
Terms for subject Space containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
absolute pointing error绝对指向偏差
absolute rate error绝对速率误差
abstract error抽象差错
acceleration error加速度误差
acceleration error constant加速度误差常数
accuracy of error model误差模型准确性
across-track error偏离航线距离
adaptive error correction自适应纠错
adaptive forward error correction自适应前向纠错
adaptive hybrid error correct自适应混合纠错
adjustment error调整误差
admission error容许误差
after-effect error后效误差
algorithm error算法误差
alignment error对准误差
along track error纵向偏差
along track error距离偏差
along-track error沿迹误差
amplitude scintillation error振幅起伏误差
antenna installing error天线安装误差
antenna pointing error天线定向误差
apparatus error仪器误差
apparent error视误差
apparent error表观误差
arithmetic error运算误差
assumption error假定误差
atmosphere dance error大气抖动误差
atmospheric refraction error大气折射误差
attitude error姿态误差
attitude error limiter姿态误差限制器
attitude error rectification姿态误差校正
attitude error signal姿态误差信号
attitude measurement error姿态测量误差
automatic error correction自动纠错
automatic error correction误差自动修正
automatic error correction system自动纠错系统
automatic single path error correction自动单程纠错
autotrack null pointing error自跟踪零点指向误差
average cumulative error平均累积误差
azimuth error方位角误差
azimuth error方位误差
azimuth error channel方位差信道
azimuth error indicator方位角误差指示器
azimuth error indicator方位误差指示器
azimuth measurement error方位角测量误差
background block error背景块差错
backlash error间隙误差
bearing error方位误差
bias error偏值误差
boresight calibration error天线电轴标校误差
boresight error瞄准误差
boresight error of antenna天线瞄准误差
boresight error of radome天线罩瞄准线误差
bounds on error误差界限
burst-error correcting capability纠正突发错误能力
burst height error爆高误差
burst-and-random-error-correcting code突发与随机纠错码
calibration error校准误差
calibration error标定误差
cell error rate信元错误率
channel error通道误差
channel error correction encoding信道纠错编码
channel error rate信道误码率
clock error时钟误差
clock offset error钟偏误差
close error闭合误差
closed loop pointing error闭环指向误差
closing error闭合差
closing error in coordinate increment坐标增量闭合差
collimation error准直误差
combination error复合误差
command error指令误差
compensating error of compensator补偿器补偿误差
complementary error function补余误差函数
complementary error function distribution余误差函数分布
constant error常值误差
Coriolis error科里奥利误差
correction of cross-roll error滚转误差修正
course error航向误差
cyclic error周期性误差
cyclic hysteresis error循环迟滞误差
data error analyzer数据误差分析仪
data processing error数据处理误差
data reduction error数据简化误差
density error密度误差
direction error方向偏差
direction error方向误差
direction probable error方向概率误差
dispersion error散布误差
disturbing error干扰误差
Doppler error多普勒误差
Doppler fluctuation error多普勒波动误差
double error correction双重误差修正
double-error correction scheme双磁道纠错法
drift error偏流差
drift error漂移误差
duplicate error message重复错误信息
duplicate error message重复错误报文
element error rate元件故障率
ellipsoid of error误差椭球
elliptical error椭圆误差
equal error protection同等的错误保护
erfc error function complement补误差函数
erratic error杂散误差
erratic error无规则误差
error adaptive control computer误差自适应控制计算机
error allowance误差容许限
error bar误差棒
error block误码块
error bound误差界
error box误差框
error budget误差预估[估算]
error characteristic statistics误差特性统计
error checking误差校验
error checking code纠错编码 (一种信息编码)
error checking code检错码
error-circular radius误差圆半径
error code discrimination误码判别
error code word误码字
error combination误差组合
error command误指令
error command probability误指令概率
error compensation误差补偿
error computer误差计算机
error concealment误码掩盖
error concealment差错隐匿
error control差错控制
error control device差错控制装置
error control protocol差错控制协议
error-controlled communication错误控制通信
error-correcting code纠错码
error-correcting code错误校正码
error correcting parse algorithm纠错分析算法
error-correcting parsing纠错剖析
error-correction algorithm误差校正算法
error correction and information system纠错与信息系统
error correction code误差校正码
error correction code纠错码
error correction control纠错控制
error correction operation纠错操作
error correction procedure纠错程序
error correction technique纠错技术
error covariance误差协方差
error covariance matrix误差协方差矩阵
error covariance matrix propagation误差协方差矩阵传播
error data错误数据
error density function误差密度函数
error detecting差错检测
error detecting检错
error detecting and feedback system差错检测反馈系统
error-detecting code检错码
error-detecting code错误检测码
error-detecting routine错误检测程序
error detection检错
error detection差错检测
error-detection-correction system检错纠错系统
error detector误差鉴别器
error diagnostics差错诊断
error display误差显示器
error distribution误差分配
error distribution误差分布
error distribution principle误差分布原理
error drift误差漂移
