
Terms for subject Pest control containing Dry | all forms | exact matches only
dry bulb mite郁金香瘿螨 Aceria tulipae (Keifer)
dry bulb mite麦瘿螨 Aceria tulipae (Keifer)
dry eye rot of apple杏灰霉病 Botrytis cinerea
dry rot干腐病
dry rot马可病
dry rot and canker of swede and turnip花椰菜黑胫病 Phoma lingam
dry rot and canker of swede and turnip甘蓝黑胫病 Phoma lingam
dry rot meruliose干朽菌 Merulius lacrymans
dry rot of potato马铃薯干腐病 Fusarium coeruleum
dry seed dressing干拌种
dry sieving test干筛试验