
Terms for subject Business containing Go | all forms | exact matches only
deliver from go-down出仓
finish-go-home basis of pay包干工资
go about one's business着手工作
go against a low违反法律
go ahead请即拍发
go ahead胜过对方
go ahead成功
go ahead in business开始营业
go and stop policy应变经济政策
go-and-no-go gauge合格与不合格的量规过规与不过规
go-and-no-go judgement合格与不合格的判断
go-and-not-go gauge规定限度检验器过规与不过规
go at a task着手工作
go back on违背诺言等
go back on the contract违约
go badly to market市场存货充斥
go bail for担保
go ball for担保
go bankrupt企业破产
go begging无买主
go begging无销路
go behind调查真相
go between调停
go between作代理人
go between作中间人
go beyond one's commission越权
go beyond the year跨年度
go down物价下跌
go down in price跌价
go-down price降价
go-down price下跌价格
go downtown到商业区购物
go dutch各自付账
go fail失灵
go fail出毛病
go fail失败
go far价值大
go flat out拼命干
go for a song贱价抛售
go for a song廉价抛售
go for broke全力以赴
go forward运出
go gauge过规
go-go fund投机性基金
go-go fund冒险性投资
go halves分摊
go halvesshare平分
go in with联合
go in with入股
go into business营业
go into business经营业务
go into effect from自・••生效
go into liquidation清理
go into liquidation清理整顿
go into liquidation破产
go into production投入生产
go into service任职
go-no-go gauge合格不合格量规过规、不过规
go-no-go judgement合格不合格判断
go on strike举行罢工
go one better出价高于
go-on-no information network model决策信息网络模型
go out of date落伍
go out of date过时
go out of gear毛病
go out of gear机器失灵
go over the account仔细检查账目
go public挂牌上市
go public上市
go public股票挂牌
go scot-free逍遥法外
go share平均分担
go shares分担
go shares分享
go short缺货
go-slow campaign慢行周期
go-slow campaign怠工运动
go-slow on tax increase暂缓增税
go-slow strike有组织的怠工运动
go-slow tactics怠工战术
go-stop policy应变经济政策
go through customs通过关验
go through formalities履行手续
go through procedures履行手续
go tick赊销
go tick赊购
go to总共
go to law诉诸法律
go to pieces裂为碎片
go to pot萧条
go to pot破产
go to smash破产
go with the tide顺应潮流
go without saying自不待言
go wrong发生故障
go wrong出毛病
If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
no go没办法
no go失败
no-go area禁区
not to go into past misdeed既往不咎
pay as you go账单到期即付
pay as you go预扣所得税
pay as you go〈美〉付现款
pay as you go method离职付款法
pay-as-you-go account登账须加付费用的支票往来户
pay-before-you-go account领用支票须加付费用的支票往来户
stop go应变经济
stop go收放
stop-and-go operation停机转向运算
stop-and-go operation停开操作
time of go to and off work上下班时间