
Terms containing Department | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.a relevant department under the State Council国务院有关部门
econ.a union department store联营百货公司
agric.Administration. and Finance Department FAO粮农组织行政财务司
China, lawadministration department for science and technology科学技术行政部门
securit.administrative department for finance under State Council国务院金融行政管理部门
China, lawadministrative department for standardization标准化行政主管部门
China, lawadministrative department for veterinary medicine兽医主管部门
China, lawadministrative department in charge of anti-money laundering反洗钱行政主管部门
tech.administrative department in charge of grassland草原主管部门
China, lawadministrative department of education教育行政部门
securit.Administrative Regulations Governing the Information System Technology of the Sales Department of Securities Operating Institutions证券经营机构营业部系统技术管理规范
avia.aerospace department chairmen association航空航天部门负责人协会
anim.husb.Agricultural Research Service of United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部农业研究院
anim.husb.Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部农业研究院 (ARS, USDA)
busin.allocation of building department cost建筑部门成本分摊
busin.allocation of service department cost服务部门成本分配
tech.allocation of service department cost服务部门费用分摊
econ.allocation of service department costs服务部门的成本的分配
avia.Australian Department of Civil Aviation〔澳〕澳大利亚民航部
avia.Australian department of civil aviation澳大利亚民航部
auto.Australian Department of Transport澳大利亚运输部
busin.auxiliary department cost辅助部门成本
tech.auxiliary department expenses辅助部门费用
avia.aviation department of Vnito全苏工程技术学会航空部
securit.bills department/center押汇部/中心
tech.building department cost建筑部门成本
tech.building department cost建筑部门费用
commer.business department chief营业部门主任
tech.business department objective业务部门目标
auto.California Department of Motor Vehicles加州机动车局
anim.husb.Canadian Department of Agriculture加拿大农业部
tech.capital markets department commitment fee资本市场承诺费
tech.Carson Pirie and Scott Department Store1899~1904年美国芝加哥卡松•皮利与斯科特百货店
China, lawchief at the department and bureau level厅局级正职
earth.sc.circulation department land流通部门用地
shipb.Compass Department of Admiralty海军航海保证部
China, lawcompetent administrative department for environmental protection环境保护行政主管部门
China, lawcompetent administrative department for grasslands草原行政主管部门
China, lawcompetent department concerned有关主管部门
tech.competent department for forestry林业主管部门
tech.competent department in charge of grassland草原主管部门
China, lawcompetent department of labour administration劳动行政主管部门
China, lawcompetent department of surveying and mapping in the armed forces军队测绘主管部门
China, lawcompetent department of the people's government人民政府主管部门
fin.continued distribution of service department charges服务部门车间成本的连续分配法
busin.cost department expense成本部门费用
busin.current fund management by department and rank流动资金归口分级管理
tech.default department number缺席部门号
tech.default department number补缺部门号
multimed.defense department's advanced research projects agency美国国防部高级研究计划署
busin.department account部门账户
tech.department account部门分类账
fin.department accounting分部会计
busin.department accounting部门会计
econ.department administrative order部门行政订单【指令】
manag.department aisles单位通道
manag.department aisles部门通道
China, lawdepartment as authorized by the State Council国务院授权的部门
securit.department authorized by the State Council国务院授权的部门
tech.department block百货大夏
econ.department branch store百货公司分店
busin.department budget部门预算
tech.department building百货商店
busin.department burden部门制造费用
fin.department burden rate部门制造费用率
busin.department capital部门资本
ed.department chair讲座
ed.department chair教研组
busin.department charge部门费用
shipb.department chief处长
tech.department chief architect主任建筑师
tech.department chief engineer主任工程师
econ.department cost车间费用
tech.department cost车间成本
tech.department cost accounting车间成本核算
manag.department dep
manag.department dep
manag.department dep
manag.department dep
manag.department dep车间
manag.department dep
manag.department dep
manag.department dep部门
China, lawdepartment directly under the State Council直属机构
China, polit.department directly under the State Council that have administrative functions国务院具有行政管理职能的直属机构
China, lawdepartment empowered to handle有权处理的部门
