
Terms containing History | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.a situation rarely seen in the history of Chinese legislation在中国立法史上是少有的
avia.accelerated history加速经历
tech.acceleration time history加速度时间历程
tech.achieving maintenance history完成修善历史
mining.adaptive history matching自适应历史拟合
econ.agrarian history农业史
econ.agrarian history土地史
agric.agricultural history农业史 (agrohistoria)
anim.husb.Agricultural History Society农业史学会 (USA)
avia.airframe life—history program〔客〕机身寿命-记录提纲
nautic., tech.alert history list警报历史清单
proj.manag.All the ban did was delay by a few 'weeks what turned into one of the biggest stock market crashes in history卖空禁令所做的、就是把历史上最大规模股市崩盘之一的时间推后了几周
avia.altitude history高度历史
desert.American Museum of Natural History美国自然博物馆
tech.annals of local history地方志
libr.annals-biography format of history writing纪传体
textileapparel history服装史
textileapparel history服饰史
tech.architectural history建筑
tech.art history of ceramics陶瓷美术史
fin.attitude responsible to history and the future对历史和未来负责的态度
avia.attitude time history姿态时间历史
comp., net.authentication history server认证历史服务器
gen.be relegated to the garbage can of history被抛进历史的垃圾箱
China, polit.be written in the annals of history载入史册
libr.bibliographic history书目沿革
libr.bibliographic history目录学史
libr.bibliographic treatise in a dynastic history经籍志
libr.bibliographic treatise in a dynastic history艺文志
HRbiographical history inventories历史传记记录
libr.book history图书史
libr.book history史志书目
libr.book history图书学史
libr.book history书史
met.brief development history of continuous metal casting连铸发展简史 (Brief Development History of Continuous Metal Casting The initial continuous casting technology was mainly used for casting non-ferrous metal. In 1933 S. Junghans, the father of modem continuous casting technology, built a vertical continuous casting equipment, using mold oscillation technology. It was successfully used for casting brass and aluminum alloy. In 1943 S. Junghans built the world's first experimental continuous casting machine for casting liquid steel in Germany, and put forward the technologies of water-cooled oscillation mold, submerged entry nozzle and adding powder on steel in mold. These laid a solid foundation for the development of the modem continuous steel casting technology. In the 1950's continuous casting technology of steel began its industrial application. In 1951 the world's first industrial-scale stainless steel slab caster was put into production in Red October Steel Works in the Former Soviet Union. The greater part of continuous casting machines, which were put into production in 1950's, adopted vertical type. After entering 1960's, curved slab, billet and bloom casters were put into operation one after another. Since 1970's, along with rapid improvement of continuous steel casting technology a series of new technologies, equipment and processes, including soft reduction, split rolls, multipoint unbending, continuous leveling, electromagnetic stirring, shrouded casting, breakout prediction, tundish metallurgy, mold metallurgy, automatic liquid level control, automatic secondary cooling control, on-line variable width of mold, near-net-shape casting and high efficient continuous casting, have been successfully developed. At the same time, continuous casting production is rapidly developed, continuously cast percentage has been increasing year after year, the ingot casting steps down from the steel production route step by step, and 100% continuous cast steel plants and companies are constantly emerging. 连铸发展简史初期的连铸技术主要应用于有色金属的浇铸。1933年现代连铸之父容汉斯在德国建成一台采用结晶器振动技术的立式连铸设备,并成功地将其运用于黄铜和铝合金的浇铸。1943年容汉斯在德国建成世界第一台用于浇注钢水的试验性连铸机,并提出了水冷振动结晶器、浸人式水口和结晶器钢水面加保护剂等技术,为现代连续铸钢技术的发展奠定了基础。20世纪50年代,连续铸钢技术开始投人工业应用。1951年世界首台工业规模的不锈钢板坯连铸机在前苏联红十月钢厂投产。50年代投产的连铸机机型多为立式。进人20世纪60年代后,相继有板坯和方坯弧形连铸机投产。从 20 世纪 70 年代开始,连续铸钢技术日臻完善,轻压下、分节辊、多点矫直、连续矫直、电磁搅拌、保护浇注、漏钢预报、中间包冶金、结晶器冶金、液面自动控制、二冷动态控制、结晶器在线调宽、近终形连铸和高效连铸等一系列新技术、新设备和新工艺成功开发。与此同时,连铸生产迅猛发展,连铸比逐年上升,钢锭模铸逐渐退出钢铁生产流程,全连铸厂、全连铸公司不断涌现。)
manag.brief history简历
anim.husb.British Agricultural History Society英国农业史学会
multimed.british history online英国历史在线
