
Terms for subject Business containing Ex | all forms | exact matches only
action ex contract依据合同的诉讼
action ex delicto侵权行为诉讼
award made ex aequo et bono依据公平合理原则作出的仲裁裁决
award made ex aequo et bono根据公平合理原则所作的仲裁
barrel ex wharfage码头交货桶
C.I.F. ex ship's hold到岸仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价
cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价
cum dividend and ex dividend带股息与不带股息
decide ex aequo et hono〈法〉按公平合理原则处理
delivered ex ship目的港船上交货价
ex aerodrome机场交货
ex all一切除外
ex all无股息
ex all无任何利益
ex-ante and ex-post analysis事前和事后分析
ex ante demand预期需求
ex ante forecasting error事前预测误差
ex ante investment事前投资
ex ante profit计划利润
ex ante profit根据推断的利益即根据经济变化而推测的利益
ex ante rate of returns计划投资报酬率
ex ante savings计划储蓄
ex bag开价
ex bag开袋
ex bond warehouse关栈交货价
ex bonded warehouse关栈交货价
ex bonded warehouse保税仓库交货价
ex bonus无红利股
ex bonus不附红利
ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid税后买方关栈交货价
ex capitalization资本化以外的
ex capitalization无红利股
ex capitalization不附资本股
ex-chairman of the board of directors前任董事长
ex claim无索赔权
ex commission无佣金
ex contract依照合同
ex coupon无息证券
ex coupon无优待券
ex coupon无除息票
ex customs compound海关交货价指卖方将货物运至输入国,办完报关及交纳关税后,在海关区场交给买方货物的交货价条件
ex directory未登记的
ex dist无股息
ex dist无收入
ex distribution不分配
ex dividend股息在外价格
ex dividend无股利
ex dividend除息金
ex-dividend date除息日期
ex dividend date无息日期
ex dock duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
ex drawing无抽签的利益
ex facie显然地
ex facto事实上
ex factory price出厂价格
ex factory price厂价
ex fair市场交货价
ex godown卖方仓库交货价指以输出地卖方仓库为交货地点
ex gratia特许
ex gratia payment优惠付款
ex hypothesis根据假定
ex importation dock入口港码头交货价
ex interest除息
ex interest除利息
ex interest利息除外价格
ex interest利息在外价格
ex interest无利息不包括利息或无息
ex interest quotation无息报价单
ex leader前任领导
ex leg根据法律
ex lighter驳船交货价
ex maker's godown制造厂商仓库交货价
ex makers godown制造商仓库交货价
ex manager前任经理
ex mill工厂交货价
ex mine矿山交货价
ex new无权得到新股
ex new除去新股
ex new原股东出售其旧股票时声明除去新股出售意即保留购买新股权利
ex over side目的港船上交货价
ex parte偏袒一方
ex pier duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
ex pit交易所场外交易
ex pit transaction场外交易
ex plane飞机上交货价
ex point of origin原地货场交货
ex point of origin现场交货即货物存放所在地交货
ex post根据过去经济发展分析
ex post analysis事后分析
ex post data事后数据
ex post demand事后需求
ex post demand根据过去分析的需求
ex post facto追认的
ex post facto追溯
ex post facto approval补批
ex post facto approval事后批准
ex post forecasting事后预测
ex post forecasting error事后预测误差
ex post identity事后鉴定
ex post investment分析过去经济发展后投资
ex post profit事后利润
ex post rate of returns事后报酬率
ex post saving事后储蓄
ex post saving分析过去情况后储蓄
ex post savings事后储蓄额
ex privileges无特权
ex quay duty paid税后码头交货价
ex quay terms目的港码头交货条件
ex rail铁道旁交货价
ex repayment不偿还
ex repayment不偿还资本
ex rights无认购新股权
ex rights除权
ex rights在销售的股票中不附权利除权股票
ex-rights date除权日期
ex-rights price of stock除权后股票市价
ex scrip无临时股票
ex scrip无红股发行
ex seller's godown卖方仓库交货价
ex steamer船上交货价
ex stock仓库交货价
ex store拉丁语仓库交货价格
ex store商店交货价
ex store店铺交货价
ex store仓库交货价格
ex store〈美〉卖方店铺交货价
ex store terms商店交货条件
ex store terms店铺或仓库交货条件
ex warehouse仓库交货价指卖方仓库
ex warehouse terms卖方仓库交货条件
ex warrant不附券
ex wharf目的港码头交货价即以目的港码头为交货地点
ex wharfage码头交货价
ex work工厂交货价
ex works卖方工厂交货价
ex works terms卖方工厂交货条件指以货物输出地卖方工厂为交货地点的条件
price ex warehouse仓库交货价
real ratio of international ex change国际汇兑实际比率
sale ex work按工厂交货条件销售
tariff ex-heading税目分类