
Terms for subject Securities containing DEEP | all forms | exact matches only
deep bid大误差买价严重偏离市场价格的买价
deep discount大幅度折扣
deep discount broker高贴现经纪人
deep discount issue大折扣发行
deep discount security大幅度折价证券
deep discount security高折扣证券
deep discount segment大幅折扣部分
deep discount segment大幅折扣行业
deep discount segment大幅折扣部 n
deep discount stepped interest loan stock逐级大幅度减息债券
deep in the money大赚
deep-in-the-money option深度实值期权
deep-in-the-money option深价内期权
deep market深度市场投资者关注的市场
deep out of the money价值大跌
deep out of the money大亏
deep-out-of-the-money option深度虚值期权
deep-out-of-the-money option深价外期权
deep pocket财力雄厚
deep pocket大款
deep pocket充足内部资金
deep-rooted structural imbalance深层次结构矛盾
deep-seated problem深层问题