
Terms for subject Environment containing FLOODS | all forms
fire-flood cycle火灾-水灾周期
flood control Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structures洪水控制 (为防止和减少不寻常的高于地面的水积聚而带来的损害而采取的措施。通常需要建设水库和沟渠结构。)
flood forecast The hydrological processes generating river floods have been studied extensively and several modelling concepts have been proposed. The standard procedure for flood forecasting consists of calibrating the parameters of the model of a particular river basin on a representative set of historical hydrometric data and subsequently applying this calibrated model in a real-time environment洪水预报 (洪水发生的水文过程已被广泛研究,许多建模理论被提出。对洪水预报的标准程序包括基于历史水文数据,校准有代表性的某一流域模型的参数,以及随后在实时环境中使用此校正模型。)
flood protection防洪工作
flood protection Precautionary measures, equipment or structures implemented to guard or defend people, property and lands from an unusual accumulation of water above the ground防洪 (预防措施,设备,或结构,建造用来保护,财产和土地不被不寻常累积的高于地表的大水损害。)
flood runoff The total quantity of water flowing from the catchment during the period of the flood洪水流量 (洪水时从积水区流出的水的总量。)
flood tide涨〔高〕潮