
Terms for subject General containing Do | all forms | exact matches only
alert to do留心做
All right. Do you want thin or thick crust?好的。你要薄的还是厚的?
all we need do is increase the charge我们只需要增加电荷
all you need do is press a switch, and the motor starts只要按一下开关,发动机就开动了
any time will do什么时候都行
any tool will do任何工具都行
Before you do anything, you have to collect information about U. S. immigrant and nonimmigrant visas and the requirements to apply for each在开始申请之前,你需要搜集关于美国移民签证和非移民签证的相关申请要求
begin to do the job开始做这件工作
Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
did he do it himself?这是他自己干的吗
did you do it yourself这是你自己做的吗
Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?
do M a bad turn拆M的台
do M a bad turn给M帮倒忙
do a film摄制影片
do a good job工作干得好〔不好〕
do M a good turn帮 M 的忙
do a job on...对…做点工作
do a miracle创造奇迹
do a sum做算术题
do a sum计算
do all in one's power竭尽全力
do all one can尽力
do an experiment in对…做实验
do an experiment in做…实验
do an experiment on对…做实验
do an experiment on做…实验
do an experiment upon对…做实验
do an experiment upon做…实验
do an experiment with对…做实验
do an experiment with做…实验
do an injury to加害于
do away with消除
do away with撤销
do away with免除
do away with消〔废,破,免〕除
do away with除〔弃〕去
do away with解决
do away with结束
do away with除掉
do be careful请务必当心
do one's best尽 〔竭〕力
do one's very best to + inf尽量
do one's very best to + inf鼓足干劲
do one's very best to + inf尽全力
do one's bidding照办
do one's bidding照命令做
do one's bit尽自己的本分
do brown使…上当
do brown欺骗
do sb.'s business要某人的命
do sb.'s business处置某人
do business with与…来往〔做买卖〕
do by对付
do by对待
Do children pay the same application fee as adults?孩子和成人申请费相同吗?
do sb. credit证明某人具有某种才能〔品质〕
do sb. credit为某人增光
do credit toM 为 M 增光
do one's daily stint做每日指定〔分配,派定,定额〕的工作
do damage破坏
do destruction to使…毁灭
do destruction to对…造成破坏
do duty扮演…角色 (as)
do duty起 …作用 (as)
do duty担任…职务 (as)
do duty for代替〔充作,当作〕…之用
do everything in one's power竭尽全力
do everything to千方百计 (+ inf.)
do everything to想方设法 (+ inf.)
do evil作恶
do execution产生强烈印象
do execution正中
do execution使人神魂颠倒
do execution奏〔见〕效
do one's exercises做作业
do figures计算
do five copies复制五份
do for够…用
do for对…有效
do for毁掉
do for代替
do for设法弄到
do for照料
do for适合于
do sth. for the best好心
do sth. for the best番好意
do ... good对…有用 (Jo)
do ... good对…有效 (Jo)
do ... good对…有好处 (Jo)
do hard work干活
do do no harm对… (to)
do do no harm对…产生不产生危害 (to)
do harm有害
do homage to服从
do homage to向…致敬
do honour to对…致敬意
do honour to尊敬
Do I have to go to the embassy in person?我需要亲自去大使馆吗?
Do I have to make a reconfirmation?我需要再次确认机票吗?
Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?换乘地铁还要付费吗?
Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我得付烟酒税吗?
Do I have to pay extra for drinks?饮料要另外付费么?
Do I have to reserve a seat?我一定要预订座位吗?
Do I have to show my ticket to get my bags?领取行李要出示机票吗?
Do I need to get through complex procedures before obtaining my visa?在拿到签证前,需要经过复杂的手续吗?
Do I need to print all the pages of the DS-160?我需要将DS-160表格的所有内容都打印出来吗?
