
Terms containing IN steel | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things钢条和橡胶的名次居前
gen.a bar of steel and a block of rubber come high in the list of elastic things在各种弹性物体当中
met.acid-soluble aluminium in steel钢中酸溶铝 (量)
met.aluminium loss method in liquid steel钢水铝损失法 (【技】用于评价钢水二次氧化程度的方法之一。分别从钢包、中间包、结晶器和连铸坯中取样,通过分析钢中的酸溶铝量,按铝的损失量来评价钢水二次氧化程度。铝损失量越大,钢水的二次氧化程度就越严重。)
met.annealing stainless steel in hydrogen atmosphere不锈钢氢气氛退火
met.apparent steel consumption in Europe欧洲钢表观消费量
met.asymmetric steel flow in mold结晶器内非对称钢流
shipb.At present, the supply of steel plate exceeds demand in the market.现在市场钢板供大于求
met.average residence time of steel in tundish中间包钢水平均停留时间
met.average steel residence time in tundish中间包钢水平均停留时间
met."Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble.罗布尔说:"1982年在我们生产钢梁之前,进口量约占市场的41%"
tech.calorific value determination in a steel bomb铁弹发热量
met.carbon content in liquid steel钢水含碳量
met.carbon content in steel bath in vessel转炉钢水熔池含碳量 (The light meter system can correlate the characteristics of the light intensity curve with the carbon content in the steel bath in the vessel. 该光学仪表系统能建立起发光强度曲线特点与转炉钢水熔池含碳量之间的对应关系。)
met.carbon monoxide in liquid steel钢水中的一氧化碳
tech.cast-in steel bush铸入钢套
tech.cast-in steel pipe铸入钢管
met.chromium function in steel铬在钢中的作用 (【技】铬和铁形成连续固溶体,与碳形成多种碳化物。铬能显著增加钢的淬透性、抗氧化性、耐蚀性、耐锈蚀性、耐磨性等。)
met.cobalt function in steel钻在钢中的作用 (【技】钻不能形成碳化物,有促进石墨化、降低淬透性作用;在高合金钢中如已有碳化物形成元素存在,钻能增加钢淬火后残余奥氏体的含量和稳定性。)
tech.composite construction in steel and concrete型钢混凝土混合结构
met.contamination of molten steel in tundish中间包钢水污染
met.content of alumina in steel钢中 Al₂O₃ 含量
met.continuously cast steel production in Europe欧洲连铸钢产量
met.control of liquid steel flow in mold结晶器钢水流动控制
met.control of molten steel level in mold结晶器钢水面控制
met.control of phosphorus in liquid steel钢水含磷量控制
met.control steel level in mold控制结晶器内钢水面
met.control steel level in tundish控制中间包内钢水面
met.controller for molten steel level in mold结晶器钢水面控制器
tech.cope in steel beam削梁
tech.cope in steel beam钢梁的顶层
met.copper function in steel铜在钢中的作用 (【技】总体上说,铜是钢中的有益元素。铜含量约在 0.35% 以内时,随着铜含量的增加,对改善碳素钢的耐锈蚀能力效果显著。但含量在 0. 35% - 1. 00% 之间时,虽然耐锈蚀能力仍有所增加,但增加缓慢。铜能提高钢材的强度,还能提高钢材的淬硬性。当钢中铜含量大于0.40%时,易产生热脆现象,焊接性也逐渐变差。)
met.critical high liquid steel level in tundish中间包临界钢水高液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中的液面高度如果高于某一高度,就有可能导致流人结晶器的钢水过多,从而酿成钢水从结晶器上口溢出,造成生产事故。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界高液位。)
met.critical level of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水临界液面高度
met.critical low liquid steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界低液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
met.critical steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界液面高度
met.crude steel production in China中国粗钢产量
met.crude steel production in Europe欧洲粗钢产量
met.depth of molten steel in tundish中间包钢水深度
met.determination of gas in steel钢中气体测定
met.determination of inclusions in steel钢中夹杂物测定
met.determination of nitrogen in steel钢中氮气测定
met.diffusion of hydrogen in steel钢中氢气扩散
