
Terms for subject Business containing Department | all forms | exact matches only
accountant department会计部
accountant department会计处
accountant's department会计部
accountant's department会计处
accounting entity of government department政府部门会计单位
actuarial department统计计算部
actuarial department保险公司计算部
administrative department管理部门
advice department银行通知签发部
aircraft maintenance department航空维修部门
allocation of building department cost建筑部门成本分摊
allocation of service department cost服务部门成本分配
appropriate department主管部门
assembly department装配车间
automatic department自动化车间
auxiliary department辅助部门
auxiliary department cost辅助部门成本
auxiliary departments in industry工业附属机构
bank trust department商业银行信托部门
banking department银行营业部
banking department银行业务部
bank's foreign department银行国外部
barrier between regions and departments条块分割
bench assembly department商品装配车间
bench assembly department商品装配部门
benefiting department受益部门
bill department押汇部
bill department开票部门
bookkeeper's department司账部
built-in export department内销为主的厂家附设出口部
business functional department企业职能部门
cash department出纳部
cash department商品现金出纳部
cash items department现金票据处
central receiving department收货总站
centralized management by specialized departments归口管理
claim department理赔部
claim department理赔部
claims department理赔部
collection department托收部门
combined exhibition and sale department展销部
commerce department商业部门
complaint department顾客意见接纳处
controller's department审计部
coordination among specialized departments专业化部门协作
coordination and balance among industrial departments生产部门协调与平衡
cost accounting by departments部门成本会计
cost accounting department成本会计部门
cost control department成本控制部门
cost department成本管理部门
cost department成本部
cost department expense成本部门费用
cost from previous department上一部门转移成本额
credit department信贷部
credit department信贷部门
current fund management by department流动资金归口管理
current fund management by department and rank流动资金归口分级管理
decentralized control by its different economic departments分口管理
demand deposit department活期存款部
department account部门账户
department accounting部门会计
department budget部门预算
department burden部门制造费用
department capital部门资本
department charge部门费用
department expense distribution sheet部门费用分配表
Department for Price and Customer Protection〈英》物价与保护消费者局
department head部门主管
department head部门主任
department hour rate met hod部门时间比率分配法
department hour rate method部门时率法
department in charge of confidential or important work机要部门
department leader部门领导
department management部门管理
department management部门管理层
department manager部门主管
department margin部门毛利
department of accounting会计部门
department of audit审计部门
department of business administration工商管理系
Department of Commerce商科
Department of Commerce大学商学系
department of commerce商业系
department of enterprise management企业管理系
department of enterprise organization企业组织部门
department of industrial engineering工业工程系
department of industry工业部门
department of labour〈美〉劳工部
department of statistics统计部门
department of the treasury〈美〉财政部
department operation部门营业
department operation分部经营
department organization system部门组织体制
department overhead analysis sheet部门间接费用分析表
department profit部门利润
department projects planning部门项目计划工作
department rate of gross margin分部毛利率
department store百货商站
department unit cost部门单位成本
department variance部门间差异
departments of economy经济部类
derivative department派生部门
design engineering department设计工程部门
despatch department调度部门
despatch department expense调度部门费用
direct contact between the producing and marketing departments产销直接挂钩
direct department直接部门生产部门
direct department expense直接部门费用即生产部门费用
discount department store廉价百货商店
distributing service department costs directly辅助部门成本直接分摊
domestic sale department国内销售部
economic department经济部门
Education Department大学教育系
Education Department教育部
Employment Department就业部
employment department招雇部门
employment department expenses人事部门费用
engineering department工程技术部门
engineering design department工程设计部
execution department执行部门
executive department行政部门
Export Credits Guarantee Department英〉出口信贷保证局
export sale department外销部门
exports department出口部
exports department外销部
factory administration department工厂管理部门
factory department cost report生产部门成本报告
factory overhead allocation to department制造费用分摊各部门
filing department文件管理部门
Finance Department财政部门
financing by department政府融资
finishing department精加工车间
fitting department装配部门
Foreign Department对外部门
foreign department对外部
freight department货运部
functional department事业部
functional department plan事业部计划
gear department齿轮车间
general affairs department总务部门
general electric company defense system department通用电气公司防护系统部门
general factory department工厂总务部门
grinding department研磨车间
harmonize all departments协调各部门
head of department部门领导经理,主任
heat treatment department热处理车间
human relations department人际关系部
IMF research department index of market prices国际货币基金组织研究部市场物价指数
installment loan department分期付款借贷部
insurance management department保险管理部门
inter-department balance sheet部门间联系平衡表
inter-department income部门间收入
inter-department profits部门间利润
international financial department国际金融部门
international insurance department国际保险部
international legal operation department国际法律业务部门
