
Terms for subject Finances containing Goods | all forms | exact matches only
account of goods purchased购货帐目
account of goods sold销货帐目
advance against goods用商品抵押的预付款
after-arrival -of -goods draft货物到达后见票即付汇票
attachment of goods扣押货物
bad money drives out good劣币会驱逐良币
be in relatively good shape状况相对较好
bonded goods未清关货物
capital goods资本品 (企业用来生产产品的任何货品)
certified good payment保付
competitive goods and services有竞争力的产品和服务
consigned goods寄销品 (consignment goods)
consigned goods承销品 (consignment goods)
consignment goods寄销品
consolidated statement of cost of goods sold综合销售成本表
contract for the payment of goods by installment分期付款买卖合同
cost of finished goods inventory库存成品成本
cost of goods gold销售成本 (cost of merchandise sold)
cost of goods gold售出产品成本 (cost of merchandise sold)
cost of goods manufactured成品生产成本
cost of goods manufactured and sold成品制造和销售成本
cost of goods manufacturing产品制造成本
cost of goods on hand库存商品成本
cost of goods purchased购进商品的成本
cost of goods sold已售商品成本
cost of goods sold budget销货成本预算
credit for returned goods退货减帐
damage goods损坏货物
direct goods直接财产
Dow Jones CBN China 600 Industrial Goods & Services Blue-Chip Index道•琼斯第一财经中国600工业用品和服务行业领先指数
Dow Jones CBN China 600 Personal & Househould Goods Blue-Chip Index道•琼斯第一财经中国600个人和家庭用品行业领先指数
entry for consumer goods消费品进口报单
final goods prices最终产品价格
finished goods精制品 (products;stock)
finished goods加工品 (products;stock)
finished goods制成品 (products;stock)
finished goods a/c产品帐户
finished goods ledger制成品分类帐
finished goods ledger sheet制成品登记单
finished goods on consignment托销成品
finished parts goods account制成零件帐户
good account优良帐户
good accounting practice良好之会计实务
good debts有收回希望的债务
good delivery优良交割
good faith deposit忠诚保证金
good-for-day order即日有效买卖盘
good governance善政廉政
good life保险公司乐意接保的健康人
good ordinary bonds不定股息可靠有价证券
good practices优良实践
good-till-cancelled order撤销前有效委托
good-till-date order到期前有效委托
be good for M to + inf.可以
be good for M to + inf.适宜
goods account商品帐
goods and chattels全部动产
goods and chattels私人财物
goods and services liberalization商品和服务贸易自由化
goods exchange agreement换货协定
goods-in consignments承销品 (consignments-in)
goods in process在产品 (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
goods in process在制品 (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
goods in process inventory account在制品存货帐
goods in process subsidiary ledger在产品明细分类帐
goods in transit付运中货品
goods on joint account合伙商品帐
goods to arrival;goods afloat将到货
goods to arrival;goods afloat未到货
goods to arrive a/c在途商品帐户
goods to arrive a/c未到货帐户
high value-added machinery and electronics goods高附加值机电产品
hypothecated goods担保品
hypothecated goods抵押品
immediate goods直接财产
in good order状态良好
initial goods in process account期初在制品帐户
insurance of export-import goods进出 口货物保险
loan on goods用商品抵押的贷款
made good抵付
made good the deficit弥补亏损
manufacturing cost of goods sold产品销售的制造成本
market for consumer goods消费品市场
mortgage goods抵押货物
mortgage of goods in flow流通中的货物抵押权
negative good will抵销商誉
negative good will负商誉
non-good-will shares无商誉股本
offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效报价
overdraft in good faith善意透支
payment …days after arrival of goods货到后若干日付款
pledge goods抵押品
pledged goods抵押品
positive good-will可靠的商誉 (与 negative good will 相对)
positive good-will好商誉 (与 negative good will 相对)
profit and loss on goods to arrive account到货损益帐户
prohibited goods ;contraband goods违禁品
projected cost of goods manufactured制成品预计成本
purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency买人以外币计价的商品
raise new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services抬高投资或货物及服务贸易新壁垒
ratio of cost of goods manufactured to fixed assets制造成本与固定资产之比
record of goods sold购货记录
repossessed goods收回的货物
sales of finished goods制成品销售收入
seasonable goods适令商品
sell low-value-added goods出售低附加值商品
short-run goods market短期货物市场
statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured制成品预算成本表
statement of cost of goods manufactured制造成本表
statement of cost to manufacture and cost of goods sold制造及销售成本表
summary of cost of goods sold销售成本汇总表
take part of the debt out in goods以货抵充部分债务
theory of good inflation通货膨胀有益论
ticket or coupon for goods a/c商品券帐户
to the good作纯益
to the good在贷方
total retail sales of consumer goods消费品零售总额
total retail sales of social consumer goods社会消费品零售总额
VAT of imported goods进口货物的增值税
volume of world goods traded全球商品贸易量