
Terms for subject Librarianship containing History | all forms | exact matches only
annals-biography format of history writing纪传体
bibliographic history书目沿革
bibliographic history目录学史
bibliographic treatise in a dynastic history经籍志
bibliographic treatise in a dynastic history艺文志
book history图书史
book history图书学史
book history史志书目
book history书史
dynastic history正史
edition and history note版本与版本史附注
Encyclopedic History of Institutions通典 (by Du You of Tang dynasty)
Four histories四史
Genealogy and Local History Section【国际图联】家谱和地方史专业组
general history通史
history branch史部 (of the four-fold bibliographic classification system)
history of a single dynasty断代史
history of archival undertaking档案事业史
history of book collecting藏书渊源
history of book collecting藏书史
history of librarianship图书馆事业史
history of the book图书史
informal history野史
informal history外史别史野史
informal history别史
informal history外史
institute of culture and history文史馆
institute of culture and history文史资料馆
library history图书馆史
miscellaneous history杂史
monograph on financial administration in dynastic histories食货志
national history国别体
notes pertaining to edition and bibliographic history版本与书目史附注
oral history述历史
oral history
search history以往检索
search history检索记录
Seventeen Histories十七史
standard history正史
survey history通史
ten encyclopedic histories of government institutions十通
Thirteen histories十三史
Three histories三史
Twenty-four Dynastic Histories二十四史
unofficial history野史
unofficial history外史别史野史
unofficial history别史
unofficial history外史