
Terms containing Go | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A lot of unemployed workers in that country go on relief那个国家的大量失业工人靠救济金生活
gen.a very simple device with little to go wrong一台非常简单但不太会出毛病的装置
gen.afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?
gen.After a day of sightseeing, you can go to a concert in the world renowned Broadway theaters游览一天后,你可以在著名的百老汇歌剧院听音乐会
gen.All pans and pots have to pass strict inspection before they go out所有的锅出厂前须经过严格检查
China, lawapproval before sth. go into effect批准后生效
gen.as men go照一般的说法
gen.assigned Go To statement赋值转向语句
gen.at one go一举
gen.at one go一次
gen.at one go一气
gen.at one go一口气
gen.at one go-off一气
gen.at one go-off一举
gen.At the end of the night he drove me home again and we made tentative plans to go to a concert晚聚会结束后,他再次开车送我回家,我们说好了以后去听音乐会
gen.at the first go-off一下子
gen.at the first go-off一开头
gen.be full of go精力旺盛
gen.be on sentry-go放步哨
gen.be on the go忙碌
gen.be on the go活跃
gen.be on the go在进行
gen.be quite the go流行
gen.be raring to go一心要去
gen.Collect the baggage, then you can go through customs提取行李后,就可以过海关了
gen.come and go往来
gen.come in and go out出入
auto.comfortable entry/go system舒适进入/离开系统
auto.comfortable entry/go system舒适进入 /离开系统
avia.command track and distance to go给定航线和待飞距离
China, lawconstruct to go with配建
gen.Could you please tell me which bus I should take to go downtown?请问我到市商业区应该乘哪路车?
gen.Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
commun., railw.distance-to-go目标距离
commun., railw.distance-to-go测长
commun., railw.distance-to-go control mode目标距离连续速度控制模式
commun., railw.distance-to-go curve目标距离模式曲线 (profile)
railw.distance-to-go curve目标距离模式曲线
railw.distance-to-go profile目标距离模式曲线
gen.Do I have to go to the embassy in person?我需要亲自去大使馆吗?
gen.Do my shirt and my blue jeans go well together?我的衬衫和牛仔裤相配吗?
gen.Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?
gen.Does anyone want to go to the soldiers,home?有人想去洗手间吗?
dentist.Does it come and go?是间断疼痛吗?
gen.Does the manager not know we are both students? We shall go fifty-fifty经理不知道我俩是学生吗?我们应该各付各的
dentist.Does the pain go anywhere else?疼痛向其他地方放射吗?
gen.don't go near the edge不要走近边沿
gen.Don't worry. Check-in starts now. I have to go放心吧。开始办登记手续了。我得走了
auto.entry/go system进入/离开系统
gen.fall go to decay衰弱
gen.fall go to decay损坏
gen.fall go to decay腐烂
gen.from the word go从一开始
gen.get the motor to go杷马达废动起来
China, lawgo about and deceive people招摇撞骗
busin.go about one's business着手工作
China, lawgo abroad on official business公务岀境
logist.Go Abroad strategy"走出去"战略
textilego against a rule违反法规
textilego against a rule违反规则
textilego against a rule违反原则
China, lawgo against the fiduciary obligations违背受托义务
gen.go aground触礁
gen.go aground受阻
gen.go aground搁浅
auto.go ahead延伸
agric.go ahead向引信号
proj.manag.Go ahead and click on that radio button and you'll get a new set of options继续点击这个单选按钮、 然后你将得到一个新设定的选项
gen.Go along the street, on the third cross you will find it on your left沿着这条街往下走,走到第三个路口,它就在你的左边
gen.Go along this street and it's about two kilometers away沿着这条街走,离这儿大约两千米
gen.Go along this street and then turn left. It's next to the post office沿着这条街直走然后左拐,就在邮局旁
el.mach.go and not-go gauge通止规
gen.go and see one's aunt去女卫生间
auto.go-anywhere vehicle越野高通过性汽车
avia.go around computer复飞计算机
