
Terms containing Get | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Although it was tough, we still get through from this尽管这很艰难,但是我们都挺了过来
gen.break get out of a habit打破革除 一种习惯
gen.Carry your belongings when you get off下车请带好随身物品
gen.Could you tell me how to get to the Union Station?请问怎么去联合车站?
gen.Could you tell me the best way to get to the museum?能告诉我去博物馆的最佳路线吗?
gen.Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?
gen.get about忙工作
gen.get about动手
gen.get about流传
gen.get about走动
gen.get abreast of与… 并驾齐驱
gen.get abroad传开
gen.get abroad出门
gen.get access to可以〔得以,有机会〕使用〔看到,获得,利用,接近,接触,出人,理解〕
gen.get access to可以使用
gen.get accustomed to变得习惯于
gen.get accustomed to司空见惯
gen.get accustomed to对…习以为常
gen.get acquainted with开始了解〔认识〕
gen.get across把…讲清楚
gen.get across使被理解接受
gen.get across使横,穿
gen.get one's act together消除分歧
gen.get one's act together克服矛盾
gen.get one's act together协调起来
gen.get admittance to获准进人
gen.get adrift脱节
gen.get adrift随风漂流
gen.get after sb.寻找某人〔某物〕
gen.get after sb.觊觎
gen.get after sb.妄想得到别人的东西
gen.get after sb.sth. 追赶 着某人
gen.get aground受阻
gen.get aground触礁
gen.get aground搁浅
gen.get ahead有进展
gen.get ahead进步
gen.get ahead获得成功
gen.get ahead赶〔超,胜〕过 (of)
gen.get along过日子
gen.get along进行〔展〕
gen.get along with相处
gen.get an inkling of稍稍明白〔知道〕
gen.get an inkling of微微觉得
gen.get an insight into洞察
gen.get an insight into透彻地理解
gen.get an insight into深人了解
gen.get an insight into看破〔透〕
gen.get an opportunity给予〔找到,得到,失去,抓住,利用〕机会
gen.get angry about因…而发怒〔生气〕
gen.get angry at因…而发怒〔生气〕
gen.get angry with M for N生M的气因为做了 N
gen.get anywhere多少取得一点儿进展
gen.get anywhere成功
gen.get anywhere用于否定句吃得开
gen.get sth. at a high figure低价高价买到某物
gen.get sth. at a low figure低价高价买到某物
gen.get away to a slow start开始采用,推广得很慢
gen.get back恢复
gen.get back返〔取,收〕回
gen.get back to the grindstone回到工作岗位指枯燥艰苦的工作
gen.get be in hot water陷人困境
gen.get better改善
gen.get one's bitters受到应得的处罚
gen.get one's books被解雇
gen.get one's breath恢复常态 (again)
gen.get by通过
gen.get by过得去
gen.get by对付过去
gen.get by及格
gen.get by从旁边走过
gen.get M by a long reach尽力伸手取 M
gen.get by withM 用 M 对付过去
gen.get clear of脱离
gen.get clear out完全出来
gen.get command of控制
gen.get complicated inM 被卷人 M
gen.get confused慌乱
gen.get confused发慌
gen.get one's conge被免职
gen.get credit for因…而获盛誉
gen.get credit forM 因M而得到好评
gen.get cross对 M 生气发脾气 (with M)
gen.get sb.'s dander up发脾气
gen.get sb.'s dander up发怒
gen.get one's deserts得到应得的奖赏〔处罚〕
gen.get done withM 把M做
gen.get down车,来
gen.get down放〔抄,记〕下
gen.get down降下
gen.get down记录下
gen.get down放下
gen.get down下来〔降,车〕
gen.get down to开始
gen.get entangled with…与…有牵连
gen.get even with sb.跟某人算账
gen.get even with sb.向某人报复
gen.get even with sb.与某人扯平
gen.get up everything in readiness for为…准备齐全
gen.get familiar with通晓
gen.get familiar with精通
gen.get familiar with变得对…熟
gen.get familiar with变得熟悉
gen.get familiar with熟悉
gen.get far afield from one's subject离题太远
gen.get one's feet wet开始做
gen.get one's feet wet开始参加
gen.get one's flints fixed受处分
gen.get floored被压服〔打败〕
gen.get one's foot in熟悉
gen.get one's foot in打进某不开放的圈子
gen.get one's foot in开始从事
gen.get one's foot in钻进
gen.get one's foot on the ladder跨出成功的第一步
gen.get free获得自由
gen.get free获得解放
gen.get free摆脱…
gen.get free逃脱
gen.get free被释放
gen.get free脱开
gen.get... going出发
gen.get... going实行
gen.get... going创立
