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Advance Reservations. Can I help you?这里是预订处。要我为您效劳吗?
Advance Reservations, may I help you?这里是预订部,您有什么事情吗?
All pizzas come with cheese and tomato sauce. I love cheese所有的比萨都有奶酪和番茄酱,我喜欢吃奶酪
Although I've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards虽然我没有在精细化工公司的工作经历,但在制药公司的两年使我成长为优秀的客户服务代表
Although some of my suits are custom-made, I prefer to buy clothes off the racks虽然我的一些衣服是定制的,但我更愿意买现成的
At a busy bar, I was standing there waiting for service, and got none在一个繁忙的酒吧,我站在那等着侍者来招待我,结果没人来
At a corner of the room stood a corner cabinet in which I could always find some food屋子的一角立着一个角柜,在那里我总能找到一些吃的东西
By the way, I'd like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间
Cindy, help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking辛迪,帮我点菜,因为我对美式料理还不太熟悉
Could I add flavors to it?能加些其他味道到里面去吗?
Could I borrow a hair dryer?我可以借用一下吹风机吗?
Could I change my reservation from the 11 th to the 13 th?能不能把11号的预订改为13号?
Could I have a route map and a timetable?我可以拿一份路线图和时刻表吗?
Could I have some extra napkins?我可以另外要一些餐巾吗?
Could I have your keys, please?请把您的房门钥匙交给我好吗?
Could I have your order number?能告诉我你的订单号吗?
Could I know who has found my bag and brought it here? I want to give my personal appreciation to him or her我能知道是谁发现并把它送来的吗?我想向他当面致谢
Could I see your baggage claim tag, please? Thank you. You were on Flight 304 from San Francisco, right?请让我看看您的行李标签。谢谢。您是从旧金山搭的304航班,对吗?
Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please?可以和布什先生说话吗?
Could you help me with the bathwater, please? I'm a little tired请您帮我放一下洗澡水好吗?我有点累
Could you please be a little bit quicker? I'm in a hurry你能快一点吗?我赶时间
Could you please tell me which bus I should take to go downtown?请问我到市商业区应该乘哪路车?
Could you tidy up the bathroom first? I have just taken a bath, and it's in a mess可以先整理一下浴室吗?我刚刚洗浴过,里面一团糟
Could you use plastic boxes instead? I'm afraid paper boxes are not strong enough, as the injections are fragile goods你们是否可以改用塑料盒装?纸盒恐怕不够结实。针剂属于易脆物品
Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane糟透了,在机场待的时间都跟在飞机上待的差不多了
Do I have to go to the embassy in person?我需要亲自去大使馆吗?
Do I have to make a reconfirmation?我需要再次确认机票吗?
Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?换乘地铁还要付费吗?
Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我得付烟酒税吗?
Do I have to pay extra for drinks?饮料要另外付费么?
Do I have to reserve a seat?我一定要预订座位吗?
Do I have to show my ticket to get my bags?领取行李要出示机票吗?
Do I need to get through complex procedures before obtaining my visa?在拿到签证前,需要经过复杂的手续吗?
Do I need to print all the pages of the DS-160?我需要将DS-160表格的所有内容都打印出来吗?
Do I need to provide any kind of document before applying for a visa?申请护照前需要提供材料吗?
Do you have a vegetarian meal? I'm glad to have one你们有素食餐吗?我想要一份
Do you think I need to buy a digital SLR?你认为我有买数码单反的必要吗?
Excuse me, I thought it was a unon-stop flight".Why did the plane stop here?打扰一下,我原以为这是“直飞航班”。飞机为什么停在这儿了?
Excuse me. I want to convert 200 U. S. dollars into euros打扰一下,我有200美元需要换成欧元
Excuse me, sir , but I don't think that will be enough先生,对不起,我认为钱数不够
Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意
Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the astray on the table was broken. Do you know how it happened?打扰一下,先生。我发现桌上的烟灰缸摔碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
for all I know说不定
for all I know就我所知,也
for all I know也未可知
for all I know据我所知
for anything I know据我所知
for aught I care我才不管〔不在乎〕呢
for aught I know也许
for aught I know据我所知
for aught I know亦未可知
Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you对不起。我不是有意要冒犯你的
Front Desk. Can I help you?前台,需要我为您服务吗?
Front Desk. May I help you?前台。需要我为您服务吗?
Great, I like authentic British food太好了,我喜欢地道的英国菜
Great! I will follow太好了,就照你说的办
Great idea! I like authentic Chinese food太好了。我喜欢地道的中国菜
he gave me what I wanted他把我所需要的给了我
he has ten books, I have as many他有十本书,我也有同样多
He is not available right now. But I can leave him a message他现在没有时间。我可以给他留话
he lives ten miles from where I am living他住在离我住处十英里的地方
Hello, Bobby. It seems that I cany t arrive at your home by 12 o'clock. I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you. It was me to blame嗨,芭比,12 点我似乎无法到达你家。给你带来不便我感到很抱歉,这是我的错
Hello. Can I talk to Miss Li, please?你好,我想找一下李小姐
Hello, I'd like to check in, please您好!我想入住贵酒店
Hello. I' d like to reserve a standard triple room你好,我想订个标准三人间
Hello. I' d like to speak to Mr. Smith, please你好,我想找史密斯先生
Hello, I have made a reservation for the 1st of June, and now I'm afraid I have to cancel it您好,我预订了6月1日的房间,恐怕现在不得不取消了
Hello , may I please speak to Marry?你好,我可以和玛丽通话吗?