avia.go around selected选择的复飞
China, lawgo begging乞讨
busin.go beyond one's commission越权
China, lawgo beyond the authorization超越代理权限
China, lawgo beyond the scope allowed for its grade of qualification超越资质等级许可的范围
auto.go cart go kart单座小型娱乐汽车无车身和车顶,但用钢管做护架
auto.go cart儿童微型赛车 (go kart)
China, lawgo deeply into get into the bottom of a matter深究
agric.go down海风平静
agric.go down食物被吞下
agric.go down日,月下落
agric.go down平息
agric.go down栽培经验被记录下来 (= be recorded)
agric.go down耕作继续 (= continued)
agric.go down物价跌落
agric.go down渔船沉没
gen.Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
auto.go-faster stripe车身装饰条
China, lawgo for the disposition接受处理
agric.go forth发表
agric.go forward进展
el.mach.go gauge通过规
avia.go gauge过端量规
auto.go gauge length标距长度
textilego-go boots中高跟长统女靴指漆皮或光亮人造革制
textilego-go boots戈戈靴
textilego-go skirt歌歌裙
textilego-go watchband时髦表带
agric.go in日,月被云遮蔽
agric.go into细心检査
China, lawgo into effect automatically即行生效
proj.manag.go into operation投人运营
sport.go into training开始训练
auto.go kart微型赛车
auto.go kart卡丁车
agric.go lower物价跌落
agric.go mouldy长霉
agric.go mouldy生霉
avia.go/no go去/不去
agric.go off栽培措施实行
agric.go off农产品出售
agric.go off砰然发射
agric.go off品质变坏
anim.husb.go off feed食欲不振
anim.husb.go off feed倒胃
shipb.go on board上船
China, lawgo on normally正常进行
shipb.go on shore下船
chem.go-or-no-go gage过不过验规
chem.go-or-no-go gauge过不过验规
agric.go out工作结束
construct.go out of blast停风
gen.go out of one's way to特意 (+ inf.)
gen.go out of one's way to + inf.不怕麻烦地去做
gen.go out of one's way to故意 (+ inf.)
auto.go over绕过
auto.go over【动】超越
agric.go over详细检査
agric.go over察看
auto.go over a bump车辆通过不平道路
auto.go over the speed limit车辆超越速度极限
gen.go over the top超过限额〔指标〕
sport.go over the top赛赢
sport.go over the top名列前茅
gen.go over the top采取最后手段〔断然步骤〕
gen.go one's own way一意孤行
gen.go one's own way自行其是
gen.go one's own way in developing science and technology在发展科学技术方面走自己的路
gen.go past打旁边走过去
gen.go past the house在屋边走过
proj.manag.go private私营化
agric.go round绕道
tech.go round style garden统游式庭园
tech.go round style garden游赏式庭园
tech.go round style garden环游式庭园
auto.go-slow sign"安静行车"路标
gen.go some way有点用处〔效果〕
gen.go some way走了一小段距离
China, lawgo through通行
agric.go through花费
agric.go through费用
auto.go through a red light汽车闯红灯
econ.go through customs通过关检
textilego-through lace machine梭结花边机
auto.go through screwdriver穿心螺钉旋具
adv.go to black影像逐渐隐退直至屏幕变黑
China, lawgo to law bring a lawsuit against告状
agric.go to seed结子
agric.go to seed结实
China, lawgo to the debtor归债务人所有
China, lawgo to the pledgee归债权人所有
agric.go together匹配
agric.go together互相调和
China, lawgo unpunished未经处理
agric.go up攀缘
agric.go up攀登
gen.go up
gen.go up被提出
gen.go up
gen.go up爬上
gen.go up沿…往上
gen.go up
gen.go up被炸毁〔焚毁〕
bridge.go up用大牌打
gen.go up上涨
agric.go up养分上升
securit.go up 2 times增长两倍
gen.Go up to the second floor, and you will see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card上二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了
agric.go with配合
agric.go with适合
agric.go with匹配
gen.have a go at尝试
gen.have a go at企图
econ.have a precedent to go by有例可援
gen.have M distance to go to到 N 要走 M 距离 (N)
China, lawhave rules and regulations to go by有章可循
gen.he said he would go there the next day他当时说他打算第二天到那儿去
gen.Hello, which way should I go?您好,请问我该怎么走?