gen.get... going开动〔展〕
gen.get one's gruel被干掉
gen.get one's gruel被击败
gen.get one's gruel被处死
gen.get one's gruel受重罚
gen.get hold of抓住
gen.get hold of占有
gen.get hold of抓〔握〕住
gen.get hold of找到
gen.get hold of握紧
gen.get hold of找某人
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick颠倒
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick误解
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick搞错
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick弄错
gen.get hold of the wrong end of the stick完全误解
gen.get home中肯
gen.get home达到目的
gen.get home达到目的〔终点〕
gen.get home获胜
gen.get home成功
gen.get home回〔到〕家
gen.get hurt受伤
gen.get ideas孢不切实际的想法 (into one's head)
gen.get ideas孢〔存〕幻想 (into one's head)
gen.get in插人
gen.get in收集〔回,获〕
gen.get in进去
gen.get in使进人
gen.get in a sail收下一张帆
gen.get in contact with取得联系
gen.get in gear投人工作
gen.get in gear搭上齿轮
gen.get in the mould垫平铸型准备浇注
gen.get in the way挡道
gen.get in the way阻碍
gen.get in touch with联系
gen.get in touch withM 和 M 接触〔联系〕
gen.get in touch with与……联系
gen.get into从事于
gen.get into研究
gen.get into使
gen.get into a habit of沾染〔养成〕…的习惯
gen.get M into a nice mess使M陷人困境
gen.get into a rut开始墨守成规
gen.get into a rut陷人老框框
gen.get into a scrape弄糟
gen.get into a scrape陷于困境
gen.get into a spin进人螺旋
gen.get into debt借〔负〕债
gen.get into gear投人工作
gen.get into gear搭上齿轮
gen.get into good trim整齐匀称
gen.get into good trim情形好
gen.get into good trim准备就绪
gen.get into knots对…困惑不解
gen.get M into shape整顿M
gen.get M into shape把M弄成一定形状
gen.get into one's stride使出干劲
gen.get into one's stride开始上轨道
gen.get into one's swing积极投人工作
gen.get into the clear进入空档
gen.get into the swing of one's work积极投人工作
gen.get into touch withM 和 M 接触〔联系〕
gen.get into trouble陷人困境
gen.get into trouble引起指责
gen.get into trouble withM 弄得同 M 闹纠纷
gen.get it made以后就万事大吉了
gen.get it made没有障碍再要克服
gen.get it made具备所需的一切
gen.get it made有成功的把握
gen.get it the right side up使它正面朝上
gen.get it wrong误解
gen.get it wrong算 〔弄〕错
gen.get one's liberty获得自由
gen.get loose逃走
gen.get nowhere没有〔不会产生〕结果
gen.get nowhere一事无成
gen.get off从…下来
gen.get off弄错
gen.get off脱去
gen.get off开始
gen.get off出发
gen.get off开脱
gen.get off离开
gen.get off使感到兴
gen.get off送走
gen.get off base弄糊涂了
gen.get off cheap占了便宜
gen.get off from a car下车
gen.get off from work下班
gen.get off the ground进行顺利
gen.get off the ground开始发行
gen.get off the ground飞起
gen.get off the rails出〔越〕轨
gen.get on放上
gen.get on骑上
gen.get on使前进
gen.get on过活
gen.get on获得进展
gen.get on登上
gen.get on装上
gen.get on安上
gen.get on
gen.get on穿〔戴〕上
gen.get on搭上
gen.get on a car上车
gen.get on board上船〔车,飞机〕
gen.get on one's feet病好了
gen.get on one's feet使恢复
gen.get on one's feet复苏指企业
gen.get on one's feet可以起床了
gen.get on one's feet经济上独立
gen.get on one's feet自立
gen.get on one's feet站起来发言
gen.get on for接〔靠〕近
gen.get on one's gloves戴上手套
gen.get on one's legs站起来
gen.get on the stick精神饱满地工作
gen.get on to接〔靠〕近
gen.get on to the ropes熟悉适当手续
gen.get on towards接〔靠〕近
gen.get on withM 在M方面获得成功〔进展〕
gen.get one's dander up发脾气
gen.get one's dander up发怒
gen.get out出去
gen.get out ofM 离〔脱〕开M
gen.get out ofM 从M 取〔得,弄,逸〕出
gen.get out of a spin摆脱螺旋状态
gen.get out of a spin由螺旋改出
gen.get out of bed起床
gen.get out of control再不能操纵
gen.get out of control失去控制
gen.get out of shape走样
gen.get out of shape变形
gen.get out of sight看不见了
gen.get out of step withM 失步
