
Terms for subject Technology containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
absolute average error绝对平均误差
absolute closing error绝对闭合差
absolute cumulative error绝对累积误差
absolute error in magnetic survey磁测绝对误差
absolute fitting error of water table水位绝对拟合误差
absolute minimum error projection最小绝对误差投影
absolute value error绝对值误差
acceptance error接受错误
accumulated pitch error周节累积误差
accumulated roundoff error累积舍入误差
accumulation of error误差累积
accumulation of rounding errors凑整误差累积
accumulation of rounding errors舍入误差积累
acidity error酸度误差
admissible absolute random error允许绝对偶然误差
admissible error允许故障率
admissible random error允许偶然误差
admissible relative random error允许相对偶然误差
aggregated error总误差
aggregated error累积误差
aliasing error重叠误差
aliasing error混迭误差
alkaline error钠差
alkaline error钠误差
along-track error沿轨误差
appreciable error粗差
appreciable error可察觉误差
appreciable error可估误差
area error面积误差
arithmetic error算术错误
arithmetic mean error算术平均误差
assemble error汇编错误
assembler error code汇编错误码
assembler error message汇编程序错误信息
assembler error message汇编错误信息
atmospheric refraction error大气折光差
automatic chroma control error自动色度控制误差
automatic control error coefficient自动控制误差系数
automatic error correction自动误差校正
automatic error correction自动错误校正法
automatic error correction误差自动校正
automatic error correction system自动误差校正系统
automatic error detection误差自动检测 (程序)
automatic error request equipment误差自动校正装置
average absolute error平均绝对误差
average absolute relative error平均相对误差绝对值
average error平均差 (值)
average error rate平均出错率
average quadratic error均方差
average relative error平均相对偏差
axial error轴向误差
axis based error轴线误差
axis error轴向误差
azimuth closure error方位角闭合差
azimuth error平经误差
azimuth error of closure方位角闭合差
azimuthal angle error方位角误差
background block error ratio背景块差错率
balance error对称误差
balance error method均衡误差法
balanced error平均误差
balanced error摆轮误差
balanced error比较误差
ballistic damping error第二类冲击误差
ballistic damping error冲击阻尼误差
ballistic damping error阻尼差
ballistic deflection error冲击位移误差
ballistic deflection error第一类冲击误差
ballistic error冲击误差
bedding error端垫误差
bedding error端热误差
bias error有偏误差
bias error固有误差
bias error偏倚误差
bias error偏移误差
bias error系统误差
bottom surface error底面误差
bridging error衔接误差
bridging error加密误差
buffer error缓冲错 (误)
burst error猝发差错
burst error成组错误
burst error猝发错误
burst error猝发误差
calculation error计算错误
calibrate for error误差校准
capacitance error selector电容误差分选仪
capstan error主动轮误差
cartographic error制图误差
cartographical error制图误差
centrifugal error离心误差
chaining error丈量误差
chance error概率误差
chance error机误
checking and recovery error差错检出及排除
checking and recovery error校验和恢复错误
circle of error误差圆
circle of probable error圆径概率误差
circle standard error圆的标准偏差
clamping error制动误差
classification error分类错误
clock error时钟校准
clock error钟差
coast line error海岸误差
collective forward error correction集群型前向纠错
common-mode error共态误差
comparison error比较误差
complementary error function误差函数的补函数
complemented error function补余产差函数
compliance error符合性上的错误
convergence error收敛差
coordinate conversion error坐标转换误差
copy error复制错误
copy error复制误差
copying error仿形误差
correctable error可校误差
counting error计算误差
course and speed error航向一航速误差
critical error关键性误差
critical error angle临界误差角
cut-off error截断误差
cyclic error周期误差
cyclic error循环误差
cyclical error周期误差
cyclical error循环误差
data error rate数据差错率
data spacing error数据间距误差
detectable error可检测误差
diagram of errors误差图解
dimensional error尺寸误差
disparity error不一致误差
dispersion error离散误差
displacement error位移误差
displacement error变位误差
displacement error偏移误差
distortion error失真误差
distortion error畸变
distribution error分布误差
distribution of errors误差分布
divergence error离散误差
division error分度误差
double bit error双位错误
double error双重错误
double error correction scheme双磁道纠错法
dropout error遗失误差
drum parity error磁鼓奇偶错
drunkness error螺纹导程周期误差
effect of errors误差影响
electronic error correction电子误差校正
electronic error correlation circuit电子误差校正线路
element error rate单元差错率
element error rate单元出错率
elimination error消除差错
elimination of error误差消除
eliminator of three-recording errors三差消除器
elliptic error椭圆误差
escapement error擒纵误差
ex post forecast error事后预测误差
external error外部错误
external error外因误差
external examining errors of thorium linear reserves钍线储量外检误差
external examining errors of uranium linear reserves铀线储量外检误差
field alignment error视界校准误差
flatness error平面度误差
floating systematic error浮动系统误差
forecasting error预测误差
forward error correcting前向纠错