Hello, sir. I booked my flight on the Internet. How can I confirm the information?先生,您好!我在网上订了机票,要怎么确认信息呢?
Hello, Sir, my grandpa wants to visit Australia, but he doesn't speak English. May I assist him with his visa application?先生,你好! 我的外公想要去澳大利亚玩,但是他不会说英语。我能帮他填写这张申请表吗?
Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. I' d like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?你好,我是查尔斯夫人。我想买辆新车,你能给我介绍一款新车吗?
Hello, we are to transfer to flight CA377 to Manila. What procedure do I need?你好,我们要转乘到马尼拉的CA377航班。需要办什么手续吗?
Hello, which way should I go?您好,请问我该怎么走?
He's not available right now. Can I take a message?他不在,我可以帮你传话吗?
Hi. I'm here for flight 514 returning to Beijing, but the board shows there is a delay. How long of a delay is expected?你好。我要乘坐去北京的514号航班。信息牌显示航班延误。不知道要延误多长时间?
Hi, Lily! I will go to the U. S. this summer. What should I do to complete my DS-160 application online?莉莉,我这个暑假准备去美国玩儿,我应该怎样完成网上的 DS-160申请表?
Hi, Max, I'm Molly, and in charge with picking you up你好,麦克斯,我是茉莉,负责来机场接你
Hi, nice to meet you. How shall I pronounce your name, please?你好,见到你很高兴。请问你的名字怎么读?
Hi, Sir! I have applied for a U. K. visa. How can I know if I am refused?先生,你好!我申请了英国签证,怎样才能知道自己是否被拒签?
Hi, Vicky! I have good news! I got my visa. I cannot believe the visa interview was so short!维姬,你好!我有好消息。我拿到签证了。真不敢相信,面签时间那么短!
Hold on for just a second, so I can grab a pen and paper稍等一下,让我拿下纸笔
Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士
Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
Hold on, sir. I'm connecting you with 911请稍等,我帮您打911
How can I extend my visa?怎样申请签证延期?
How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?
How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?最近的纪念品店怎么走?
How can I make an international call?请问国际电话怎么打呢?
How can I make it up to you?我要怎样才能补偿你?
How can it be so spicy? I am tearing up!怎么这么辣?都呛得我流眼泪了
How do I draw money for my own use then?那么我如何提钱给自己用呢?
How do I fill out this form?我要怎么填这张表呢?
How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?我如何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?
How exactly should I go through the entry formality?究竟该如何办理入境手续呢?
How many pieces of luggage should I transport?我需要搬运几件行李?
How many ports do I call at on our passage to New York?去纽约一路上要停靠几个港口?
How many tables shall I arrange?请问我们应该安排多少张桌子呢?
How much do I need to pay to you?我需要赔偿多少钱呢?
How much do I owe you?多少钱?
How much should I offer as the tip?我应该给多少小费?
How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?我应该给装卸工人多少小费?
How much will these jewels be altogether? Please send it to my address, I'll pay the messenger on delivery这些珠宝总共多少钱?请送到我的住处来,我把钱给送货员
how should I know我怎么会知道呢
How will I know where to get my luggage?我怎么知道到哪里取行李?
I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them我向您保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行
I assure you that s not a problem. What is your full name, please?当然了,没问题。请问您全名是什么?
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter来函已收到
I beg to inform you that...谨通知…
I beg you pardon?能请你再说一遍吗?
I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?我在泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?
I bought this belt here yesterday. Can you punch a new hole in the belt for me?我昨天在贵店买了这条皮带,你能帮我在皮带上打个新孔吗?
I broke my arm我手臂骨折
I broke my denture我弄坏了假牙
I certify兹证明… (that)
I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了
I couldn't see the side mirror我不能看到侧后视镜
I cut my finger. It's bleeding我切伤手指,流血了
I'd like this eau de cologne, but I can't find my wallet. I had my American Express Card and passport in it我想买这瓶科隆香水,但是找不到我的皮夹了,里面有美国运通卡和护照
I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise我想这件毛衣应放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的
I'd like to get some travel brochures. Please send them to my room shortly我想要些旅行手册,尽快送到我房间吧
I dare say可能
I dare say恐怕
I dare say大概
I dare say我想
I dare swear我确信
I didn? t expect it to taste so good没想到居然这么好吃
I didn't eat anything我根本就没吃
I didn't get you. Will you draw me a map?我不太理解你说的,请画张地图给我好吗?