Do I need to provide any kind of document before applying for a visa?申请护照前需要提供材料吗?
do... into French把…译成法文
do it how you can你尽可能做做看
do it like this照这样做
do it ten times over把它重复做十遍
do it yourself自己动手
do its work起作用
do its work有效
do justice to...照片酷似
do justice to...给…以公道的评价
do justice to...公平〔妥善〕处理
do one's level best尽最大努力
do one's level best尽最大的努力
do one's level best尽全力
do one's level best竭尽全力
do manual labour从事体力劳动
do morning exercises做早操
Do my shirt and my blue jeans go well together?我的衬衫和牛仔裤相配吗?
do not
do not
do not care a dime毫不在乎
do not deign to + inf.不屑 (做)
do not do不要
do not doubt but不怀疑
do not doubt but that相信
do not doubt but that不怀疑
do not doubt but that不怀疑
do not expect想不到
do not have time to + inf.来不及
do not load无负载
do not load未装入
Do not move!裁判用语原姿势暂停!
Do not pack valuables, such as cash, credit cards, jewelry or expensive electronics in a suitcase that you will check with the airline切勿把现金、信用卡、珠宝及昂贵电子产品等贵重物品放在航空公司托运的行李箱内
do not really不太
do not regard the question与这个问题无关
do not signify没有什么关系
Do not stand on the forbidden area请远离站立禁区
do not stick at scruples不犹豫〔迟疑〕
do not think twice about断然予以… (+ ing)
do not think twice about忘掉 (+ ing)
do not think twice about忽视 (+ ing)
do not think twice about做某事不再考虑 (+ ing)
do not want不要
Do not wear conspicuous jewelry and carry excessive amount of money, which may make you a target of crime不要戴贵重珠宝和大量现金,以防被不法分子盯上
do not you know?你不知道吗?
do one a favour答应…请求
do one a favour帮…忙
do oneself justice发挥自己的能力
do or to handle something
do out整理
do out扫除
do over
do over
do over重〔改〕作
do one's part尽自己一份力量
do one's part尽自己职责
do one's possible竭尽所能
do one's possible全力以赴
do reportage on报道
do research on进行… 的科学研究
do right做得对
do one's room收拾房间
do one's share of the work做自己的一份〔那份〕工作
do shopping买东西
do... so fashion照这样做…
do something desperately拼命
do sums做算术题
do sums计算
do sums做算术
Do the airline reserve special seats for the disable?航空公司会为残疾人预留特别座椅吗?
do the business达到目的
do the business解决问题
do the correct thing处理恰当
do the deed产生效果
do the experiment over把这实验再做一次
do the feat奏效
do the most you can尽你最大的力量去做
do the needful做所必须做的事
do the rules cover all possible cases?这些规则是否适用于所有各种可能的情况?
do the trick获得成功
do the trick达到预期目的
do the work of顶…用
do time受罚
do M to对N 做M (N)
do M to对N起M作用 (N)
do to对待
do to处置
do sth. to admiration把某事做得极好
Do try some sauce. It tastes yummy with fried chicken来点儿酱吧,炸鸡蘸上这种酱特别好吃
do unto him as he does unto others还治其人之身
do unto him as he does unto others以其人之道
do up疲乏
do up粉刷
do up修整
do up整顿
do up扣好
do up包扎
do one's utmost竭力
do one's utmost尽最大努力
do one's utmost尽全力
do one's utmost尽 〔竭〕力
Do verify restaurant cashier's receipts against machine tape reading务必核对餐厅收银发票和收银机上显示的金额是否一致
do violence to以暴力对待
do violence to
do violence to违背
do violence to歪曲
do violence to伤害
do well进行顺利
do well成功
do well进展情况良好
do well处理得好
do well to做,处理得正好 (+ inf.)
do what is needful做所必须做的事
do with与…相处
do with处置
do with容忍
do with对付
do with同…有关系
do without无须
do without不用
do without舍去
do without无需
do without只好没有
do without没有也
do without不用〔没有〕…也行
do wonders创造奇迹
do wonders取得惊人的成就
do wonders产生惊人的效果
Do you accept traveler's checks?你们这里收旅行支票吗?
Do you accept Visa?你们接受维萨卡吗?
Do you charge less for kids?小孩子吃饭便宜么?
Do you eat fruit in winter?你冬天吃水果么?
Do you exchange foreign currency here? This is my traveler's check. Can you cash it for me?请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?这是我的旅行支票。能兑现吗?
Do you get any sweater you like?你找到喜欢的毛衣了吗?
Do you have a confirmation letter confirming the reservation?您是否收到过确认订房的信件?
Do you have a double room overlooking the sea?你们有没有能俯瞰海景的双人间呢?