forward error correcting system前向纠错制
gash spacing error齿隙误差
gauge error仪表误差
gear error meter齿轮误差测量仪
gear integrated error tester齿轮整体误差测量仪
gear meshing error meter齿轮啮合误差测量仪
general error综合误差
general error总误差
general law of error一般误差定律
generalized error广义误差
generalized error-correcting tree automaton广义的误差校正树状自动机
global error全面误差
global error整体误差
gyrocompass error陀螺罗经
heterogeneity error不均匀误差
high-frequency error高频误差
high-frequency error function高频误差函数
hole count error孔数错
hole depth error孔深误差
horizontal collimation error水平视准差
horizontal error水平测量误差
hue error色调误差
inclination error倾角误差
indication error指数误差
indication error读数误差
indication error显示误差
individual compass error罗盘固有误差
individual error人差【测】
individual error个体误差
information error息误差
input error输入错误
input error输入误差
instrument error量具误差
instrumental error仪器视差
interface error control接口错误控制
interpolated error内插误差
intrinsic error内在误差
ionosphere error电离层误差
irradiation error光渗差
irrational error不合理误差
irregular error不规则误差
irregular error偶然误差
key error关键性误差
key punch error键控穿孔错误
laying error测设误差
lead error螺距误差
levelled reference error水平参考误差
light beam propagation error光束传播误差
light error微小误差
load error负载误差
local procedure error本地程序错
local rounding error局部舍入误差
local round-off error局部舍入误差
localized error定域误差
localized error局部误差
machining error机加工误差
mark track error标志磁道错误
matching error配搭误差
maximal error最大误差
mean absolute percent error平均绝对百分误差
mean error中误差
mean error ellipse中误差椭圆
mean error of angle角度中误差
mean error of direction方向中误差
mean error of prior weight先验权中误差
mean longitudinal error平均距离误差
mean modulus of error平均波动模数 (交通量)
mean percent error平均百分误差
mean probable error平均概率偏差
mean quadratic error均方差
mean quadratic error二次平均误差
mean quadratic error均方误差
mean square distance error距离均方误差
mean square error均方误差
mean square error criterion均方误差准则
mean square error efficiency均方误差效率
mean square error inefficiency均方误差低效率
mean square error norm均方误差范数
mean square error of a point定位中误差
mean square error of azimuthal angle方位角中误差
mean square error of base station gravity基点网重力值均方误差
mean square error of coordinate坐标中均方误差
mean square error of density measurement密度测量均方差
mean square error of distance measurement测距中误差
mean square error of elevation measurement高程测量均方差
mean square error of height of the weakest point最弱点高程中误差
mean square error of horizontal position平面位置中误差
mean square error of initial azimuth起始方位角中误差
mean square error of point点位中误差
mean square error of position of the weakest position最弱点点位中误差
mean square error of reading data读数中误差
mean square error of the weakest side最弱边中误差
mean square error of unit weight单位权中误差
mean square error per kilometer每公里测量中误差
mean square prediction error均方预测误差
mean-square error in magnetic survey磁测均方误差
mean-square error of displacement for normal direction of position line位置线法线方向位移中误差
mean-squared error optimization均方差的最优化
memory error存储器错误
memory error记忆误差
memory guard error存储器保护错误
memory parity error存储器奇偶错
meteorologic representative error气象代表性错误
meteorological representative error气象代表性错误
metered error计量误差
method of trials and errors试探法
method of trials and errors试凑法
method of trials and errors试探和误差法
mismatch error配合误差
mixing error配料误差
modulation error调制误差
multiple error误差
multiple-error-correcting code多差校正代码
multiple-error-correcting code多误差校正码
multiple-error-stochastic model复合误差随机模型
natural error天然误差
natural error自然误差
net error错误净值
nominal error标称误差
numerical error数字错误
numerical integration error数值积分误差
offsetting error冲销差错
offsetting error冲销误差
optimum error detection code最佳误差检测码
orthometric error正高误差
orthotronic error control正交错误控制
overflow error溢出误差
overflow error溢出错误
overrun error超越误差
overwriting error重写错误
parallactic error视差误差
parallax reading error读数视差
parasitic error粗误差
parasitical error粗误差
parasitical error寄生误差
percent ratio error变比误差率
permissible dimensional error容许尺寸误差
permissible error可容许误差
permissible error允许故障率
permissible error允许误差
photometric error光测误差
photometrical error光测误差
plot error variance小区机误变量
polarization error极化误差
polynomial error model多项式误差模型
position error船位误差
position error点位误差
position error of sheet corner图廓点位移值
position error of traverse导线点位误差
position error probe偏位传感器
position fixing error位置测定误差
positional error定位误差
positional error位置误差
positional error coefficient位置误差系数
positional error constant位置误差常数
positional error detector位置误差探测器
primary component of error误差的主要成分