I didn't have my checkbook with me, so I paid in cash我没带支票簿,就用现金结账了
I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made请您一定原谅我所犯的错误
I do not doubt but what the data is reliable我不怀疑这数据是可靠的
I do not follow you我不明白你的意思
I do not know but what I shall go不妨
I do not know but what I shall go说不定我还会去呢 c 没到不…的程度
I do not know how matters stand我不知道情况怎样
I dont like to have to bring this up, but we found that this is necessary我也不想给你说这些,但我们认为有必要告诉你
I enjoy the mild soothing aroma rising from the tea cup to my nostrils我喜欢闻清茶淡淡的、沁人心脾的清香
I enjoyed the row on the lake very much我很喜欢乘船游览这个湖
I fell in upon her yesterday我昨天意外地遇到了她
I fell nauseous. I've been vomiting我恶心,还不停地吐
I fell sick I've been vomiting我恶心,还不停地吐
I felt like Cinderella being told I would not go to the ball我觉得自己就像被禁止参加舞会的灰姑娘
I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really sharp pain我起床时还好好的,然后突然间就感到一阵剧痛
I felt so silly of myself to giggle in front of my British friends我觉得我真是太傻了,竟然在英国朋友面前傻笑
I forgot the license plate车牌号我记不清了
I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies我被鬼故事和恐怖电影吓着了
I got a nasty cut on my foot while playing on the beach我在海滩上嬉耍时脚上割了个很大的口子
I got stuck in traffic again我又遭遇堵车了
I got stuck in traffic again. There was a terrible traffic jam near the Wal-Mart intersection堵车了。 沃尔玛那个路口堵得厉害
I got these mugs as freebies at the supermarket我这些马克杯是超市给的赠品
I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca我猜想这卡萨布兰卡有很多破碎的心
I guess you will have to go to the embassy in person and talk to the officers there我认为你需要亲自去向使馆官员咨询
I had a stomach problem one time after I ate some snacks一次吃完小吃以后,胃就有问题
I had braised oyster with spinach and cheese for lunch, washed down with white wine我中午吃了菠菜乳酪焗生蚝,配的是白葡萄酒
I had to pay customs duty on my new camera我必须给新照相机交关税
I hear that you have an Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening听说15号晚上意大利交响乐团要在贵院演奏
I hope everything turns out well希望一切安好
I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time抱歉这种时候找你
I hope so, but I still feel a bit nervous希望如此吧,但是我仍然感到紧张啊
I hope you haven t invited any vegetarians但愿你没请素食的人
I hope you will get well as soon as possible and back to work我希望您早日康复,重返工作岗位
I hope you'll give me ten traveler's cheques of 100 dollars each我希望给我10张面额为100美元的旅行支票
I insist that we pay this meal respectively我坚持这顿饭AA制
I it depends upon whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
I it is doubtful whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
I know a place called Price Club. They have great deals occasionally我知道个叫“优特价俱乐部”的购物中心,有时他们会有大促销
I know it for a fact我知道这是真的
I know what this is worth我知道这东西值多少钱
I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to going abroad. What should I do?说到出国,你应该有很多经验,我应该做些什么?
I know your products have a good reputation. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification?我知道你方产品信誉很好,但是万一发生重量不足或质量不合格怎么办呢?
I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来
I left my bag here, but it was gone when I came back我把包放在这,但是回来就不见了
I'll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please?我要看一看他是否在。请问我该告诉他谁打来的?
I'll see if he's in我看看他在不在
I loved this tapestry because it had perfect symmetry of art我喜欢这条挂毯,因为它非常艺术性的对称
I'm addicted to coffee and cheese pudding我对咖啡奶酪布丁上瘾了
I'm afraid恐怕
I'm afraid对不起
I'm afraid担心
I'm afraid大概
I'm afraid I can't meet you on the day we'd planned to get together很抱歉我无法在预订会面日期与你见面
I'm afraid I must cancel for today, so I'll stay with you for only two nights starting tomorrow我恐怕得取消今天的订房了,所以我从明天起在贵酒店住两个晚上
I'm afraid that I do not like pineapple and lettuce我不太喜欢菠萝萬苣
I'm afraid that we don't have any tables open at that time很抱歉,那个时段人已经满了
I'm afraid that you have to make restitution for all damage you have caused恐怕您得对一切损失进行赔偿
I'm afraid the cash is not enough to cover the amount. I' d use the credit card我怕现金不够付这些费用了,我用信用卡吧
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel我们恐怕不能接受这类货币
I'm afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel恐怕我们酒店不能接受这种货币
I'm afraid we cannot be responsible for any damage任何损坏破损、渗漏、腐烂我们都不负责 (breakage, spillage, spoilage)
I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,您介意改订双床间吗?
I'm afraid we're fully booked for that time恐怕那个时间的餐位已经订满了
I'm afraid you misunderstood us恐怕你误会我们了
I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the damage恐怕您得赔偿损失
I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize that我真是抱歉没有意识到
I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
I'm checking out now, and I'd like to get a taxi to the airport. Could you get one for me, please?我现在要退房,并且需要一部计程车到机场。麻烦你帮我叫一辆,好吗?