sport.Bubka, history's greatest pole vaulter, was a many times world champion布勃卡是历史上最伟大的撑竿跳高运动员、他曾获得多次世界冠军
manag.business history营业史
manag.business history经营史
busin.business history企业史
proj.manag.But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次
mining.capillary pressure history毛细管压力变化历程
auto.car history file车辆履历卡档案
tech.cartographic history地图学史
tech.cartographical history地图学史
econ.case history典型例证
tech.case history施工记录
tech.case history实例记载
tech.case history事故历史
tech.case history工程事例
tech.case history专题档案
sport., med.case history病历
med.case history选择语句
nurs.case history病案
vet.med.case history回忆性
med.case history档案记录
agric.case history典型事例
tech.case history专题资料
sport., med.case history病史
med.case history案例
tech.case history file工程史料档案
tech.case history package实例历史包
tech.ceramic history陶瓷史
earth.sc.Chicago Natural History Museum芝加哥自然博物馆
China, polit.China Society of History全国史学会
China, polit.Chinese Society of Science and Technology History中国科学技术史学会
desert.climatic history气候史
geol.Committee on History of Geological Sciences地质科学史委员会
securit.comparative history历史比较法
tech.compartment history林班记录
tech.compilation history图历表
avia.component history analysis program元件历史分析项目
met.composition history成分变化历程
tech.composition history curve组成变化曲线
math.computer history计算机演进史
tech.contact history接触史
tech.contaminant source release history污染源排放史
tech.cooling history冷却历程
tech.cooling history冷却史
textilecostume history服装史
fin.credit history信用纪录
securit.credit history信用历史
agric.cropping history耕作史
agric.cropping history耕作记录
polym.crystalline history结晶历史
textilecultured history文化史
met.deformation history变形历程
met.deformation history变形过程
agric.derivation history派生过程
agric.derivation history派生史
expl.Describing facts precedes to making comments in compiling a history编写史书、叙述事实先于评论
agric.development history发育周期
agric.development history发展史
agric.developmental history发育周期
agric.developmental history发展史
avia.diagram change history status inquiry图表更改历史状况调查
food.serv.dietary history膳食记录
multimed.digital history数字历史
ecol.distribution in history历史分布
busin.dividend history股息历史水平
gen.Do you have a family history of allergy?你有家族过敏史吗?
gen.Do you have a history of stomach pain?你有过胃痛的病史吗?
China, polit.draw lessons from history and look to the future以史为鉴,面向未来
avia.drawing release history system图纸发放历史系统
auto.DTC history测试仪字符历史故障码
libr.dynastic history正史
gen.dynasty in chinese history
tech.early history早期历史
anim.husb.early history of domestication of animals早期的动物驯化史
tech.earth history地质历史 (学)
econ.ease history病历
econ.ease history典型例证
tech.ecologic conception of history生态史观
tech.ecological conception of history生态史观
econ.econometric history计量经济史学
econ.economic history经济史
econ.economic interpretation of history经济史观
econ.economic interpretation of history economic determinism ;materialistic concept of history经济史观经济决定论;唯物史观
libr.edition and history note版本与版本史附注
libr.Encyclopedic History of Institutions通典 (by Du You of Tang dynasty)
avia.engine history record sheet发动机履历记录表
avia.engine history recorder发动机履历记录器
avia.engine history recorder发动机历程记录仪
desert.environment history环境史
busin.equipment history file设备历史档案
tech.erosion history冲刷过程
agric.evolutionary history of life生命进化史
sport., med.exercise training history运动史
agric.family history家史
med.family history家族史
sport., med.family medical history家族病史
horticult.farm field history chart农田档案
agric.farm history农业史
textilefashion history服装史
textilefashion history服饰史
avia.fault history-all CMC所有的故障历史中央维护计算机
earth.sc.field museum of natural history大地自然博物馆
auto.fill service history全部维修记录
earth.sc.Finland Museum of Natural History芬兰自然博物馆
auto.full-service history全部维修记录显示所有在车辆上的作业情况的文件,特别是制造厂家要求的定期维护
libr.Genealogy and Local History Section【国际图联】家谱和地方史专业组
libr.general history通史
agric.genetic history of population群体遗传学史
tech.geologic history地质发展
tech.geologic history地质历史 (学)
tech.geologic history of moon月球地质历史
earth.sc.geological and natural history survey地质和自然史调查所
tech.geological history地质发展
tech.geological history地质历史 (学)
tech.geological history of moon月球地质历史
tech.geotechnic history土工历史
tech.geotechnical history土工历史
tech.grain history谷物历史
tech.graphic command center for history历史记录中心
