
Terms for subject Economy containing History | all forms | exact matches only
agrarian history农业史
agrarian history土地史
case history典型例证
ease history病历
ease history典型例证
econometric history计量经济史学
economic history经济史
economic interpretation of history经济史观
economic interpretation of history economic determinism ;materialistic concept of history经济史观经济决定论;唯物史观
history of account账目的沿革
history of economic thought经济思想史
history of economics经济学史
history of society社会史
idealist conception of history唯心史观
intellectual history知识历史
intellectual history知识史
long history历史悠久
maintenance history维修史
materialistic concept of history唯物史观
materialistic interpretation of history唯物史观
monetary history货币流通史
personal history个人履历
previous history以前的经历
quantitative economic history数量经济史
The managing director gave a brief introduction of the history of the company总经理扼要介绍了公司创立的历史
the materialistic concept of history唯物史观
turning point in history历史转折关头
viewpoint of history历史观点