met.direct oxidation of chemical elements in liquid steel钢液中元素的直接氧化 (【技】钢液中的元素被气相中的氧气氧化称为元素的直接氧化。)
met.discharge device for residual steel in tundish中间包残钢排放装置
met.discharge position of residual steel in tundish中间包残钢排放位置
met.dissolved aluminium in steel钢中溶解铝
met.dissolved oxygen in steel钢中溶解氧
met.distance below steel level in tundish距中间包钢水面以下的距离
met.distribution of flow velocity in steel bath钢水熔池流速分布
met.distribution of gas in steel钢中气体分布
met.distribution of steel flow velocity in mold结晶器内钢水流速分布
tech.drawn profile in stainless steel冷拉的不锈钢型材
tech.drawn section in stainless steel冷拉的不锈钢型材
tech.drawn shape in stainless steel冷拉的不锈钢型材
tech.drawn trim in stainless steel冷拉的不锈钢镶边
tech.drawn unit in stainless steel冷拔的不锈钢构件
met.dynamic control of steel level in tundish中间包钢水面动态控制
tech.economics in steel sheet pile钢板桩的经济性
met.effect of stress in steel钢内应力效应
bridg.constr.effective area of steel angle in tension受拉角钢的有效面积
met.elimination of impurities in liquid steel脱除钢水中杂质
met.elimination of inclusions in steel清除钢中夹杂物
met.elimination of zinc in scrap steel废钢脱锌
met.elimination of zinc in scrap steel脱除废钢中的锌
tech.flexible steel in flat section挠性扁钢钎
met.flow field of liquid steel in mold结晶器内钢水流场
met.fluctuation in liquid steel level钢液面波动
met.fluctuation in steel plate quality厚钢板质量波动
met.fuzzy control logic for steel level in tundish中间包钢水面模糊控制逻辑
met.gas in steel钢中气体
met.gas solubility in liquid steel气体在钢水中的溶解度 (【技】气体在钢水中的溶解度受多种因素的影响,主要有:温度升高,溶解度增加;气体分压降低,溶解度降低。同时,气体在钢液中的溶解度还受钢水中不同化学元素的影响:与气体能形成化合物的元素,能提高气体在钢水中的溶解度;比铁对气体有更大亲和力的元素,能提高气体在钢水的溶解度;但一些非金属或准金属元素,如 C、 P、 S、 O、 Si 等会降低气体在钢水中的溶解度。)
met.gas source in steel钢中气体来源 (【技】钢中氢的来源主要有:炉气中的水蒸气、废钢铁表面的铁锈、原材料中的水分、萤石中的化合水和吸附水、炉衬和浇注系统中耐火材料中的水分等。钢中氮的来源主要有:钢液在冶炼和浇注过程中直接从炉气和大气中吸收大量的氮,金属料中带人到钢水中的氮。)
watchm.He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless steel and silver他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿
met.high steel level in tundish中间包内钢水高液位
meas.inst.I bought a steel band tape in the hardware store我在五金店买了个钢卷尺
nautic., tech.imperfections in welded joints in steel钢焊接接头的缺陷
met.IN steelIN 氮化铝弥散强化 (0.77Mn, 0.35Si, 0.11C, 0.069Al, 0.022N)
met.inclusion in steel钢中夹杂物
tech.inclusion in steel钢内夹杂
met.inclusions in steel钢中夹杂物
met.indirect oxidation of chemical elements in liquid steel钢液中化学元素的间接氧化 (【技】钢液中的元素被溶解于钢液中的氧气或溶解于熔渣中的 FeO 氧化称为元素的间接氧化。)
met.infrared camera for detecting slag in steel stream钢流测渣红外摄像机
met.in-mold liquid steel flow control结晶器钢水流动控制
met.in-plant scrap steel厂内废钢铁
tech.instrument for measuring oxygen in molten steel钢液定氧仪
met.internal stress in steel ball钢球内应力
met.iron and steel industry in China中国钢铁工业
met.iron and steel industry in Europe欧洲钢铁工业
hydroel.st.laid in steel conduit穿钢管敷设
met.level of molten steel in mold结晶器内的钢水面
met.level of steel in mould结晶器内的钢水面
met.liquid steel depth in tundish中间包钢水深度
met.liquid steel level in mold结晶器内的钢水面
met.liquid steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
met.liquid steel pollution in tundish中间包钢水污染
met.liquid steel temperature in ladle at turret回转台钢包钢水温度
met.liquid steel temperature in tundish中间包钢水温度