ecol.department environment management部门环境管理
tech.department estimates各部门概算
busin.department expense distribution sheet部门费用分配表
tech.department finance部门财务
anim.husb.Department for International Development英国国际开发署
UN, ecol.Department for International Development of the United Kingdom联合王国国际开发署
China, lawdepartment for supervision over product quality产品质量监督部门
UN, polit.Department for the Development of Infrastructure Services基础设施发展部
tech.department for treatment of raw material备料车间
tech.department foreman车间领班
busin.department head部门主任
manag.department head部门车间主任
busin.department head部门主管
tech.department head部门领导
econ.Department heads are. in charge of various departments部门主管负责各部门的工作
busin.department hour rate met hod部门时间比率分配法
fin.department hour rate method各部时率法
busin.department hour rate method部门时率法
econ.department I第二部类
econ., int. law.department in charge主管部门
tech.department in charge部门主管
busin.department in charge of confidential or important work机要部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of energy conservation管理节能工作的部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of foreign trade对外贸易主管部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of geology and mineral resources地质矿产主管部门
commer.department in charge of industry and commerce工商管理部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of supervision and control over product quality产品质量监督管理部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of the coal industry煤炭管理部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of the specific industry有关行业主管部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of urban and rural planning城乡规划主管部门
China, lawdepartment in charge of urban and rural planning under the State Council国务院城乡规划主管部门
econ.department indirect labor and expenses部门间接人工及费用
avia.department information bulletin部门情报通报
avia.department instrument equipment reserve部门仪表设备储备
China, lawdepartment issuing qualification certificate颁发资质证书的部门
busin.department leader部门领导
busin.department management部门管理
busin.department management部门管理层
manag.department manager部门管理人员
manag.department manager部门经理
busin.department manager部门主管
econ.department manager分部经理
tech.department manager主管经理
econ.department margin部门毛益
econ.department margin部门贡献
busin.department margin部门毛利
tech.department margin部门盈余
avia.department material requisition部门材料申请单 (一式两联,第一联库房存档,为白色; 第二联为红色,填写者保存。该部门材料申请单上有申请部门、地点、规格或件号、名称、数量、说明、填写者及其批准人等内容)
avia.department notice部门通知
fin.department of accounting会计系
busin.department of accounting会计部门
tech.department of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸科
econ.department of administrative engineering管理工程学系
avia.department of aeronautics and astronautics航空和航天部
agric.department of agriculture农科
agric.department of agriculture农业系
anim.husb.Department of Agriculture农业部
agric.department of agriculture农业处
tech.Department of Agriculture农业部
anim.husb.Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland苏格兰农业与渔业部
agric.department of agriculture and forestry农林处
agric.department of agronomy农学系
archit.department of architecture建筑系部门
tech.department of architecture建筑科
tech.department of architecture建筑部门
tech.department of architecture建筑系
busin.department of audit审计部门
auto.department of automotive汽车工业部
econ.department of banking银行赛
busin.department of business administration工商管理系
avia.Department of Civil Aviation〔巴〕民航部
busin.department of commerce商业系
avia.department of commerce商务部 (美国)
avia.department of communication通信部
avia.Department Of Communication, Canada加拿大通信部
avia.department of communications通信部 (加拿大)
fin.department of cost成本部门
tech.Department of Defence国防部
avia.department of defence automatic addressing system国防部自动寻址系统
avia.Department of Defence Science and Technology Organization〔澳〕国防科学技术部
avia.department of defense国防部 (美国)
mil., air.def.department of defense{美}国防部
gen.Department of Defense美国国防部
avia.department of defense DOD ammunition code国防部弹药代号
fin.department of defense audit agency国防部审计处
avia.department of defense directive国防部指令
avia.department of defense index of specification and standards国防部规范和标准索引
avia.department of defense information technology security certification and accreditation process国防部信息技术安全认证和认可过程
avia.department of defense instruction国防部指示
