
Terms containing Ex | all forms | exact matches only
lat.Acacia aneura F. Muell. ex Benth.无脉金合欢 (常绿小乔木,具叶状柄、以枝条进行光合作用,生长于澳大利亚腹地岛山之间的沙质平地、维多利亚大沙漠东缘和纳拉伯平原北缘地区,多与其他乔木构成疏林,在索诺拉沙漠也有分布)
lat.Acacia auriculiformis Cum. ex Benttl.耳状金合欢 (北非固沙造林树种)
lat.Acacia auriculiformis Cum. ex Benttl.大叶相思
lat.Acacia cyclops Cum. ex G. Don巨相思树
lat.Acacia cyclops Cum. ex G. Don巨金合欢
lat.Acacia cyclops Cum. ex G. Don澳西金合欢 (原产于澳大利亚,北非、近东和中东国家引种,抗旱,耐海浪飞沫,适于海滨沙丘生长,为摩洛哥加多尔地区和突尼斯北部海岸沙丘造林树种)
lat.Acacia harpophylla F. Muell. ex Benth.镰叶金合欢 (澳大利亚沙漠和半荒漠造林树种)
lat.Acacia laeta R. Br. ex Hath.华美金合欢 (埃及、乍得及尼日尔的荒漠地区,小乔木,高6 〜8m)
lat.Acacia ligulata Cunn. ex Benth.舌状金合欢 (原产于澳大利亚的内陆沙垄地区,残山石质坡上和砾石坡积裾上、根上有豹蠹蛾 (Xyleutes leucomochloa) 幼虫,土著人爱吃。突尼斯和利比亚在年降雨量为120〜130mm 的沙土地区引种,生长很好)
lat.Acacia nilotica L. Willd. ex Del.阿拉伯胶金合欢
lat.Acacia nilotica L. Willd. ex Del.尼罗河金合欢 (利比亚荒漠和阿拉伯半岛)
lat.Acacia pendula Cum. ex G. Ebn.垂枝金合欢 (北非、澳大利亚沙漠和半荒漠造林树种)
lat.Acanthocereus floridanus Small ex Britton et Rose佛罗里达刺仙柱
lat.Acanthocereus pitajaya Jacq. Dugand ex Croizat比搭刺仙柱
lat.Acanthosicyos horrida Welw. ex Benth.纳米布刺 (南非荒漠和半荒漠固沙植物)
lat.Achillea aegyptiaca Hirt. ex Steud.埃及蓍草
busin.action ex contract依据合同的诉讼
tech.action ex contract依据合同或契约的诉讼
securit.action ex contractu根据合同的诉讼
tech.action ex delict根据侵权行为的诉讼
lat., busin.action ex delicto根据侵犯权利行为的诉讼
busin.action ex delicto侵权行为诉讼
securit.action ex delicto根据侵权行为提起的诉讼
lat.Allium bidentatum Fisch, ex Prokh.砂韭
lat.Alyssum dasycarpum Steph. ex Willd.粗果庭荠 (印度、巴基斯坦、伊朗固沙植物)
tech.angle measurement an ex-centre偏心测角
securit.annual dividend per share by ex date除息日前每股红利
lat.Astragalus gebleri Fisch, ex Bong准噶尔黄芪
busin.award made ex aequo et bono依据公平合理原则作出的仲裁裁决
busin.award made ex aequo et bono根据公平合理原则所作的仲裁
busin.barrel ex wharfage码头交货桶
lat.Berberis chilensis Gill. ex. Hook.智利小檗
lat.Bougainvillea Comm, ex Juss.九重葛属
lat.Bougainvillea Comm, ex Juss.叶子花属
lat.Bougainvillea Comm, ex Juss.三角梅属 (紫茉莉科)
lat.Bouteloua gracilis Kunth Lag. ex Steud.格兰马草 (北美和墨西哥固沙植物)
lat.Calligonum ebinuricum Ivan ex Y.D. Saskov精河沙拐枣 (灌木,高lm、生长于新疆艾比湖地区的流动沙丘)
busin.C.I.F. ex ship's hold到岸仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价
earth.sc.continuous countercurrent ion-ex. change连续逆流离子交换
lat.Copiapoa ferox Lembcke et Backeberg ex Backeberg猛龙玉
busin.cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold到岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价
busin.cum dividend and ex dividend带股息与不带股息
securit.cum ex dividend不带股息
lat.Cupressus cashmeriana Royle ex Carr.克什米尔柏木
busin.decide ex aequo et hono〈法〉按公平合理原则处理
tech.delivered ex-quay目的港码头交货
