
Terms for subject Statistics containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate error差错总计
aggregate error差错总1/4
average constant error平均常数误差
balanced error对称误差
biased error偏向误差
compensating error冲销差错
constant error常误
coverage error范围误差
determinate error预计 〔—定的〕误差
error in equations方程组误差
error in surveys普查误差
error in surveys调查误差
error of estimate估计误差
error of grouping分组误差
error variance误差变数
estimation error估计误差
gross error大错误
joint error联合误差
law of errors误差定律
margin of error误差线
margin of error误差边缘
mean square error均方根误差
measurement error测定误差
measurement error测量误差
non-coverage error非范围误差
normal curve of error误差常态曲线
normal curve of error正态误差曲线
normal curve of errors误差常态曲线
normal curve of errors正态误差曲线
normal error distribution curve误差常态曲线
normal error distribution curve正态误差曲线
normal law of errors误差正态分布律,平均误差率
percentage standard error百分数标准误差
percentage standard error百*质曜1/4误差
pooling of errors误差合并
probable error概误
probable error概差
probable error of coefficient of relation相关系数概差
probable error of difference差数概差
probable error of estimate估计概差
probable error of standard deviation标准差概差
probable error of the mean平均数概差
relative standard error相对标准误
root mean square error均方误差
root mean square error均方根差
root mean square error
root mean square error均方根误差
root-mean-square error均方根〔有效值〕 误差
shock and error model震动1/4拔蟛钅P
standard error of δ标准差的标准误
standard error of a difference差数的标准误
standard error of a sample proportion样本比例的标准误差
standard error of difference差数的标准误
standard error of estimate预测的标准误
standard error of estimate标准估算误差
standard error of mean平均数标准误差
standard error of the difference between two standard deviations两个标准偏差之间差别的标准误差
standard error of the mean平均数的标准误
stochastic error随机误差
total estimation error估计数总误差
total estimation error估1/4剖芪蟛
type I error第 I 类错误
type I error第I型错误
type II error第II型错误
type n error第 II 类错误
unbalanced error非平衡误差
unbiased error不偏误差
unbiassed error无偏 〔非系统〕误差