met.local iron and steel industry in China中国地方钢铁工业
met.low steel level in tundish中间包内低钢水位
met.major integrated iron and steel works in China中国主要钢铁联合企业
agric.mercury-in-steel thermograph钢管水银温度记录器
food.ind.mercury-in-steel thermometer水银不锈钢温度计
met.mercury-in-steel thermometer钢管水银温度计
tech.mercury-in-steel thermometer钢壳水银温度计
met.mixing of steel in tundish中间包内钢水混合 (异钢种连浇的)
met.molten steel depth in tundish中间包钢水深度
met.molten steel level in long mold长结晶器钢水面
met.molten steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
met.new era in the steel industry钢铁工业新纪元 (The use of a lubricant and the introduction of a reciprocating movement of the mould were two of the many developments which helped to overcome the sticking problems and enabled continuous casting to begin a major 'new era' in the steel industry. 结晶器使用润滑剂和采用往复运动是克服粘结难题取得的两大进展,它使连铸由此开启了钢铁工业的一个重要新纪元。)
met.nitrogen function in steel氮在钢中的作用 (【技】①固溶强化和时效沉淀强化;②形成和稳定奥氏体组织;③使高铬和高铬镍钢组织致密、强度提高;④渗人含铬、铝或铬钼铝钢的表面,提高其耐磨性和耐蚀性;⑤提高不锈钢的耐蚀性和强度。)
met.nonmetallic inclusions in steel钢中非金属夹杂物 (【技】钢水中含有的非金属元素,如氧、氮、硫等,在冷却和凝固的过程中析出并同铁和其他元素结合成各种化合物,即非金属夹杂物。钢中的非金属夹杂物会破坏钢的连续性和致密性,对钢的质量和使用性能具有很大的危害性。)
met.phosphorus level in molten steel at turn down停吹时钢水含磷量
met.production of crude steel in Western Europe西欧粗钢产量
met.real steel production in Europe欧洲实际钢产量
met.residence time distribution of steel in tundish中间包钢水停留时间分布
met.residence time of steel in tundish钢水在中间包内停留时间
met.residual steel depth in tundish中间包余钢深度 (【技】在异钢种连铸作业中,将中间包内前一炉钢水排出后的剩余钢水深度。此值通常用百分比表示,即剩余钢水与中间包正常操作时的钢水量之比。)
tech.savings in steel节约钢材
met.scavenger for oxides in steel钢中氧化物脱除剂
steel.seamless steel pipe for geological drill in地质钻探用管
met.sensible heat in steel钢中显热
met.Si content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
met.silicon content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
met.silicon function in steel硅在钢中的作用 (【技】硅在炼钢过程中用做脱氧剂和还原剂;能提高钢中固溶体强度和冷加工变形硬化率,还能提高钢的回火稳定性和抗氧化性。)
met.slag detection in steel stream钢流熔渣检测 (【技】检测钢流中夹带渣子的情况,防止钢包熔渣进人中间包,提高钢水纯净度。)
met.slag entrapment in steel stream钢流夹渣
met.slag in steel stream钢水注流夹带渣 (With the infra-red camera, melters are able to detect slag in steel stream and minimize the amount of slag carry-over into the ladle. 炼钢工使用红外摄像机能够检测出钢流夹带渣,并将下到钢包中的渣量减少到最低。)
met.slag in steel stream钢流夹带渣
met.small-scale steel plant in China中国小钢厂
met.special steel industry in China中国特钢工业
met.steel bar in coil成盘棒钢
el.steel beam encased in concrete混凝土中的梁架
tech.steel beam enclosed in concrete外包混凝土钢梁
tech.steel beam enclosed in concrete混凝土包钢梁
tech.steel column cased in concrete包混凝土钢柱
met.steel corner infiltration in mold结晶器角部渗钢
met.steel depth in mold结晶器内钢水的深度
met.steel flow field in mold结晶器内钢水流场
met.steel flow in tundish中间包内钢水流动
gen.steel foundries take in power at 11 kV铸钢厂引人的是电压为11千伏的电力
met.steel intermix in tundish中间包混钢
met.steel intermixing in mold结晶器内钢水混合
met.steel intermixing in tundish中间包混钢 (【技】异钢种连浇时,前一钢包钢种的钢水与新浇人的不同钢种的钢水在中间包内的混和。)
econ.Steel is in plentiful supply, timber, on the contrary, is getting low钢材供应充足,而在另一方面,木材却越来越少
met.steel level detection in mold结晶器钢水面检测