avia.department of defense intelligence information system国防部情报信息系统
avia.department of defense project specification国防部项目规范
avia.department of defense research and engineering国防研究和工程部
avia.department of defense-standard satellite国防部标准卫星
econ.department of economics经济系
avia.department of electronic warfare电子战部门
shipb.Department of Energy英国能源部
energ.ind.Department of Energy能源部
avia.department of energy能源部 (美国)
shipb.Department of Energy, Britain英国能源部
busin.department of enterprise management企业管理系
busin.department of enterprise organization企业组织部门
ecol.department of environmental protection环境保护部
China, lawdepartment of farming and animal husbandry农牧业部门
UNdepartment of general assembly affairs and conference services大会事务和会议事务部,会议部
anim.husb.Department of Grassland Science草原系大学,科学院
tech.department of gynecology and obstetrics妇产科
shipb.Department of Harbors and Marine澳大利亚港口与海运部
shipb.Department of Harbors and Marine of Australia澳大利亚港口与海运部
avia.department of health卫生署
manag.department of health, education and welfare保健教育及福利部
manag.department of health & social security卫生及社会保健部
avia.department of homeland security国土安全部
earth.sc.department of housing and urban development房屋与城市发展部
gen.Department of Industrial Automation工业自动化系
busin.department of industrial engineering工业工程系
manag.department of industrial management工业管理系
busin.department of industry工业部门
manag.department of industry工业部
avia.department of industry工业部现已改为贸易和工业部 (英国)
avia.department of industry, trade and commerce工商贸易部 (加拿大)
avia.Department of Industry Trade and Commerce〔加〕工商贸易部
anim.husb.Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service内陆渔业和野生动物管理局
manag.department of labor劳动部
econ.Department of Labor美国劳动部
busin.department of labour〈美〉劳工部
securit.Department of Listed Company Supervision CSRC上市公司监管部证监会
avia.Department of Manufacturing Industry〔澳〕制造工业部
tech.department of medical administration医务部
avia.Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces加拿大国防部
tech.department of navy海军部
shipb.Department of Navy美国海军部
shipb.Department of Navy, USA美国海军部
tech.department of ophthalmology眼科
tech.department of paediatrics小儿科
tech.department of paediatrics儿科
econ., int. law.department of public security公安机关
tech.department of public works公共工程部门
amer.department of public works市政工程处
tech.department of real estate房地产管理部门
ecol.department of science and technology科学技术部
avia.department of scientific and industrial research科学与工业研究部
anim.husb.Department of Scientific and Industrial Research科学与工业研究局新西兰
gen.Department of Scientific and Industrial Research科学与工业研究部英国
securit.department of security administration under the State Council国务院证券管理机构
avia.Department Of Space〔印〕航天部
avia.department of space science空间科学部
econ.Department of State美国国务院
stat.department of statistics统计系
busin.department of statistics统计部门
tech.department of stomatology口腔科
avia.department of supply〔澳〕供应部
China, lawdepartment of surveying and mapping administration管理测绘工作的部门
avia.department of tank design油箱设计部门
manag.department of technical sciences技术科异学部
mil., air.def.department of the army command and control system陆军部指挥控系统
mil., air.def.department of the army communications center陆军部通信中心
mil., air.def.department of the army management information system陆军部管理信息系统
China, lawdepartment of the Central People's Government中央人民政府所属各部门
UNDepartment of the Environment环境部
auto.Department of the Environment环境事务部
avia.department of the environment环境部 (英国)
econ.Department of the Interior美国内务部
lawDepartment of the Interior美国内政部
avia.department of the interior内政部
fin.department of the treasury财政部
busin.department of the treasury〈美〉财政部
avia.Department of Trade and Industry〔英〕贸易工业部
consult.department of trade & Industry工商部
auto.Department of Transport英国交通部
auto.Department of Transport运输部
avia.department of transport运输部 (transportation)
econ.Department of Transportation美国交通部
auto.Department of Transportation运输部
avia.department of transportation运输部 (美国)
econ.Department of Treasury美国财政部
ecol.department of treasury财政部
tech.department of water administration水行政主管部门
tech.department of water use用水部门
tech.department of weights and measures计量部门
avia.department operating instruction部门工作说明
avia.department operating instruction部门操作说明
