
Terms containing Great Lakes | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
adv.Blackglama-Great Lakes Mink, "What becomes a legend most?"宝嘉美一五大湖皮草、"是什么活在传奇里" 、Peter Rogers 集团、20世纪60年代 (Peter Rogers Group)
earth.sc.Coordinating Committee on Great Lakes Basic Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data五大湖水力及水文基础资料协调委员会
org.name.Development Bank of the Great Lakes States大湖国家开发银行
econ.Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries大湖国家经济共同体
earth.sc.Economic Community of the Great Lakes大湖国家经济共同体
UN, afr.Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries大湖国家经济共同体
earth.sc.great bear lake大熊湖加拿大
gen.Great Bear Lake大熊湖
oil, transp.Great Lake Gas Transmission美国格雷特湖输气公司
ichtyol.Great Lake trout湖红点鲑 Cristivomer namaycush
earth.sc.great lakes大湖
earth.sc.Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center大湖水和海水研究中心
earth.sc.great lakes atmospheric deposition network大湖大气沉积物测网
earth.sc.Great Lakes Basin Commission大湖流域委员会
gen.Great Lakes Carbon Corp.大湖碳产品公司
earth.sc.Great Lakes Commission大湖委员会
earth.sc.Great Lakes Data Center大湖数据中心
earth.sc.great lakes environmental planning study大湖环境规划研究
earth.sc.Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory大湖环境研究实验室
org.name.Great Lakes Fisheries Commission大湖地区渔业委员会
earth.sc.Great Lakes Harbor Association大湖港口协会
earth.sc.Great Lakes Harbour Association大湖港口协会
earth.sc.great lakes ice dynamics simulation大湖冰层动力学模拟
earth.sc.great lakes ice information program大湖冰情研究计划
earth.sc.Great Lakes Institute大湖研究所
earth.sc.Great Lakes International Joint Commission US and Canada国际大湖联合委员会美国和加拿大
earth.sc.Great Lakes International multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution国际地壳演化大湖多学科计划
geol.Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution大湖区地壳演化国际多学科研究计划
earth.sc.Great Lakes Laboratory大湖实验室
earth.sc.Great Lakes Maritime Institute大湖海洋研究所
earth.sc.Great Lakes Power Limited Ontario大湖动力有限公司加拿大
nautic., tech.great lakes region五大湖区
earth.sc.Great Lakes Research Advisory Board大湖研究咨询委员会
earth.sc.Great Lakes Research Corp.大湖勘测公司
gen.Great Lakes Research Corp.大湖研究公司
econ.Great Lakes shipping北美五大湖航运
earth.sc.great lakes university research fund大湖大学研究基金加拿大
earth.sc.Great Lakes University Research Fund Canada大湖大学研究基金加拿大
earth.sc.great lakes video seminar大湖图像研究会
desert.Great Nitter Lake大苦湖 (埃及)
earth.sc.great salt lake大盐湖
anim.husb.Great Salt Lake大盐湖位于美国犹他州大盐湖盆地,为短草普列勒 (short prairie)
desert.Great Salt Lake大盐湖 (美国犹他州)
gen.Great Salt Lake盐湖
desert.Great Salt Lake Desert大盐湖沙漠
desert.Great Salt Lake Dunes大盐湖沙丘
gen.Great Salt Lake Minerals and Chemicals Corp.大盐湖矿物与化学药品公司
earth.sc.Great Salt Lake Minerals & Chemical Corp.大盐湖矿产品和化学制品公司
earth.sc.Great Slave Lake Canada大奴湖加拿大
gen.Great Slave Lake大奴湖
nautic., tech.great-lake bulk carrier大湖型散货船
earth.sc.International Association for Great Lakes Research国际大湖区研究协会
tech.International Association of Great Lake Ports大湖区港口国际协会
earth.sc.International Association of Great Lakes Ports国际大湖港口协会
earth.sc.International Field Year for the Great Lakes国际大湖实地调查年
earth.sc.International Great Lakes Datum国际大湖基准面
earth.sc.International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities大湖区土地使用引起放射性物质污染国际调查小组国际联合委员会、 美国和加拿大
comp.name.National Steel Corp., Great Lakes Division国家钢公司大湖分公司
UN, afr.Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region大湖区安全、稳定和发展公约
gen.That sounds a great idea. A boat trip on the lake听起来是一个非常棒的主意。在湖上乘船游览
tech.the Great Lake大西洋
tech.the Great lakes北美洲五大湖
earth.sc.upper great lakes reference studies上大湖区参证研究