tech.graphical command center for history历史记录中心
nurs.gynecological history妇科病史
gen.he has a good knowledge of Chinese history他非常了解中国的历史
sport., med.heart disease history心脏病史
textileheat history热历程
polym.heat history热史
chem.heat history热累积
tech.heat history热历史
polym.heat history equivalent热历程等价系数
securit.history analysis of target stock price目标股价的历史分析
ecol.history and actuality历史与现状
earth.sc.history and culture protective district历史文化保护区
China, lawhistory and reality历史和现实情况
expl.History belongs with humanities历史属于人文学科
libr.history branch史部 (of the four-fold bibliographic classification system)
tech.history card沿革记录片
avia.history cost accounting历史成本核算
auto.history DTC历史故障码
telecom.history file历史文件
tech.history flood历史记录洪水
cryptogr.history free无记录
gen.history is silent about the subject历史上没有记载这件事
gen.history is silent on the subject历史上没有记载这件事
gen.history is the most telling witness历史是最好的见证
plann.history line历史线索
agric.history management system历史管理系统
agric.history memory历史存储器
tech.history museum历史博物馆
libr.history of a single dynasty断代史
econ.history of account账目的沿革
fin.history of accounts帐目的沿革
busin.history of accounts账目沿革
tech.history of aesthetics美学史
agric.history of agriculture农业史
agric.history of agronomy农艺史
agric.history of agronomy农学史
tech.history of architecture建筑
libr.history of archival undertaking档案事业史
tech.history of art美术史
tech.history of astronomy天文学史
tech.history of available space list可利用的空间表的历史
tech.history of binomial coefficients二系数的历史
libr.history of book collecting藏书渊源
libr.history of book collecting藏书史
busin.history of business企业史
tech.history of cartographic work图历表
tech.history of cartographical work图历表
tech.history of cartography地图制图学史
anim.husb.history of case病历
tech.history of Chinese Architecture中国建筑史
interntl.trade.history of commerce商业历史
busin.history of commerce商业史
tech.history of coroutine共行程序的历史
econ.history of economic thought经济思想史
econ.history of economics经济学史
tech.history of environment science development环境科学发展史
tech.history of environmental science development环境科学发展史
busin.history of factory system工厂制度史
desert.history of flood disasters水患史
desert.history of flood disasters水灾史
tech.history of folk custom民俗史
agric.history of forestry林业史
securit.history of futures trading期货交易的历史
libr.history of librarianship图书馆事业史
busin.history of management管理史
busin.history of management thought管理思想史
agric.history of molecular genetics分子遗传学史
tech.history of nationality民族史
desert.history of natural disasters灾害史
multimed.history of podcasting播客的历史
busin.history of price价格史
busin.history of price价格的规律
tech.history of project项目历史
earth.sc.History of Science Society科学史学会
desert.history of sedimentology沉积学史
econ.history of society社会史
tech.history of study研究历史
busin.history of system系统过程
tech.history of systematics分类学史
busin.history of technology工艺史
libr.history of the book图书史
tech.history of tunneling隧道施工历史
tech.history of tunnelling隧道施工历史
tech.history of Western architecture西洋建筑史
tech.history park历史公园
telecom.history profile简史表
fin.history rate历史汇率
agric.history register历史寄存器
tech.history register经历寄存器
telecom.history run运行历史
sport., med.history sheet病历单
gen.history survey历史简介评述
anim.husb.history taking病史采集
anim.husb.history taking病史调査
cryptogr.history variable历史变量
tech.human history人类历史
econ.idealist conception of history唯心史观
anim.husb.immediate history现病史
China, polit.in the history of legislation in China在我国立法史上
agric.indirect life history间接生活史
libr.informal history野史
libr.informal history外史别史野史
libr.informal history别史
libr.informal history外史
libr.institute of culture and history文史馆
libr.institute of culture and history文史资料馆
econ.intellectual history知识历史
econ.intellectual history知识史
earth.sc.International Committee for the History of Geological Sciences国际地质科学史委员会
geol.International Committee on the History of Geological Sciences国际地质科学史委员会
earth.sc.International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science国际科学史与哲学联合会
tech.intertidal natural history潮区自然特性
agric.introductory history史学导论
fin.investment history投资历史
earth.sc.investment history投资经历
tech.job history card记事卡片
gen.juggle with history歪曲历史
