
Terms for subject Business containing Do | all forms | exact matches only
applicant to do importation进口许可申请人
do a bad job工作干得好〔不好〕
do a roaring trade生意兴隆
do all bank经营各种业务的银行
do all possible尽一切可能
do business by bargaining讨价还价交易
do business on one's own account自行经营
do business with foreign firm对外成交
do it yourself shop出售自制用品商店
do it yourself tour自选旅行
do-it-yourself product自动手产品
do-it-yourself stores自动手器材商店
do not crush切勿挤压
do not drop忽掼
do not drop切勿抛掷抛堕
do not load不装载
do not load stock on top勿放顶上
do not renew不续转
do not show in damp place勿放置潮湿处
do submit to a correction应予修正
Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?
do your best努力
do your best尽力
How do you control the quality of magnetos?贵方如何控制磁发电机的质量?
How many do you intend to order?你打算订多少?
I can assure you that we'll do our best to advance the shipment我们保证会尽快发货
if leaking, do not breathe fume, touch contents, swallow如包件破漏,勿吸气体,勿接触内容物,勿吞咽
plan-do-check-action PDCA工作循环
plan-do-check-audit PDCA计划—实施—检査—采取措施
plan-do-check-audit PDCA工作循环
please do not touch the exhibits请勿触摸展品
well-to-do family小康之家
well-to-do people富人
What do you think of the payment terms?支付方式是什么?
What do your insurance clauses cover?你方投保的保险涵盖哪些方面?
words and figures do not agree支票、票据票面与数字不符