gen.Here you go. We serve a wide range of desserts. Here they are给您。我们这里的点心花样繁多,在这里
gen.Hi, Lily! I will go to the U. S. this summer. What should I do to complete my DS-160 application online?莉莉,我这个暑假准备去美国玩儿,我应该怎样完成网上的 DS-160申请表?
sport.Honour should go to our hard-working coach荣誉应归于我们辛勤工作的教练员
gen.How exactly should I go through the entry formality?究竟该如何办理入境手续呢?
gen.How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?你出国时带多少外币?
gen.How'd you like to go to an American style square dance tonight?今天晚上去跳美国式的方舞怎么样?
gen.I am sorry to inform you that because the boarding gate has been changed, please get your belongings and boarding pass and go to Gate No 7. Thank you for your understanding.很抱歉地通知您,由于登机口发生变化,请带好行李和登机牌,前往7号登机口登机。谢谢您的谅解
gen.I do not know but what I shall go不妨
gen.I do not know but what I shall go说不定我还会去呢 c 没到不…的程度
gen.I don't care to go我不想去
gen.I felt like Cinderella being told I would not go to the ball我觉得自己就像被禁止参加舞会的灰姑娘
gen.I guess you will have to go to the embassy in person and talk to the officers there我认为你需要亲自去向使馆官员咨询
gen.I have to go back to France in 6 weeks六周后我要回法国的
gen.I have to go on a trip urgently. Would it bother you if we changed the time?我有急事要出差。如果我们更改时间,会给你造成不便吗?
gen.I have to go to an emergency我必须得去看急诊
gen.I' m going downtown, but couldn't find the way. Is it right for me to go in this direction?我要去市中心,但是迷路了,往这个方向走对吗?
gen.I shall go我将去
econ.I think it is necessary for you to go into detail of the financial statement我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告
econ.I think it is necessary for you to go into details of the financial statement我认为你有必要详细说明此财务报告
gen.I think you could go to the Perito Moreno Glacier in southern Argentina我觉得你可以去阿根廷南部的莫雷诺冰川
gen.I think you had better go to see a doctor and have a physical check-up我想你最好去看一下医生,做一次体格检查
gen.I thought we might have dinner together and go to the movies我想我们可以共进晚餐,然后一起去看电影
gen.I want spicy crawfish. But don't go too far我要麻辣小龙虾,但是不要太辣
gen.I want to go into retreat我想去方便一下
gen.I want to go to Huston. When will the next train leave?我要去休斯敦,下趟车什么时候发?
gen.I was thinking maybe we could go out to dinner tonight晚上能一起岀来吃饭吗?
gen.I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tonight晚上能一起出来吃饭吗?
gen.I will go我愿〔一定〕去
dentist.I will make your tooth go to sleep我将使你的牙齿睡觉
gen.I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water我想请您给我拿一壶开水来
gen.I'd like to go somewhere我想去洗手间
auto.idle-stop & go怠速自动停机和起动
proj.manag.If I need some accounting advice, I always go to a professional accountant如果需要会计方面的建议、我会去找专业会计师
telecom.If my cell phone model is CDMA, then could I use it when I go abroad?如果我的手机制式是 CDMA,那么出国的时候还能够使用吗?
gen.If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
gen.I'll go to order meals. What would you like?我去点餐,你吃什么?
