
Terms for subject Securities containing Hold | all forms | exact matches only
allow employees to hold some shares允许职工持股
bearish belt hold跌势大附线
bearish belt hold熊市大阴线、空头大阴线
bullish belt hold牛市大阳线
buy and hold囤仓
buy and hold长期持有
buy and hold购人持有
buy and hold investor持有型投资者
buy and hold strategy购买和持股策略
buy and hold strategy囤仓策略
buy and hold strategy买进并持有策略
buy-and-hold technique买人并持有技术
currency hold account货币存款账户
hold a position持仓
hold and pay provisions持有和支付条款
hold at the opening开盘时持有
hold back扣款
hold breath to watch stock market屏气凝神注视着股市
hold concurrent posts兼职
hold covered暂时承保
hold covered仍然承担责任
hold down压缩 (开支,费用)
hold down压低物价等
hold for long term长期持有
hold for release待机抛出
hold for release备货
hold good起作用
hold good生效
hold good契约有效
hold harmless agreement损坏责任转移协议
hold in pawn典当持有
hold in trust以信托方式持有
hold-in-custody repo保管人持有回购
hold-in-custody repo持有保管回购
hold investment in bond以债券形式投资
hold matched SI暂缓执行配对结算指示
hold notice持有通知
hold on the statutory trust法定信托方式持有
hold one's fire沉住气在股市上
hold order持有订单
hold over拖延
hold stock持有股票
hold the line控制物价
hold the market控制市场
hold to maturity持有直至到期
hold up阻挡
hold up掠夺
hold up套牢投资人不甘心低价卖出股票,被动等待价格回涨,造成自己资金长期被占用
hold water站地住脚
lease hold estate以租赁方式持有的资产
no hold无责任的
on hold冻结股份
on hold冻结证券
securities-on-hold mechanism冻结证券机制
take hold占上风