
Terms containing ED | all forms | exact matches only
ital., spaceAssociazione Nazionale Industrie Elettrotechniche ed Elettroniche全国电气和电子工业协会
avia.Associazione Nazionale Industrie Elettrotechniche ed Elettroniche〔意〕全国电气与电子工业协会
dril.back ed-off倒扣解卡
archit.back ed-off cutter铲齿铳刀
archit.back ed-up-weld后托焊接
archit.back ed-with blocks块体衬砌
archit.barge ed-in fill吹填土
adv.Bartles & Jaymes, "Frank and Ed"果酒公司、"弗兰克和埃德"、赖利广告公司、1985 (Hal Riney & Partners; Bartles & Jaymes)
econ.Because we are unwilling to buy your goods, we refrain-ed from cabling back因为我方不愿购买你方货物,所以就没有回电
expl.block ed-out ore备采矿量
IMF.BUFF/ED Document IMF document series, BUFF/ED/...执董黄皮文件
expl.bull-ed hole扩孔用机械方法或通过小药卷爆破,将一定长度的炮孔〈通常是炮孔底部〉扩大,以便装更多炸药
acrob.co-ed action sort男女混合项目
textilecolor ed yarn fabric色织物
econ.consign-ed goods托运贸易
econ.consign-ed goods代销品
econ.consign-ed goods寄销品
econ.consign-ed receipt委托收入
commer.ed accounts花账
commer.ed bill虚报账单
commer.ED card出入境申报表
desert.Ed Déffa迪法高原 (埃及-利比亚)
multimed.Ed video media arts centreEd 视频媒体艺术中心 (Ed 视频)
chem.ED-β video tapeED-β 型录像磁带
busin.enamel 1 ed漆包的
busin.enamel 1 ed搪瓷的
busin.enamel 1 ed上珐琅的
interntl.trade.ex dividend ED;x.d.无红利
interntl.trade.ex dividend ED;x.d.无股息
interntl.trade.ex dividend ED;x.d.除股息股票出让但不包括股息,股利除外
expl.excavate-ed section掘进断面曾称“毛断面”。井巷掘进时开挖的符合设计要求的横断面
auto.fix ed route行车固定路径
tech.flat bottom ed railT形钢轨
tech.flat bottom ed rail宽底钢轨
econ.For establishing business relations, I have correspond-ed with the representative of that corporation为了建立业务关系,我已和该公司代表通了信
AI.human-oriented ED人用电子词典
wind.IEC 61400-1 Ed2 Wind Turbine Safety and Design RevisionIEC 61400—1风电机组安全和设计修订版
econ.If the manufacturer cannot satisfy all the requirements in our orders proffer-ed to him, we may make up the difference from other sources如果制造商不能满足我公司向他提出的订单中所有要求,我方可从其他来源来弥补不足部分
el.mach.insulating varnish-ed glass cloth绝缘玻璃漆布
expl.lag-ed value滞后值
expl.misfire-ed curve欠拟合曲线
expl.My teacher has change-ed much in recent years as his old age comes随着进人老年,我的老师近几年变化很大
chem.oleodisaturat-ed glyceride油酸二饱和酸甘油酯
econ.Overseas sales have benefit-ed from the fall in the exchange rate外汇率下跌使海外销售额增加
construct.prepack ed concrete预填 〔压〕骨料混凝土
construct.prepackag ed concrete预填 〔压〕骨料混凝土
el.program ed action safety assembly按程序动作的安全装置
el.programm ed action safety assembly按程序动作的安全装置
expl.radiant-ed wave辐射波
expl.ravel-ed hole不规则炮孔钻孔时,因钻机振动等原因造成钻孔不顺直、孔径或大或小的炮孔
fin.S & ED中美战略与经济对话
econ.Share prices have jump-ed股票价格暴涨
expl.shock ed受冲击波作用的
spaceSistema Italiana per Communicazioni Riservente ed Allarmi锡克拉 (意大利军事通信卫星,全称为意大利保密和应急通信系统,意大利文)
el.solid wall-ed单层容器壁的
el.solid wall-ed实心墙的
el.solid wall-ed实心容器壁的
el.solid wall-ed单层墙的
expl.stick-ed explosive卷装炸药
econ.The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material买主已对原料价格大幅下降不再抱有希望
econ.The city government requisition-ed food from our company to feed the survivers from the earthquake市政府要求本公司为地震幸存者提供食物
econ.The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途
econ.The deal is one in which rice is barter-ed for machines这是一笔以大米换机器的交易
econ.The dockers have desist-ed from unloading the ship码头工人已停止为这艘轮船卸货
econ.The equipment may be seized or distrain-ed in default of liabilities on the part of the contractor因承包商方面未能履行义务,其设备可被没收或扣押
econ.The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按时发货
econ.The German delegation visit-ed our factory last month德国代表团于上月参观我厂
econ.The importers in one African country protest-ed against the ban on imports of luxury goods一个非洲国家的进口商们抗议进口奢侈品的禁令
econ.The loan given us by the bank surpass-ed the sum we expected银行给我们的贷款超过我们所期望的数目
econ.The management entertain-ed the suggestions from the union representatives管理层接受了工会代表的建议
econ.The manager guess-ed at the pretax profits经理对税前利润作了猜测
econ.The manager thank-ed the employees for their hard work经理感谢员工们努力工作
econ.The money will be refund-ed if the goods can't be supplied如不能供应此货,则应退款
econ.The poor quality has detract-ed the reputation of the manufacturer低劣的质量损害了制造商的声誉
econ.The right of the bankrupt to his real estate shall be divest-ed破产者对房地产所拥有的权利将被剥夺
econ.The said premises of the corporation encroach-ed the pavement and should be improved on该公司的上述房屋侵占了人行道,应予改建
econ.The samples were airmail-ed last Friday样品于上星期五经空邮寄出
econ.The seamless steel tubes ordered have been dispatch-ed per S.S. Chang Feng所订的无缝钢管已由长风号轮船发出
econ.The shipping documents are to be surrender-ed to the bank promptly装船单据必须立即交给银行
econ.This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖
econ.This letter was "couch ed" in somewhat unbusinesslike terms这封信的措词有些不符合商业习惯
expl.This university ed under the Ministry of Education a decade ago这所大学十年前隶属教育部
expl.timber ed raise building and Alimak method木结构天井建筑阿利马克法
pharm.Triquilar ED特居乐 ED (左炔诺孕酮-炔雌醇 (levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol) 片剂商品名;避孕药)
expl.underload ed cast blasting crater减弱抛掷加强松动爆破漏斗减弱抛掷爆破〈加强松动〉漏斗r
econ.We have been approach-ed by two companies for the supply of this commodity已有两家公司向我们联系购买这种商品
econ.We have fax-ed the documents to our New York office我们已经把文件传真到纽约办事处
econ.We're informed that two representatives have been dispatch-ed to our company我们得到通知,已有两名代表被派到我们公司来