met.steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
met.steel level in mold结晶器内钢水面
met.steel level in stationary mold固定式结晶器钢水面
met.steel level in tundish中间包内钢水位
met.steel meniscus in mold结晶器钢水面
met.steel mixing in strand铸坯内钢水混合 (【技】异钢种连浇时,铸坯内尚未凝固的上一炉钢水与下一炉不同钢种钢水的混合。)
met.steel output in Europe欧洲钢产量
met.steel oxidation in tundish钢水在中间包内氧化
el.steel plate membrane embedded in the foundation基础中的衬
el.steel plate membrane encased in concrete混凝土中的底部衬
met.steel pool in mold结晶器内钢水池
met.steel production in Europe欧洲钢产量
steel.steel strip in coil带钢
met.steel strip in coils成卷带钢
met.sulphur content in liquid steel at turndown停吹时钢水的含硫量
met.superheat of molten steel in tundish中间包钢水过热度
met.surfacewave of steel in tundish中间包内钢水表面波
met.target superheat of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水目标过热度
met.target superheat of steel in tundish中间包钢水目标过热度
bridg.constr.technical conditions of hot rolling round steel used in common carbon steel rivet and bolt普通碳素钢钏螺用热轧圆钢技术条件
met.temperature drop of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度降低
met.temperature of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度
econ.The company specializes in the exportation of steel sheets该公司专门出口钢板
econ.The output of steel is a decisive factor in determining the production level for a given year钢产量是测定某一年生产水平的一个决定性因素
econ.The purchaser failed to inspect the rolled sheet steel in stock, which can not be the reason for any claim for rescission买主未能检査库存轧钢板,这不能成为提出废约要求的理由
met.the steel industry in China中国钢铁工业 (The steel industry in China has witnessed a remarkable growth in the last 25 years. 在过去 25 年中,中国钢铁工业展示出令人瞩目的发展。)
O&G. tech., tech.These crystallizers are manufactured from 300-grade stainless steel and can be availed by our clients in different specifications Our clients can avail chemical plant crystallizers at competitive prices这些结晶器由300系列不锈钢制成,有不同的规格可供客户选择。我们的客户能以极具竞争力的价格购买到化工结晶器
gen.They're mainly used in mining, steel production and oil refining它们产品主要用于采矿、炼钢和石油炼制工业
met.total aluminium content in steel钢中总铝量
met.total oxygen content in steel钢中总氧含量 (High levels of FeO and MnO in the ladle slag will result in high total oxygen contents in steel as shown in Figure 1. 如图 1 所示,钢包渣中 FeO 和 MnO 含量高会导致钢中全氧量提高。)
met.total oxygen content in steel钢中全氧量
met.trace element in steel钢中微量元素
tech.tribology in iron and steel works钢铁加工摩擦学
met.vanadium function in steel钒在钢中的作用 (【技】钒是强化铁素体和 γ 相形成元素之一,它和 C、 N、0 都有极强的亲和力,在钢中的主要作用有:①细化组织和晶粒,提高晶粒粗化温度,降低钢的过热敏感性,提高钢的强度和韧性;②在高温溶人奥氏体时,增加钢的淬透性,以碳化物形态存在降低淬透性;③增加淬火钢的耐回火性并产生二次硬化效应。)
met.vortex formation in steel钢水旋涡的形成 (Vortex formation in steel can be reduced by maintaining the highest possible metal bath level over the tap hole. 保持出钢口上方尽可能深的钢水熔池可以减少钢水中旋涡的形成。)
met.way of detecting slag in steel stream钢流测渣途径 【方法】
met.wire-feeding into steel in tundish中间包钢水喂线 (【技】向中间包钢水内喂人 CaSi、 CaSiBa 等包芯线,可把高熔点的簇状 Al₂O₃ 转变为低熔点的铝酸钙,防止中间包水口堵塞。目前已在连铸生产中获得运用。)
met.yield from liquid steel in ladle to bloom从钢包钢水到大方坯的金属收得率
met.zirconium function in steel锆在钢中的作用 (【技】锆是碳化物形成元素,也是强有力的脱氧、脱氮元素,能细化钢的奥氏体晶粒,防止钢的热脆性,提高钢的低温韧性。)