
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing END | all forms | exact matches only
double rear from end of the horse to the pommels直角进鞍马动作
double rear from end of the horse to the pommels鞍马动作直角进
double rear from pommels to the end of the horse直角出鞍马动作
double rear from pommels to the end of the horse鞍马动作直角出
double rear to end of the horse直角出至马端
double rear to end of the horse鞍马动作直角出
double-leg circles from one end of the horse to the pommels平移入
double-leg circles from one end of the horse to the pommels平移进
double-leg circles from pommels to the end of the horse平移出
ear end of horse远端跳马项目
ear end of horse跳马远端
end of bars杠端
end of beam平衡木末端
far end of the horse远端
forward-end pommel前环
jump to roll forward at end or middle of beam木端或木中跳起前滚翻
near end of the horse近端跳马项目
near end马端
near end跳马项目近端
near end of the horse马端
near end of the horse跳马项目近端
near-end vault近端跳
rear-end pommel后环
Stockli backward to support rearways on one end of horse直角反出
straddle in on one end to double -leg circle杠端分腿跳上接双腿全旋
straddle off one end杠端分腿跳下
vault with support on near end of the horse跳马近端支撑跳跃
vault with support on near end of the horse跳马近端支撑跳跃跳