
Terms for subject Agriculture containing History | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural history农业史 (agrohistoria)
case history典型事例
cropping history耕作史
cropping history耕作记录
derivation history派生过程
derivation history派生史
development history发育周期
development history发展史
developmental history发育周期
developmental history发展史
evolutionary history of life生命进化史
family history家史
farm history农业史
genetic history of population群体遗传学史
history management system历史管理系统
history memory历史存储器
history of agriculture农业史
history of agronomy农艺史
history of agronomy农学史
history of forestry林业史
history of molecular genetics分子遗传学史
history register历史寄存器
indirect life history间接生活史
introductory history史学导论
natural history自然[科学]史
previous cropping history前作物耕作过程
previous cropping history前作物耕作历程
reproductive history生殖史指家畜怀孕过程
reproductive history怀孕历
vegetation history植被史 (historia vegetationis)