busin.department operation分部经营
busin.department operation部门营业
tech.department operation分科作业
avia.department operation procedure部门级操作程序
tech.department organization部门组织
busin.department organization system部门组织体制
tech.department over-head车间间接费用
busin.department overhead analysis sheet部门间接费用分析表
securit.department performance report部门业绩报告
auto.department plan部门计划
busin.department profit部门利润
busin.department projects planning部门项目计划工作
tech.department public works市政工程处
tech.department public works市政工程局
busin.department rate of gross margin分部毛利率
econ.department receipts部门收入
econ.department receipts部门收据
China, lawdepartment responsible for foreign trade administration对外贸易管理工作部门
tech.department rule of environment环境部门规章
tech.department standard部门标准
tech.department statistics部门统计
busin.department store百货商站
agric., busin.department store百货店
tech.department store商店
econ.department store百货商店
gen.department store百货公司〔商店〕
tech.department store passenger elevator百货商店的顾客电梯
tech.department store passenger lift百货公司载客电梯
tech.department substation车间变电站
avia.department summary schedule部门摘要计划
tech.department supervisor车间主任
tech.department system分科教室万式
tech.department system专业教室方式
avia.department task analysis部门任务分析
China, lawdepartment that accepts an application受理申请的部门
China, lawdepartment under the State Council which is in charge of foreign economic relations and trade对外经济贸易主管部门
busin.department unit cost部门单位成本
busin.department variance部门间差异
tech.department variance on overhead部门间接费差异
tech.department write-up部门组织细则
manag.department writeups部门组织细则
econ.department write-ups部门组织细则
tech.department yard发车场
China, lawdeputy at the department and bureau level厅局级副职
busin.despatch department expense调度部门费用
agric.Development Department FAO粮农组织开发司 (DD FAO)
tech.direct department cost直接部门成本
econ.direct department expense直接部门支出
busin.direct department expense直接部门费用即生产部门费用
econ.discount department store折扣百货商店
busin.discount department store廉价百货商店
econ.discount self-service department store美国廉价内部自我服务公司
fin.dispatch department expense调度部门费用
busin.distributing service department costs directly辅助部门成本直接分摊
UN, health.Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司
econ.employee department expense职工部费用
fin.employee’s department expenses职工部门费用
fin.employment department expense人事部费用
busin.employment department expenses人事部门费用
tech.employment department expenses部门费用
shipb.engineer department crew轮机部船员
tech.engineering department instructions工程部门说明书
tech.engineering department notice工程部门通知书
avia.engineering department notice工程部门通知
busin.factory department cost report生产部门成本报告
anim.husb.FAO Department of Fisheries联合国粮农组织渔业部
tech.fire department access消防出入口
tech.fire department access消防通道
tech.fire department access point消防队进入点
tech.fire department pumper connection水泵接合器
tech.fire department connection消防处接头
tech.fire department connection消防连接口
tech.fire department key box消防队锁匙箱
tech.fire department operation消防部门业务
tech.fire department personnel消防部门工作人员
tech.fire department system消防部门数据
tech.fire department vehicle driver消防队车辆驾驶员
econ.fiscal department equally authorized in status同级财政部门
tech.full line department store大百货商店
plann.functional department plan职能部门计划
busin.functional department plan事业部计划
tech.ground department/national remote sensing center国家遥感中心地面部
tech.ground department/national remote sensing centre国家遥感中心地面部
econ.He served successively as salesman, department manager and managing director of the company他连续当过销售员、部门经理和公司总裁
tech.head of the department of medical administration医务部主任
gen.I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them我向您保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行
gen.I'm a department manager. My annual income is about 150, 000 RMB我是一名部门经理,我的年收入为15万元人民币
busin.IMF research department index of market prices国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数
tech.information department/national remote sensing center国家遥感中心资料部
busin.inter-department balance sheet部门间联系平衡表
avia.inter-department communication部门间通信
busin.inter-department income部门间收入
busin.inter-department profits部门间利润
anim.husb.Journal of Agriculture, Victorian Department of Agriculture维多利亚农业厅农业杂志
anim.husb.Journal of the Department of Agriculture爱尔兰共和国农业部杂志
