
Terms for subject Electronics containing Effective | all forms | exact matches only
Bruggeman effective medium approximation布鲁格曼有效中值近似
close coupling-effective potential紧耦合有效电位
collective effective dose equivalent集体有效剂量当量【核】
collective effective dose equivalent commitment集体有效剂量当量负担【核】
committed effective dose equivalent待积有效剂量当量【核】
composite effective index method合成有效指数法
cost effective equipment低成本高效益设备
deal effective-index method分配有效折射率法
determination effective levels of task automation任务自动化有效级确定
echoing area of target, effective有效目标回波区
effective active fuel length燃料有效长度【核】
effective area有效区[面积]
effective area of reinforcement bar钢筋的有效面积
effective bandpass有效频带宽度
effective barrier有效屏障【核】
effective calls meter有效呼叫计数器
effective capacitivity有效电容率[介电常数]
effective capacity有效容量[功率]
effective cohesion有效粘着力
effective collision cross-section有效碰撞截面【核】
effective column length有效柱长【核】
effective common mode rejection ratio有效共模抑制
effective conductance有效传导率
effective ly conducting relay output circuit有效导通的继电器输出回路
effective ly conducting relay output circuit无触点小输出电阻继电器闭合电路
effective core potential线芯有效电位
effective coverage有效范围
effective coverage有效作用区域【核】
effective current range有效电流范围
effective customer response有效客户反应
effective day有效日[天]
effective decay constant自然有效衰变常数
effective deformation modulus有效变形模量
effective delayed neutron fraction缓发中子有效份额【核】
effective demand factor有效需量因数
effective density of states有效态密度
effective depth钢筋混凝土有效高度
effective diameter of grain晶粒有效直径
effective diameter of objective物镜有效直径
effective dielectric function有效介电函数
effective digital signature scheme智能卡用有效数字签名电路
effective dimension of a magnetic circuit磁路的有效尺寸
effective dimension of a magnetic circuit磁路的有效范围
effective dose equivalent commitment预定的有效剂量当量【核】
effective DW address有效双字地址
effective dynamic power有效动态功率
effective energy有效功率
effective-field approximation有效场近似
effective filtration rate有效过滤率
effective flow area of core堆芯有效流通面积【核】
effective frame capacity count有效帧容量计数
effective full power days满功率等效日
effective full power days有效全功率天数
effective full power hours有效满功率小时数
effective full power years有效满功率年数
effective full power years有效满功率年
effective gap spacing有效气隙间距
effective half-life有效半衰期【核】
effective halfword address有效半字地址
effective head有效压头
effective heat transfer surface有效传热[热交换]表面[面积]
effective hole recombination velocity有效空穴复合速度
effective horsepower有效马力功率
effective index有效指数
effective index method有效折射率[指数]法
effective index of refraction有效折射率
effective initial value有效初值
effective interaction有效互作用
effective isotropically radiated power各向均匀有效辐射功率
effective life time有效寿期
effective load有效载荷
effective management responsibility有效管理职责
effective mass factor有效质量因数
effective mass theory有效质量理论
effective medium approximation有效中值近似
effective medium theory有效中值理论
effective mixing distance有效交混距离
effective multiplication constant有效增殖常数【核】
effective multiplication factor有效倍增因子【核】
effective neutron lifetime有效中子寿期【核】
effective neutron temperature有效中子温度【核】
effective nonconducting relay output circuit有效非导通的继电器输出回路
effective nonconducting relay output circuit无触点大输出电阻继电器断开的电路
effective number of bits有效比特数
effective number of bits有效位数
effective number of fission neutrons有效裂变中子数【核】
effective output有效输出[出力]
effective perceived noise有效感知噪声
effective perceived noise有效可察觉噪声
effective perceived noise in decibels有效感知噪声分贝数
effective perceived noise in decibels以分贝计的有效感知噪声
effective perceived noise level有效感知噪声电平
effective potential有效势
effective power有功功率
effective press-in length有效压入长度
effective privilege level有效特权级
effective projected radiant surface有效投影辐射表面
effective pulse power有效脉冲功率
effective range有效范围[量程;距离;射程]
effective reactance有效电抗
effective recombination velocity有效复合速度给定界面上少子电流密度与少子电荷密度之比
effective reflex surface发光面
effective resistivity看薮电阻率
effective rod radius控制棒的有效半径
effective saturation vapor pressure有效氢饱和蒸气压
effective series resistance有效串联电阻
effective short-circuit ratio有效短路比
effective storage有效蓄水
effective surface impedance有效表面阻抗
effective surface leakage resistance有效表面漏电阻
effective surface permittivity有效表面电容率
effective synchronous reactance有效同步电抗
effective test rate有效测试速率
effective thermal conductivity有效热导率
effective thermal expansion coefficient有效热胀系数
effective thickness variation有效厚度变差
effective turbulent mixing model有效湍流交混模型
effective turns有效线匝
effective turns per phase每相有效匝数
effective voltage有效[有功]电压
effective word address有效字地址
effective work function model有效功函数模型
effective wrapping length有效绕接长度
estimated effective perceived noise level估计有效感知噪声级
estimated effective perceived noise level估计有效可觉察噪声电平
gigawatt effective吉[千兆]瓦有效值
matrix effective refractive index method矩阵变换有效折射率
maximum effective short-circuit current最大有效短路电流
mean effective horse-power平均有效马力
minimum effective liquid rate最小有效液流速率
negative effective mass负有效质量
negative effective mass amplifier负有效质量放大器
negative effective mass amplifier and generator负有效质量放大器与振荡器
net effective power head水轮机净有效水头
neutron effective lifetime中子有效寿期【核】
noise effective power噪声有效功率
nuclear effective temperature有效核温度【核】
peak load effective duration尖峰负荷持续时间
peak load effective duration尖峰负荷有效时间
pulse effective power脉冲有效功率
quick and effective system to enhance retrieval提高检索效率的快速有效系统
relay effective time继电器有效工作时间
simple effective index method简单有效折射率法
status of effective electron emission area有效电子发射区状态
temperature coefficient of effective permeability有效磁导率的温度系数
total effective air gap总有效气隙
total effective collision cross section总有效碰撞截面【核】
total effective exhaust loss考虑温度后排汽损失可用能