I'm checking out today. Get me the bill, please我今天要结账退房,请把账单给我
I'm coming to change the pillowcases and sheets我来更换枕套和床单
I'm doing the veal chops. Have a piece?我正在烤小牛排,你来一块?
I'm getting low on gas我的车快没油了
I'm glad that we'll be able to accept your extension request很高兴我们可以接受您延长住宿的要求
I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往这个方向走对吗?
I'm going for a patter on the porcelain我想去一下洗手间
I' m going for a trip to New York tomorrow. Whats the weather like in New York?我明天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样?
I'm going to check out soon. Could you pick up my luggage, please?我马上就要离开了,你可以帮我拿行李吗?
I'm going to check with the chef我去和厨师核对一下
I'm going to the supermarket because I need to buy some daily necessities我要去趟超市,因为我需要买些日用品
I'm going to weigh my luggage. Are there any scales?我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗?
I'm having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us这周六我约几个朋友吃晚饭。你有时间参加吗?
I' m having trouble hearing you我听不太清楚
I'm here on business我是来谈生意的
I' m here on business我是来这做生意的
I' m here on vacation我是来这做度假的
I'm here to apologize to you for everything I've accidentally done to you我专程来这里为我对你们无意所做的一切表示道歉
I'm hoping to go abroad during the break我期待这个假期能出国
I'm in a hurry. Can I get on an earlier flight?我有急事,能搭上早一点的航班吗?
I'm in transit to Amsterdam我换机去阿姆斯特丹
I'm informed that someone has found my handbag听说有人找到了我的手提包
I'm just browsing我只是随便看看
I'm leaving today. Can I have my bill settled?我今天要走了。可以结账吗?
I'm looking for a Danish pastry. It's very delicious我在找一种丹麦面包,特别好吃
I'm looking for some kind of product that can fade freckles我想找一款可以淡化雀斑的面霜
I'm looking for the Tower of London我在找伦敦塔
I'm not familiar with Mexican food. Could you recommend something?我对墨西哥菜不太熟悉,你能不能给推荐一下?
I'm not feeling very well now. I have caught a cold我现在感觉不是很好,我感冒了
I'm not so concerned about how the car is equipped. I just want to make sure it is comfortable to drive我不介意轿车的装备。我只是想确定这辆车开着舒服
I'm not surprised to hear that the cafeteria food isn't that great听说自助餐厅的食物不够好,我并不惊讶
I'm on a diet我正在节食
I'm planning to ask you for a reduction我希望价格能够降一些
I'm quite satisfied with your job performance我对您的工作表现很满意
I’m really positive that this bookcase has all the features you have always wanted我确信这个书柜有各种你所要的特征
I'm really sorry, but now the double rooms are fully booked非常抱歉,但现在双人间都订满了
I'm satisfied with your products. As you're from Bolivia Import and Export Corporation, could you help us find a forwarder to transport the goods to Qingdao Port directly and advise us the related fee?我对你们的产品很满意。既然你是玻利维亚进出口公司的职员,能否帮忙找代理直接给我们运输到青岛港?将会产生的费用也请你告诉我
I'm so excited to attend a typical Chinese concert能聆听一场典型的中国音乐会,我真是太激动了
I'm so sorry for the errors in the work. Please give me a couple of days to check it up again我对工作中的错误感到很抱歉,请给我几天时间再检查一遍
I' m sorry, but I don't know that name对不起,我不认识这个人
I'm sorry, but we don't have the special equipment necessary to clean leather很抱歉,我们没有清洗皮料所需要的特别设备
I'm sorry for forgetting about our appointment彳艮抱歉我忘了我们的约会
I'm sorry for that非常抱歉
I'm sorry for that. I'm going to check with the chef right now非常抱歉。我马上去和厨师核对一下
I'm sorry I have dialed the wrong number对不起,我打错了
I'm sorry I have the wrong number抱歉我打错电话
I'm sorry. I suppose there is a mistake indeed. I only stayed here for three nights, not four对不起,我想确实有个错误。我只住了三个晚上,不是四个
I'm sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了
I' m sorry. I was on another line just now对不起,我刚才正在接另一个电话
I'm sorry. late because of rainstorm不好意思,我因为暴风雨来晚了
I'm sorry. Our bank doesn't negotiate foreign checks#不起,我们银行不兑换国外支票
I'm sorry, sir. The line is busy now. Could you please call back later?对不起,先生。电话占线,请您稍后再拨
I'm sorry, sir. The phone is restricted. I can't get through对不起,先生。房间电话未挂好,转不进去
I'm sorry, sir. We re not allowed to disclose our guest's room number对不起,先生。我们不可以透露客人的房号
I' m sorry that I have disturbed you对不起,打扰了
I'm sorry the number? s engaged对不起这个号码占线
I'm sorry these curios are prohibited here对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的
I'm sorry. This bank note is damaged smeared, so we couldn't help you to exchange it. This is the rule of our hotel. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation对不起,这张纸币有破损污迹,我们无法为您兑换。这是酒店的规定,希望您能理解并配合我们的工作
I'm sorry to hear that. Shall I get you a doctor, sir?我很抱歉听到此事,先生。要我帮您叫位医生吗?