error due to background背景造成的误差
error due to curvature of earth地球弯曲差
error due to guidance equation error制导系统方程误差
error due to guidance instrument制导系统工具误差
error due to guidance method制导系统方法误差
error ellipse误差椭圆
error equation误差方程
error estimation误差估计
error field误差场
error figure误差值
error fitting误差拟合
error free无差错
error free channel无差错信道
error-free communication无错通信
error-free operation无误差[差错]操作
error-free running period无错运行期
error frequency limit误差频率极限
error function complement补误差函数
error generating process误差生成过程
error handler processor错误处理程序
error in equations方程误差
error in estimate估计误差
error in label标号错误
error in line方向误差
error in measurement测量误差
error in numerical calculation数值计算误差
error in operation操作错误
error indicator误差显示器
error integration误差综合
error interrupt request vector错误中断请求向量
error latency错误潜伏期
error-locator polynomial误码定位多项式
error lock prevention防错锁
error loop错误循环
error mean平均误差
error mean误差均值
error mean-square误差均方值
error message错误通告
error meter误差测量仪
error model误差模型
error model best estimate of trajectory误差模型最佳弹道估计
error model identification误差模型辨识
error multiplication误差增殖
error multiplication差错增殖
error multiplication误码增殖 (个别孤立的输入误码造成的)
error of crew航天员失误
error of direction方向误差
error of estimation估计值误差
error of fitting配合误差
error of fitting拟合误差
error of focusing调焦误差
error of horizontal axis水平轴误差
error of measurement element测量元素误差
error of moving移动误差
error of parallax视差
error of proportional factor比例因子误差
error of sample样本误差
error of scale比例尺误差
error of scintillation闪烁误差
error of test data试验数据误差
error on the safe side偏于安全的误差
error out of plane偏离轨道平面的误差
error pattern generator错误模式生成程序
error probability误差概率
error probability错误概率
error probability of code误码率
error probability of detection检测错误概率
error propagation错误传播
error propagation误差传播[扩散]
error protection差错保护
error quaternion误差四元素
error rate差错率
error rate of keying按键误码率
error ratio差错比
error recorder误差记录仪
error recovery错误校正
error resilience抗误码
error resilient entropy code抗误码熵编码
error sensing element误差敏感元件
error sensitivity function误差灵敏度函数
error separation误差分离
error signal误差[错误]信号
error signal loop closure误差信号环闭合
error slope误差斜率
error source synthetic method误差源综合法
error spread差错扩散
error-squared criterion误差平方准则
error state list误差状态表
error status condition错误状态条件
error syndrome错误伴随式
error test误差检验
error transfer function误差传递函数
error variance误差离散
error variation误差变异
error vector误差矢量[向量]
error vector computer误差向量计算机
error vector computer误差矢量计算机
error voltage误差信号电压
errors digital simulation数字仿真误差
execution error detection执行错误检测
extent of error误差量
external error外界影响误差
external error外在作用误差
field alignment error场调整误差
field alignment error场校准误差
field total error test现场[野外]总误差检测
final vectoring error末段导引误差
firing error indicator射击误差指示器
firing error trajectory recorder and computer射击弹道误差记录器和计算机
following error跟踪[随动]误差
forward error correction前向误码纠错
forward error correction前向纠错 (只在发送端对信息增加纠错码元的技术)
forward error correction rate前向误码纠错率
frame error框架误差
frame error control field帧差错控制字段
friction error摩擦误差
frictional error摩擦误差
gimballing error万向支架转动误差
gimballing error框架误差
graduation error分度误差
granularity error乳剂颗粒度误差
gravity anomaly error重力异常误差
gravity constant error重力常数误差
gravity error重力误差
gravity model error引力模型误差
gravity model error重力模型误差
grid ionospheric vertical errors indicator网格点电离层垂直延迟误差指示器
gross error大误差
gross error粗差
gross error detection粗差检测
guidance error制导[导引]误差
guidance error compensation technique制导误差补偿技术
guidance error correction制导误差修正
guidance system tool instrument error制导系统工具仪器误差
guidance velocity error速度制导误差
gyro drift error陀螺漂移误差
gyro error陀螺误差
gyro error model陀螺误差模型
handover error交接误差
heading error航向误差
high frequency error高频误差
horizontal axis error水平轴误差
horizontal refraction error旁折光差
horizontal refraction error水平折光差
impact error弹着点误差
impact point error落点偏差
indication error仪表指示误差
inertial system error惯性系数误差
instrument error工具误差
instrument error仪表误差
instrument error correction仪表误差校正
instrumental error仪表误差
ionosphere ionospheric error电离层误差
ionosphere refraction error电离层折射误差
isolation of guidance system tool error制导系统工具误差分离
judgement error判断错误
landing error着陆误差
limit error极限误差
linear error线性误差
linear error probable线概率误差
local error局部误差
longitudinal error纵向误差
longitudinal probable error纵向公算偏差
longitudinal range error纵向偏差
manoeuvre-induced error机动误差
margin of error误差量
maximum allowable error最大容许误差
maximum permissible error最大容许误差
maximum possible error最大可能误差
mean absolute error平均偏差