gen.get out of step withM 与M变得不同步
gen.get out of the way除去
gen.get out of the way解决掉
gen.get out of the way收拾
gen.get out of the way避〔让〕开
gen.get out of use逐渐被废弃
gen.get out of use已不再使用
gen.get out of use逐渐作废
gen.get out of use开始不再被采
gen.get over说服
gen.get over克服
gen.get over恢复
gen.get over弄完
gen.get over结束
gen.get over使被了解
gen.get over越〔渡〕过
gen.get over the difficulties度过困难
gen.get one's own way为所欲为
gen.get one's own way随心所欲
gen.get one's own way自主行事
gen.get one's photo taken请人给…拍照
gen.get possession of占有〔领〕
gen.get possession of拿到
econ.get quit ofM 免除 M
gen.get quit ofM 摆脱了 M
gen.get ready做好准备
taekwondo.get ready准备
gen.get ready for使做好…的准备
gen.get ready for使准备好
gen.get ready forto + inf.准备好
gen.get ready to使准备好 (+ inf.)
gen.get ready to使做好…的准备 (+ inf.)
gen.get rid from驱〔清,排,免〕除
gen.get rid from摆脱
gen.get rid from去掉
gen.get rid from除去
gen.get rid of驱〔清,排,免〕除
gen.get rid of摆脱
gen.get rid of避免
gen.get rid of去掉
wushu.get rid of the stale and take in the fresh排浊吸清
gen.get right弄好
gen.get right恢复正常
gen.get right改〔弄〕正
gen.get round说〔克〕服
gen.get round传开来
gen.get round克服
gen.get round回〔逃〕避
gen.get sb. safe对某人采取安全防范措施
gen.get satisfaction fromM 对 M 感到满意
gen.get savage withM 向M大发脾气
gen.get a sight ofM 看出 M
gen.get a sight ofM 发现 M
gen.get smug aboutM 变得对 M 沾沾自喜
gen.get M square整顿 M
gen.get straight搞通
gen.get straight弄 〔办〕好
gen.get straight了解
gen.get stuck被堵
gen.get ...taped彻底了解…
gen.get ...taped把…量好
gen.get ...taped把…录下音来
gen.get the best of从…中得到最大的好
gen.get the best out of发挥…最大功效
gen.get the best out of最有效地使用
gen.get the better of克服
gen.get the better of胜过
gen.get the bit between one's teeth桀骜不驯
gen.get the bit between one's teeth咬着嚼子狂奔
gen.get the bit in one's teeth桀骜不驯
gen.get the bit in one's teeth咬着嚼子狂奔
gen.get the canvas被驱逐
gen.get the canvas被拒婚
gen.get the canvas被解雇
gen.get the cheese失望
gen.get the cheese碰钉子
gen.get the credit ofM 得到M的荣誉
gen.get the esteem of...受…尊敬
gen.get the eye被人冷冷瞪一眼
gen.get the eye遭白眼
gen.get the eye引人注目
gen.get the feel of sth.掌握某事物
gen.get the forehand of居于优势
gen.get the forehand of居于有利地位
gen.get the forehand of占上风
gen.get the gauge ofM 探测 M 的意向
gen.get the grab onM 占据比M有利的地位
gen.get the grab onM 强〔胜〕过M
gen.get the hang of...懂得…的用法〔诀窍〕
gen.get the idea that认为
gen.get the idea that以为
gen.get the jump冲向对方队员
gen.get the low-down on得知…的真相〔内幕〕
gen.get the machine to run again使这台机器再运转起来
gen.get the mastery ofM 精通 M
math.get the mastery ofM 控制 M
gen.get the most from从…得到最大的好处
gen.get the most out of发挥…最大功效
gen.get the most out of最有效地使用
gen.get the motor repaired把这电动机送去修好
gen.get the motor to go杷马达废动起来
gen.get the opportunity给予〔找到,得到,失去,抓住,利用〕机会
gen.get the record straight弄清真相
gen.get the run of掌握
gen.get the run of熟悉
gen.get the rust off把锈弄掉
commer.get the start ofM 比 M 居先〔占优势〕
gen.get the story across toM 使 M 了解事情的经过
gen.get the truck rolling使这辆卡车开动起来
gen.get the upper hand of胜过
gen.get the upper hand of比…有利〔占优势〕
gen.get the upper hand of占优势
gen.get the utmost out of发挥…最大功效
gen.get the utmost out of最有效地使用
gen.get the weathergauge of...比…占据有利的地位
gen.get the wind ofM 对 M 占忧势地位
gen.get the wind ofM 比 M 占上风
gen.get there成功
gen.get there达到目的
gen.get there到达那里
gen.get through结束
gen.get through做完
gen.get through通过
gen.get through到达
gen.get through使通过
gen.get through with完成
gen.get... to (+ inf.)