international trading department国际贸易部
international traffic department国际运输部门
inventory of materials department物资部门库存
invoicing department开票处
Issue Department英格兰银行发行部发行钞票、票据
joint consultative department共同咨询部门
joint sales department联合销售部
joint undertaking by agricultural and commercial department农贸联营
joint undertaking by industrial and commercial department工商联营
joint undertaking by industrial and trading department工贸联营
labor and wage department劳动工资科
labor department劳动部门
labor management department劳动管理部门
leverage department杠杆部门
line department垂直领导部门
line department业务部门
loan department银行放款部门
loans by saving department储蓄部门贷款
local control department地方管理部门
loss department亏蚀部门
loss department理赔部
Mail Order Department邮购部
Mail Order Department函购部
maintenance department expense维修部门费用
maintenance logistics department维修后勤部门
manager of financial department财务部经理
manager of industrial relations department工业关系部经理
manager of manager department经理部经理
manager of marketing department营销部经理
manager of operating department业务部经理
manager of production department生产部经理
manager of public relations department公关部经理
manager of sale department销售部经理
manager of service department业务部经理
manager of supply and marketing department供销部经理
manager of transport department运输部经理
managerial department经理部
managerial department for finance财务经理部
managerial department for marketing营销经理部
managerial department for operation营业经理部
managerial department for production生产经理部
managerial department for public relation公关经理部
managerial department for supply and marketing供销经理部
mandatory plans issued from superior departments自上而下指令性
marine claim department水险理赔部
marine claim department海事险水险理赔部
market control department市场管理部门
marketing department营销部
marketing department市场经营部
marketing department营销部门
marketing department营销学系
marketing department销售部部 n
material processing department材料加工部门
material requisition department领料部门
material requisitioning department领料部门
materials control department物资管理部门
materials department物资部门
materials handling department材料储运部门
materials management department材料管理部门
mechanical department机工车间
mechanical repair department机修车间
merchant shipbuilding department商船建造厂
metrology department计量部门
milling department铣工车间
Money Order Department汇兑部
Money Order Department邮汇部
municipal service department市政服务部门
mutual selection by employment departments and employees招聘与应聘相互选择
non-management department非管理部门
nonmaterial production department非物质生产部门
non-profit department非营利部门
notion department杂货铺
office department办公部门
operating department业务部
operating department营业部
order department签发订单部门
overstaffed department超员部门
parallel department平行部门
payroll department工薪管理部门
payroll department expenses工薪部门费用
permanent department常设部门
Personnel Department人事部
personnel department人事部
planning department expense设计部门费用
plant engineering department工厂工程部门
plant management department工厂管理科
plant security department工厂保卫科
plant service department工厂服务部门
plant supply department设备供应部门
power department权力机构
processing department加工车间
procurement department采购部
producing department生产部门
producing department charges account生产部门费用账户
production control department生产管理部门
production department生产车间
production management department生产管理部门
productivity department生产力促进部门
professional education department专业教育部门
programming department规划部门
public relations department公关部
purchasing department进货部
purchasing department expense采购部门费用
quality control department品质管理部门
quality department质量管理部门
receiving and storing department收存部门
receiving and storing department收货与储存部门
receiving department expenses收货部门费用
relevant department有关部门
relevant leading department主管部门
repair department修理部门
Research Department调研处
retail sales department零售部
safety department安全管理部门
sales department营业部门
sales department销售部
sales service department销售服务部门
savings account department储蓄部门
self-raised fund by department部门自筹资金
self-service department store自助百货商店
self-service discount department store自助折扣百货商店
selling retail department零售部
selling retail department零售门市部
service department服务部
service department cost服务部门成本
service department cost distribution服务部门成本分配
service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis服务部门与生产部门成本交互分配法
service department expense服务部门费用
service department expenses服务部门费用
shipping department货运部
special department特别机关
specialized department专门机构
Standards and Quality Control Department标准和质量管理部门
State Department美国国务院
state trading department国营贸易部门
stenographic department速记部门
subsidiary department附属部门
system designing department系统设计部门
telegram department电报局
testing department检查部门
time study department时间研究部门
tool department工具管理部门
tool-making department工具制造部门
trade department贸易部
trading department营业部
trading department商业部门
traffic department交通运输部门
training department培训部
transport department运输部
travel department旅游部门
treasurer's department财务部门
Treasury Department美国财政部
trucking department货运部
trust department信托部门
unified department classification of economic activity经济活动统一部门分类
user department业务部门
walks department支票提示部
welfare department福利部门
welfare department expense福利部门费用