anim.husb.Journal of the Department of Agriculture of South Australia南澳大利亚农业厅杂
anim.husb.Journal of the Department of Agriculture of Western Australia西澳大利亚农业厅杂志
econ.junior department store品种有限的小百货商店 (大百货商店分店)
tech.junior department store小型百货商店
busin.maintenance department expense维修部门费用
tech.maintenance department expense维修部费用
fin.maintenance department expenses维修部费用
auto.management department of road transport道路运输管理部门
busin.managerial department for finance财务经理部
busin.managerial department for marketing营销经理部
busin.managerial department for operation营业经理部
busin.managerial department for production生产经理部
busin.managerial department for public relation公关经理部
busin.managerial department for supply and marketing供销经理部
anim.husb.New Zealand Department of Agriculture新西兰农业部
econ.Our company also has a department in the centre of the city to retail our goods directly to the public我公司还在市中心设立一个门市部,直接向公众零售我方产品
nurs.out patient department, OPD门诊部
econ.Pacific Ltd. owns a few of the largest department stores in that country太平洋有限公司在该国拥有几家最大的百货公司
econ.payroll department expenses劳资工薪部门费用
fin.payroll department expenses劳资部门费用
busin.payroll department expenses工薪部门费用
tech.payroll department expenses薪工管理部门费用
busin.planning department expense设计部门费用
UN, tech.predeployment visits are visits by department of peacekeeping operations/field mission teams, comprising representatives from appropriate functional areas force generation service, finance management and support service, logistics support division etc., to member states’ countries部署前访问指维和行动部外派任务组对会员国的访问.外派任务组将由适当职司部门部队组建处,财务管理和支助处及后勤支助司代表组成
avia.preferential department and arrival route优选进出港航线
avia.procedure at department level部门级质量程序
avia.procedures at department level部门级质量程序 (用于对各部门业务管辖下的各职能组室,或相应职能的人员所承担的某项活动、任务或过程、规定要求和措施及提供工作指导; 此类程序必须得到部门负责人或授权人员的批准)
busin.producing department charges account生产部门费用账户
fin.producing department cost生产车间成本
tech.producing department cost生产部门成本
fin.production department cost生产部门成本
fin.production department expense厂务部费用
fin.production department expense生产部费用
tech.production department expenses生产部门费用
tech.production department expenses生产车间费用
mining.production department exploratory test生产部门的勘探实验
tech.promotional department store大众性百货店
fin.purchasing department expense购货部费用
fin.purchasing department expense采购部开支
busin.purchasing department expense采购部门费用
tech.purchasing department expenses进货部门费用
avia.purchasing department specification采购部规范
avia.quality assurance department instructions质量保证部指令
busin.receiving department expenses收货部门费用
China, lawscope of the department's authority本部门的权限范围
plann.sectional department plan行业部门计划
avia.security management department phone安全管理部门电话
tech.self-service department store顾客自选的百货商店
busin.self-service department store自助百货商店
tech.self-service department store超级市场
busin.self-service discount department store自助折扣百货商店
tech.self-service discount department store美国廉价商品无人售货的百货店
econ.serve in a department store在百货店当营业员
fin.service department allocated cost variance辅助部门费用摊配差异
tech.service department allocated cost variance辅助生产部门费用分配差异
tech.service department budget服务部门预算
tech.service department cost辅助部门成本
fin.service department cost厂务部成本
tech.service department cost服务或辅助部门成本
tech.service department cost辅助部门费用
busin.service department cost服务部门成本
tech.service department cost辅助生产部门成本
busin.service department cost distribution服务部门成本分配
fin.service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本的交互分配法
busin.service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本交互分配法
busin.service department expense服务部门费用
busin.service department expenses服务部门费用
tech.service department expenses辅助生产部门费用
avia.service engineering department report服务工程部报告
shipb.shipping management department and working personnel航运管理部门和工作人员
avia.software department procedures handbook软件部门程序手册
UN, policespecial department for organized crime, economic crime and corruption打击有组织犯罪、经济犯罪和腐败行为特别部
China, lawstate administrative department of marine affairs国家海洋管理部门
avia.station/department code工位/部门代码
avia.station/department code provisions工位部门代码规定
econ.suburban department store郊区百货商店
securit.surveillance department of exchanges交易所调查部/监察部
avia.system engineering department report系统工程部报告
avia.tech data department report技术资料部门报告
