
Terms containing Encouraging | all forms | exact matches only
fin.create an environment to encourage innovation营造鼓励创新的环境
China, polit.encourage all ethnic groups to join hands and work together for common prosperity and development促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展
China, polit.encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits鼓励和推动两岸人员往来
fin.encourage balanced and sustainable growth鼓励平衡且可持续增长
fin.encourage consumer spending鼓励消费开支
fin.encourage consumption鼓励消费
China, lawencourage cooperation between different region鼓励区域协作
fin.encourage coordination between nations鼓励各国之间的协调行动
fin.encourage expanded trade in financial products and services刺激金融产品及服务中交易的扩展
fin.encourage financial innovation鼓励金融创新
econ.encourage foreign investment鼓励外商投资
fin.encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D鼓励外商投资企业参与技术研发
fin.encourage greater non-government investment鼓励扩大民间投资
commer.encourage innovations by giving awards奖励发明创造
fin.encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi鼓励企业用人民币开展国际贸易
fin.encourage lending to the private sector鼓励对私人部门的贷款
securit.encourage merging of enterprises鼓励企业兼并
fin.encourage more immediate consumption鼓励增加即期消费
fin.encourage more international use of renminbi鼓励扩大人民币在国际上的使用
interntl.trade.encourage native product提倡国货
tech.encourage native products提倡国货
interntl.trade.encourage of foreign investment鼓励外国投资
China, lawencourage prisoners to study on their own鼓励罪犯自学
fin.encourage private capital flows鼓励私人资本流动
fin.encourage regional financial cooperation鼓励区域金融合作
fin.encourage speculative investments鼓励投机性投资
econ.encourage standing up for what is right弘扬正气
ecol.encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济
commer.encourage the customer to work up a larger volume of business鼓励客户做成更大业务
fin.encourage the use of the renminbi鼓励使用人民币
gen.encourage ...to + inf.鼓励…
tech.encouraging a high level of consumption拼高消费水平
avia.encouraging agreement相当一致 (的)
busin.encouraging stimulant鼓励性刺激
heavy.eq.encouraging training method激励训练法
commer.High prices for products encourage farming农产品价格高有助于农业
UNNot endorsing, encouraging or engaging in nuclear weapons proliferation不主张,不鼓励, 不从事核武器扩散
fin.policies to encourage consumption鼓励消费的政策
earth.sc.self encourage threshold auto regressive自激励门限值自回归模型
agric., busin.sustainable encouraging mechanism[可] 持续激励机制
econ.The government has been encouraging people to report those who suspect of tax evasion该国政府一直都鼓励人们举报偷漏税嫌疑人
econ.The large department store is trying to encourage sales by giving large discounts这家大百货公司以较大折扣的让利方式促销
econ.The procedure of register has been simplified for the purpose of encouraging foreign investment为鼓励外国投资,注册手续已简化
spacetheory of encourage激励理论
expl.These encouraging blasting results have come about through cooperation between explosives suppliers, mining groups, research organizations and government departments over more than twenty years这些令人振奋的爆破业绩是通过炸药供应商、矿业集团、研究组织和政府部门之间的合作取得的
econ.We accord you this privilege in order to encourage you to make more achievements为鼓励你方做出更大成绩,我们赋于你方这项特权