
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
absorption error吸收误差
accidental error偶然〔随机〕误差
accumulated error累计误差
acid error酸误差
admissible error公差
aggregated error累计误差
alignment error安装误差
alignment error of rolls辊子对中误差
alkaline error碱误差
allowable error公差
ash error灰分误差
automatic error correction自动误差校正
bit error rate误码率
change error转换误差
complementary error补余误差
composite error综合误差
composite error合成误差
conscious error人为误差
conscious error主观误差
counting-loss error计数损失误差
critical error临界误差
cumulative errors累积误差
cutting error切削误差
digital system quantizing error数字系统量化误差
double-trial-and-error method双向试错法
double-trial-and-error method双向尝试法
double-trial-and-error method for hammering锤击双向试错法
double-trial-and-error method for hammering锤击双向尝试法
eccentricity error偏心率误差
element error元件误差
equal errors cut point等误差分割点
equal errors size等误差值
equal errors size等偏差值
error amplifier偏差放大器
error angle错位角
error angle失调角
error area误差面积
error burst错误猝发
error burst错误群
error checking code错误校验码
error condition错误状态
error correcting code错误校正码
error-correction system误差修整系统
error-correction system纠错系统
error-correction system误差修正系统
error curve误差曲线
error detecting routine错误检测程序
error detecting system误差检测系统
error factor误差因素
error in indication指示误差 (仪器的)
error index误差率
error index误差指数
error interrupt错误中断
error margin误差极限
error margin误差范围
error message错误报文
error message错误信息
error of mean square方均误差
error of observation观察误差
error rate出错率
error tape记错磁带
fractional error部分误差
fractional error比例误差
fractional error相对误差
Gauss error function高斯误差函数
Gaussian error高斯误差
generated error生成误差
gross error严重差错
hysteresis error滞后误差
hysteresis error滞环误差
index error分度误差
indication error指示显示误差
inertial error惯性误差
inherent error固有误差
inherited error遗留承袭误差
initial error原始误差
instrumental error仪器误差
intermittent error间发错误故障
interval error间距时限,音程,周期误差
machine error机械误差
magnitude of error误差大小
magnitude of error误差
margin of error误差范围
mean probable error平均概差
mean probable error平均或然误差
mismatch error失配误差
nonfatal error非致命错误
normal law of errors正常误差律
offset error偏移误差
parasitic error寄生误差
percent error百分误差
percentage error误差百分率
periodic error周期误差
personal error人为误差
pitch error周节误差
pitch error螺距误差
possible error可能误差
probable error可能误差
processor-error interrupt处理机出错中断
programme error程序误差
programme error程序错误
progressive error
progressive error累积误差
propagated error延伸误差
propagated error传播误差
ratio error比率误差
read error读数误差
reading error读数误差
read-out error读出误差
recoverable error可补救错误
recoverable error可恢复错误
remote computing system consistency error远程计算系统一致性错误
remote computing system error detection远程计算系统错误检査
remote computing system execution error远程计算系统执行错误
repeatability error重复性误差
residual error剩余误差
residual error残差
residual error rate漏检错误率
roll alignment error辊子对中误差
rounding error化整误差
rounding error舍入误差
source of error误差原因
source of error不准确原因
source of error误差源
static error静态误差
subjective error主观误差
support roll alignment error支承辊对中误差
synchronization error同步误差
syntactic error语法错误
tape error错误
temperature error温度误差
timing error同步错误
timing error定时错误
total systematic error系统总误差
total systematic error总的系统误差
transient error瞬时误差
trial-and-error method试错法
trial-and-error method尝试法
trial-and-error procedure尝试法
trial-and-error procedure试验误差法
trial-and-error testing尝试法试验
trial-and-error testing尝试试验
Tromp error curve特朗普误差曲线
tundish position error中间包位置误差
unit error单位误差
wave-form error波形误差
weighted error加〔计〕权误差
weighted error权重误差
weighted error加权误差
weighted error计权误差
yield error回收率误差
yield error实收率误差
zero error零位误差