server 2007. IP addresses on the IP Block list are considered spam. Messages originating from an IP address that is on the IP Block list are stopped from entering the Exchange organization)
comp., net.IP broadcast addressIP 广播地址
comp., net.IP broadcast networkIP 广播网络
multimed.IP camera网络监控摄影机
telecom.IP card IPIP 电话卡
telecom.IP card IP
multimed.IP codecIP 视频编解码器
spaceIP compressor中压压缩机
ITIP connectivity access networkIP 连接访问网络
comp., net.IP core interface layerIP 核心接口层
comp., net.IP data packetIP 数据包
ITIP datagramIP 数据报
telecom.IP datagram因特网发送的数据报
comp., net.IP dialup accessIP拨号接入
ITIP encapsulating security payloadIP封装安全载荷
comp., net.IP encapsulating security payloadIP 封装安全载荷
comp., net.IP FaxIP 传真
telecom.IP filtering包过滤防火墙技术
comp., net.IP floating addressIP 地址漂移
comp., net.IP gatewayIP 网关
ITIP group multicastIP 组播
comp., net.IP layer multicastIP 层组播
comp., net.IP layer securityIP 层安全
exhib.IP masqueradeIP 伪装
telecom.IP message人际消息通信的报文
telecom.IP messageIP 报文
telecom.IP message个人间报文[电函]
telecom.IP message identification个人间报文[电函]标识
telecom.IP message identification人际电文标识
comp., net.IP mobile phoneIP 移动电话
comp., net.IP multicastIP 组播
comp., net.IP multicast member access controlIP 组播组成员访问控制
ITIP multicast serviceIP 组播业务
ITIP multicast technologyIP 多路广播技术
comp., net.IP multicast technologyIP 组播技术
proj.manag.IP multicastingIP 多点传送
proj.manag.IP multicastingIP 多址广播
comp., net.IP multimedia network subsystemIP 多媒体网络子系统
comp., net.IP multimedia public identityIP 多媒体公用识别码
comp., net.IP multimedia servicesIP 多媒体业务
comp., net.IP multimedia streaming servicesIP 多媒体流业务
ITIP multimedia subsystemIP 多媒体子系统
multimed.IP multimedia subsystem多媒体子系统
comp., net.IP networkIP 网
comp., net.IP network layer securityIP 网络层安全
comp., net.IP network management layerIP 网络管理层
comp., net.IP network phoneIP 网络电话
multimed.IP networksIP 网络
comp., net.IP numberIP地址
comp., net.IP number网际协议地址
comp., net.IP-only LAN-like service只支持IP 的局域网业务
ITIP over AIMATM 上的 IP 传输
ITIP over ATMATM 上的 IP 传输
telecom.IP over ATMATM 上的 IP 规范
spaceIP over satellite卫星 IP 技术 (用卫星信道传输因特网数据)
ITIP over SDHSDH 上的 IP 传输
gen.IP over SDH同步数字系列上的 IP 传输
ITIP over WDMWDM 上的 IP 传输
gen.IP over WDM波分复用上的 IP 传输
comp., net.IP packet buffer memoryIP 包缓存
comp., net.IP packet delay variationIP 包时延变化
comp., net.IP packet filter firewallIP 包过滤防火墙
comp., net.IP packet loss ratioIP 包丢失率
comp., net.IP packet multicastIP 包组播
comp., net.IP packet over SDH基于 SDH 的 IP 分组
commun., railw.IP Packet over SDH基于 SDH 的 IP 包传送
gen.IP packet over SDH基于同步数字系列上的 IP 分组
oilIP percent激发极化百分比
telecom.IP phone因特网电话
telecom.IP phone网络电话在Internet, intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 协议通话
ITIP phoneIP 电话
telecom.IP phone网际协议电话
ITIP private branch exchangeIP 专用交换分机
comp., net.IP public networkIP 公用网
comp., net.IP registered addressIP 注册地址
securit.IP securitization知识产权证券化
cryptogr.IP security互联网协议安全性
spaceIP security protocolIP 安全协议
el.IP service operating system因特网协议业务操作系统
avia.IP specification installation plans规范设施计划
exhib.IP spoofingIP 欺骗
spaceIP spoofingIP 欺骗技术
proj.manag.IP spoofingIP 伪址操作
comp., net.IP storage networkIP 存储网络
oilIP susceptibility激发极化磁化率
spaceIP switchIP 交换
telecom.IP switchIP 交换技术
telecom.IP switchingIP 交换方案
spaceIP telephonyIP 电话技术
spaceIP telephony网络电话技术
dat.proc.IP telephony语音互联网协议
dat.proc.IP telephonyIP电话
