
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing Error | all forms | exact matches only
absolute percent relative error相对误差绝对百分数
absolute relative error绝对相对误差
actual error真差
additive error相加误差
additive error附加误差
aggregate error集合误差
alignment error调准误差
alignment error定线误差
appreciable error显著误差
approximate theoretical error variance近似理论误差方【偏】差
arithmetic error算术误差
ascertainment error断定误差
average absolute percent relative error平均绝对百分数相对误差
average percent relative error相对误差平均百分数
average square error平均方差
azimuthal error方位误差
bending error弯曲误差
bias error偏置误差
biased error有偏压误差
cable error monitor system电缆误差监控系统
characteristic error特征误差
circular pitch error周节误差
circular probable error圆概率误差
closure error of elevation高程闭合差
closure error of traverse导线闭合差
closure error of triangle三角闭合差
collimation error视准误差
combined error总误差
compass error罗经差
compensation of errors误差调整
compensation of errors平差
complementary error互补误差
complementary error function补余误差函数 (erfc)
composition error综合误差
computational error计算误差
conformity error一致性误差
constant error固有误差
consummation of errors平差法
counting error计数误差
cumulative error总误差
cyclic zero error周期性零值误差
damped error multiplier阻尼误差乘子
data error vector数据误差向量
depth error深度误差
determinable error可测误差
diagnostic error processing诊断错误处理
discretization error离散误差
discrimination error分辨误差
dominant error主要误差
energy error能量误差
error and omission错误与遗漏
error at measurement量度误差
error bar误差直方图
error check错误检查
error combination误差合成
error condition误差条件
error correction误差校正
error criterion误差准贝0
error-detecting checks误差检测校验
error ellipse等概率误差椭圆
error ellipsoid误差椭球
error evaluation误差估计
error excepted允许误差
error excepted有错当査
error excepted错误已消除
error expected预期误差
error-free operation无误差操作
error-free operation无错操作
error-free running正常运转
error-free running无误差运行
error-free running period无误差运转期
error in latitude纬度误差
error in longitude经度误差
error in operation操作误差
error indication误差指示
error log错误记录
error of mean square均方
error probable或然误差
error propagation误差传播
error pulse误差脉冲
error ratio出错率
error sensitivity number误差敏感度数
error sensor误差敏感元件
error theory误差理论
error variance误差偏差
error vector误差向量
errors and omission excepted错误遗漏不在此限
errors expected差错待查
extrapolation error外延误差
finite-state error有限状态误差
fit error curve拟合误差曲线
fundamental error基本误差
gauging error检尺误差
geometric error几何误差
global discretization error总离散误差
graduation error刻度误差
graph of errors误差曲线
gross error过失误差
ground swing error地面反射误差
hard error硬件错误
human-caused error人为误差
illegitimate error不合理误差
indeterminate error未定误差
index error误差指数
index error指标 误差
indication error指示误差
indication error示值误差
individual error个别误差
individual error单项误差
installation error安置误差
instrument error仪器误差
instrumental error量具误差
integral of absolute error绝对误差积分
integral of the squared error方差积分
intermittent error间歇错误
intermittent error间发错误
interpolation error内插误差
lateral error水平误差
lateral error横向误差
least-mean-square-error criterion最小均方差准则
loading error装入误差
local discretization error局部离散误差
machine error机器故障
magnetization error磁化误差
matching error匹配误差
maximum permitted error最大允许误差
mean error probable平均概率误差
mean-absolute percentage error平均绝对百分比误差
mean-squared reconstruction error均方重建误差
mills error千分误差
minimum final prediction error最终预测最小误差
minimum weighted absolute error最小加权绝对误差
minimum weighted mean square error最小加权均方差
multiple error多级误差
negligible error可忽略误差
nominal error名义误差
numerical error数值误差
observational error实测误差
occasional error偶然误差
online error-trapping联机错误检查
original error原始误差
overrun error过速错误
overrun error超运转错误
parallax error判读误差
parallelism error平行度误差
percent ratio error变比误差百分数
periodic calibration error周期性刻度误差
periodic calibration error周期格值误差
periodic error周期性误差
permanent error固定误差
picking error拾取误差
plotting error绘图误差
pointing error瞄准误差
pointing error指向误差
pointing error航向误差
position root-meansquare error定位均方根误差
prediction error预测误差
predictive error预测误差
progressive error行差
progressive error齿距差
random amplitude error随机振幅误差
random phase error随机相位误差
ratio error比值误差
ray-bending error射线弯曲误差
reasonable error合理误差
regression error回归误差
remainder error剩余误差
repeatability error参量零散
reproducibility error重复性误差
residual distance error距离残差
rise-time error上升时间误差
rise-time error起跳时间误差
rms positional error均方根位置误差
rms positional error均方根定位误差
root-mean-square error均方根误差
root-mean-square error均方根差
round-off error凑整误差
sample error variance样品误差方差
sampling error采样误差
sighting error照准误差
sighting mark error照准误差
site error位置误差
soft error可改正错误
sonde error线圈系误差
specification error特征误差
specification error模型误差
spring-hysteresis error弹簧滞后误差
square-root-average error均方根误差
standard error of estimate估计的标准误差
standard error of the mean平均值标准偏差
standard error of the mean平均值标准误差•
steering error转向误差
stochastical error随机误差
synchronous error同步误差
tank calibration error罐容积测定误差
time recovery error时间恢复误差
timing error计时误差
tooth alignment error齿向误差
tooth error齿形误差
total composite error整体误差
total composite error总综合误差
trial and error试算法
trial and error试错
trial and error method试算误差
tropospheric error对流层误差
true error真差
truncation error舍项误差
variable systematic error可变系统误差
vertical error垂向误差
vibration error振动误差
watch error注视误差
watch error表误差
weighted error权差
worst error极限误差