Do you have a dress code?餐厅是否有任何服装上的规定?
Do you have a family history of allergy?你有家族过敏史吗?
Do you have a history of stomach pain?你有过胃痛的病史吗?
Do you have a hotel card or something?你有饭店名片或其他东西吗?
Do you have a reservation?您有预订吗?
Do you have a return ticket to Haikou?是否有海口的回程机票?
Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?有靠近紧急出口的座位吗?
Do you have a skin cleanser?有洗面乳吗?
Do you have a vegetarian meal? I'm glad to have one你们有素食餐吗?我想要一份
Do you have any carry-on baggage?您有随身行李吗?
Do you have any charges for this morning?您今天是否挂账用酒店的服务?
Do you have any Chinese magazines?你们有中文杂志吗?
Do you have any identification?你有什么身份证明文件吗?
Do you have any medicine for airsickness?你们有晕机药吗?
Do you have any other flights?你们有其他航班吗?
Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?您有行李需要托运吗?
Do you have any precious metals with you?您带贵重金属了吗?
Do you have any relatives in the U. K. ?你在英国有亲人吗?
Do you have any seat preferences?您对座位有什么要求吗?
Do you have any siblings? What do they do?你有兄弟姐妹吗?他们都从事什么职业?
Do you have any tickets for the concert?还有那场音乐会的票吗?
Do you have any vacancies?您这还有空房吗?
Do you have anything for a cold stomachache/toothache?你有治感冒胃疼/牙疼的药吗?
Do you have anything for this one and a half years old baby?请问有一岁半儿童能吃的食物吗?
Do you have anything to declare?你有什么物品需要申报吗?
Do you have anything to recommend有什么推荐的吗?
Do you have something to recommend for after dinner drink?能推荐一下饭后的饮料吗?
Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight?您有下一个航班的登机证吗?
Do you have the desserts low in sugar and fat?你们有没有低脂低糖的点心?
Do you have vegetarian dishes?餐厅是否供应素食餐?
Do you know how to open an online banking account?你知道怎样开通网上银行吗?
Do you know that Ethiopian Highland is the source of the Nile River?你知道吗,俄塞俄比亚高原是尼罗河的发源地
do you know what he is你知道他是做什么的吗
do you know the exact date when the experiment began你知道这实验是什么时候开始的〔开始的准确日期〕吗
Do you like Burger King?你喜欢汉堡王餐厅吗?
Do you like fruit and vegetable?你喜欢水果和蔬菜么?
Do you like heavy meal or light meal?你想吃油腻饮食还是清淡饮食?
Do you like heavy meal or light meal?你喜欢油腻的食物还是清淡的食物?
Do you like honey?你喜欢吃蜂蜜吗?
Do you like Plettenbers Bay?你喜欢普莱腾贝格湾吗?
Do you like roast beef?你喜欢烤牛肉吗?
Do you like to have an exchange?您愿意换货吗?
Do you like tomato and oyster soup?你喜欢番茄青蚝汤吗?
Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?
Do you mind if others share the table with you?您是否介意别人和您同坐一桌?
Do you mind waiting until 8:30?可以等到 8 :30 吗?
Do you need fresh sheets?您需要更换新床单吗?
Do you need luggage tags?需要标签吗?
Do you need new towels?您需要更换毛巾吗?
Do you need some pickles?还要些泡菜吗?
do you not know?不知道吗
Do you sell moisturizer that is especially made for neck?你们有颈部专用的保湿霜吗?
do you speak English你会说英语吗
do you speak English你会讲英语吗
Do you suggest any meat?你推荐什么肉食?
Do you take credit cards?可以刷卡吗?
Do you take telephone reservations?你们接受电话预约吗?
Do you think I need to buy a digital SLR?你认为我有买数码单反的必要吗?
Do you want any side orders?你要其他的副餐吗?
Do you want separate bills or just one single bill?您想分开结账还是一起结账?
Do you want some veal chops?来点小牛排吧?
Do you want to buy a one-way ticket or a round trip ticket?您想买单程票还是往返票?
Do you want to fly first or economy class?您要头等舱还是经济舱?
Do you want to help me make a jack-o'-lantern for Halloween?你愿意帮我做个万圣节的南瓜灯吗?
Do you want to make a single trip or a round trip?您是要单程,还是要往返?