busin.delivered ex ship目的港船上交货价
tech.delivered ex-ship目的港船上交货
nautic., tech.delivered ex ship-named port of destination指定目的港的船上交货
lat.Discocactus tricornis Monv. ex Pfeiff.黑刺玉
desert.dyck ex AP de candolle墨乌帽子
desert.dyck ex pfeiff绢毛团扇
desert.dyck ex winterfeld簇毛仙人掌
desert.dyck ex winterfeld卷毛仙人掌 (南美洲山地盐土灌丛荒漠)
desert.dyck ex winterfeld鹰翁
lat.Echinocactus ingens Zucc. ex Pfeiff.白岩丸
lat.Echinocactus xeranthemoides Engelm. ex Coult.龙女冠
lat.Echinocereus leeanus Hooker Lemaire ex Rumpler花冠虾
lat.Echinopsis candicans Gillies ex Salm-Dyck Weber ex Hunt金城球
lat.Echinopsis formosa Pfeiffer Jacobi ex Salm-Dyck丽刺玉
lat.Echinopsis maximiliana Heyd. ex A. Dietrich中国红
lat.Echinopsis maximiliana Heyd. ex A. Dietrich大和霞
chem.electrostatic flocking adhesive EX-1静电植绒胶粘剂 EX-1
lat.Elymus angustus Trin. ex Ledeb.阿尔泰野麦草 (耐旱,耐寒多年生禾本科植物)
lat.Elyonurus hirsutus VahL. Munro, ex Benth.硬胶鳞草 (印度和巴基斯坦固沙植物)
lat.Elyonurus hirsutus VahL. Munro, ex Benth.硬毛禾
lat.Escobaria roseana Boedeker Schmoll ex F. Buxb.金杯
lat.Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume帝汶岛白桉
lat.Eucalyptus alba Reinw ex Blume阔叶桉
lat.Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.边缘桉
lat., busin.ex aequo et bono根据公平合理善良原则
busin.ex aerodrome机场交货
tech.ex airport机场交货
securit.ex all除去所有
busin.ex all一切除外
busin.ex all无股息
busin.ex all无任何利益
tech.ex all/不附权利 (证券)
securit.ex all无权利
tech.ex all保留全部权利
securit.ex all卖方保留全部权利
lat.ex animo拉丁语衷心
lat., interntl.trade.ex-ante事前的
lat., interntl.trade.ex-ante预计
lat., interntl.trade.ex-ante事先
securit.ex ante采取措施前
tech.ex ante analysis事先分析
busin.ex-ante and ex-post analysis事前和事后分析
securit.ex ante conditionality事先条件性
busin.ex ante demand预期需求
tech.ex ante forecasting事前预测
busin.ex ante forecasting error事前预测误差
China, lawex ante industry licensing前置性行业许可
busin.ex ante investment事前投资
tech.ex ante measurement of benefit工程竣工前的效益估算
tech.ex ante measurement of benefit效益预测
tech.ex ante payoff事先偿付
busin.ex ante profit计划利润
busin.ex ante profit根据推断的利益即根据经济变化而推测的利益
busin.ex ante rate of returns计划投资报酬率
securit.ex ante return预计回报
securit.ex-ante saving事前储蓄
securit.ex-ante saving计划储蓄
busin.ex ante savings计划储蓄
securit.ex ante savings事前储蓄
securit.ex-ante transaction事前交易
securit.ex ante value事前价值
avia.exd. armored-cable packing gland防爆铠装电缆密封接头
busin.ex bag开价
busin.ex bag开袋
tech.ex barge驳船交货
tech.ex barge price驳船价
tech.ex bond纳税后关栈交货
tech.ex bond纳税后开栈交货
securit.ex bond买方关仓交货
busin.ex bond warehouse关栈交货价
busin.ex bonded warehouse关栈交货价
busin.ex bonded warehouse保税仓库交货价
busin.ex bonus不附红利
securit.ex bonus不包括奖金
busin.ex bonus无红利股
securit.ex bonus无红利