I' m sorry to inform you of this, but this is our responsibility很抱歉通知您,但这是我们的责任
I'm sorry to tell you that I have scalded a hole on the carpet when I smoked非常抱歉地告诉您,我在吸烟时不小心将地毯烫了一个洞
I'm sorry. We can't sell anything without a prescription对不起,没有药方我们不卖任何药
I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?
I'm sorry. We don't have connecting double rooms, but we have large adjoining rooms对不起,我们没有相通的双人房间,但我们有大的相邻房间
I'm sorry. We don't have saunas in our hotel, but we have massage service对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务
I'm sorry. We have no record of a reservation in your name对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录
I'm sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane我很抱歉你现在是在只收现金的结账通道上
I'm sorry, you can only have one. You need to pay for the extra one对不起,您一次只能有一包。多的要另外付费
I'm sorry. You can't try these hats on as they are easy to get dirty对不起,这些帽子都不能试戴,因为容易脏
I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience对于给您带来的不便,我深感抱歉
I' m terribly sorry. We'll do our best to get it back to you as soon as possible. Please fill out this claim form with your tag number非常抱歉,我们会尽力尽快帮您找回来。请把您的签条号码填在这张申报单上
I'm the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you我是楼层服务员。如果有什么需要,请告诉我
I’m the sales manager of Audi. This is one of our newest hi-tech vehicles我是奥迪公司的销售经理,这是我们公司最新的高科技汽车
I'm thinking a cruise on Lake Burley Griffin might be rather nice游格里芬湖应该很有意思
I'm through. Please take these things away我吃完了,请端走这些东西
I'm traveling alone我和家人来旅行
I'm traveling alone我一个人来这儿旅行
I'm trying to catch the travel agency我想与旅行社联系
I'm trying to find a pair of earrings to match my necklace. Can you recommend some to me?我想买对耳环配我的项链,你能给我推荐一下吗?
I' m trying to get hold of Mr. Chen. Is he available?我想找陈先生,请问他在吗?
I'm under the weather我不舒服
I'm very fond of fried prawn meat我非常喜欢煎龙虾肉
I'm very fond of wearing leather shoes我非常喜欢穿皮鞋
I'm very fond of white stewed fish我很喜欢吃白绘鱼
I'm very interested in this except the price我彳艮喜欢这个东西,但是价钱不太合适
I'm very sorry for that. I'm going to check with the chef immediately非常抱歉。我马上去和厨师核对一下
I'm very sorry. I can't hear clearly. Could you call it again?对不起,因线路问题我听不清您说话,请重新打一次好吗?
I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?
i or me人家
I plan to stay for about 10 days. I'm just passing through. I am leaving for China预计停留约 10 天。我只是过境而已。很快就要动身前往中国
I planned to enlarge this picture我计划放大这张照片
I really enjoy my stay here我在这儿住得很开心
I really feel so bad about my disease我对自己的病感到糟糕透了
I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?
I really hope to see you again some day and we are looking forward to hearing from you真心希望我们再次相遇,期待收到你的消息
I really like the blue sea of Seychelles我真的很喜欢塞舌尔的蓝色海洋
I really need this suitcase. All my clothes are in it我真的需要这个行李箱。我的衣服都在里面呢
I remember him fetching you lemonade我记得他给你拿了柠檬汽水
I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订
I saw him when they carried him into the ambulance. It happened so fast! The van came around the corner and crashed right into the side of the bus当他被抬上救护车的时候我看到他了。事情发生得太快了! 一辆客货车拐过弯来直接撞向了公共汽车的一侧
I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one昨天,我看到海滩上有人租冲浪板,我想租一个
I see a red light off our bows我看见船头有红光
I see. Jiaozi symbolizes fortune我知道了,饺子代表财富
I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?明白了,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?
I see. So you were forced to give in, right?我明白了,你被迫给他钱了,是吗?
I see. Thank you for these tips我知道了,谢谢你的建议
I send you herewith兹附上
I should say大概
I should say也许
I should say我认为
I should say我想
I should say good shrimp meat really hits the spot好虾仁吃起来确实很过瘾
I should think you are mistaken我倒是以为你错了
I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了
I strolled in Paris and went to Versailles Palace我在巴黎街头闲逛并去了凡尔赛皇宫
I submitthat…我认为
I suggest a light meal我建议您吃点清淡的食物
I suggest fried sausage with mushroom吃蘑菇炒香肠吧
I suggest mushroom soup first. Soup can stimulate your appetite我推荐先来蘑菇汤。汤可以刺激一下你的食欲
I take it you are wrong我以为你错了
I tried several times to call, but it said "The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later"我打了几次,对方总是说“您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨”
I trust you will track down the mugger我相信你们会抓到罪犯的
I twisted my knee我扭了膝盖
I venture to say that我敢冒昧地
I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点
I was going to cash them at hotel我原准备在酒店兑换的
I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant我想知道中国人在饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家
I was not on site when the experiment began实验开始时我不在现场
I was tempted by the dessert menu甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴
I was thinking maybe we could go out to dinner tonight晚上能一起岀来吃饭吗?
