
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing Department | all forms | exact matches only
administrative departments管理咅门
Admiralty Salvage Department海军部救捞司
business departments业务部门
business departments of shipyard船厂业务部门
Compass Department of Admiralty海军航海保证部
complete plant department成套设备部
coproduction department合作生产部
co.-production department合作生产部门
department chief处长
Department of Energy英国能源部
Department of Energy, Britain英国能源部
Department of Harbors and Marine澳大利亚港口与海运部
Department of Harbors and Marine of Australia澳大利亚港口与海运部
Department of Navy美国海军部
Department of Navy, USA美国海军部
design department设计部
dockyard department船厂部
engineer department轮机部
engineer department crew轮机部船员
enterprise management department企业管理部
exhibition and advertising department展览宣传部
export department出口部门
head of department处长
information department信息部
legal consulting department法律咨询部
Naval Construction Department英国海军舰艇建造部
Naval Department海军部
Naval Equipment Department海军装备部
new products and new technologies developing department新产品和新技术开发部
new products & technologies developing department新产品和新技术开发部门
overseas business department海外业务部
packing department包装部门
personnel and training department人事教育部门
personnel and training department人事教育部
planning department计戈部门
planning department计划部
production control department生产管理部
products quality control department产品质量控制部
product's quality control department产品质量控制部门
public relations department公共关系部
quality inspection department质量检验部门
quality-control department质量管理部门
report of ship's department船舶离港报告
sales department销售门市部
ship-design department船舶设计部门
shipping management department and working personnel航运管理部门和工作人员
time of ship's department船舶离港时间