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Terms for subject Economy containing Got A | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
He has got a wrong interpretation on that we have written in connection with the construction他对我们关于建设所写的内容作了错误的解释
She got a refund after she sent back the faulty goods to the shop她把有缺陷的货物退回商店后,得到了退款
The company got a long-term loan from the bank at a high rate of interest该公司从银行获得一笔长期高息贷款
The merchant got a tax rebate om exports last month那位商人上月得到了出口退税
The workers of the company feel they have not got a fair deal from the management该公司劳方感到他们没有得到资方的公平待遇
They got a pay rise retroactive to last October他们得到了从去年10月起补发的工资增额