avia.technical document department operating instruction技术资料部门工作程序说明
tech.terminal department store交通大站百货商店
tech.terminal department store交通终点站百货商店
archit.terminal department store终点站大站百货商店
tech.terminal department store终点站百货商店
tech.textile department store纺织品百货商店
econ.The board of directors relies on the marketing department for information on developing new products董事会依靠销售部了解开发新产品的信息
econ.The customer service department deals with the customers' complaints and orders顾客服务部处理顾客的投诉和订购
econ.The decision of the purchasing department by the chief executive采购部的决定被总经理驳回了
China, polit.the department at the higher level上级机关
tech.the department concerned有关部门
econ.the department for price and consumer protection英国物价与消费者保护局 (UK)
econ.the department in charge of water transport水运部门
China, polit.the department in question受质询机关
econ.The department manager was absent in another city, and Jones was appointed to act as his deputy部门经理到另一城市去了,琼斯被任命作为他的代理人
econ.the department manufacturing overhead rate部门制造间接费用率
avia.the department of defense index of specifications and standards国防部规范与标准目录
amer.the Department of State美国国务院
econ.The department store has a large patronage光顾这家百货商店的人很多
econ.The dispatch department fulfils no other commitments than delivering goods to customers除了送货给客户的外,发货部别无其他责任
econ.the export department manager出口部经理
econ.The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门
econ.The internal audit department has the responsibility of auditing the accounts of the company内部审计部门的职责是审査公司的账目
econ.The large department store is trying to encourage sales by giving large discounts这家大百货公司以较大折扣的让利方式促销
China, polit.the legislative affairs department under the State Council国务院法制机构
econ.The marketing department is recruiting new assistants销售部正在招聘新助手
econ.The public relations department is the section of a company which deals with the public公共关系部是公司与公众打交道的部门
econ.The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展情况
econ.The sales department complained of continual interference from the financial department销售部抱怨财务部不停地干预他们的工作
econ.The secretary gave the department head the duplicated executing memoranda supplemental to the contract秘书将合同所附的执行备忘录复印件交给部门主管
commer.The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去
econ.Their accounts department has processed the sales figure他们的会计部门已整理好销售数据
commer.This department store has a good selection of television sets这家百货商店有很多种电视机可供选择
econ.To submit all contracts to the legal department is our usual policy把所有的合约呈交法律部门是我们的一贯做法
tech.underground department store地下商场
busin.unified department classification of economic activity经济活动统一部门分类
tech.United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affair联合国经济社会事务部
gen.United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心
agric.United State Department of Agriculture美国农
econ.United State Department of the Interior美国内务部 (DOI)
econ.United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部 (DOA)
gen.United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部
anim.husb.United States Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin美国农业部技术专刊
econ.United States Department of Defense美国国防部 (DOD)
auto.United States Department of Energy美国能源部
gen.United States Department of Interior美国内政部
econ.United States Department of Labor美国劳工部 (DOL)
econ.United States Department of State美国国务院
econ.United States Department of the Treasury美国财政部
agric.University Department of Agronomy大学农学系
gen.U.S. Department of Energy Report美国能源部报告
multimed.US department of transportation美国运输部
UN, tech.vaccination that is recommended by WHO or the department of peacekeeping operations for travel to a region e.g. hepatitis A, japanese encephalitis, meningitis建议性接种:是指卫生组织或维持和平行动部建议旅行到一个地区时要做的接种如甲型肝炎、日本脑炎、脑膜炎
anim.husb.Veterinary Services Division, United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部兽医管理局
econ.We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息
fin.welfare department expense福利部费用
busin.welfare department expense福利部门费用
tech.worksheet to prorate service department cost服务部门成本分配计算表
econ.You will find the combination furniture in the furniture department of a large store在大商店的家具部你可以找到组合家具
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