construct.ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid〔法语〕完税后买方关栈交货价格
construct.ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid完税后买方关栈交货价格
tech.ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty paid完税后买方关栈交货价格
busin.ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid税后买方关栈交货价
tech.ex buyer's godown买方仓库交货价格
shipb.ex buyer's warehouse买方仓库交货价
shipb.ex buyer's warehouse买方仓库交货
securit.ex cap无红利
securit.ex cap无股利的股票
securit.ex capitalization无资本化
securit.ex capitalization无市值
busin.ex capitalization无红利股
busin.ex capitalization资本化以外的
busin.ex capitalization不附资本股
securit.ex capitalization不附资本增值出售的股票不包括公司按股权比例分配给股东的红利新股
cleric.ex cathedra用职权
cleric.ex cathedra〔拉丁语〕命令式地
busin.ex-chairman of the board of directors前任董事长
busin.ex claim无索赔权
securit.ex claim无认股要求权
securit.ex claim无优先认股权
securit.ex clearing house场外清算所
securit.ex-clearing house非清算所交易两个持有反向交易单的经纪人无需通过清算所而完成的交易
busin.ex commission无佣金
busin.ex contract依照合同
tech.ex-contractual claims非合同规定的索赔
busin.ex coupon无息证券
busin.ex coupon无除息票
tech.ex coupon不附息票
tech.ex coupon不带息票
busin.ex coupon无优待券
securit.ex coupon ex cp or除息票
securit.ex coupon ex cp or无息债券国际债券市场术语
securit.ex coupon ex cp or无息票
securit.ex curia在法庭之外
busin.ex customs compound海关交货价指卖方将货物运至输入国,办完报关及交纳关税后,在海关区场交给买方货物的交货价条件
tech.ex customs compound海关交货价
lat., busin.ex delicto由于侵权行为
agric., chem.ex-den granulation卸料粗碎
busin.ex directory未登记的
busin.ex dist无股息
busin.ex dist无收入
securit.ex distribution无配售额
busin.ex distribution不分配
securit.ex distribution无分配权
securit.ex dividend除去股息出售的股票中,不含将要分配的股息
tech.ex dividend不带股息
busin.ex dividend股息在外价格
busin.ex dividend无股利
busin.ex dividend除息金
securit.ex dividend不带息
securit.ex-dividend and ex-right除息除权 (DR)
securit.ex-dividend basis无息基准
busin.ex dividend date无息日期
busin.ex-dividend date除息日期
securit.ex-dividend date除息日派息后第一天
securit.ex-dividend day除息日股息从股价中扣除的那天
securit.ex dividend gap除息缺口
securit.ex-dividend quotation除息报价
securit.ex-dividend quotation除净报价
securit.ex dividend reference price除息日参考价格
securit.ex-dividend trading day除息净交易日
securit.ex-dividend treatment除息处理
securit.ex divident price除息价格
tech.ex dock目的地码头交货
tech.ex dock码头交换价 (格)
tech.ex dock码头交货价 (格)
busin.ex dock duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
securit.ex drawing无支取款
securit.ex drawing无抽签权
busin.ex drawing无抽签的利益
securit.ex drawing无利润支取
gen.ex eks reil〔拉丁语〕铁路旁交货
tech.ex establishment value非基层单位值
lat., busin.ex facie从表面看
securit.ex facie在表面上
lat.ex facie拉丁语文件等表面看
busin.ex facie显然地
securit.ex facie明显地
securit.ex facie absolute disposition标准抵押
