
Terms for subject Business containing Human | all forms | exact matches only
account for human resource costs计算人力资源成本
basic human needs人类基本需求
basic human right基本人权
boom period in human reproduction生育高峰
characteristic of human nature人性特征
commercializing human relations商业化人际关系
conservation of human resources人力资源保护
cost based human resources accounting以成本为基础的人力资源会计
cost based system in human resource accounting人力资源会计成本基础制
director of personnel or human resources人事人力资源主任
engineer of human relations人际关系工程师
fit for human consumption商检评语适于人类消费食用
fundamental human right基本人权
hierarchy of human needs人类需要层次论
human affairs人事
human agency人事代理
human and non-human forces人力物力
human assessment人力评价
human behavior school人群行为学派
human behavior science行为科学
human capacity智力
human capacity limitation人的能力限度
human capital技能资本
human capital formation人力资本形成
human-caused error主观原因误差
human chorionic gonadotrophin人体绒膜促性腺激素
human component人性组合成分
human cost人的价值
human depreciation人才折旧
human element accident人为责任事故
human engineering人事管理学
human engineering工业企业工效学
human environment analysis人际环境分析
human environment research人际环境研究
human-error accident人为事故
human-error type accident人为事故
human factor analysis人为因素分析
human factor engineering工效学
human factor engineering人类因素工程学
human-factor engineering工作适应学研究个人与工作是否适应
human factor research人的因素研究
Human Factors Engineering人类因素工程学
human fecundity人类生育力
human habitual人际行为
human habitual model人际行为模式
human incurring error人为差错
human-initiated failure人为故障
human interest人类兴趣
human interest approach人类兴趣法
human labour活劳动
human life research人类寿命研究
human limitation人的限度
human motivation approach人力激发法
human nature人的本性
human need人类需要
human population人群总体
human potential人口资源潜力
human potential group人群潜力小组
human potentials movement人群潜能运动
human power requirements人力需要量
human problem人性问题
human quality人的素质
human relations人际关系
human relations analysis人际关系分析
human relations approach人际关系论
human relations department人际关系部
human relations engineer人际关系工程师
human relations management人际关系管理
human relations model人际关系模型
human relations philosophy人际关系哲理
human relations program人际关系方案
human relations school人群关系学派
human relations school of management人群关系管理学派
human relations school of management thought人群关系管理思想学派
human relations skill人群关系技能
human relations theory人群关系理论
human resources development expenses人才资源开发费用
human resources development plan人力资源开发计划
human resources development program人力资源开发规划
human resources philosophy人力资源哲学
human resources requirement人力资源需要量
human resources requirement plan人力资源需要量计划
human safety人的安全
human safety engineering工人安全工程
human serum albumin人体血清白蛋白
human settlement人类居住区
human settlement pattern人类住区类型
human side人的因素
human side人的问题
human side of enterprise企业中人的因素
human side of planning计划中人的因素
human side of successful communication有效交流意见中人的因素
human skill人的技能
human social-economic system人类社会经济制度
human system人事制度
human thyroid stimulating hormone人体促甲状腺激素
human trait of procrastinating人类拖延特性
human understanding人的理解
human variable人为变量
human welfare人类福利
human worth人的价值
individual behaviour and human relations个人行为与人群关系
institute of human relations人际关系研究所
investment in human resources人力资源投资
mean time between human error平均人为误差间隔时间
measuring of human resources人力资源衡量
organized human effort有组织的人力
statement for human environmental quality人类环境质量报告书
view on human nature人性观