
Terms for subject Economy containing Customs | all forms | exact matches only
a customs examination list海关验货单
a forwarding and customs agent运输报关代理人
a frontier custom house边境海关
a recognized custom公认习惯
a surveyor of customs海关检査员
Administration of the Customs Union欧共体关税同盟
Agreement on Customs Valuation关税估价协定
Agreement on Government Procurement and the Customs Valuation Code政府采购和海关估价守则协定
amount of evaded customs duty逃漏关税额
an annex on customs transit document海关过境单据的附件
application for customs clearance船舶出口申报书
application to pass goods through the customs报关率
application to the customs报关
applied to the customs申请报关
articles under customs seal海关加封物品
attitude and custom of the public民情风俗
Brussels Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs布鲁塞尔税则商品分类目录
Bureau of Customs海关局
Bureau of Customs美国的海关署
business custom商业惯例
Central African Customs and Economic Union中非关税经济同盟
Central African Customs and Economic Union中非关税和经济同盟
classification of imports and exports under customs tariff进出口货物的税则归类
clearance through customs of traffic in transit在途货物的结关
collection of custom duty征收关税
collector of customs海关关员
common customs tariff共同海关税制
court of customs and patent appeal关税及专利上诉法院
crew customs declaration机组人员报关单
crew customs declaration船员报关单
custom boundary关境
custom boundary海关疆界
custom broker报关经纪人
custom broker报关行
custom broker海关代理人
custom car特制车
custom house海关办公处
custom house海关办事处
custom invoice海关发票
custom's seal海关封条
custom tariff海关税率
customs administration海关总署
customs agency报关代理行
customs and excise关税及国内税
customs appraiser关税估价员
customs attorney海关律师
customs autonomy关税自主权
customs basis海关基数
customs boarding officer海关关员
customs bond海关保税保证书
customs bond debenture退税凭单退回关税证明单
customs bonded manufacturing plant海关保税厂
customs bonded vehicle保税卡车
customs broker保管代理人
customs bureau海关总署
customs check海关检査
customs clearance海关结关
customs clearance statistics结关统计
customs code海关法
customs collection征收关税
customs control关税控制
customs control海关监督
Customs Cooperation Council国际关税合作理事会
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature海关合作理事会税则分类
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature关税合作理事会税则分类
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature关税合作理事会税则目录
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature海关合作理事会税则品名表
customs cove海关关区
customs custom的复数
customs declaration for imports and exports进出口货物报关
customs declaration made at the time of entry入境申报单
customs director海关长
customs duties海关税
customs duty海关关税
customs examination海关验关
customs fees关税附加税
customs form海关单据
customs-free depot海关免税仓库
customs gold unit海关金单位
customs guard海关守卫
customs harmonization海关一体化
customs house agent报关代理人
customs house broker报关代理行
customs house broker海关代理人
customs house officer关务员
customs house officer关员
customs import duty进口税
Customs Import Value海关进口值
customs inspection海关检验〔检査〕
customs inspection point海关检査站
customs laws海关法关税法律
customs laws关税法律
customs manifest报关单海关舱单
customs notice海关通告
customs operation and procedure海关作业和手续
customs schedule关税税率
customs seal海关标志
Customs Service关税局
customs shed海关房
customs specification报关说明书
customs surplus关税剩余额
customs tael关平银
customs tariff schedule关税税表率
customs territory关税区
customs union联合国关税同盟
customs water海关水域
declare a ship to the Customs将船向海关申报
declared value for customs海关报称价值
declared value for customs海关申报价值
enter a ship to the Customs将船向海关申报
Equatorial Customs Union赤道非洲关税同盟
established custom常规
European Customs Study Group欧洲关税研究组
ex customs compound到达港海关交货价
ex customs shed关栈交货价
ex customs yard在海关交货
ex customs yard在税关交货价
foreign customs house broker国外报关行
get customs clearance结关
give customs clearance海关放行
go through customs通过关检
harmonization of customs procedure海关手续的一致化
He declared at customs the camera he bought abroad他向海关申报他在国外购买的照相机
His Her Majesty's Customs英国海关
infringement of customs regulations通关违章
infringement of customs regulations违背海关规定
infringement of customs regulations违反海关规定
internal custom duties国内关税
internal custom duties内地关税
internal customs内地关税
internal customs duties国内关税
internal customs duties内地关税
It is necessary for you to fill in the entry for free goods properly if you are not to have trouble at the customs要想在海关不遇麻烦,你必须妥善填写免税货物进口报单
management custom school习惯管理学派
method of customs clearance结关方法
My customs papers have been lost我的海关票证遗失了
National Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association of America全美海关代理商和货运承揽商联合会
open in the presence of the customs staff会同海关人员开拆
protest against customs decision on a case of infringement of regulation对违章事件进行申诉
provisional customs laws暂行海关法
removal of customs barriers取消关税壁垒
shift customs duty to the end-users将关税转嫁到最终用户头上
shifting of customs duty关税转嫁
single customs documents单一海关单据
Southern African Customs Union Agreement南部非洲关税联盟协定
special customs invoices特别海关发票
subgroup on customs matter海关事务分组
survey in customs海关检査
taxation and customs duty捐税与关税
taxation and customs duty捐税和关税
The customs asked us to stop shipment immediately海关要求我方立即停止装运
The customs officials ask us if we had anything to declare海关官员询问我们是否有什么要申报
The customs placed a lien on their goods海关扣押了他们的货
the customs shed海关货棚
The General Customs Administration of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国海关总署
The interpreter assisted him in completing the customs formalities译员协助他办完海关手续
the sanitary custom-house regulations海关检疫条例
The shipment of cassettes was seized by the customs海关没收了这批盒式磁带
The shipment should be subject to verification by the customs before it is allowed into our country这批货经过海关检査后方可进入我国
the unique customs guarantee system统一关税担保制度
The whole cargo was impounded by the customs整批货物都被海关扣押了
These imported goods are required to be cleared from the customs by the date of expiration这批进口商品要在许可证到期前结关
They drove a roaring custom-built trade他们从事一种顾客定做业务,生意做得红红火火
They have had some difficulties with the customs over the import of cars他们进口小汽车在海关遇上了一些麻烦
They look forward to our constant custom他们希望我们经常光顾
They will have a discussion with your representative about on the question of customs duties他们将和你方代表就关税问题进行一次讨论
This custom was abrogated years ago这一惯例已废止多年
This suitcase has to go through a customs examination这个手提箱得通过海关检查
uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credit商业跟单信用证统一惯例和做法
uniform customs practice统一惯例
uniform customs practices for documentary credit跟单信用证统一惯例
united customs practices海关统一惯例
United States customs美国海关
United States Customs bonded美国海关保税
United States Customs House Guide美国海关指南
United States Customs Service美国海关
Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款
We can save both time and energy by entrusting to specialized company all shipping and customs formalities把装运和报关手续委托专业公司办理既省时间又省精力
We have been informed that the Customs will release the goods against payment of a fine我们已得到通知海关将在付清罚款后放行该货
We will take delivery of the videorecorders as soon as they are released from the Customs一俟海关放行,我们即将这批录像机提出
You may apply for said certificate for the purpose of obtaining customs duty exemption为了要获得海关免税,你方可申请所说的这种证书
You should help them clear goods through customs你方须帮助他们办理报关手续