busin.ex facto事实上
lat., busin.ex facto根据事实
railw.ex factory出厂
tech.ex-factory inspection出厂检验
tech.ex factory pass rate出厂合格率
tech.ex-factory price出厂价 (格)
busin.ex factory price厂价
busin.ex factory price出厂价格
tech.ex-factory price工厂交货价 (格)
shipb.ex factory terms工厂交货条件
busin.ex fair市场交货价
busin.ex godown卖方仓库交货价指以输出地卖方仓库为交货地点
tech.ex-godown卖方仓库交货价 (格)
tech.ex-godown price仓库交货价 (格)
gen.ex gratia通融
lat., busin.ex gratia优惠给与
busin.ex gratia特许
gen.ex gratia拉丁语作为优惠
busin.ex gratia payment优惠付款
securit.ex gratia payment优惠金
busin.ex hypothesis根据假定
busin.ex importation dock入口港码头交货价
tech.ex importation dock price入口港栈货价
securit.ex interest不附利息
tech.ex interest不带利息
busin.ex interest无利息不包括利息或无息
busin.ex interest除利息
busin.ex interest利息除外价格
busin.ex interest利息在外价格
busin.ex interest除息
securit.ex interest无利息的
securit.ex interest无息债券
busin.ex interest quotation无息报价单
securit.ex interest quotation无利息报价
busin.ex leader前任领导
busin.ex leg根据法律
securit.ex legal无律师意见发行债券时不必向投资人出示法律意见
busin.ex lighter驳船交货价
tech.ex lighter驳船交货
tech.ex lighter port of arrival目的港船上交货价
busin.ex maker's godown制造厂商仓库交货价
busin.ex makers godown制造商仓库交货价
busin.ex manager前任经理
tech.ex meridian近中天
tech.ex meridian近子午线的
tech.ex meridian傍午
tech.ex meridian近午
tech.ex-meridian altitude近中天高度
tech.ex-meridian altitude近子午圈高度
tech.ex-meridian below pole下近中天
tech.ex-meridian observation近子午圈观测
tech.ex-meridian zenith distance近子午圈天顶距
busin.ex mill工厂交货价
tech.ex mine矿场交货
busin.ex mine矿山交货价
tech.ex mine矿山交货 (价)
lat., busin.ex more根据匀惯
busin.ex new原股东出售其旧股票时声明除去新股出售意即保留购买新股权利
busin.ex new无权得到新股
busin.ex new除去新股
securit.ex new无新股申购权
lat., busin.ex officio依官职的
securit.ex officio依职权
gen.ex onimo衷心
busin.ex over side目的港船上交货价
avia.exd packing gland防爆密封接头
avia.exd. packing gland for connecting pipe接管式防爆密封接头
busin.ex parte偏袒一方
lat., busin.ex parte片面
lat., interntl.trade.ex parte缺席优惠赔付
lat., interntl.trade.ex parte片面的
tech.ex-parte award一方当事人在场所作出的仲裁裁决
tech.ex-parte evidence一方所提出的证据
busin.ex pier duty unpaid未完税码头交货价
busin.ex pit交易所场外交易
busin.ex pit transaction场外交易
tech.ex plane输出空运港机上交货价
busin.ex plane飞机上交货价
tech.ex plane空运机交货
busin.ex point of origin原地货场交货
tech.ex point of origin由发货点算起
busin.ex point of origin现场交货即货物存放所在地交货
tech.ex point of origin现场交货价格
securit.ex post历史变量对以前证券有影响的变量,这些变量仅用于历史分析
busin.ex post根据过去经济发展分析
lat., interntl.trade.ex post事后的
securit.ex post追溯既往的
securit.ex post Alpha事后阿尔法投资结束后,计算出的资产组合的阿尔法值
busin.ex post analysis事后分析
securit.ex post Beta事后贝塔投资结束后,计算出的资产组合贝塔值
tech.ex post calculation事后计算
avia.ex-post calculation事后计算
securit.ex post conditionality事后条件性
