
Terms for subject Plastics containing FABRIC | all forms | exact matches only
absorption fabric吸收性织物
adhesive fabric黏合布
asbestos fabric base laminate石棉织物层合板
backed fabric衬里织物
backed fabric涂胶浆织物
backing fabric衬料织物
base fabric底布
biaxial fabric双轴向织物
bidirectional fabric双向同性织物
bird's eye fabric鸟眼花纹织物
breathing fabric透气人造革
broad fabrics宽幅织物
broadloom fabric宽幅织物
buffing fabric抛光织物
calendering fabric/foam/fabric泡沫双层压延织物
chopped cotton fabric棉碎布片〈填料〉
circular woven fabric圆形机织织物
coated fabric涂敷织物
coated fabric涂覆织物
continuous filament staple fibre moven fabric长丝定长纤维织物
continuous filament woven fabric长丝织物
cotton fabric base棉布基
decorative fabric装饰〈用〉织物
double coated fabrics双面涂布织物
double-filled fabric双纬织物
fabric backed plastic织物衬里塑料
fabric base laminate布基层压层合塑料
fabric base laminated sheet布基层压板
fabric bearing层压胶布板制的轴承
fabric bonding with foam织物与泡沫塑料黏合
fabric chips布屑 <填料〉
fabric chips[clippings]布碎片
fabric coating织物涂布
fabric disk布轮〈抛光〉
fabric-filled moulding compound[material]布填模塑料
fabric filled phenolics布填酚醛塑料
fabric filler布质填料
fabric foam laminate织物-泡沫塑料层合制品
fabric hybrid composites混杂织物复合材料
fabric insert布层层合料
fabric laminate布基层合层压塑料
fabric lined pressure-tubing布衬耐压软管
fabric supported sheet布衬片材
fabric surface belt外敷布传动皮带
face fabric面料
flammable fabric可燃性织物
foam backed fabric泡沫塑料衬里织物
foamed doubled fabric泡沫塑料衬里织物
foamed doubled fabric泡沫复合织物
formed fabric成型织物
glass fabric玻璃纤维织物
ground fabric底布
impregnated fabric树脂浸渍织物
industrial fabric工业用织物
laminated fabric层合布板
laminated fabric bearing层压布板制的轴承
laminated fabric gear层压布板制的齿轮
lattice fabric格状织物
light weight fabric轻质织物
macerated fabric molding碎布模制品
macerated fabric moulding碎布模制品
macerated fabrics布屑〈填料〉
macerated fabrics布碎片
narrow fabric
narrow fabric with selvage有边织带
narrow fabric with selvage有织边的窄幅织物
narrow fabric without selvage毛边织带
narrow fabric without selvage无织边的窄幅织物
needled non-woven fabric针刺无纺织物
non-woven fabric非织造织物
nylon coated fabric耐纶涂覆织物
pile fabric割绒织物
plain woven fabric平纹布
plain woven fabric平纹织物
plasticised fabric塑性化织物
polyvinyl chloride coated fabric聚氯乙烯涂覆织物
power fabric弹性织物
preimpregnated of fabrics织物预浸渍
proof fabric防水织物
resin impregnated fabric树脂浸渍织物
resin-glass fabric laminate树脂和玻璃纤维织物层压材料
roll of fabric布卷
roving fabric无捻粗纱织物玻纤
roving fabric无捻粗纱布
rubber coated fabric胶织物
shell fabric面料
slow burning fabric耐烧织物
spin-bonded fabric纺黏型织物
spun fabrics短纤维织物
spun-bonded fabric纺黏型织物
staple fibre woven fabric短纤维织物
stretch fabric弹力织物
strip of bias fabric斜条纹织物
styrofoam layer on fabric织物上的泡沫塑料层
synthetic resin bonded-fabric sheet合成树脂黏合布板
textile glass fabric纺织玻璃纤维织物〈塑料用增强材料〉
tufted fabric裁绒织物
tyre builder fabric轮胎帘子布
tyre fabric轮胎用织物
tyre fabric轮胎帘布织物
unidirectional fabric单向织物
varnished fabric浸渍树脂织物〈制层压材料用〉
varnished fabric浸胶织物
weave of the fabric织物的编织
woven backing fabric地毯编织背衬
woven fabric纺织布
woven glass fabric玻璃纤维布
woven glass filament fabric玻璃纤维长丝织物
woven narrow fabric机织狭幅织物
woven narrow fabric机织带子
woven-glass filament fabric玻璃长丝织物〈增强材料〉
woven-glass roving fabric玻纤粗纱布
woven-glass staple fibre fabric玻璃短纤维织物〈增强材料〉