
Terms for subject Business containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance error容许误差
accounting errors会计差错
accumulated round off error累计舍入误差
accumulation of rounding errors舍入误差累积
adjust error校正误差
adjustment voucher to effect correction of errors差错更正凭单
alpha errorα误差
arithmetical error计算误差
ascertainment error确认错误
asymptotic error渐进误差
asymptotic error constant渐进误差常数
asymptotic standard error渐进标准误差
autocorrelated error自相关误差
autoregressive and moving average error model自回归与移动平均误差模型
autoregressive moving-average error自回归移动平均误差
autoregressive moving-average error model自回归移动均差模型
average absolute forecast error预测的平均绝对差
average error of simple random sample简单随机抽样平均误差
average relative error相对均差
balance of error余额差错
basic error基本差错
basic error correction基本差错校正
basic error correction method基本差错校正法
basic error rate基本差错率
beta error贝塔差错
beta errorβ差误
bias error偏误
biased error有偏误差
billing error账单差错
block error组误
block error码组差错
bound on error误差界限
built-in error checking内部检错
calculated error计算误差
cancelled in error误被涂销
cancelled in error误销无意中涂销
casting error计算错误
cause of error误差原因
central tendency errors集中趋势偏差
chance error机遇误差统计用语
character error rate错符率
check for errors误差校对
circular error probability圆周概率误差
combined error组合误差
compensating error会计抵消差错
compensation error相抵误差
computation errors计算错误
computational errors计算错误
conceptual error概念误差
constant error统计常差
control chart of forecasting error预测误差控制图
control of error误差控制
correct error矫正误差
correction of error更正错误
correction of errors误差更正
correlated error相关误差
counterbalancing error自动抵消误差
cross-section error截面误差
cross-section error component截面误差分量
cycle error循环误差
data error detection数据误差检测法
data formatting error数据格式的错误
data formatting error数据格式错误
degree and kind of error误差的程度和种类
detection of error发现缺陷
discretional error离散化误差
distribution error误差分配
double error directing双重误差校正 (code)
double transposition error双重互换位置误差
dynamics error动态误差
effect of measurement error and offset error on the operation characteristic测量误差与偏移误差对运算特性的影响
effect of measurement errors and bias测量误差和偏差的影响
effective error mean square实际均方差
elemental error微差
equality of error variance test误差方差均衡检定
equipment errors设备误差
error absolute绝对误差
error account错误账户
error analysis in approximation method近似法误差分析
error and omission excepted E. & O.有错即改发票附注语
error and omission excepted错误遗漏除外
error band误差区域
error bursts correction code突发错误校正码
error cause identification误差原因鉴别
error component model误差分量模式
error corrected误差已更正
error correcting误差更正
error correcting routine错误校正过程
error correction误差更正
error correction system误差校正系统
error deduction and correction误差检测与校正
error detecting process误差检测过程
error detecting routine误差检测程序
error detection code检误码
error distribute误差分布
error equation误差等式
error estimator误差估计量
error-evaluator polynomial误差计值多项式
error excepted如有错误有权更正
error excepted错误不计
error expressed as a percentage of the fiducial value置信值百分率误差
error-first kind 1型误差
error formula in interpolation插值误差公式
error-free operation无差错操作
error-free performance无差错工作
error-free regressor无误差回归自变量
error-free running period无差错运行期
error-free transmission无差错传输
error-free true variable无误差真实变数
error frequency limit误差频率曲线
error-generating process误差生成过程
error graph误差图
error in charging收费差错
error in economic analysis经济分析误差
error in entering account入账误差
error in equation方程误差
error in estimation估计误差
error in indication指示误差
error in judgement判断错误
error in numerical correlation数值相关误差
error in omissions and duplications遗漏和重复错误
error in operation操作差错
error in persona主体错误
error in posting过账误差
error in posting过账错误
error in rounding number数值舍入误差
error in substantial实质性错误
error in variable model变量误差模式
error-in-equation model方程误差模式
error law误差法则
error limits range误差范围
error list勘误表
error list误差表
error-locator polynomial误差定位多项式
error mean square误差均方值
error message查错信息
error mode effects and criticality误差方式与影响精度
error mode effects and criticality analysis误差方式与影响精度分析
error of account错账
error of addition加数错误
error of calculation乘数错误
error of commission佣金错误
error of compensation补偿错误
3error of computation计算错误
error of first kind-type 1型错误
error of item科目记错
error of observation观察值误差
error of omission会计遗漏错误
error of omissions and duplication遗漏和重复错误
error of optimism乐观误差
error of performance技术误差
error of performance履约错误
error of pessimism悲观误差
error of principle原理错误
error of principles原则错误
error of second kind 2型误差
error of second kind-type 2型误差
error of solution解算误差
error of sum square平方和误差
error of the first kind 1型误差
error of the second kind 2型误差
error on the sale side销售差错
error routine例行误差
error-second kind 2型误差
error severity code严重错误代码
error squared平方误差
error term经济计量模型中误差项
error type 22 型误差
error type 11 型误差
errors and omission错误与遗漏
errors and omissions错误与遗漏
errors and omissions excepted错误和遗漏除外
errors in omission and duplication遗漏与重复错误
errors of accounting记账错误
errors of accounting principle会计原则性错误
errors of accounting technique会计技术性错误