math.ex-post critical path事后要径
busin.ex post data事后数据
busin.ex post demand事后需求
busin.ex post demand根据过去分析的需求
busin.ex post facto追认的
busin.ex post facto追溯
lat., interntl.trade.ex post facto有追索效力的
lat., busin.ex post facto事后的
lat., interntl.trade.ex post facto事后
securit.ex post facto有追溯效力的
busin.ex post facto approval补批
busin.ex post facto approval事后批准
tech.ex post forecast error事后预测误差
busin.ex post forecasting事后预测
busin.ex post forecasting error事后预测误差
busin.ex post identity事后鉴定
busin.ex post investment分析过去经济发展后投资
tech.ex post investment事后投资
avia.ex-post licensing事后许可
tech.ex post measurement of benefit实际效益估算
tech.ex post measurement of benefit工程竣工后的效益估算
tech.ex post payoff事后偿付
busin.ex post profit事后利润
busin.ex post rate of returns事后报酬率
securit.ex post realized profit事后实得利润
busin.ex post saving事后储蓄
busin.ex post saving分析过去情况后储蓄
busin.ex post savings事后储蓄额
securit.ex post savings事后储蓄
tech.ex post simulation事后模拟
securit.ex post standard deviation事后标准差
avia.ex-post tests事后测试
securit.ex post transaction后事交易
busin.ex privileges无特权
tech.ex quay码头交换价 (格)
tech.ex quay目的港码头交货
tech.ex quay码头完税价
tech.ex quay码头交货价 (格)
earth.sc.ex quay, duty paid完税码头交货条件
busin.ex quay duty paid税后码头交货价
earth.sc.ex quay, duty paid税讫码头交货条件
tech.ex quay duty paid码头交货价 (格)
tech.ex quay term码头交换条件
busin.ex quay terms目的港码头交货条件
tech.ex rail铁路交货 (价)
construct.ex rail〔拉丁语〕铁路旁交货
busin.ex rail铁道旁交货价
tech.ex rail铁路旁交货
tech.ex-refinery price出炼厂价
busin.ex repayment不偿还
busin.ex repayment不偿还资本
securit.ex repayment无偿还
securit.ex right day除权基准日
securit.ex right day除权日
busin.ex rights在销售的股票中不附权利除权股票
busin.ex rights除权
busin.ex rights无认购新股权
securit.ex rights除权出售的股票不含优先认股权
securit.ex rights无认股权
securit.ex rights新发行股票无认购特权
busin.ex-rights date除权日期
busin.ex-rights price of stock除权后股票市价
agric.ex-root dressing根外追肥
busin.ex scrip无临时股票
securit.ex scrip无优先认股权
busin.ex scrip无红股发行
securit.ex scrip无暂时股票
busin.ex seller's godown卖方仓库交货价
tech.ex-seller's godown卖方仓库交货价 (格)
shipb.ex seller's warehouse卖方仓库交货价
tech.ex-seller's warehouse卖方仓库交货价 (格)
shipb.ex seller's warehouse卖方仓库交货
tech.ex-ship目的港船上交货 (价)
tech.ex-ship船上交货 (价格)
shipb.ex ship目的地船上交货价
tech.ex-ship to rail卸船装火车
railw.ex-ship's hold舱底交货
shipb.ex shipyard船厂交货
shipb.ex shipyard船厂交货价
tech.ex-showroom展销交货 (价格)
earth.sc.ex situ conservation迁地保护
nautic., econ.ex situ conservation非原生境保存
tech.ex-situ treatment易地处理
busin.ex steamer船上交货价
busin.ex stock仓库交货价
securit.ex stock dividend无股票的红利
busin.ex store拉丁语仓库交货价格
tech.ex-store仓库交货 (交货)
busin.ex store商店交货价
busin.ex store店铺交货价
busin.ex store仓库交货价格
busin.ex store〈美〉卖方店铺交货价