gen.I'll have a Gin and Tonic please, but go easy on the tonic我想喝一杯金汤力,不过汽水少些
gen.I'll stay with some friends for a few days in London and then I will go sightseeing我会和朋友在伦敦待几天,然后去观光旅游
gen.I'm hoping to go abroad during the break我期待这个假期能出国
gen.In that case, you' d better go to the Medical Department像你这样的情况还是去看看内科吧
gen.12 inches go to the foot12 英寸为 1 英尺
gen.7 into 5 won't go七除五除不尽
econ.Investment companies took the view that prices had reached rock bottom and could only go up一些投资公司认为价格已降到最低限度,以后只会上升
commer.It is necessary for you to go into details of your requirements你方有必要详细说明自己的要求
gen.it is no go这无济于事
gen.it is no go这不行
gen.it is preferable to go最好是去
gen.It's hot today. Shall we go for a dip at the beach?今天好热呀。我们到海边去游泳好吗?
gen.I've bought the ticket. We'll go to Rome. The plane ticket is not cheap, and we spend so much money on ticket just for one beautiful meal我已经订好机票了,去罗马。飞机票可不便宜呢,我们花那么多钱买机票,就为了好好吃一顿
gen.Jack knew Lily never offered to pick up the bill, so he suggested go halves this time杰克知道莉莉从不愿掏钱,所以这次他提议各付各的
gen.Just go down the street and take the third turning on the right. The hotel is on the end of that street沿着这条街道,在第三个路口向右转。宾馆就在街道的尽头
gen.Just go through the No. 8 ticket-barrier over there. A train will be in directly从8号检票口往前走,列车马上就进站
auto.keyless go奔驰故障诊断仪80组无钥匙驾驶
taekwondo.kyong-go penalty警告判罚
auto.laps to go车赛剩余圈数
China, lawlaws to go by法律依据
gen.let go解开
gen.let go
gen.let go
gen.let go释放
gen.let go放〔松〕手
gen.let go放开
tech.let go ofM 松开 M
gen.let it go at that停止讨论
gen.let it go at that不再去想
gen.let it go at that不再谈这事
gen.let me go放我一马
gen.Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare我和你分摊计程车费吧
gen.let things go hang听之任
gen.Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products我们上岸去买些地方特产吧
gen.Let's go Dutch我们 AA 制吧
gen.Let's go to Times Square on a metro咱们乘地铁去时代广场吧
gen.light go易来易去
gen.Like other couples, they go to films and restaurants after work像正常情侣一样,他们下班后一起看电影,一起去餐馆吃饭
gen.Linda, enjoy your holiday! Where do you want to go? Did you buy the flight ticket?琳达,好好享受假期!你想去哪儿度假,买机票了吗?
comp.load and go装人并执行指程序
China, lawmake it impossible for work to go on normally致使工作不能正常进行
otorhinol.mar go frontalis额缘
otorhinol.mar go squamosus鳞缘
otorhinol.mar go superior partis petrosae岩部上缘
otorhinol.mar go superior stapedis镫骨上缘
otorhinol.mar go zygomaticus颧缘
otorhinol.mar go zygomaticus alae magnae大翼颧缘
auto.merry-go-round machine立式车
avia.miles to go待飞英里
gen.Most notably, potential overseas ticket sales nowadays determine whether or not a studio executive gives the go-ahead to a movie一部电影是否继续投资,海外票房潜力是好莱坞电影制作人考虑的主要因素
gen.Mum, I need to go pee妈妈,我想尿尿
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
gen.My car is in the parking lot. Let s go this way. Let me help you with your bags我的车在停车区,请这边走。我来帮你拿行李
gen.a near go仅以身免
gen.a near go间不容发
proj.manag.Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there明年五月我要到新加坡的一家联合公司当技术顾问
gen.no go不行了
gen.no go没办法了
gen.no-go area不准通行区
gen.no-go light红灯
gen.no-go light停车灯
auto.no-go light停车
avia.not go止端
chem.not go不通过
avia.not go塞规不过端
gen.not-go end止端
gen.not-go end不通端
auto.not-go side量规不通过端
gen.not go so far as to + inf.不致
gen.not go so far as to不至于 (+ inf.)