errors or omissions excepted差错或遗漏已消除
errors or omissions excepted无错漏
estimate error估计误差
estimate of standard error标准误差估计
estimating error估计误差
estimation of error误差估算
ex ante forecasting error事前预测误差
ex post forecasting error事后预测误差
excusable error可容许误差
experimenter error实验者误差
extent of error误差度
field alignment error场调整误差
first-kind error第一类错误
first-order serially correlated errors―阶序列相关误差
forecast period mean squared error预测期均方误差
formal discrete error形式离散误差
fractional error分数误差
free of error无误差
Gauss law of error高斯误差定律
general law of error一般误差法则
generalized errors-in-equation model广义方程误差模式
glaring errors显著误差
heading error对准目标的误差
heeling error倾斜差
heteroscedastic error model异方差性误差模型
heteroscedastic error term异方差性误差项
homogeneity of error误差均一性
human-error accident人为事故
human-error type accident人为事故
human incurring error人为差错
human-caused error主观原因误差
implicit error隐含误差
implicit error term隐含误差项
infinite smail error无限小误差
infinite small error probability无限小误差概率
information error信息误差
instrumental variable error工具变量误差
integrated absolute error综合绝对误差
interviewer error调查者误差
inventory errors盘存差错
law of accidental error随机误差法则
law of errors误差律
law of propagation of errors误差分布定律
least absolute error最小绝对误差
least absolute error estimator最小绝对误差估计量
least mean-square error最小均方误差
likelihood of a type I error一类型 I 误差似然
limit sampling error极限抽样误差
linear minimum-mean-square-error estimator线性最小均方误差估计式
linear minimum-weighted-square-error estimator线性最小加权平方误差估计式
local procedure error本地规程误差
location error定位误差
long-tailed distribution of errors长尾误差分布
long-term bit error rate长期比特误差率
margin of error误差
mean free error time平均无差错时间
mean simulation error平均模拟误差
mean time between human error平均人为误差间隔时间
mean-free error time平均无故障时间
mean-square error analysis均方误差分析
mean-square error criteria均方误差准则
measurement error component计量误差分量
measuring error计量误差
mechanical error analysis机械误差分析
minimum mean square error最小均方差
minimum mean-square-error最小均方误差
minimum mean-square-error estimator最小均方误差估计式
minimum mean-square-error forecast最小均方误差预测
minimum mean-square-error forecasting最小均方误差预测
misleading error allowance错误误差容许限
missing error漏失误差
monetary-error materiality货币误差实质性
multivariate response error model多元回答误差模式
net error净误差
no error无误差
no error杜绝错误
noncontemporaneous error非同时发生的误差
nonlinear standard error of estimate非线性估计标准误差
normal curve of error常态误差曲线
normality of error误差正常性
observable error term可观测误差项
offsetting error抵销误差
original error固有误差
output error输出差错
output error control输出差错控制
overall mean squared error总均方误差
partial error局部误差
physical error自然误差
pooled mean square error合并均方误差
pooling into error item合并误差项
posting error过账错误
prevention of errors错误的防止
probability of an error错误概率
probable error公算误差
quantization error分层误差
random observational error随机观测误差
range of error误差距离
rectified errors已勘误
redress one's errors正错误
relative error比较相对误差
residual error残留差误
respondent error响应者误差
response error反应误差
root mean square errors标准差
root mean square errors均方根误差
root mean square prediction error均方根预测误差
root-mean-square error criterion均方根误差准则
sample period mean squared error样本期均方误差
sampling, distribution error抽样分布误差
sampling error distribution抽样误差分布
second order error二次误差
second-kind error二类错误
second-kind error二类误差
serially correlated error序列相关误差
serially correlated error term序列相关误差项
significant errors chart显著性误差图
simulation error模拟误差
simulation error statistic模拟误差统计量
simultaneous feedback error同时反馈误差
simultaneous feedback error component同时反馈误差成分
single error单项误差
size error尺码误差
skill error技术误差
slide error移位错误
source of error误差根源
span of instrumental error仪表误差幅度
specification error规格误差
split-plot error分割误差
standard deviation of error误差标准差
standard error of coefficient标准系数误差
standard error of mean平均标准误差
standard error of prediction预估标准误差
standardized error标准化误差
stored error存储误差
subplot error辅助图误差
sum of errors误差和
sum of squared errors误差平方和
sum-of-squared-errors function误差平方和函数
systematic error统计系统误差
table of errors勘误表
target standard error目标标准误差
target standard error for hypothesis test用于假设测试的目标标准误差
Taylor error泰勒误差
test-equipment error检验设备误差
test-equipment error analysis检验设备误差分析
test-equipment error analysis report检验设备误差分析报告
testing error检验误差
theory of error误差论
time series error component时间序列误差分量
tolerance error容差
tolerated error容差
tolerated error容许误差
trail and error calculation试错计算法
trail and error learning试探法知识
trail-and error solution procedure尝试法求解过程
trial and error试差
trial and error adjustment试差法调整
trial and error method试错法
trial and error method试差法
trial and error phase检误阶段
trial-and-error procedure试差法程序
trial-and-error technique试差法
true error实际误差
twice-the-standard-error rule二倍标准误差规则
undetected error未查出误差
unintentional error非故意差错
unrecoverable error不可弥补错误
unsystematic error非系统误差
upward bias error上偏误差
upward error向上误差
variance of estimation error估计误差方差
vector of error误差向量
weight bias error加权偏差
weighted square error criterion加权平方误差准则
whole-plot error总图误差
workmanship error工作质量误差