busin.ex store terms商店交货条件
busin.ex store terms店铺或仓库交货条件
securit.ex unadjusted close未调整的收盘价
life.sc.ex vivo体外-体内
life.sc.ex vivo在活体外
life.sc.ex vivo gene therapy体外-原位基因治疗
tech.ex voto church还愿教堂
busin.ex warehouse仓库交货价指卖方仓库
tech.ex-warehouse卖方仓库交货价 (格)
tech.ex-warehouse price仓库交货价 (格)
busin.ex warehouse terms卖方仓库交货条件
busin.ex warrant不附券
securit.ex warrant除证出售的股票不含认股权证
securit.ex warrant无认股权证
tech.ex-wharf码头交换价 (格)
busin.ex wharf目的港码头交货价即以目的港码头为交货地点
tech.ex-wharf目的港码头交货 (价)
construct.ex wharf拉丁语码头交货价格
tech.ex-wharf码头交货价 (格)
shipb.ex wharf terms码头交货条件
busin.ex wharfage码头交货价
busin.ex work工厂交货价
nautic., tech.ex work-named place指定地点的工厂交货
busin.ex works卖方工厂交货价
tech.ex-works price工厂交货价 (格)
busin.ex works terms卖方工厂交货条件指以货物输出地卖方工厂为交货地点的条件
tech.ex-works test出厂试验
sport.ex-world champion前世界冠军
tech.factors of prospecting and exploration ex-post analysis地质勘查因素的事后分析
lat.Festuca data Keng ex E. Alexeev高羊茅
avia.flexible conduit with exd. packing gland防爆密封接头挠性管
tech.freight ex ship's hold船舱底交货的到岸价格
securit.full ex-post settling up完全事后清偿
lat.Gymnocalycium horridispinum G. Frank ex H. Till恐龙丸
lat.Gymnocalycium occultum Fric ex Schutz铁干
lat.Halesia Ellis ex L.银钟花属 (安息香科、该属4〜5个种,为大灌木或小乔木)
lat.Haloxylon persicum Bge. ex Boiss. et Buhse.白梭梭 (灌木或小乔木,耐旱、耐盐性不及梭梭柴,是近东和中东沙漠地区的沙生植物,从约旦经中亚分布到伊朗、阿富汗和中国古尔班通古特沙漠精河、玛纳斯、奇台等地,一般生长于流动沙丘地段和半固定沙丘,为亚洲沙漠地区的优良固沙植物。甘肃河西走廊民勤、金塔等绿洲引种于流动沙丘,生长正常。伊朗在年雨量60〜80mm 的克尔曼、亚兹德、库姆等地区沙丘营造白梭梭林数千公顷)
lat.Hypoestes Soland. ex R. Br.枪刀药属 (爵床科)
lat.in. ex.详细
lat.in. ex.充分
lat.in. ex.不省略
lat.in. ex.〔拉丁语〕全部
lat.Malvaviscus Dill, ex Adans.悬铃花属 (锦葵科)
China, lawnon-ex ante industry licensing非前置性行业许可
lat.Opuntia aurantiaca Gilles ex Lindley劝进帐
lat.Opuntia elata Link et Otto ex Salm-Dyck高团扇
lat.Opuntia lagunae E.M. Baxter ex Bravo大极殿
lat.Opuntia moelleri A. Berger ex Y. Wright银鳞
lat.Opuntia schumannii F.A.C. Weber ex A. Berger道镜
lat.Opuntia verschaffeltii Cels ex F.A.C. Weber登龙
gen.parte ex parte〔拉丁语〕片面的
lat.Polyporus Michel Fr. ex Fr.多孔菌属
busin.price ex warehouse仓库交货价
tech.rail ex快运
busin.real ratio of international ex change国际汇兑实际比率
tech.refl ex-like reaction反射样反应
lat.Ruellia Plum, ex L.蓝花草属 (爵床科)
lat.Ruellia Plum, ex L.芦莉草属
busin.sale ex work按工厂交货条件销售
desert.Schwarz ex N.P. Taylor蛾灯
securit.sold ex dividend转让不带股利的股票
securit.sold ex dividend除去红利出售
securit.sold ex new除去新股出售
lat.Suaeda Forsk. ex Scop.碱蓬属 (藜科)
busin.tariff ex-heading税目分类
tech.time by ex-meridian altitude of star近子午圈恒星高度法测时
lat.Triodia fitzgeraldii C.A. Gardner ex N.T. Burb.菲茨杰拉德三齿稃
tech.verm ex concrete隔音混凝土
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