gen.get toM 接触到M
gen.get toM 开始
gen.get to开始…起来 (+ inf.)
gen.get to变得 (+ inf.)
gen.get... to说服 (+ inf.)
gen.get toM 对M产生影响
gen.get toM 到达M
gen.get to抵达
gen.get to grips withM 认真对待 M
gen.get to grips withM 努力钻研 M
gen.get to know得知
gen.get to smooth water冲破难关
gen.get to the bottom of探明…的真相
gen.get to the bottom of了解…的底细
gen.get to the bottom of详细调査
gen.get to the core of a subject触及题目的核心
gen.get to the heart of抓住…的要点〔中心〕
gen.get to work动工
gen.get to work使开始工作
gen.get together汇齐
gen.get together取得一致意
gen.get together聚会
gen.get together聚集
gen.get together集合
gen.get together收集
gen.get together编纂
gen.get together积累
gen.get together聚 〔收, 召〕集合
gen.get under镇压
gen.get M under抑制 M
gen.get under控〔管〕制
gen.get under control把 …控制起来
gen.get under sail启程
gen.get under sail开船
gen.get under shelter获得掩蔽
gen.get up变剧烈
gen.get up到达
gen.get up弄好
gen.get up追及
gen.get up使升高
gen.get up拿〔唤〕起
gen.get up登上
gen.get up整理
gen.get up组织
gen.get up装扮
gen.get up钻研
gen.get up改订
gen.get up起床
gen.get up致力于
gen.get up产生
gen.get up筹划
gen.get up安排
gen.get up起来
gen.get up a panic引起恐慌
gen.get up steam加大锅炉的汽压
gen.get up steam奋发
gen.get up steam振作精神
gen.get up steam加热锅炉
gen.get up steam冒水蒸汽
gen.get upset弄得手忙脚乱
gen.get used to弄惯
gen.get used to变得习惯于
gen.get used toM 变得习惯于M
gen.get warm暖起来
gen.get warm变暖
gen.get way脱离
gen.get way散逸
gen.get way逃脱
gen.get way把…弄走
gen.get way使离开
gen.get wise to明白
gen.get wise to了解
gen.get wise to知道
gen.get wise to懂得
gen.get one's wish如愿以偿
gen.get wounded in action战斗中负伤
gen.get zone得分区域
gen.How about buy one and get one free?买一送一怎么样?
gen.How can he get a hold of you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
gen.How can he get in contact with you?他怎么跟您联系呢?
gen.How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?
gen.How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?最近的纪念品店怎么走?
gen.How can we get to Hilton?我们怎么去希尔顿宾馆?
gen.How could we get to the Heron Island?我们要怎么去赫伦岛?
gen.How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?我如何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?
gen.How will I know where to get my luggage?我怎么知道到哪里取行李?
gen.If not, I'll send someone down to get one from the pharmacy如果没有,我马上派人到药店买一个过来
gen.if the aggressors dare come, they will never be able to get away只要侵略者敢来,管叫他们有来无回
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
gen.It's ridiculous! I can get to places faster by bike than by car now!现在你如果要去一个地方,骑自行车比开车快多了。这简直荒唐!
gen.Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送
gen.She hopes you get rid of the trouble of serious illness as soon as possible她希望你早日摆脱病魔的困扰
gen.Some of you are aware that I really enjoy seeing movies whenever I get the chance你们之中有些人已经知道了,我只要有机会就会享受看电影的乐趣
gen.Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feeling frozen stiff in the evening游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵
gen.Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away好的,我认为我们要马上把你送到急救室去
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?我替您跟别的地方联系一下,您看怎么样?
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