gen.Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了
gen.On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right在这个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间
met.one-go【钢】 一次拉碳
agric.on-the-go adjustment运行中调整
gen.our investigations go to prove that...我们的调查结果证明…
mil., air.def.passive ranging-time-to-go无源测距-航行时间法
gen.People must go to the registration before seeing a doctor看医生之前一定要先挂号
gen.place to go去处
econ.Please do not hesitate to let us know the matter, and we will certainly go all lengths to assist you in solving it请转告有什么问题,我们一定全力协助你方解决
gen.Please go to the information desk, they will be able to help you请到咨询台,他们会为您提供帮助
dentist.Please take your denture out when you go to bed睡觉前请拿下义齿
gen.ready! set! go预备!
gen.ready! set! go
gen.ready! set! go各就各位!
China, lawrepeatedly commit the crime of embezzlement and go unpunished多次贪污未经处理
avia.rotation go around computer复飞计算机
gen.She wanted to go Dutch with me at the restaurant last night昨晚吃饭她想和我平摊费用
gen.should it if it should rain tomorrow, they would not go倘若明天下雨,他们就不去了
gen.start at M and go up to从M开始增加,上升到N为止 (N)
proj.manag.stop-go policy经济膨胀和紧缩交替运用的政策
proj.manag.stop-go policy应变经济政策
auto.stop-go service汽车停停走走的使用行驶
auto.stop-and-go driving停停走走式行车指经常停车又起步的行车
cryptogr.stop-and-go generator停走生成器
auto.stop-and-go operation汽车停停走走的行驶使用
auto.stop-and-go penalty比赛/赛车手强制停车惩罚
tech.stop-and-go signal停止再行信号
auto.system go-live系统上线
avia.take-off go around起飞复飞
gen.That is very nice! John, go and bring Elsa from her room. She hasn? t a watch那太好了!约翰,去把艾尔莎从她的房间里叫出来。她没有表
gen.That'll be very nice. Where would you like to go?好啊。你想去哪里吃呢?
gen.The detailed information is on the board. Please go and see it详细情况在那块利率牌上。请去那里看看吧
gen.The flight will go to Kyoto with a stopover at Dubai, but passengers do not have to disembark该航班在飞往京都的途中将会在迪拜经停,但乘客不需下飞机
gen.the fuse may go any time这根保险丝随时都会烧断
gen.the key won't go in the lock这钥匙塞不进锁里
econ.The meeting rejected the resolution to go on strike by 10 votes to 20会议以10票赞成20票反对否决一项继续罢工的决议
gen.the only thing we have to go on is...我们唯一所依据的是…
gen.The rest of the fine will go to the Treasury其余的罚金将上缴财政部
commer.The rumour is current that the price will go up谣传市场价格将上涨
gen.The ship is about to start. Let's go on board船就要开了,我们上船吧
gen.the tools go on the bottom shelf工具放在架子的底层
gen.There is a recreation center on the ground floor. You can play billiards, table tennis, bridge and go bowling底楼有一个娱乐中心,您可以去打台球,打乒乓球,玩桥牌,打保龄球
gen.there is no need for them to go on不需要他们继续下去了
gen.There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
proj.manag.These will help you go through all the pages of the scrapbook这些将帮助您浏览所有剪贴簿的页面
gen.They wanted to know when you would go to the Kelly Hill Conservation Park他们想知道你们什么时候去凯利山保护公园
shipb.This is our lowest price, I'm afraid we can't go any further.这是我们的最低价格,不能再让了
gen.This is your discharge certificate. I'll send a nurse to fetch your bill at the Admission Office and then you can go through the discharge formalities这是你的出院证,我叫护士马上到住院处取你的账单。然后就可以办理出院手续了
avia.time to go飞行至下一航路点所需时间
avia.time to go待飞时间
mil., air.def.time-to-go进行剩余时间
gen.time-to-go clock运动员终点计时钟
gen.time-to-go to touchdown着地前剩余时间
gen.To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理
China, lawto go by依据
shipb.to go through entry formalities办理入境手续
shipb.to go through exit formalities办理出境手续
gen.touch and go一触即发的形势
gen.touch and go高度不安定性
gen.touch and go动荡
gen.touch and go危险状态
gen.touch and go触即离
avia.touch and go快速行动
avia.touch and go landing连续起落
avia.touch and go landing接地复飞着陆
avia.touch-and-go landing连续起落
avia.touch-and-go landing接地复飞着陆
genet.touch-and-go pairing短暂配对
agric.touch-and-go pairing瞬间配对
agric.touch-and-go pairing触离配对
China, lawunqualified capital to go into the stock market资金违规流入股市
gen.We are going to the Sovereign Hill. Do you want to go with us?我们要去疏芬山,你要去吗?