consult.labour history劳工史
earth.sc.Lagrangian History Direct Interaction Approximation拉格朗日曲线直接交互逼近法
gen.Let me see your case history让我看看你的病历
libr.library history图书馆史
qual.cont.life-history curve寿命曲线
desert.life history strategy生活史对策
avia.load history载荷历程
tech.loading history加载过程
tech.loading history加荷过程
tech.loading history加荷历史
tech.loading history加载历史
tech.loading history.loading hysteresis荷载滞回
tech.loading history.loading hysteresis荷載过程
econ.long history历史悠久
China, polit.look back upon history回顾历史
earth.sc.Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆
earth.sc.Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Paleontology Locality洛杉矶县自然历史博物馆无脊椎古生物馆
wind.magnetic history磁化史
telecom.maintain system history program维护系统经历程序
econ.maintenance history维修史
sport.make history破纪录
sport.make history创造历史
gen.make history永垂史册
tech.map history图历表
tech.marine economic history海洋经济史
nurs.marital history婚姻史
tech.master history file主过去文件
philos.materialist conception of history唯物史观
philos.materialist interpretation of history唯物史观
econ.materialistic concept of history唯物史观
gen.materialistic conception of history唯物史观
econ.materialistic interpretation of history唯物史观
avia.measurement history计量历史
nurs.medical history病案
sport., med.medical history病史
sport., med.medical history病历
China, lawmedical history data病历资料
plast.surg.medication history用药史
sport., med.menstrual history月经史
avia.microfilm history缩微胶片历史
gen.military history战史
libr.miscellaneous history杂史
auto.MISS HISTORY诊断仪字符,测试仪字符失火历史
gen.modem history近代史
tech.modern history近代史
econ.monetary history货币流通史
expl.monitoring of pressure-time history in monitoring boreholes监测炮孔的压力一时间变化
tech.Museum of Chinese History中国历史博物馆
tech.Museum of Natural History自然博物馆
libr.national history国别体
tech.national history民族史
nautic., tech.National History Protection Act美国国家历史保护法
earth.sc.National Museum of Natural History国家自然历史博物馆
agric.natural history自然[科学]史
desert.natural history自然史
gen.natural history博物学
earth.sc.natural history自然史〔学〕
gen.natural history自然科学
tech.natural history museum自然历史博物馆
earth.sc.Natural History Museum of Chicago芝加哥自然博物馆
avia.nodal history节历史
earth.sc.North America Society for Oceanic History北美海洋史学会
libr.notes pertaining to edition and bibliographic history版本与书目史附注
nurs.nursing history护理病历
tech.occupational history履历
tech.occupational history职业史
gen.on a scale unknown before in history以史无前例的规模
libr.oral history述历史
libr.oral history
arts.Our paper lantern factory has a long history. We are responsible and honest我们的纸灯笼工厂历史悠久,认真负责,诚实可靠
fisheryownership history产权史
fisheryownership history所有权历史
gen.pages of history历史的记录
earth.sc.Pan American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理和历史研究所
org.name.Pan-American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理及历史研究所
UN, cartogr.Pan-American Institute of Geography and History泛美地理历史学会
avia.part number history system零件号历史系统
China, polit.Party History Research Centre, CCCPC中央党史研究室
sport., med.past history过去史
sport., med.past history既往史
sport., med.past medical history过去史
sport., med.past medical history既往病史
cryptogr.path history路径历史
sport., med.patient history病历
sport., med.patient history病史
econ.personal history个人履历
tech.personal history个人史
geol.petroleum information well history control system石油参数井历程控制系统
tech.phase history相位变化过程
tech.pollution history污染过程
tech.pollution history污染史
tech.pollution source release history污染源排放史
sport., med.present history现病史
expl.pressure-time history炸药爆炸的压力时间作用过程
tech.pressure-time history压力时间关系曲线
agric.previous cropping history前作物耕作过程
agric.previous cropping history前作物耕作历程
sport., med.previous history过去病史
econ.previous history以前的经历
sport., med.previous history既往史
sport., med.previous medical history既往病史
gen.production topped the highest level in history生产超过历史上最高水平
consult.project history项目历史
econ.quantitative economic history数量经济史
mil., air.def.radar status history雷达状态变化历程
expl.Reading history books, he is sometimes fird with a desire to visit the Egyptian pyramids读起史书、他时常有去参观埃及的金字塔群的想往
tech.regional hydrogeology history method区域水文地质历史法
auto.repair history修理历史记录
agric.reproductive history生殖史指家畜怀孕过程
agric.reproductive history怀孕历