principal-distance error主距误差
priority error dump优先错误转储
prism-angle error棱镜角差误
probable error可几误差
probable error近真误差
probable error或是误差
probable error几率误差
probable error概念误差
probable error概率误差
probable error circle概率误差圆
probable error of mean平均值的概差
probable error of standard deviation标准变差概差
probable error of standard deviation标准差的概差
programming error程序设计错误
pyramidal error尖塔差
pyramidal error of prism棱镜尖塔差
quadrantal component of error象限误差成分
quadrantal error象限差
quadrantal error corrector象限误差修正器
quasi-probable error似概差
quasi-probable error似或然误差
quasi-systematic error准系统误差
radial chromatic error径向色误差
radial composite error双啮误差
radial composite error径向综合误差
radial error of satellite orbit卫星轨道径向误差
radial root mean square error径向均方差
radiation error辐射误差
radio direction finder error无线电测向仪误差
radio goniometer error无线电测向仪误差
range of allowable error容许误差范围
range of balance error对称误差范围
readout error读出错误
readout error读出误差
repetitive error重复错误
reradiation error再辐射误差
reserve error储量误差
respective error人差【测】
reverse error回复误差
rigorous error limits严格误差界限
risk of error occurring发生错误的风险
roof-mean-square error均方差
root mean error均方误差
root mean square error均方差标准差
root mean square error均方根
root mean square percent error均方根百分误差
root mean square prediction error均方根异常
root mean square simulation error均方根模拟误差
rounding error取整误差
rounding error舍零误差
rounding error修整误差
round-off error取整误差
round-off error约整误差
scale error长度变形
scale error比例误差
scale error定标误差
scale error尺度误差
scale error刻度误差
scale error card刻度误差表
scale error of gaussian projection高斯投影长度变形
scale index error分划指示误差
seek error査找误差
set-up error安全误差
set-up error调定误差
sextant error六分仪误差
shading error图像暗影
shimmer error闪烁误差
ship's field error船的场误差
side error侧误差
side error边差 (六分仪)
side error定镜差 (六分仪)
single error单一误差
single error correcting单个错误校正
single error correcting code单差校正码
single error correction单一误差校正
single error model单一误差类型
single-bit error单个位错误
single-cycle error单周误差
site error地物方位误差
size error长度误差
skewed error偏斜误差
slight error微小误差
speed course latitude error速度航向纬度误差
speed error corrector速度误差改正器
spheric error probability球面概率误差
square error误差平方
square error consistency平方误差相容性
square error pattern方形差模型
staff error水尺误差
staff error标尺误差
staff error验潮杆误差
station control error电厂控制误差
station error测点误差
station error测站误差
station error台站误差
station error铅垂偏差
steady-state error静差
subjective error人差【测】
substitution deletion and insertion errors代换删除和插入错误
swing error摆动误差
swing error旋角误差
swirl error涡旋误差
swirl error漩涡误差
synchronizing pulse-timing error同步脉冲定时误差
systematic convergence error系统会聚误差
systematic error顺序误差
systematic error常在误差
systematic error规律误差
systematic error checking code系统检错码
tangent error正切误差
tangent latitude error纬度差
tangent latitude error正切纬度误差
tangential error of satellite orbit卫星轨道切向误差
temporary error暂时错误
test equipment error analysis report试验设备误差分析报告
textual error文字上的错误
textual error原文错误
tilt error倾斜误差
tilting error倾斜差
titration error滴定误差
tracing error描纹误差
tracing error跟踪误差
transmission error传输误差
transmission line error传输线误差
traverse error of closure导线闭合差
truncated error截断误差
truncation error不舍入误差
try-and-error method试凑法
try-and-error method逐次逼近法
turning error调谐误差
turning error转向误差
twisting error of tower觇标扭转误差
twisting error of tripod脚架扭转误差
typist's error打字错误
ultimate error极限误差
unbalanced error不平衡误差
uncorrected error漏校错误
unknown error code未知错误指示码
unreasonable error不合理误差
unsafe error不安全误差
unsafe error偏不安全误差
unsafe error偏危险误差
up-down error上下误差
validation error合法性错误
values of error limit误差限制值
values of error vector误差向量值
variable error不定误差
variable error可变错误
variance of estimation error估计误差的方差
vectoring error引导误差
velocity error coefficient速度误差系数
velocity error compensator速度误差补偿器
velocity error constant速度误差常数
velocity error correction速度误差校正
velocity lag error速度滞后误差
verify error检验误差
vertical error垂直误差
vertical index error垂直度盘指示差
vertical index error竖盘指示差
vicarious trial and error代替性尝试错误
visual error视觉误差
waveform error波形误差
weight bias error权偏差
wetting error润湿误差
window alignment error窗口定位出错
wireless compass error无线电测向仪误差
wiring error布线误差
zero drift error零点漂移误差
zero drift error零位漂移误差
zero error误差
zero error capacity零误差容量
zero error of level水准仪器零点误差
zero error of microwave distance measuring instrument微波测距仪零点差
zero error of staff标尺零点差
zero error reference零误差基准线
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