I was very disappointed with the central heating in my room. It was freezing all night我房间的供暖系统太让我失望了,我整晚都很冷
I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport我想知道是否有人捡到护照交到这里了
I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tonight晚上能一起出来吃饭吗?
I went grocery shopping and prepared for a barbecue shopping, complete with ribs and chicken我去杂货店买了肋骨和鸡肉,准备办烧烤会
I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two more days我想知道是否可以让我在这多住两天
I wonder if you and your husband can join us不知道你和你丈夫能不能赏光?
I wonder if you could give Mr. Brown a message for me?你能否给布朗先生带个口信?
I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service不知道你们宾馆是否有叫早服务
I wonder where the impurities came from我纳闷这些杂质是从哪里来的
I wonder whether the material is stiff enough我不知道〔可疑的是; 这取决于〕这材料的刚度是否够大
I wonder whether this is done or not这熟了吗?
I wonder whose notebook this is我不知道这是谁的笔记本
If I buy more than one, will you reduce the price?要是我多买一点能便宜点吗?
If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?如果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?
If I find any cuts or scraps on their bodies I apply healing ointment to their wounds如果在他们身上看到了任何的伤痕,我就用药膏涂在上面
if I only knew要是我知道的话多好
If my plans don't change, I'll need a room April 14 till April 17按原计划,我需要4月14号到17号的房间
If not, I'll send someone down to get one from the pharmacy如果没有,我马上派人到药店买一个过来
If you have a vacant seat, please let me know. I would like to change my seat如果有空位,请通知我。我想换座位
If you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car如果你想要空间更大或更舒服的车,我推荐大型轿车
It feels like I don't even have taste buds anymore我感觉我的味觉已经麻木了
It is urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number?我有急事,能否告诉我她的手机号码?
It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six真气人!我得在6点以前到达东京
It's my negligence. I beg your pardon我疏忽了,请您原谅
It's my pleasure. Why don't you check in? I'll see to the heavy luggage我很乐意帮忙。你去办登记手续吧。我会看着大件行李的
It's ridiculous! I can get to places faster by bike than by car now!现在你如果要去一个地方,骑自行车比开车快多了。这简直荒唐!
It's too crowded here. Let me settle up. I'll meet you outside the supermarket这儿太挤了,我来付账,然后到外面找你
John, I provided all the materials required, but they refused my application约翰,我准备好了所有需要的材料,但还是被拒了
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions, I: "An International Journal of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry"化学会志, 帕尔金汇刊,第 I 辑: "有机与生物有机化学"
Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telephone number here让我看一下,是的,我这里有地址和电话号码
may I come in?我可以进来吗?
May I have a look at that set of hairpins, please?让我看一下那套发卡好吗?
May I move the things on your desk so that I can dust it?为了清洁书桌,我可以移动您桌子上的物品吗?
May I suggest you try the king prawn? The chef recommends it我向您推荐厨师特选扒大虾.
May I take something out of it? There's an overcoat I can carry by hand我能拿些东西出来吗?我有一件可以手拿的大衣
Mr. Green, may I have your signature, please?格林先生,请您签个字,好吗?
Mr. Zhang, I learned that Chinese people have Jiaozi on New Year's Eve. Why?张先生,我听说中国人在除夕夜吃饺子。为什么?
Much better, thank you! I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great好多了,谢谢你,今天我可以坐直了,针灸真的很棒
Mum, I need to go pee妈妈,我想尿尿
My credit card has been stolen. I need to cancel it我的信用卡失窃了,我要取消信用卡
My current situation is quite urgent, since I got my leukemia relapse this time目前我的情况非常紧急,因为这次我是白血病复发。 (recurrence, 小贴士: sign 是医生或者其他人观察到的某种事实或者特征。medical sign 是医生在体检 (physical examination)过程中发现的某种医学事实或者特征。当然,也可能医生与病人都注意到了某种状况,那么它可以既是 symptom 也是 sign。比如,疼痛 (pain )只能是 symptom, 因为医生无法感受到病人的疼痛;而血细胞数量值只能是 sign, 因为病人无法感知。不要混淆 sign 和 indication, 后者是使用某种治疗方法的根据,在中文中似乎也翻译为“症状”。)
My dear, I'm afraid that I cannot visit you in New Zealand. I was refused by the visa officer亲爱的,我不能来新西兰看你了,我被拒签了
My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉
My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do我搭乘的航班晚点了,我想知道是什么情况
My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?我的手提包丢了,我可以做一个登记吗?
My name is Bill Richard calling from the International Trading Company. I' d like to reserve rooms for my group我是国际贸易公司的比尔•理查德。我想为我的团队预订房间
My name is Jack. I should be booked there for three nights starting today我叫杰克,本来是要从今天起订房三天的
My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service Manager?我是朗西•史蒂文斯,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?
My pendant was stolen while I was away from my room我离开时发现我的首饰不见了
My pleasure. I'm sorry you've got to leave us不客气。很遗憾你要走了
My skin is very sensitive. Do you have trial samples that I can try first?我的皮肤很敏感,你们有试用品让我先试用一下吗?