Do you want to stay in the United States for good?你打算一直待在美国吗?
Double iron straps will do外加两道铁箍来加固
Excuse me, sir. I noticed that the astray on the table was broken. Do you know how it happened?打扰一下,先生。我发现桌上的烟灰缸摔碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处
feel free to do.随便做某事
For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难
force somebody to do something勉强
Great! Then how much do you charge?太好啦。那你们怎么收费呢?
had nothing to do with与……没有关系
he is the last man to do it他最不适于做这件事
he is the last man to do it他决不至于干这件事
Hello, Bobby. It seems that I cany t arrive at your home by 12 o'clock. I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you. It was me to blame嗨,芭比,12 点我似乎无法到达你家。给你带来不便我感到很抱歉,这是我的错
Hello, British Airways Reservations. What kind of seat do you prefer? An aside seat or enter seat?喂,你好,英国航空订票处,您想要哪种座位呢?靠过道的还是中间位置的?
Hello, we are to transfer to flight CA377 to Manila. What procedure do I need?你好,我们要转乘到马尼拉的CA377航班。需要办什么手续吗?
He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?他在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?
Hi, John! Do you know how to apply for a visa to the U. S. ?嗨,约翰!你知道怎么申请赴美签证吗?
Hi, Lily! I will go to the U. S. this summer. What should I do to complete my DS-160 application online?莉莉,我这个暑假准备去美国玩儿,我应该怎样完成网上的 DS-160申请表?
horsepower has nothing to do with the horse马力和马毫不相干
how did you do it你是怎样做它的
How do I draw money for my own use then?那么我如何提钱给自己用呢?
How do I fill out this form?我要怎么填这张表呢?
How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?我如何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?
How do people in Wales spend Valentine's Day?在威尔士人们如何过情人节?
How do they escape infection?它们怎样避开感染?
How do you celebrate Independence Day?你们怎么庆祝独立日呢?
how do you do你好!
How do you do您好
How do you like the boiled beef in chili soup?你觉得水煮牛肉怎么样?
how do you like this lathe你觉得这台车床怎么样
How do you like this room?您觉得这房间怎么样呢?
How do you like your steak?你的牛排要如何烹调?
How do you like your whisky?您的威士忌要怎么喝?
How long do you intend to stay here?你将在这停留多长时间?
How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您打算入住多长时间?
How long do you plan to stay?你想在这里停留多久?
how many more bolts do you want你还需要多少螺栓
How many ports do I call at on our passage to New York?去纽约一路上要停靠几个港口?
How many universities have you applied for? How many of them admitted you? Why do you want to study in this university?你一共申请了多少所大学?有几所录取了你?为什么选择这所大学?
How much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?
How much do I need to pay to you?我需要赔偿多少钱呢?
How much do I owe you?多少钱?
How much do you draw?您要取多少钱?
How much do you want for this?这件东西你想卖多少钱?
How much do you want to pay for this?多少钱你会买?
How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?你出国时带多少外币?
How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen?你要把多少汇款换成日元?
how much vaseline do you want你要多少凡士林
I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?我在泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?
I cannot do it like you我不能做得像你那样 (do)
I cannot do it like you我不能像你那样做 (do)
I do beg your pardon for the mistake I've made请您一定原谅我所犯的错误
I do not doubt but what the data is reliable我不怀疑这数据是可靠的
I do not follow you我不明白你的意思
I do not know but what I shall go不妨
I do not know but what I shall go说不定我还会去呢 c 没到不…的程度
I do not know how matters stand我不知道情况怎样
I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?
I have only a bottle of Scotch and a carton of cigarettes. Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?我有一瓶苏格兰威士忌和一条香烟,我得给酒和烟上税吗?
I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to going abroad. What should I do?说到出国,你应该有很多经验,我应该做些什么?
I like the design of this suit. But the texture is not so soft. Can you do any change for me?我喜欢这套西服的设计,但是衣服的质地不够软,这款能改做吗?
I' m terribly sorry. We'll do our best to get it back to you as soon as possible. Please fill out this claim form with your tag number非常抱歉,我们会尽力尽快帮您找回来。请把您的签条号码填在这张申报单上
I see, sir. I'll check it for you. How do you spell his name, please?明白了,先生。我帮您查一查,请问他的姓名怎么拼写?