nurs.respiratory history呼吸病史
tech.response time history反应时程
polym.sample history样品史
libr.search history以往检索
libr.search history检索记录
tech.seismic history地震史
tech.seismologic history地震史
tech.seismological history地震史
securit.share repurchase history report股份回购纪录报告
tech.shearing stress time history剪应力时程
tech.sheet history图历表
earth.sc.smoothed instantaneous wave energy history光滑瞬时波能曲线
footb.soccer history足球史
earth.sc.Society for the History of Technology技术史学会
tech.sounding history over-lay测深资料透明片
tech.source release history污染源排放史
libr.standard history正史
tech.strain history应变历史
met.strand thermal history铸坯热历程
tech.stress history应力变化历程
polym.stress history应力史
auto.stress history应力随时间间隔的变化图
busin.stress history应力随时间变化
tech.stress history应力
tech.stress-strain-history relation应力史应变史关系式
tech.structural growth history analysis构造发育史分析
tech.structural history构造演化史
tech.stylistic history风格形成过程
tech.stylistic history风格历史
avia.supplier history and open purchase order供应商历史和公开采购订单
avia.supplier history and open purchase orders供应商历史和公开采购订单
libr.survey history通史
tech.synthetic time history合成时间历程
tech.synthetical time history合成时间历程
fisherytarget history目标历史
tech.tectonic stress history构造应力作用过程
met.temperature history温度与时间的关系曲线
met.temperature history热履历
met.temperature history温度变化过程
avia.temperature history温度历程
gen.The Japanese have developed a strong bond with Mount Fuji, and the history of Japanese art shows it翻阅日本的美术史,不难从中解读出日本人的富士山情结
econ.The managing director gave a brief introduction of the history of the company总经理扼要介绍了公司创立的历史
econ.the materialistic concept of history唯物史观
gen.the tide of history历史潮流
gen.the wheel of history cannot be turned back历史的车轮不能倒转
textiletheories and history史论
tech.thermal history热史
textilethermal history受热历程
textilethermal history保暖随时间的变化
auto.thermal history零件/热处理温度随时间变化温度与时间的关系曲线
busin.thermal history热历程
tech.thermal history热历史
met.thermal history热过程
avia.thermal history热经历
met.thermal history of strand铸坯热历程
polym.thermomechanical history热力学史
polym.thermomechanical history热机械史
hist.throughout history在整个历史过程中
gen.Tiffany setting was named after Tiffany, who used the method for the first time in history蒂芙尼镶嵌以蒂芙尼的名字命名,他是历史上首次使用此方法的人
wind.time history时程
avia.time history时间关系曲线图
auto.time history某一参数随时间的变化
desert.time history时间推移
desert.time history时间变化
avia.time history随时间的变化
wind.time history随时间变化过程
tech.time history随时间变化
tech.time history时间经历
tech.time-history analysis时间关系分析
tech.time-history analysis时间经历分析
tech.time-history analysis method时程分析法
busin.time history file时间历程文件
tech.time-history file时间历程文件
tech.time-history form时间关系式
tech.time-history plot随时间变化的曲线图
tech.time-history recorder时程记录仪
tech.time-history response时程反应
tech.time-history response时间经历反应
tech.time-history response历时反应
avia.tool order history工装指令历史
avia.tool order history system工装指令历史系统
tech.total heat history总热历程
China, lawtraces of human history人文遗迹
tech.track history全程轨迹
avia.trajectory history轨迹曲线
tech.trouble history card故障记录卡片
econ.turning point in history历史转折关头
consult.unification of logic and history逻辑与历史的统一
libr.unofficial history外史别史野史
libr.unofficial history别史
libr.unofficial history野史
libr.unofficial history外史
gen.unprecedented in history史无前例的
tech.urban history城市史
geol.U.S. National Committee on History Geology美国国家地质史委员会
earth.sc.U.S. National Committee on History of Geology美国全国地质史委员会
agric.vegetation history植被史 (historia vegetationis)
desert.vegetational history植被史
avia.vertical gust history垂直阵风历史
econ.viewpoint of history历史观点
tech.water conservancy history水利史
earth.sc.wave action standardized history波程标准化图形
tech.wear history磨损曲线
earth.sc.well history control system井史控制系统
mining.well history control system井史控制系统
earth.sc.well history control system钻井记载控制系统
avia.wiring diagram history report配线图历史报告
avia.wiring diagram history system配线图历史系统
earth.sc.Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey威斯康星州地质与自然史调查局
gen.without precedent in history空前的
expl.without precedent in history史无前例
expl.without precedent in history前所未有
gen.without precedent in history史无前例的
tech.work history工作历史
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