My stomach is in knots, and I couldn't follow you我的胃在绞痛,我跟不上您
My visitor visa is rejected! I don't understand!我的旅游签证被拒了,我搞不明白为什么!
Next week is my mother's birthday. I want to buy some gold jewels下个星期是我妈妈的生日,我想给她买些黄金饰品
Nice to meet you. I'm the tour leader from American Youth Travel Service很高兴见到你,我是美国青年旅行社的旅游团领队
No, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary没有,而且我没有做什么不正常的
no, I haven't是的,我还没有读过
No, I prefer jellied eels不了,我想吃鳝鱼冻
No. I really need to talk to him personally不,我真的需要亲自跟他说
No, I want a Champagne Cocktail, too不了,我也要香槟鸡尾酒
No. It is not necessary. I will add it to your bill现在不必了,我可以给您加到房费中去
No problem, don't forget I've been living there for three years好啊,别忘了我可是在那里待了三年啦
No problem. I will arrange it for you没问题,我这就给您安排
No, thanks. They're labelled already. I hope they're not overweight不了,谢谢,已经贴上标签了,希望它们不会超重
No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了
Not necessary. I have got some medicine in the minibar没有必要,我已经从小酒吧里取了些药吃
Officer, I'm not from around here. How do I pay the fine?警官,我不是本地人。我要怎么缴罚款呢?
OK, I accept your apology for your rudeness好吧,我接受你因行为粗鲁向我道歉
OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车
OK, I have taken down your statement. We will start the investigation immediately好,我已经记录下来了。我们会马上展开调查的
OK. I'll look after it好的,我会替您照看行李
OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
OK, I will put some premium gasoline好的,我去加一些高级汽油
OK. I will try her back then好的,我到时再试试看
On Sunday I always stroll along the Hamoa Beach星期天我常在哈默阿海滩散步
Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies一出来,我和伊莱就像印第安人围着篝火那样在他的周围跳跃着,央求他带我们去看电影
Please forgive me. I really didn't mean that请原谅,真的不是那个意思
Please hurry up. I have to leave soon快点,我得马上走
Please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. That's 50 dollars. Please count it to make sure it's correct请您在支票后面再签个字。我能看一下您的护照吗?谢谢。一共是50美元,请您点清钱数
Please stop and wait till I take a picture of the Waterloo Bridge请停车等我照一张滑铁卢大桥照片
Please tell him I have received his gift. Thank him for the lovely bracelet请转告他我已经收到他的礼物了,谢谢他送我这么可爱的手镯
Please tell him I would like to buy the car on the TV commercial请转告他我想要买电视广告上的汽车
Please wait a moment. I'll arrange it for you请稍等,我马上给您安排
1 prefer to pay my own way so that I'll not feel indebted at all我乐意分摊,这样才不会总感到欠人情
Probably. I ordered my lunch about 35 minutes ago. But you see it hasn't arrived yet也许吧。我 35 分钟前点了午餐,但你看,现在还没有来
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: "Journal of Systems & Control Engineering"机械工程师学会会报,I 辑: "系统与控制工程杂志"
Reservationist Shelly's speaking. May I help you?预订员雪莉为您服务,请问有什么可以帮到您?
Right then I felt a piercing pain in my chest and then I fell asleep突然我感到胸口一阵刺痛,然后就昏睡了过去
Room service. May I help you?这里是客房送餐服务。有什么可以效劳的?
Room service. What can I do for you?这里是客房部。请问有什么需要为您做的呢?
Room Service. What can I do for you?客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?
Separate, please. And I'd like a breakdown of the bill分开结吧,还有账单要细分一下
Should I let him foot the bill or share the expenses among us?我该让他掏钱还是我们 AA 制呢?
Should I reapply after I have been refused?我被拒签后还应该再申请吗?
Should I use a travel agent or other advisors to help me apply?我可以找一个旅行社或者其他咨询机构帮我申请吗?
Sir, can I see your ticket please?先生,您的票呢?
Some of you are aware that I really enjoy seeing movies whenever I get the chance你们之中有些人已经知道了,我只要有机会就会享受看电影的乐趣
Something urgent has come up. Could I postpone our appointment?发生了一些急事。我们的约会能不能延期?
Sounds fatty. I'll skip that感觉腻,我还是不吃那个了
Tell me how much it will be, and I can tell you if it's okay请告诉我需要多少钱,我再看看是否合适
The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒
The best two sights were the London Eye and Stonehenge, which I was really looking forward to seeing最好的两个景点是巨石阵和伦敦眼。两者都是我期待已久之地
The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up and keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward我发现阻止抽筋最好的办法就是站起来,保持脚平放,然后向后推你的踝关节,向前推你的膝关节
The British Embassy, please. I have to be there by10我去英国大使馆,10点之前赶到那里
The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
The embassy must be closed now. Do I need to report it to the police?大使馆一定关门了,我需要报警吗?
