
Terms for subject United Nations containing Education | all forms | exact matches only
adult education成人教育
APETIT Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism亚太旅游业教育和训练研究所网
Dakar Framework for Action of the World Education Forum, 20002000年世界教育论坛《达喀尔行动纲领》
education vaccine"教育疫苗"
Environmental Education and Training Unit环境教育和训练股
Expert Group on Statistical Education and Training统计教育和训练专家组
Food For Education教育换粮食
free and compulsory primary and secondary education免费和义务初等教育和中等教育
general education system普通教育系统
Global Basic Education Reserve Fund全球基础教育储备基金
inclusive education有教无类
inclusive education包容性教育
Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education政府间环境教育会议
International Congress on Environmental Education and Training国际环境教育和训练大会
International Environmental Education Programme国际环境教育方案
International Strategy for Action in the field of Environmental Education and Training for the 1990s1990年代环境教育和训练领域国际行动战略
Meeting of Senior Officials on a Programme of Action in Support of Education for All in the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域支持普及教育行动纲领高级官员会议
Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism亚太旅游业教育和训练研究所网
Regional Technical Cooperation Network in Africa on Environment Education and Training非洲环境教育和训练区域技术合作网
tertiary education高等教育