gen.We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换
gen.We go to a concert last night to hear the symphony我们昨晚去演奏会听了交响乐
gen.we have to go there now我们现在得去那儿
gen.We may go to Starbucks instead of rushing home for a traditional English tea, but the consumption of a latte is a stylized act我们有时会跑到星巴克享受一杯咖啡,而不是赶回家喝杯传统英式茶,但是喝杯拿铁不过是个习惯行为
multimed.web2goweb2go 音频新闻聚合器
gen.We'll call you when your call is ready to go through电话接通时我们会打给您
proj.manag.Were you to go online tomorrow, your computer might run the risk of being attacked by a deadly virus如果明天上网、你的电脑可能面临遭到致命病毒破坏的危险
gen.What's the lowest you are willing to go?最低你能出什么价?
gen.When you go out, you should wear the sun helmet and the sun glasses外出时最好戴太阳帽和太阳镜
gen.When you go to a cafeteria, you may help yourself to the food在自助餐馆,你可以随意夹取食物
gen.When you lost your passport, you must go to the police station for a missing certificate and apply again for consulate护照丢失时,应立即到警察局开遗失证明书,再向领事馆申请补发
gen.Where can I go and see my aunt?女卫生间怎么走?
gen.where does the spanner go扳手放在哪儿
gen.Which doctor do you go to?你要找哪位医生?
gen.Which way do I go the Medical Department?内科怎么走?
gen.Which way do we go for the Northern Line?我们怎样去北线地铁?
gen.Will I have to go through customs for connecting flights?转机时候要出境再入境吗?
gen.Will this be for here or to go?在这里吃还是外带?
gen.wish for permission to go希望得到去的许可
gen.Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧
gen.You can directly go to the boarding gate of the next flight by following the signs您顺着指示牌直接到下一个航班的登机口登机就可以了
gen.You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢
gen.You can go back for more你可以回来多取些
gen.You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台
gen.you may go now你现在可以 〔不可以〕去
gen.you must go whether or no无论如何你得去
gen.you must not go now你现在可以 〔不可以〕去
gen.You must turn right into the Strand. Go straight on and Trafalgar Square is at end of the road. You can't miss it!你应该向右转进入到河岸街。向前直行,特拉法尔广场就在路尽头。你不会走错的
gen.you said "I shall go"你说过你会去的
gen.you said that you should go你说过你会去的
gen.you shall go一定得去
gen.You should go to the hospital for a general checkup你要去医院做常规检查
gen.You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳
gen.You sit here and I'll go and get the food你在这里坐,我去拿食物
gen.You want to go first class or coach?您想要订头等舱还是经济舱的机票?
gen.you will go你会去
gen.You'd better go to our Customer Service Counter on the mezzanine and check on it您最好到我们中层楼的顾客服务台查询一下
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