The emotion that you feel is a kind of mental disease. I know the cure你感受的情感是一种心理疾病,而我知道治疗它的方法
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is wine想到法国,脑子里出现的第一件东西就是葡萄酒
The food served was very strange. I couldn't eat most of the dishes上的菜非常奇怪,大多数菜我都不能吃
The fruits I like are out of season in winter我喜欢的水果冬天就过季了
The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任
The glass is broken due to my carelessness. I will pay for it由于不小心我打碎了这个杯子,我会赔偿的
The nature of my job requires me to dress smartly, so I wear skirt suits, with blouse, usually fairly sheer tights and heels工作性质要求穿戴整洁,所以我通常穿套裙、衬衫和高跟鞋
The officer said that I don't have strong ties. What does that mean?签证官说我没有牢固约束力•那是什么意思?
The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?
The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了
The trip is the greatest one I have, and the guide picked us up by herself这次旅行是我最棒的一次旅行,导游亲自去机场接机
The water closet is blocked. When I flashed it was overflowed抽水马桶堵住了,一冲水水就冒出来了
The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep水龙头一整夜滴水,我几乎无法入睡
This dress fits me perfectly. I will take it这条裙子非常适合我,就要这件了
This dress is just what I want. It's so amazing! It matches my necklace so well!这条裙子正是我喜欢的,太漂亮啦,跟我的项链也特别相配!
This is a Porsche! But I probably can't afford it. It must be really expensive这是保时捷,但是我可能负担不起,一定很贵吧!
This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan这是要带去台湾的纪念品
This is Barbara in room 209. I'd like to order breakfast,please我是209房的芭芭拉。我想要订份早餐
This is Mr. Roger in room 8808. Mr. Smith will come for this while I am out. Could you hand it to him,please?这是8808房间的罗杰先生,我走后,史密斯先生会来。您能帮我把这个交给他吗?
this is the very key for that lock, I lost it in this very room这正是那把锁的钥匙,我就是在这房间里把它弄丢的
Those silk scarves are lovely. Can I see the red and yellow ones?那些丝巾真漂亮,我能看看红色和黄色的吗?
Wait a moment, please. I will transfer it for you请稍等,我将为您转接
Waiter, may I have a receipt?服务员,能给我开张收据吗?
We are interested in your flannel, but I'm wondering about the price. How much will you possibly offer us?我方对贵方法兰绒面料很感兴趣,我在考虑价格问题。不知道贵方出什么价?
We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?我们吃完了。请把账单拿来好吗?
Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away好的,我认为我们要马上把你送到急救室去
We've both enjoyed our friendship, haven't we? I am happy to do what I could我们相处得非常愉快,不是吗?我为所做的一切感到高兴!
What can I get for you?请问您要喝点什么?
What can I get you for dessert?点心吃点什么?
What do I owe you?一共要付多少钱?
What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?
What happens to my chauffer bookings if I change?如果我进行了更改,我预订的专车服务会怎么样?
What if I overdraw?如果透支了怎么办?
What if I want to have my clothes washed?要是我想洗衣服该怎么办?
What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理这方面问题的规定
What? s for dinner? I'm hungry晚饭吃什么?我好饿呀
What shall I wear to a cocktail party?我穿什么去酒会呢?
What should I do if the visa application has been refused?签证申请被拒后,我应该做些什么呢?
What should I do with the dirty dishes?这些脏的盘子怎么办?
What time do I check in at the airport?我应该几点钟到机场办理登机手续?
What toe ring should I buy?我应该买什么样的脚戒?
What's the number I gave you, operator?接线员,我给你的号码是多少?
Which way do I go the Medical Department?内科怎么走?
Would you bring me some bandages? I cut my finger. Please try to hurry能给我送一些绷带吗?我把手割伤了,麻烦您快点
Would you cash these traveler's checks, please? I need ten-dollar bills, please请你兑现一下这些旅行支票好吗?请给我十元一张的
Would you hold the line, please? I will find out his number for you请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码
Would you please seal your bag properly ? I'll place a fragile sticker on the bag ?您能妥善封好您的包吗?我会在行李上贴上易碎标签
Wrong number, I guess. He hung up without saying a word我想是打错了。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了
Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧
Yeah, my wife likes that one, too. Personally, I prefer action movies是呀,我老婆也喜欢那部电影。我个人比较喜欢动作片
Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station是的。但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的
yes, I do是的,我会如果对方问话采用否定方式,而回答是肯定的,仍用 yes,这与汉语习惯相反
yes, I have不,我读过了/或
Yes. like some. Please don't overfill the coffee. I want some room for milk好的,来一些,不过咖啡不要太多,还想放些牛奶
Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
You are right. I like fish actually对,实际上我喜欢吃鱼
You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢
You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it你来填张失物登记表,我会替你留意的
You must pay for the damages. It is a hotel regulation. I do hope you understand您必须赔偿损坏物品。这是酒店的规定,希望您能理解
you said "I shall go"你说过你会去的
You sit here and I'll go and get the food你在这里坐,我去拿食物
You've mentioned that you plan to attend a meeting. May I see the official invitation letter?你提到说要去参加会议,我能看下你的官方邀请函吗?
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