
Terms for subject International trade containing END | all forms | exact matches only
at this end在我方
at your end在你方
balance paid at the end of the month月终时清算差额
banknote issued at the year-end年终发行的钞票
bottom end rail集装箱下横梁
buyer's end user买方最终用户
closed-end company不公开之投资公司
closed-end company不公开的投资公司
closed-end investment company限额型投资公司
closed-end investment company不公开的投资公司
closed-end investment company股份固定投资公司
closed-end investment company股份固定的投资公司
closed-end mortgage限额型抵押投资
closed-end type investment trust资本额固定投资信托
closed-end type investment trust闭锁投资信托
damaged on end端损
end delivery date最后交货日期
end of month月终
end of month月末
end of month月底
end of season季末
end of year年终
end user直接用户
end user最后用户
long-end of the market优等证券市场中的长期证券交易
lower end of the middle income spectrum中等偏低收入一类的国家
manage to make both ends meet设法使收支平衡
odds and ends杂凑成的货物
odds and ends零碎物件
open-end company股份不定投资公司
open-end company公开投资公司
open-end contract未定期限的契约
open-end contract开口合同
open-end import license公开限期进口许可证
open-end investment company追加型投资公司
open-end investment company股份不定投资公司
open-end investment company公开投资公司
open-end investment company mutual fund company随时买卖证券的投资公司
open-end mortgage可加抵押
stand on end竖放外包装说明
top end rail集装箱上横梁
year-end adjustment年终调整
year-end audit年终审计
year-end dividend年终股利
year-end summarization年终汇总