mean orbit element error平均轨道要素偏差
mean point of impact error平均弹着点误差
mean radial error武器投放平均径向误差
mean square error中误差
mean square error of a point点位中误差
mean square error of angle observation测角中误差
mean square error of azimuth方位角中误差
mean square error of coordinate坐标中误差
mean square error of height高程中误差
mean square error of side length边长中误差
mean-square error criterion均方误差准则
mean-square error matrix均方误差矩阵
meter error仪表误差
method error方法误差
methodical error方法误差
minimum-error-probability criterion最小错误概率准则
minimum guided error最小导引误差
minimum mean square error最小均方误差
minimum mean squared error estimate最小均方误差估计
misalignment error安装误差
model error模型误差
motorial error运动失误
multipath error多路径误差
multiple error correcting code多重纠错码
navigation error导航误差
navigation error data导航误差数据
navigation system error导航系统误差
no job definition error无作业定义错误
nominal error标称[名义]误差
norm of the error误差的范数
normal error法向误差
northerly turning error北转误差 (罗差的)
operating error操作误差
optical wave refraction errors光波折射误差
orbit prediction error轨道预报误差
orientation error定向误差
output error signal输出误差信号
overload measurement error过载测量误差
overwriting error重写误差
parallax error视差误差
pattern error analysis模式错误分析
period error周期误差
permanent error永久误差
personal error人为误差[差错]
personnel error人为误差
polarization error极化[偏振]误差
position error位置误差
position fixing error定位误差
position repetitive error定位重复误差
position root-mean-square error定位均方根误差
positioning error定位误差
posterior prediction error后验预报误差
potential error位差
predication error预测误差
prediction error预计误差
pressure error压力误差
pressure error correction压力误差修正
primary error原始误差
prior prediction error先验预报误差
prismatic error棱镜误差
probability of error误码率
probability of error误差[差错]概率
probability of error误差概率
probable error概率[公算]误差
probable error direction可能的方向误差
probable error height of burst可能的爆炸高度误差
probable error in height高度概率误差
probable error radial径向概率偏差[误差]
probable error range可能的射程误差
program-sensitive error特定程序错误
progressive error累积[计]误差
pseudo coning error伪锥误差
pseudoconic error伪圆锥误差
pulsation error脉动误差
pure error真误差
quadrantal error象限误差[差错]
quasi-error free准无差错
radar range error雷达测距误差
radar tracking error雷达跟踪误差
radial error probable径向概率误差
radial error rate径向误差率
radial probable error径向概率偏差[误差]
radio wave refraction errors correction无线电波折射误差修正
random error不规律误差
random error correcting code随机误差校正码
random measurement error随机测量误差
range error射程误差
range error均方根距离误差
range error测距误差
range error probable射程概率误差
range probable error射程[距离]概率误差
range rate error测速误差
range sighting error距离瞄准误差
rate error速率误差
reading error判读误差
rectification error整流误差
reentry error再入误差
repetitive systematic error重复性系统误差
repetitively error重复误差
residual error of measurements观测量残差
residual error rate漏检故障率
root-mean square error均方根误差
scale error比例误差
scale error标度误差
scintillation error起伏误差
sculling error划摇误差 (捷联式惯性系统中)
secular error长期误差
self-calibration of systematic errors系统误差自校准
send in error误发
servo following error伺服随动误差
setting error装定误差
sighting long-period error瞄准长周期误差
sighting short-period error瞄准短周期误差
sighting system error瞄准系统误差
sighting zero error瞄准零位误差
simulation error analysis仿真[模拟]误差分析
single hard error单粒子硬错误
single-bit error单码位误差
slant range error斜距误差
soft error软错误 (可用程序或操作系统排除的错误)
soft error rate软错误率
speed error速度误差
speed-course-latitude error速度-航向-纬度误差 (陀螺罗径的)
spherical error probable圆公算偏差
spherical error probable圆概率误差
standard error of mean均值的标准误差
star table error星表误差
station error站址误差
station error测控站误差
station site error站址误差
statistical error统计误差
steady error静态误差
steady state error稳态误差
swirl error涡流误差
system error系统错误
system error recovery系统错误复原
system program error系统程序错误
systematic error calibration系统误差校正
systematic error correction系统误差修正
systematic error model系统误差模型
systematic error sources系统误差源
tangential error切向误差
target error angle目标偏差角
target location error目标定位误差
target seeker error目标位标器误差
target seeker error导引头误差
targeting error瞄准误差
technical error message技术误差文电
test error测试[试验]误差
thermal noise error热噪声误差
tracking error跟踪误差
tracking-error propagation and orbit prediction跟踪误差的传播和轨道预测
truncation error舍位误差
uncorrelated error不相关误差
unexamined cone error未检测的圆锥误差
unknown error未知误差
vertical axis error垂直轴误差
vertical navigation system error导航系统垂直误差
vertical probable error垂直公算偏差
vertical refraction error垂直折光差
vibropendulous error振摆误差
zero error零值误差
zero-error system零误差系统
zero frequency error零频误差
zero steady-state error system零稳态误差系统
zero-set error调零[零值]误差
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