If there? s anything we can do for you please let us know. The extension for the Front Desk is6587-2334.如果有什么需要我们做的,请告诉我们。前台的分机号码是 6587-2334
If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
If you want to decrease body fat, you must do aerobic exercises如果你想减少脂肪,必须要做有氧运动
I'm afraid that I do not like pineapple and lettuce我不太喜欢菠萝萬苣
I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
I'm the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you我是楼层服务员。如果有什么需要,请告诉我
I'm wondering if I could reapply. Do I have to wait three to six months before reapplying我想知道我是否还能再次申请签证。我需要等三到六个月才能再次申请吗?
it does not matter that they do not come他们不来也没关系
it is practical to do so这样做是实际的
it is the custom of M to do so这样做是 M 的习惯
it is the custom with M to do so这样做是 M 的习惯
it pays to do so这样做是合算的〔值得的〕
It's my pleasure to do you a favor能够帮上您的忙是我的荣幸
It's very kind of you to do so你这样做我很感激
I've heard that an original letter from the employer is needed for a Singapore visitor visa. However, I' m a freelance who don't have that. What should I do?我听说办理新加坡旅游签证需提供在职证明。但我是个自由作家,那应该怎么办呢?
let me do so请允许我这样做
Linda, enjoy your holiday! Where do you want to go? Did you buy the flight ticket?琳达,好好享受假期!你想去哪儿度假,买机票了吗?
make do靠…勉强过去 (with)
My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do我搭乘的航班晚点了,我想知道是什么情况
My skin is very sensitive. Do you have trial samples that I can try first?我的皮肤很敏感,你们有试用品让我先试用一下吗?
Officer, I'm not from around here. How do I pay the fine?警官,我不是本地人。我要怎么缴罚款呢?
OK, do you want a full-length or short-length?好,要全身像还是半身像?
OK, Mr. Wang. Do you have any bags to check?好的,王先生,你有什么行李要托运的吗?
only very rarely do we find that…我们很少〔难得〕 碰到…
Please be informed that time's up. Do you need late check-out?您时间到了,需要帮您加时间吗?
Room service. What can I do for you?这里是客房部。请问有什么需要为您做的呢?
Room Service. What can I do for you?客房服务部,能为您效劳吗?
see fit to do sth.认为做某事是适当
see one's way clear to do ing有可能能设法
Sir, do you want to make it a Dutch treat or pay it all together?先生,您是想各付各的,还是一起付款?
sometimes required data do not even exist或者
sometimes required data do not even exist即使有
sometimes required data do not even exist其精确度也可能有问题
sometimes required data do not even exist所需的数据甚至是不存在的
sometimes required data do not even exist有时
Sounds good. What time do you want me to come?听起来不错啊。我几点过去?
supplies are materials used in the production process but which do not become a part of the product消耗品是用于生产过程而又不转化成产品成分的各种物料
the best thing to do最上策
the best thing to do最好的办法
The embassy must be closed now. Do I need to report it to the police?大使馆一定关门了,我需要报警吗?
The figures and the words on the check do not agree这个数字和您支票上写的不相符
The flight is available. Do you have any seat preferences?还有座位,您对座位有什么偏好吗?
The flight will go to Kyoto with a stopover at Dubai, but passengers do not have to disembark该航班在飞往京都的途中将会在迪拜经停,但乘客不需下飞机
the readiest way to do it这件事的最简便的做法
The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?
The traffic accident had nothing to do with him这交通事故和他没有关系
They do the research for the purpose to increase the usability of yak hair他们研究的目的在于提高耗牛毛的适用性
to do is also to learn干也是学习
...to do what?干什么
Today's rate for cash purchase is 100 U. S. banknotes for 688 RMB. Do you have your passport with you?今天的现钞买入价是688元人民币兑换100美元。您带护照了吗?
try and do试做
try to do试做
We are going to the Sovereign Hill. Do you want to go with us?我们要去疏芬山,你要去吗?