telecom.IP telephony网络电话技术利用 IP 协议的 Internet, intranet, LAN 等网络电话技术
comp., net.IP telephony networkIP 电话网
pharm.ip tropium bromide and salbutamol sulfate异丙托溴铵-硫酸沙丁胺醇
telecom.IP tunnelIP 通道两防火墙之间的安全通道
comp., net.IP unnumbered addressIP 无编号地址
comp., net.IP video phoneIP 可视电话
comp., MSIP/VoIP gatewayIP/VoIP 閘道 (A third-party hardware device or product that connects a legacy PBX to a LAN. An IP/VoIP gateway translates or converts TDM or telephony circuit-switched protocols to packet switched protocols that can be used on a VoIP-based network)
proj.manag.IPv6 IP协议版本6
proj.manag.It may be either difficult or easy for a motivated individual to connect your network IP address with your real-life identity怀有某种动机的个人也许会或难或易地把您的网络 IP 地址和您的真实身份联系到一起
el.logical IP subnetwork逻辑 IP 子网
el.logical IP subnetwork逻辑因特网协议子网
el.logically-independent IP subnet逻辑上独立的因特网协议子网
avia.logically-independent IP subnet逻辑上独立的 IP 子网
telecom.mobile IP移动网际协议
comp., net.mobile IP authentication移动 IP 认证
comp., net.mobile IP registration request移动 IP 注册申请
comp., net.NetBIOS over TCP/IP在 TCP/IP 上的网络基本输入/输出系统
comp., net.network convergence based on IP基于 IP 的网络融合
comp., net.network layer IP protocol网络层 IP 协议
tech.phase instrument for IP相位激电仪
met.preferential str ip优先洗提 (ping)
comp., MSprivate IP address私人 IP 位址 (An IP address that is assigned for the internal network of an organization)
tech.quadrature instrument for IP积分式激发电位仪
comp., net.Reseaux IP Europeens欧洲 IP地址注册中心
comp., net.Reseaux IP Europeens欧洲 IP 地址注册中心
spacesatellite IP卫星 IP
comp., net.satellite IP broadcast network卫星 IP 广播网络
telecom.serial line IP串行线 IP (通过串行通信媒介使用 TCP/IP 协议,例如 PC 通过电话线与因特网相连)
telecom.serial line IP串行线 IP (通过串行通信媒介使用 TCP/IP 协议,例如 PC 通过电话线与因特网连接)
ITstateless IP/ ICMP translation无状态 IP/ICMP 翻译协议
comp., net.stateless IP/ICMP translation无状态 IP/ICMP 翻译协议
telecom.static IP address静态 IP 地址每次上网都使用相同的 IP 地址
multimed.static IP address静态 IP 地址
spacetactical IP connectivity战术 IP 连接
el.TCP/IP access procedure传输控制协议/因特协议接人规程
telecom.TCP/IP stack Tcp/ip协议簇
telecom.TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol传输控制协议/网际协议
comp., net.telecom carrier class IP network电信级 IP 网
proj.manag.This topic discusses the steps to design and implement a scalable IP-address plan本节讨论设计和执行可升级 IP 地址规划的步骤
ITthree primary classes of IP addresses三类主要IP地址
comp., net.three primary classes of IP addresses三类主要 IP 地址
proj.manag.To enable communication between two nodes in an IP network, those IP addresses have to be unique among the whole network要使-个 IP 网络中的两个节点能够通信、那些 IP 地址必须在整个网络中是唯一的
comp., net.transparent mobile IP technology透明移动 IP 技术
ITtwo important boundaries in TCP/IP modelTCP/IP 模型两个重要边界
comp., net.two important boundaries in TCP/IP modelTCP /IP模型两个重要边界
comp., net.unique IP独立 IP
telecom.voice over IP网络电话在Internet, Intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 技术通话
telecom.voice over IP因特网电话
telecom.voice over IPIP 电话
mil., air.def.voice over IP基于 IP 的语音传输
telecom.voice over IPIP 电话 (VoIP)
dat.proc.voice over IP语音互联网协议
dat.proc.voice over IPIP电话
telecom.voice over IP VoIP网络电话在Internet, Intranet, LAN 等网络上利用 IP 技术通话
telecom.voice over IP因特网电话 (VoIP)
multimed.voice over IPIP 语音
commun., railw.Voice over IP/ATM基于 IP/ATM 的语音传输
multimed.voice over wireless IP无线 IP 电话
comp., net.wireless IP sub layer无线 IP 子层
el.worldwide IP network全球知识产权网络