We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
We do not require reconfirmation of existing reservation for onward or return Air China flight对于已订妥成行的机票或者回程航班,无须再次确认
we think it wrong to do so我们认为这样做是错的
We will do our best to find the mugger and get your property back to you as soon as possible我们会尽快找到抢劫犯,并将财物归还给您
We will do our best to remove the stain, but we cannot guarantee the result我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉
Well, could you do me a favor and buy something in the duty-free shop when you transfer in the Singapore airport?那你从新加坡转机时,能帮我从机场的免税店带点儿东西吗?
We've both enjoyed our friendship, haven't we? I am happy to do what I could我们相处得非常愉快,不是吗?我为所做的一切感到高兴!
What colors do you have in foundation?粉底都有哪些颜色的?
what did he do他做什么了
What do I owe you?一共要付多少钱?
What do we need for the barbecue?我们烧烤都需要些什么啊?
What do you call those lovely animals that help pull Santa Clause's sleigh?那些帮助圣诞老人拉雪橇的可爱动物叫什么名字?
What do you do? How about your annual income or monthly salary?你从事什么职业?月收入或者年收入多少呢?
What do you have?你们有什么料?
What do you have for dinner?你晚餐吃什么?
what do you mean by "matter"所谓物质指的是什么
What do you recommend?你的建议是什么?
What do you suggest in particular?那你具体推荐什么呢?
What do you suggest in particular for dinner?晚餐有什么特别推荐吗?
What do you think braised prawns for dinner?晚上吃烩大虾怎么样?
What do you want, pizza, pasta or spaghetti?你想吃什么,比萨、通心粉还是意面?
What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?
What flavors of puffs do you have today?你们有哪些口味的泡芙可以选?
What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?
What kind do you like to wear, cloth shoes or leather shoes?您想要哪种鞋子?布鞋还是皮鞋?
What kind of card do you have?您用什么卡?
What kind of currency do you want to change?要换哪种货币?
What kind of food do you serve?你们都有什么食物?
What kind of handbag do you like?您想要什么样的手提包?
What kinds of drinks do you have? We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktail您想要喝什么?我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒
What rooms do you prefer?您喜欢什么房间?
What should I do if the visa application has been refused?签证申请被拒后,我应该做些什么呢?
What should I do with the dirty dishes?这些脏的盘子怎么办?
What time do I check in at the airport?我应该几点钟到机场办理登机手续?
What time do you like your table?您什么时间来用餐?
what to do?怎么办
What's your purpose of your visit? What type of visa do you want to apply for?你这趟旅行的目的是什么?你想要申请哪种类型的签证?
Which currency do you want to change your money into?你要把钱换成哪一种货币?
Which do you prefer, British breakfast or continental breakfast?你更喜欢英式早餐还是欧式的?
Which do you prefer for high tea?下午茶吃什么?
Which doctor do you go to?你要找哪位医生?
Which way do I go the Medical Department?内科怎么走?
Which way do we go for the Northern Line?我们怎样去北线地铁?
Why do people give chocolate as a gift on Valentine's Day?情人节为什么要送巧克力?
why should you do that你干吗要做那件事
will do well to以…较妥 (+ inf.)
will do well to最好是 (+ inf.)
would do well to以…较妥 (+ inf.)
would do well to最好是 (+ inf.)
yes, I do是的,我会如果对方问话采用否定方式,而回答是肯定的,仍用 yes,这与汉语习惯相反
Yes, sir, we get your reservation on that date. So anything we can do for you?是的,先生,我们已经收到您当天的预订单。有什么需要帮忙吗?
You can do it now if you like. I was just about to go down for my breakfast如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。我正想下去吃早饭呢
You must be a mind-reader Michael. Do you feel like some western food?米歇尔,你真了解我。你想吃西餐吗?
You must pay for the damages. It is a hotel regulation. I do hope you understand您必须赔偿损坏物品。这是酒店的规定,希望您能理解
You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this, specifically in your upper torso你这样做时,会感到体内,尤其是躯干,有种轻微的晕眩。 (小贴士:美国的医院不负责售药,只负责开方子。但只有凭医院处方,才能在药店购买处方药。美国看病贵,主要是因为美国实行医疗保险制度,大多数人都有保险。换言之,如果没有保险, 是很难看得起病的。在美国,大多数人看病都是通过雇主或自行购买的医疗保险。生病后到医疗服务机构就医,医疗费用主要由医疗保险机构向医疗服务机构支付,病人只需承担医疗费的一小部分。)
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